The Power BI - Performance report

Overview and purpose

This guide is designed to provide administrators, educators, and training coordinators with a comprehensive understanding of the various metrics and data visualizations available in the Performance Report. This report is a crucial tool for monitoring the effectiveness of training programs, understanding learner engagement, and optimizing course delivery to meet educational goals.

The Performance Report is tailored to help you glean insights from complex data through a series of interactive pages, each focused on different aspects of course performance. Whether you are assessing individual learner progress, tracking departmental achievements, or evaluating overall course outcomes, these reports are structured to provide you with all the necessary tools to make data-driven decisions.

Each section of this documentation will cover a specific page of the Performance Report, detailing the functionalities available and offering guidance on how to interpret and utilize the information effectively. Our goal is to empower you to leverage this data to enhance learning experiences, improve educational content, and achieve strategic training objectives efficiently.


Report structure


The report consists of several visualizations (charts and graphs), which you can interact with to explore specific data sets. Key components include filters and slicers on the left side of the report, allowing you to customize the data display.


Filters and slicers

Filters and slicers allow you to view only the data you're interested in. They are consistent across most pages, so you can apply the same filters as you navigate through different sections of the report.


How to apply filters

  • Single-Select Filters: Indicated by circular radio buttons, allowing you to select one option.
  • Multi-Select Filters: Indicated by square buttons. Hold Ctrl (or Cmd on Mac) to select multiple options.
  • Mandatory and Optional Filters: Mandatory filters are labeled with "Select" and must be set to display data. Optional filters are labeled with "Filter."


Common filters across all pages

  • Filter Catalog(s): Choose catalogs to only see data related to selected catalogs.
  • Select a Training: Mandatory selection needed to display data; focuses the analysis on a specific training.
  • Status Filters (Required, Registration, Completion): Break down data by various statuses to update visualizations dynamically and highlight areas of interest.



The availability and content of data in the filters may vary by page depending on the data provided. For example, the completion status filter might show "Completed," "In Progress," and "Not Started" on one page, but only "Completed" and "In Progress" on another if no learners are in the "Not Started" category.


Instructions for use

This report includes various charts and graphs that help you understand the data through visual representations. You can interact with visuals in a couple of different ways.

  • Viewing Details. Simply move your mouse over any part of a chart or graph. A small box will appear, showing you more specific information, like numbers or percentages, related to the part you are hovering over.
  • Drilling Down. If you want to see more detailed data about a particular section of a chart, such as a slice of a pie chart or a bar in a bar graph, just click on it. This action will "drill down," which means it will open more detailed information about that section and change the data displayed on the entire page based on your selection.


Performance Report splash page




The Splash Page serves as the entry point to the Performance Report, offering users an intuitive navigation hub from which they can access various detailed reports on training performance. This page is designed to give a quick, clear view of how to explore the various aspects of training data, such as registration, course status, completion, and progress metrics.


Navigating to report sections

Click on any of the buttons to navigate to the specific reports. Each button is clearly labeled according to the section it leads to, making it easy to move through the report seamlessly.



If you are using Power Bi Desktop clicking buttons requires you to hold Ctrl (or Cmd on Mac) and click the button.


General Overview.: Access a summary of overall training metrics.

Registration Status.: Review detailed metrics on the registration process.

Course Status.: Get insights into the status of various courses.

Completed. Analyze data regarding completed training sessions.

In Progress / Not Started. View details on courses that are currently active or not yet begun.

Progress Learner. Examine the progress of individual learners.

Progress Department. Check the progress within specific departments.

Data Table. Access a detailed table with data relevant to all the above categories.


General Overview page




The General Overview page provides a comprehensive snapshot of key training metrics across your organization. This page is designed to facilitate a quick assessment of a specific selected training’s effectiveness, detailed registration insights, completion rates, and median processing times.


How it works

This page aggregates data from selected training to present key performance indicators (KPIs) such as the number of registrations, course completion statuses, and timelines for course progression.


Visualizations and insights

Training will need to be selected under the Select a Training filter for data to display.



Course Details. Provides course information: catalog name, course name, course type, required status, and other specifics which help in understanding the scope and requirements of each course.

Registrations. Outlines the total registrations, including active, cancelled, and expired registrations, giving an immediate sense of enrollment status.

Completions. Tracks the number of completions, breaking it down into categories completed (total), completed (before due date) and completed (after the due date).

Overdue. Displays the number of learners overdue in specified training.

Registration Status. Shows data regarding registration statuses (active, cancelled, and expired), offering a visual summary of current registrations in a pie chart and bar graph.

