Delete users and Microsoft Entra (Azure Active Directory) groups from a course catalog via the API

With the Learn365 API, you can remove a user or a group from a course catalog.

This article describes how to use an API endpoint to delete a user or a Microsoft Entra (Azure Active Directory) group from a course catalog via the Learn365 API.



To delete a user or a Microsoft Entra group from a course catalog using API, follow the steps:

To be able to use the Learn365 API, you should be authorized with the relevant API key on https:/ For details, see this article.

1. In https:/, expand the CourseCatalogs section.

2. Select the DELETE /odata/v2/CourseCatalogs({id})/Users('{userLogin}') endpoint that removes a user from a course catalog and select Try it out.

3. In the opened Parameters section, complete the required query parameter fields:

complete_the_fields_ (2).png

4. Select the Execute button to run the request. 

5. In the Responses block, check the results:

  • Under Code, number 2xx (for example, 204) shows that the request worked correctly.
  • In the Response body field, you will see the results of the request. The user/group will be deleted from the course catalog and from its Users list and will be unenrolled from all courses and training plans of this course catalog. 

the_response_ (2).png


If a user is enrolled in any course or training plan of the course catalog via any other group, this user will remain in the Users list marked as not added to the course catalog 2022-07-22_12_32_26-Users.png. In this case, you need to remove the user from that group or remove that entire group to delete the user from the course catalog. For details, see this article.

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