Introducing the new intuitive way to create and edit training

We are excited to announce that from the October 2021 release, we will introduce a new way to create and edit training.



When creating or editing training, you will now be guided through each step of the process in a flow that intuitively takes you through all training settings.

All training configurations and content can be managed smoothly from this one interface that, with its simplicity, enables new admins to start creating training straight away - without the need for prior training.  




The new process of creating and editing training

The creation and editing of courses and training plans starts from where you are used to manage training: The Course List and the Training Plan List. When selecting to create or edit training, a panel will appear to lead you through the process.

The steps of the process will ensure all settings are systematically considered.

Basic Details covers elemental information about the training, such as training name, description, image, categories, and duration. For courses, this is where you select the type of course.




The Classroom and Webinar course types will include session configuration in this step, and an additional step to create and manage the course sessions.




Courses will have a step called Content where you create, manage, and get an overview of the content of the course, while the corresponding step for training plans is Courses where you select the courses that will be part of the training plan.




The Settings step covers general training settings like enrollment flow, certificates, and competencies.




Finally, under Peopleyou enroll learners into the training and manage learners and administrators.




A smooth process from beginning to end

When drafting training, you can move seamlessly between steps of the creation process - creating course sessions, adding and arranging content, and enrolling learners as part of the same flow.

You can go back and forth between the different steps to edit or fill out information by selecting individual steps in the timeline at the top of the page. If required information is missing in a step, an exclamation mark will advise of this.




At all times in the process, you can save your settings and leave the course or training plan with the current configuration to come back later. 

When you are ready, publish the training by selecting Publish in the right corner at the bottom of the panel. Schedule the training to be published and/or unpublished at a specific time and date, or simply publish for readily availability.






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