Course Passing Status. Displays the course passing status of courses, segmented into not started, in progress, and completed, allowing quick identification of courses that may require additional attention or are performing well.

Median Day Calculation Completed. Measures the median number of days taken from registration to course completion, as well as day from course start to completion, providing insights into the efficiency of course completion.

Median Day Calculation Overdue. Shows the number of days past the course due date, highlighting potential delays in training progression.

Median Day Calculation Not Started and In Progress. Tracks the time from registration to the current date for courses not yet started or those still in progress.


Interpreting data

Review the registration and completion sections to gauge the overall engagement and success of training initiatives.

Analyze median day calculations to understand the efficiency and timeliness of course completions and identify any significant delays that might affect training outcomes.


Registration Performance page




The Registration Performance page offers a detailed analysis of registration dynamics for a specified training. It is designed to track and visualize the registration statuses, including active, cancelled, and expired enrollments, as well as trends over time. This page helps administrators understand enrollment patterns and identify potential areas for improving participant engagement.


How it works

This page collects and displays data related to the registration process of training sessions, using dynamic filters and visualizations to provide a comprehensive view of how many active enrollments, canceled enrollments and expired enrollments there are.

Active. The user is actively enrolled into the course (most recent enrollment record).

Cancelled. The user is unenrolled from the course (most recent enrollment record).

Expired. Previously taken records, (no longer the most recent enrollment record).


Visualizations and insights

Training will need to be selected under the Select a Training filter for data to display. This page contains an additional optional filter, Filter By | Department. This filter allows you to select one or more departments to filter the data by.



Course Registration Pie Chart. Displays the proportion of active, cancelled, and expired registrations, giving an immediate visual representation of current enrollments.

Registration Status by Department Bar Graph. Shows the distribution of registration statuses across different departments, which can help in identifying trends or issues specific to certain areas of the organization.

Registrations Over Time. A timeline that plots the number of registrations over the last 365 days, providing insights into how registration trends are evolving.


Interpreting data

Look at how many people have signed up for each training session to see which ones are more popular. This can help you figure out which training offerings are doing well, and which ones might need some changes to attract more participants.

Analyze the registration trends over time to understand potential patterns or the impact of specific promotional activities or program changes.


Course Performance page




The Course Performance page provides detailed insights into the effectiveness of individual training across various departments within the organization. It focuses on displaying the progression of courses by completion statuses in different departments. This may help in identifying the effectiveness and impact of the training provided.


How it works

This page visualizes comprehensive data related to course completions, ongoing progress, and courses not started, using charts and filters to provide a clear view of the training dynamics within the organization.

Completed. All required learning items for course completion have been completed.

In Progress. The user has started the training but hasn’t completed all required learning items.

Not Started. The learner hasn’t started the training, or an admin has deleted the learner’s progress.


Visualizations and insights

Training will need to be selected under the Select a Training filter for data to display. This page contains an additional optional filter, Filter By | Department. This filter allows you to select one or more departments to filter the data by.



Course Passing Status Pie Chart. Displays completion status for a selected course (Completed, In Progress, and Not Started). This helps in quickly assessing the overall progression of a course.

Course Passing Status | By Department Bar Graph. Shows the percentage of enrollments by course passing status for each department, highlighting the effectiveness of training in different organizational units.

Course Progression | By Status. Plots the count of the course passing statuses compared to total number of enrollments over time (365 days). This may provide a temporal view of how courses are being engaged with throughout the year.


Interpreting data

Review the pie chart to understand the immediate status of all courses—how many have been completed, are in progress, or have not started.

Analyze the bar graph to evaluate the effectiveness of training across different departments, identifying areas where training may need to be enhanced or is performing exceptionally well.


Completed Timeline page




The Completed Timeline page focuses on analyzing the timelines associated with training that have been completed within the organization. It gives insights into the duration from registration to the start of training, as well as from the start of training to its completion, providing vital data to evaluate the efficiency of course administration and participant engagement.


How it works

This page tracks and visualizes the timeframes associated with the training process for completed courses. It helps to identify bottlenecks and efficiency in the training delivery process through detailed timeline analysis.


Visualizations and insights

Training will need to be selected under the Select a Training filter for data to display. This page contains additional optional filters, Filter By | User and Filter By | Department. These filters allow you to select one or more users and one or more departments to filter the data by.



Completed Vertical Bar Graph. Shows the total number of learners who have completed the selected training.

Registration Date to Start Date. Graphically represents the number of days from registration to the start of training.

