With the Learn365 API, you can change the title and URL of a course catalog.
This function is helpful, for example, when you've created a course catalog in your test environment and you plan to move it to your production environment. In this case, you'll need to change the course catalog URL and might also want to change the course catalog title.
Changing the catalog title and URL involves renaming the existing catalog and change its URL in SharePoint, and renaming the catalog and changing its URL in Learn365 via API.
This article describes these two steps.
In this article
- Step #1. Change the catalog title and URL in SharePoint
- Step #2. Change the catalog title and URL in Learn365 via the API
Step #1. Change the catalog title and URL in SharePoint
Required role: Microsoft 365 global admin or SharePoint admin
To change the title of the existing course catalog and its URL in SharePoint, follow these Microsoft instructions. Copy the new catalog title and URL to use in the next step.
Step #2. Change the catalog title and URL in Learn365 via the API
To be able to use the Learn365 API, you should be authorized with the relevant API key on https:/api.365.systems. For more information, see this article.
To change the course catalog title and URL via the Learn365 API, follow the steps:
1. In https:/api.365.systems, navigate to the CourseCatalogs section.
2. Select the PATCH /odata/v2/CourseCatalogs({Id}) endpoint, which updates individual parameters of an existing course catalog, and select Try it out.
3. Complete the required fields in Parameters.
- In the key:Id field, enter the course catalog ID for which you want to update the title and URL. For detailed steps on how to get the course catalog ID in the Learn365 API, see this article.
- Edit the CourseCatalog parameter:
- In the Title property, replace string with the new title for the catalog, mentioned in step #1.
- In the URL property, replace string with the new SharePoint URL, mentioned in step #1.
- To ensure you don't accidentally remove catalog admins from the updated course catalog, delete the Owner property from the body.
- You should delete the entire row of any properties you don't want to update.
4. Select Execute to run the request.
5. In the Responses block, check the results:
- Code 2xx (for example, 200) shows that the request worked correctly.
- You can Download the data from the response to your device in .JSON format.
As a result of a successful request, the URL and the title of the catalog are changed immediately. You can track these in the Learn365 Admin Center.
If synchronization fails, clear the cache and cookies in your browser and reload the page.
To revert to the old course catalog URL, you may need to delete the redirect to free up the old URL. See this Microsoft article for more information.
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