Learn365 Reporter Administrator Guide


This article provides an overview and general instructions for the Reporter managed solution, which is provided by the Zensai Global Delivery division.



The Reporter managed solution is available only to Success Plus and Success Premium customers.


Prerequisites and access

  • Success Plus or Success Premium subscription.
  • Learn365 API key (Read only permissions and created in the customer’s tenant).


Support and maintenance

  • If you encounter issues when using this solution, contact your Customer Success Manager.
  • If you want to provide feedback and ideas, contact your Customer Success Manager.



The Reporter managed solution enables users to create Microsoft Excel or CSV reports based on enrollment, course, user, and certificate data using a data modeler. Include any of your extra user fields synchronized with Learn365 and schedule your reports to be automatically pulled and uploaded into your SharePoint environment.

This guide will cover the following:

  • Reporter authentication.
  • Reporter settings.
  • Subscriptions.
  • Create a report (subscription).
  • Filters for a subscription.
  • Report fields for a report.
  • Subscriptions (Actions panel).
  • Set up SharePoint access.


Accessing the Reporter Service

To access the Reporter solution, follow these steps:

1. Access the Automation Center page.

2. Select the Reporter section in the left navigation menu.



GCCH customers will need to access a different login page.

Please access this page instead: GCCH Automation Center.



When logging in for the first time, you may receive a message indicating your account has not been setup for access to your tenant's Automation Center.  You will need to contact your organization's tenant administrator for access and permissions.

Automation Center Learn365 Login.png

For more information on Automation Center Permissions, please see this article.



When you first login, one of the following scenarios may occur:

  • You login without needing to do anything.

REASON:  This will occur if someone in your organization previously provided consent on behalf of the entire organization.

  • You are asked to give consent on your own behalf.

REASON:  This will occur if no one in your organization has provided consent on behalf of the entire organization.


  • You are asked to give consent on behalf of your organization.

REASON:  This may occur if you have an admin permission level assigned within your organization's Entra ID (Azure AD).


  • Admin approval is required to login.

REASON: The Automation Center installs an app within your organization's Entra ID. Depending on your organization's policy, this could require the approval by IT staff (Global admins).


Reporter settings

  • Email address. This will be used for notifications when reports have been successfully pulled, or if there were errors pulling any reports. Note that any times referenced in notifications use UTC times.
  • Learn365 API key. This will be populated from when you first logged in. The Reporter uses this to access your Learn365 environment.  For more information on generating a Learn365 API key in your tenant, please refer to this article
  • SharePoint access. This is used with an associated SharePoint App registration that gives "write" access to the SharePoint site where you would like to download the reports generated from Learn365 Reporter.



More information on setting up this access is available later in this article.





Required role: Users with permissions described in the Prerequisites and access section.


Subscriptions (main screen)

On the Subscriptions page, you'll see an overview of all the reports created within your tenant. You'll have the option to search for reports, pull or download reports, edit reports, and create reports. 

The following columns will be available on the Subscriptions page:

Title. Displays the name of the created report (subscription). This name will be automatically generated when creating a report and can be changed afterwards.  

Update date. Displays the latest date information for any updates or changes made to a report. This column also includes the pull and status changes of a report. 

Last pulled by. Displays the email address of the user who recently pulled the report.

Last pull date. Displays the date of the latest pull of a report. To pull a report means to get the latest data from the Learn365 data center. This pull can be made manually at any time. 

Next pull date. Displays the next scheduled pull date. When creating a report, you can set up a scheduled data pull.

Upload to SharePoint. Displays status information if the report will be uploaded to a SharePoint library. This can also be set up while creating a report.

Recurrence. Displays the next scheduled pull of a report. You can set a recurrence period, e.g. “Every 2nd Day” when creating a report.

Status. Displays the status of the report.


The status might be one of the following:

  • Subscribed (when a report is created, but has not been pulled).
  • Ready for download (when a report is pulled and available to download).
  • Being pulled (when a report is currently being pulled).
  • Failed (when a report pull has failed).


Create a report (subscription)

Required role: Users with permissions described in the Prerequisites and access section.


To create a report, follow these steps:

1. From the Subscriptions page, select Create.

2. Enter the basic details for your report:

  • Enter a Title. This is a required field.
  • Enter a Description.
  • Output type. This is a required field. It's possible to create CSV or Excel files.
  • Scheduling enabled (to schedule a pull).
  • Upload to SharePoint (to store and share the reports).


Scheduling enabled

To enable this function, switch the toggle to the On position. The previously grayed out Start pulling fields will become enabled:

  • Scheduled Report Pull - The next date that you would like the report pulled (and the time and date that subsequent recurrence pulls are based on). 
  • Report Pull Time - The next time that you would like the report pulled


To enable this function, switch the toggle to the On position. The previously grayed out Recurrence fields will become enabled:

  • “Every” - # until the report is created again
  • “Time unit” - (Day, Week, Month)


Upload to SharePoint



In the settings section of the Reporter feature, the Upload to Microsoft SharePoint library option must be enabled.


When enabled, this will upload the report to the SharePoint Library that is used in the settings.


Import from JSON

You can import a JSON template with report definitions to the service. The template contains information  such as the Basic details of the report, Filters, and Report Fields.


To import a JSON template, follow these steps:

1. Select Import from JSON in the bottom right-hand side of the new report page.

2. From your local device, select the JSON template you want to import.



Filters for a Subscription

After defining the Basic details for the report, you can optionally set filters.


Add rule/Add group

When setting up a filter for your report, you can add a single or group rule. Grouped rules are necessary if you want to use different relationships (Not / And / Or) between your rules. 