Start Date to Completion Date. Provides data on the number of days from learners starting training to its completion, essential for assessing the training pace and duration effectiveness.

Data Table. Lists individual learner details including course passing status, registration status, registration, due and completion dates, enabling a deeper dive into each learner's journey through their course.


Interpreting data

Assess the median days calculations to gauge the typical duration learners are taking in different stages, which can help in identifying delays or efficiencies in course delivery.

Evaluate the completion data table to monitor individual progress and detect any inconsistencies or achievements in learner performance.


In Progress / Not Started Timeline page




The In Progress / Not Started Timeline page is designed to monitor and analyze the statuses of training that are currently in progress or have not yet started. This page helps in identifying delays in the initiation of training programs and tracks the progress of ongoing courses to optimize time management and resource allocation in training schedules.


How it works

This page segments the data into various timelines and statuses of training, providing visibility into the registration-to-start and start-to-completion phases of courses that are either pending or underway.


Visualizations and insights


Training will need to be selected under the Select a Training filter for data to display. This page contains additional optional filters, Filter By | User and Filter By | Department. These filters allow you to select one or more users and one or more departments to filter the data by.

Completion Status. Displays the count of learners grouped by their course passing status (Not Started and In Progress) to give a quick overview of ongoing and pending training activities.

Registration Status. Displays the count of learners grouped by their current registration status (Active and Cancelled) to give a quick overview of ongoing and cancelled training activities.

Not Started | Registration Date to Today. A timeline showing the number of days from registration to the current date for courses that have not started, highlighting potential delays or scheduling issues.

In Progress | Registration Date to Today. Tracks how long current courses have been active without reaching completion, helping identify any potential stalls or slow progress in course execution.

Data Table. Provides detailed information about each learner’s course status, including course passing status, registration status, and key dates. This table is crucial for administrators to monitor individual progress and intervene if necessary.


Interpreting data

Look at the median days calculations to assess how quickly courses are moving from registration to start and from start towards completion.

Analyze patterns and outliers in the data table and timelines to address any inefficiencies or to benchmark against typical course durations.


Progress Learner page




The Progress Learner page provides detailed insights into learner progress for courses within the organization. This page is essential for understanding learner engagement levels, course completion rates, and identifying potential bottlenecks in course timelines. This report also contains a navigation button that will take you to the Detail Learner page for additional information.


How it works

This page presents a comprehensive breakdown of the status of course completions, in-progress courses, and courses not started, segmented by individual learners. It helps in tracking the learning journey of each participant and adjusting training schedules accordingly.


Visualizations and insights


Training will need to be selected under the Select a Training filter for data to display. This page contains an additional optional filter, Filter By | User. This filter allows you to select one or more users to filter the data by.

Course Completion. A donut chart displays the completion status for a selected course for all learners (unless User filter is applied). The visual categorizes them into Completed, In Progress, and Not Started. This visualization helps quickly gauge overall course completion rates.

Not Started | By Time. Shows the length of time since registration for courses that have not yet started, helping identify delays in course initiation.

In Progress | By Time. Tracks the duration from the start of the course to the current date for ongoing courses, useful for monitoring progress and ensuring timely completion.

Completions | By Time. A timeline that shows when courses were completed, offering insights into peak completion times and potential seasonal or periodic learning trends.

Data Table (All Time Calculated as Median). This table provides median calculations for various time spans such as registration to start, start to completion, along with key registration details. It serves as an analytical tool to measure efficiency and effectiveness across different courses and departments.


Interpreting data

Review the completion status overview to assess the effectiveness of the training programs.

Analyze the detailed timelines and data table to understand how quickly learners are moving through courses and where interventions may be necessary to improve course completion rates.


Detail Learner page




The Detail Learner page offers a deeper dive into the learning progress of individual users, tracking their course registrations, progress, and completion across various training. This page enables detailed monitoring of learner timelines and outcomes, facilitating targeted support and interventions. This page can be accessed from the button on the top of the Progress Learner page.



Power Bi Desktop users will be able to see the hidden Detail Learner Tab at the bottom of the page.


How it works

This page collects and displays data on individual learners’ performance, segmented by the specific courses they are enrolled in. It includes detailed metrics on course status, timelines from registration to completion, and median times for various stages of course progression.


Visualizations and insights


Training will need to be selected under the Select a Training filter for data to display. This page contains an additional optional filter, Filter By | User. This filter allows you to select one or more users to filter the data by.

Course Completion bar graph. Displays the number of learners who have completed, not started, or are currently engaged in courses, providing an immediate overview of course engagement levels.

