We are happy to announce that with the August 2021 release, a new design for training home pages will be generally available.
You might have made yourself familiar with the new design already as it has been available for preview the last couple of months. From the August 2021 release, scheduled to September 6, this preview option will be removed and all learners will meet the new design when browsing training home pages.
A new, sleeker experience
Improving the display of training information, content, and actions, the new design is introduced to give learners a clear overview of all information and actions on training home pages. Tooltips and help text will guide users with additional explanation. Also, the increased application of colors from the SharePoint site's color theme makes training home pages more colorful and highlights action buttons.
The visual design has been made lighter and more space has been added to improve the general learner experience.
To further serve the learner with personalized information, we have highlighted the individual learner's course or training plan status and achievements on the training home page.
The design is, of course, optimized for both Microsoft Teams and SharePoint.
Below, you can see a list of the changes we will introduce:
- To present a clear overview of information about a course or training plan, all basic training details have now been grouped in an information box.
Clear actions in this box will enable learners to perform tasks like starting the course, enrolling, and unenrolling. This, in particular, makes the unenroll option easier for learners to locate.
On course home pages, the Information section will include a general Play button to make it simpler to start courses. Before, learners could start modules one by one, but it was not possible to start the whole course with one action.
Appearing a little more discrete than the Play course option, the Retake course option will also be available in the Information box.
The introduction of avatar images for course contacts will present the course contact vividly.
The content in the Information box is optimized to enable a quick read and avoid clutter on smaller screens. - In the Content section, a new look and style for the display of content, content actions, and the learner's progress with learning modules will support the learner in intuitively continuing and getting an overview of the training for the current course or training plan. Also, the new design changes how the course type label on training plan pages appear.
- The section that shows sessions of Classroom & Blended Training and Webinar courses has been redesigned to better group and order session information. Learners will also have a better overview of available options when they select sessions.
The number of sessions to be displayed by default before the Click to see all link, is changed from five to one. However, customers' current settings on this is not changed, but will be preserved also after the change of the training home page design.
For Classroom & Blended Training and Webinar courses of the single session enrollment type, learners will now be able to get an overview of all sessions in the course, also after they have enrolled into a session. Before, when learners were enrolled in a session, they could only see this one session. - With the new design, learners will be able to download all certificates for a course from the course home page, not just the certificate they have last received.
- A new section gives learners a quick and personalized status of their progress with the course or training plan in question.
The new training home page design will include a box to feature competencies that will be acquired by completing the course. This information will also cover the learner's achievement status of these competencies.
This will provide a clear overview of competencies awarded by the course in question.
- To create an understanding of what training plans a course is a part of, a new block on course home pages will list the training plans that include the current course.
Comparing the experiences
Here, you can see the collected changes and compare the current and the new design of training home pages.
Current course home page design:
New course home page design, generally available September 6:
Current training plan home page design:
New training plan home page design, generally available September 6:
We're looking forward to offer all learners this new experience!
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