Generate the training duration report via API

The Training duration report shows the expected amount of time that learners will spend on training (as specified in the training settings) in the current catalog. The actual amount of time a learner takes to complete training might be different to the expected duration. You can generate the report in the Learn365 Admin Center or via API.

In this article, we describe the steps you should follow to generate the Training duration report via API.



Keep in mind the specifics of the Training duration report:

  • The report shows the time that learners spent on completed training only.
  • The report shows only the training completed between the startDate and endDate query parameters.
  • The report includes users and completed training regardless of their current activity status (active or inactive).
  • The report shows only training that has the duration parameter set up. To see if a course has this parameter, send the GET odata/v2/Courses request following the steps from this article, find the relevant course in the response, and check if it has the Duration parameter set up.
    To see if a training plan has this parameter, go to the Learn365 Admin Center > Training Management > select a training plan > Manage Training Plan Settings and, in the Basic details section, check if the Duration (standard formats) or the Duration parameters are set up.


Before generating the report, you’ll need the ID of the course catalog to which the needed training belongs. You can find this via the API by following the steps in this article.

To generate the Training duration report via API:

1. Go to and make sure you are authorized with the relevant API key.

2. In the Reports section, select the GET /reports/trainingDuration/learnersTrainingTime endpoint and select Try it out in the top right-hand corner.

3. Enter the following required query parameters:

  • courseCatalogId: ID of a course catalog.
  • startDate: date and time from which training is taken into account, for example, 2024-01-15T15:00:00.00Z. The report contains only training completed after the start date.
  • endDate: date and time until which training is taken into account, for example, 2024-07-15T15:00:00.00Z. The report contains only training completed before the end date.



For both endDate and startDate, you can enter the date in the d-m-yyyy or d/m/yyyy formats without entering the time, for example, 1-15-2024 or 1/15/2024.


4. Select Execute to run the request.


Training duration report API request


5. Go to the Response block to check the results:

  • 200 code with a list of learners and training data in its body means the successful response.
  • 200 code with an empty body means there is no data to display. In this case, you can change the request parameters, for example, expand the date range.
  • In case of an error, the response body contains the error object with the code and message keys explaining the issue.

Data in a successful response is split by learners and contains:

  • LearnerName: full name of a learner.
  • Email: a learner’s email address.
  • Department: a department to which a learner belongs.
  • CourseInfo array with a list of every course or training plan that a learner completed during the specified time period. Every course or training plan has the following details:
    • CourseCatalogName: the name of the catalog.
    • CourseName: the name of the training that a learner completed.
    • CourseCategory: a category to which training belongs.
    • CourseDuration: the duration of the course or training plan (in minutes) in the way it was specified in the Duration field of the course or training plan configuration panel. The report shows the duration that was valid when the learner enrolled in the training.
    • CompletionDate: date and time when a learner completed their training.


Training duration report API response


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