Median Day Calculation. Represents the median number of days taken by learners at different stages. Not Started: Time from registration to the planned start. In Progress: Duration from the actual start to the current date. Completed: Duration from course start to completion.

Registration to Completion | By # of Days. Shows a slider visualizing the time taken from registration to completion for selected learners, useful for understanding the overall efficiency of course completion processes.

Start to Completion | By # of Days. Focuses on the active engagement period, tracking how quickly learners complete their courses after they begin.

Not Started | By # of Days. Tracks delays in course start post-registration, identifying potential issues in kickoff timeliness.


Interpreting data

Evaluate the Median Day Calculation to assess the efficiency of the learning process across different stages.

Use the detailed timelines to pinpoint areas where learners may require additional support to complete courses on time or where interventions might improve start rates.


Progress Department page




The Progress Department page provides insights into the training and development progress across different departments within the organization. This page is crucial for leaders and training coordinators to evaluate the effectiveness of training programs and to monitor departmental achievements in real-time. This report also contains navigation buttons that will take you to the Detail Department, Performance Completion, Performance In Progress and the Performances Not Started pages for additional information.


How it works

This dashboard compiles and visualizes data on course completions, in progress, and not started training data by department, offering a comparative and detailed view of each department's progress and engagement with the training curriculum.


Visualizations and insights


Training will need to be selected under the Select a Training filter for data to display. This page contains an additional optional filter, Filter By | Department. This filter allows you to select one or more departments to filter the data by.

Course Completion Status bar graph. Displays the percentage of course passing status (Completed, In Progress and Not Started) in a visual pie chart format, giving immediate clarity on the progress rate within each department.

Course Passing Status by Department. A horizontal bar chart that shows the proportion of courses completed and not started, segmented by department. This visualization helps identify departments that are excelling or lagging in training completions.

Not Started | By Day. Tracks the number of days since registration for courses that have not yet been started, highlighting potential delays or lack of engagement.

In Progress | By Day. Monitors ongoing course progress, showing the duration since their commencement. This metric is vital for understanding the pace at which different departments are progressing through their training.

Completions | By Day. Illustrates the number of days it takes for departments to complete training after they have started, providing insights into the efficiency of course completion.


Interpreting data

Evaluate completion and progress charts to assess the immediate training needs or successes within departments.

Use the detailed timelines to plan follow-ups or interventions where necessary, especially in departments showing slower progress or lower completion rates.


Detail Department page




The Detail Department page provides an in-depth look at the training performance metrics within specific departments. It includes detailed metrics on course completion, registration to completion times, and the status of courses (completed, in progress, not started), helping department heads and trainers to monitor and improve the effectiveness of their training programs. This page can be accessed from the button on the top of the Progress Department page.



Power Bi Desktop users will be able to see the hidden Detail Learner Tab at the bottom of the page.


How it works

This page offers a granular view of training metrics, focusing on the progression, and timing of courses within a department. It uses various visual tools and filters to dissect and present data that can help in pinpointing areas of concern or success.


Visualizations and insights


Training will need to be selected under the Select a Training filter for data to display. This page contains an additional optional filter, Filter By | Department. This filter allows you to select one or more departments to filter the data by.

Course Completion Status Vertical Bar Graph. Displays the number of course completion statuses (completed, in progress, and not started) within the selected department, providing a clear view of course engagement and completion rates.

Median Day Calculation. Not Started: Shows the median number of days from registration to the current day for courses that have not started, giving insight into delays or postponements. In Progress: Indicates the median number of days from registration to the current day for courses that are still active, helping to understand the pace of ongoing courses. Completed: Details the median number of days from registration to course completion, highlighting efficiency in training completion.

Registration to Completion by # of Days. Tracks the median time taken from registration to completion, facilitating a comparative analysis of speed across departments.

Start to Completion by # of Days. Focuses on the time taken from the actual start of the course to its completion, which can be crucial for assessing the effectiveness of the course content and instruction.


Interpreting data

Review the pie chart to understand the immediate status of all courses—how many have been completed, are in progress, or have not started.

Analyze the bar graph to evaluate the effectiveness of training across different departments, identifying areas where training may need to be enhanced or is performing exceptionally well.


Performance | Completed page




The Performance | Completed page is designed to give an overview of all completed training within a specified period. It allows managers and training coordinators to gauge the effectiveness of training programs by observing the completion rates across different departments or individual learners.


