Get the ID of a course via API

This article provides guidance on how to obtain a course ID via the Learn365 API.



To get the ID of an imported course instead, see this article.


To get the ID of a course, follow these steps:

To be able to use the Learn365 API, you should be authorized with the relevant API key on https:/ For details, see this article.

1. In https:/, expand the Courses section.

2. Select the GET /odata/v2/Courses endpoint, which returns the list of courses, and select Try it out.




3. The opened Parameters section includes the query parameter fields, which you can use if you want to narrow down the response data.

  • If you want to retrieve data on all courses on the tenant, leave the fields empty and proceed to the next step.
  • If you want to narrow down the response data, specify query parameters in the query fields. The returned response data will contain only the filtered data.



To get the ID of a course, use the course title in one of the following ways:

  • If you don't know the exact course title, in the $filter field, enter contains(Title,'course title or part of the title'). In this case, the request will return courses that contain these specified words in the title.


  • If you know the exact course title, in the $filter field, enter Title eq 'Course title'. In this case, the Respond field will contain data on the course with this exact title.



3. Select Execute at the bottom of the page to run the request.

4. Go to the Responses block to check the results:

  • Number 2xx (for example, 200) under Code shows that the request worked correctly.
  • If no query parameters were set in the Parameters block to narrow down the response, you can see all active courses of the tenant and their data, including the ID. To find the ID of the exact course, use Ctrl+F and enter the course title.
  • If query parameters were set in the Parameters block, you'll see only the relevant requested data.
  • You can use the Download option to save the results to your device in .JSON format.




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