Service Incident - 02 March 2022 - Long Enrollment Times

Long Enrollment Times

3/2/2022 12:24 PM

We can confirm that the issue has been solved. We have scaled out resources in the US region to eliminate the cause of long enrollment time. For now, it works well for customers in the US region.

If you notice any further issues, please let us know.

3/2/2022 8:39 AM

Currently, we are continuing to monitor the results. We appreciate your patience and will follow up once we have an update.

3/1/2022 9:44 PM

The fix addressing this issue is taking longer to deploy than we initially anticipated.
Thank you for your patience we will continue to update you with any new information.

3/1/2022 8:02 PM

A fix has been implemented to address the issues we were experiencing regarding Course Enrollments. We anticipate this behavior to be resolved within the hour.
Our team will continue to monitor this behavior and performance.

3/1/2022 6:24 PM

We have received reports of issues regarding enrollments in the Central US Region. We will keep you updated as we investigate further.

For current system status information about LMS365, check out our system status page. During an incident, you can also receive status updates by subscribing to updates available on our status page. The summary of our post-mortem investigation is usually posted here a few days after the incident has ended. If you have additional questions about this incident, please log a ticket with us.
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    Núñez Carlos (NDC)

    Hola, buenos días. Desde Chile, Southamerica.
    Tenemos problemas para inscribir a nuestros trabajadores en las actividades. Está demorando más tiempo en las inscripciones y en oportunidades no se registra la misma.
    Favor, si pudieran informar el estado de estos arreglos.
    Muchas Gracias.

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