How it works

This page consolidates data from various completed training sessions, presenting detailed statistics on learner participation, completion times, and departmental performance metrics. It serves as a comprehensive tool for evaluating the impact and success of completed training initiatives.


Visualizations and insights


Statistics Table. Displays the number of learners per department who have completed training, the start-to-completion times, and other relevant metrics. This table is crucial for understanding the depth of engagement within each department.

Completion Performance | By Department. A scatter chart that shows the distribution of completion times across departments. This helps in identifying departments that are efficiently completing training versus those that may need additional support.

Completion Data Table | By Learner. Detailed table listing individual learners, the courses they have completed, registration to completion days, and other pertinent data. This table is essential for tracking individual progress and identifying standout performers or those needing further training.


Interpreting data

Review the statistics table and completion performance visualizations to assess overall training effectiveness.

Analyze the completion data table by learner to identify trends in training completion rates and durations, facilitating targeted interventions or acknowledgments.


Performance | In Progress page




The Performance | In Progress page provides a real-time view of the ongoing training within the organization by department. This page is specifically designed to monitor and analyze the status of learners that have started but not yet completed, offering insights into the pace and progress of learning across different departments.


How it works

This page gathers data from all active training modules and organizes it to show the progress status of each learner involved. It helps identify potential delays or sticking points in the learning process and allows for timely interventions to ensure that training goals are met on schedule.


Visualizations and insights


Statistics Table. Summarizes the total number of learners in progress, registration to the current day, and days from start for each department, providing a quick snapshot of ongoing activities.

In Progress Performance | By Department. A scatter graph that represents the number of days from the start of the training to the current date for each department, indicating how long employees have been engaged with the training.

In Progress Data Table | By Learner. Detailed table showcasing each learner's progress, with columns for the course name, start date, number of days since registration, and other relevant data. This table is crucial for monitoring individual learner progress and identifying who might need additional support to complete their training.


Interpreting data

The main table and graph give a direct view into the current progress of training, which can be used to quickly assess whether the training timelines are being adhered to.

The detailed data table allows for monitoring at an individual level, which is particularly useful for tracking progress and providing targeted support where necessary.


Performance | Not Started page




The Performance | Not Started page is designed to track and analyze training sessions that have been scheduled but have not yet commenced within the organization. This page helps in understanding the preparatory status and scheduling efficacy and identifies any delays in the initiation of training programs.


How it works

This page collects data concerning all planned but not started training courses. It is used to monitor when training is supposed to start compared to their registration date, allowing management to ensure that training begins on time and resources are allocated appropriately.


Visualizations and insights


Statistics Table- Provides a summary of the number of learners who have not started their training yet, alongside the days passed since their registration, helping identify how long potential training is postponed.

Not Started Performance | By Department. A scatter plot that illustrates the delay in days from registration to the current date for each department, offering insights into which departments are experiencing delays in starting their training sessions.

Not Started Data Table | By Learner. A comprehensive table listing each registered learner who has not started their training, along with relevant details like registration date and the planned start date. This table is critical for tracking specific delays and managing follow-ups.


Interpreting data

The summary table and scatter plot provide an immediate understanding of the extent of delays in starting training, which can be crucial for resource planning and scheduling adjustments.

The detailed table allows for individual tracking, useful for administrative follow-ups or to push necessary actions for starting the delayed training.


Data table




The Data Table page provides a detailed view of the performance and engagement metrics for a specific course (Displayed at the top of the page). It is designed to help educators and trainers understand how well the course is meeting its goals and identify areas for improvement.


How it works

This page compiles data specific to the "E-Learning 2.0" course, presenting various key performance indicators that reflect the engagement level, completion status, and overall effectiveness of the course.


Visualizations and insights


Course Passing Status. A bar chart showing the number of learners who have completed, not started, or are in progress with the course. This helps in quickly assessing the success rate and participant engagement of the course.

Registration Status. A bar chart categorizing learners based on their registration status: active, cancelled, or expired. This visualization is essential for tracking the retention and dropout rates and understanding the dynamics of course enrollment.

Data Table (All time calculated as Median). Provides detailed insights into individual learner's course status, registration details, and their progression timeline. This table is crucial for administrators to monitor specific learners and provide targeted support.


Interpreting data

Review the 'Course Passing Status' to gauge overall course effectiveness and identify if the learning objectives are being met.

Analyze the 'Registration Status' to understand trends in enrollment and identify potential issues in course uptake or completion.

Use the detailed data table to follow up with individual learners or to report on course performance metrics to stakeholders.


Accessing the Report

Please contact your Customer Success Manager for access to this report. 

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