To add a filter rule, follow these steps:

1. Select Add rule / Add group in the top right-hand corner of the Filters page.

2. Select the relevant rule conditions (Not/And/Or).

3. Define the filter fields.


Define filter fields

When creating a rule, you need to set up four fields. All fields are required.

  • Select source. This menu relates to the source you would like to filter (e.g. Enrollment, Learner, Course, etc.).
  • Select Field. Based on the selected source, you'll need to choose a specific field you would like to filter (e.g. Department, Manager, Course title, etc.).
  • Select condition. This menu relates to the condition of selected field. The default condition will be “is equal to”.
  • Enter value. This field requires information for the filter condition added.

Possible value types are:

  • string -> free text.
  • boolean -> true / false.
  • guid -> unique ID.
  • integer -> number.


Report fields for a report

After defining the basic details and setting up filters (optional), you need to define the columns for your report. You can add as many fields as you want to display in your report.


To create a report field, follow these steps:

1. Select Add field to create a report field.

2. Select the following for each new report field:

  • Select source. Relates to the source you would like to filter (e.g. Enrollment, Learner, Course, etc.).
  • Select field. Based on the source, you need to select a specific field you would like to filter.
  • Label (required) - the label will be the given name of the column in your report. By default, the label is a combination of the selected source and the selected field, separated by a “.”.


Subscriptions (Actions panel)

The Actions panel can be activated by selecting a report (subscription).


The upper Actions panel displays the following: 

  • “Title” of the report.
  • Id - this ID can be copied (e.g. for support related cases).
  • When the report was pulled last.
  • Who updated the report.


The following actions are available under the Actions panel:

  • Edit. Opens the subscription details editor.
  • Clone. Enables you to clone a report while preserving the configuration. Once cloned, the cloned report can be modified.
  • Pull Report Now. Enables you to manually initiate the report creation. The system will process the request, which can take some time. Once the report is ready, the report can be downloaded.
  • Export to JSON. Creates a JSON-based export file, which can be imported as JSON when creating a report.
  • Download report. Enables you to download the report once it is created and pulled from the system. If the report is not ready for download, this action will be grayed out.
  • Delete. Deletes the report.


Set up SharePoint Access

Required role: Microsoft 365 global admin.



The following steps are necessary only if you're using the Upload to SharePoint feature, which is available in the Reporter Settings. Upload to SharePoint is not a requirement for creating reports.


This section will provide the necessary steps that your Microsoft 365 global admin must follow to create a SharePoint App Registration that the Reporter can use to upload report files to your SharePoint site.



This process will normally be completed by your Office365 Global Administrator or a Learn365 catalog administrator with Site admin permissions.



  • Tenant global admin access.
  • Catalog administrator with Site admin permissions.
  • A SharePoint site collection with a Document Library (Learn365 catalog site collection will work).


Set up the App registration

Instructions for creating an app registration at the Site Collection are available in this guide.


Create App Registration Credentials

In your own tenant, navigate to a Learn365 course catalog site and follow these steps:

1. From your Learn365 course catalog site page, enter the following extension after your catalog url: /_layouts/15/AppRegNew.aspx.



Your "site collection URL" will be the site collection where you would like the Reporter to download reports.


An example of using a Learn365 catalog site collection would look like this: https://contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/LMSCatalog/_layouts/15/AppRegNew.aspx



If you encounter an access denied message when trying to access this page, you will need to ensure you have global admin permissions or have been assigned as a site admin for the catalog site.

2. Select Generate to create a Client Id.

3. Select Generate to create a Client Secret.

4. Enter an app registration Title. We recommend something like Learn365 Reporter.

5. Save both the Client Id and Client Secret for later use.

6. Set the App Domain to www.learn365.com.

7. Set the Redirect URL to https://www.learn365.com.

8. Select Create.



Save your Client Id and Client Secret information for later use.


Grant app registration permissions

In your own tenant, navigate to a Learn365 course catalog site and follow these steps:

1. From your Learn365 course catalog page, enter the following extension after your catalog url: /_layouts/15/AppInv.aspx.



Your "site collection URL" will be the site collection where you want the Reporter to download reports.


An example of using a Learn365 catalog site collection would look like this: https://contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/LMSCatalog/_layouts/15/AppInv.aspx

2. Enter the Client Id from step 2 in the previous section and select Look Up.

3. Enter the following XML Permissions to give "write" access to the site collection:

<AppPermissionRequests AllowAppOnlyPolicy="true">   

<AppPermissionRequest Scope="http://sharepoint/content/sitecollection" Right="Write" /> 




When copying the above XML syntax to grant permissions, make sure that the syntax contains straight quotation marks. Curved quotation marks might result in an error.


4.  Select Create.

5.  Select Trust It if you are prompted to trust the new app registration.


Provide SharePoint access to the Reporter solution

1. Go to the Reporter settings: https://automation-center.365.systems/reporting/settings.

2. Toggle Upload to SharePoint Library to Yes.

3. Enter the Client Id and Client Secret.

4. Enter the Site Collection URL, for example https://contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/LMSCatalog.

5. Enter the name of a SharePoint document library that exists in that site collection.

6. Select Save to finalize the changes.


You should now be able to set the Report Subscriptions to upload to SharePoint and they'll automatically save to the location once the report is pulled.



Demo walkthrough of the Report solution

Watch the following video for a detailed walkthrough of the process for accessing and setting up the Reporter managed solution.



Example JSON Files



We highly recommend that you use the provided JSON files to get you started with your reports. Although these examples will not have all of the reporting information for your use case, you can use them as a starting point for creating reports with reporting fields and filters.


We've provided three JSON files (below) that can be used as reports in the Reporter. You can download these files and use "Import from JSON" to bring them into the Reporter.


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