April 2022 release highlights

Release date: April 18, 2022.


We’re pleased to announce that the April 2022 release of LMS365 is now available to all customers.


Highlights of this release:



Session-based training

Combination of the course types, Classroom & Blended Training and Webinar

For a while, the LMS365 product has supported courses that include classroom as well as webinar sessions.

In this way, course creators can use the course type currently called Classroom & Blended Training to create either a course that includes only virtual sessions, a course that solely consists of sessions in a physical classroom, or a course that offers a combination of online and classroom sessions.

This means that all types of instructor-led training—be it on-site, in an online meeting, or a combination of the two—is possible with this one course type. To make the LMS365 user interface simpler and more intuitive to manage, from this release, we will, therefore, reduce the two current course types for session-based courses to this one course type.

Consequently, after this change, it will not be possible to create courses of the course type Webinar. Also, we will rename the remaining course type for session-based training, Classroom & Blended Training, to Instructor-Led Training, intuitively indicating to admins and learners alike that this course type covers all types of training that includes sessions facilitated by an instructor.



Filters in the LMS365 Admin Center will be updated with this change to enable admins to filter on courses of the type of e-Learning and Instructor-Led Training.



Learners will experience the change on the course catalog page where they will now see the new name of the course type for session-based training, Instructor-Led Training, on training cards, and in filters.

New filters will be introduced to allow learners to sort between courses with sessions that are held on-site and in a virtual classroom.



The change will affect notification templates for session-based courses, as notification templates for the course type Webinar will be removed after a grace period of three months after the release.

Please find more information on this change and its implications here.


Course and training plan management

Courses and training plans will now be managed from the same place

Today, courses and training plans are created and managed from separate pages in course catalogs.

To provide admins a clear overview of all training in a course catalog and further simplify the process of creating and managing training, we will now combine these pages into a single interface, called Training Management.



Going forward, all training in a course catalog will be created and managed from this page, allowing admins to create and manage courses of all types and training plans within one interface.



All current courses and training plans will be listed on this page to provide a complete view of all training in a course catalog.

The filtering and sorting options will be updated to reflect these changes. Also, icons for the three different training types—e-LearningInstructor-Led Training, and Training Plan— will be displayed on the Training Management page to make it simpler for admins to distinguish between courses and training plans in the list of training.




LMS365 now supports sending xAPI signals for learner activities

We are happy to announce that LMS365 now supports sending xAPI signals for learner activities.

Course catalog admins can enable xAPI configuration on the course catalog level to allow tracking of learners’ activities in a 3rd party Learning Record Store (LRS) via xAPI. This configuration will send signals from LMS365 to the connected LRS when learners start and complete training.

Connection to an external LRS via xAPI is configured in the LMS365 Admin Center under Settings > LMS Configuration > xAPI Configuration.



The Competency Framework

Competency will be renamed to Skill

To enable people to resonate more intuitively with the purpose of the LMS365 Competency Framework, Competency will now be named Skill, and Competency will be replaced with Skill in all places in the product.

Admins will see this change in the LMS365 Admin Center when configuring the Skills Framework in a course catalog, when applying Skills to a course or training plan, or when granting Skills to learners.



Learners will see Skills instead of Competencies in My Training Dashboard and on course and training plan home pages.



Finally, line managers will be granting learners Skills instead of Competencies from the Line Manager Dashboard

The change will also affect all notifications that include the label competency today.


The LMS365 Admin Center

Changes to the left-navigation menu and labels in the LMS365 Admin Center

To further improve the user experience of LMS365 and make the LMS365 Admin Center more intuitive to navigate, this release will introduce changes to the LMS365 Admin Center left-navigation menu and renaming of labels.

The Home button will be removed from the left-navigation menu, both on the level of global settings and course catalog settings.



The Reports option will be moved from the left-navigation menu to the Training Management page where reports on courses and training plans in the course catalog can now be generated under Training Reports.



Also, a selection of labels will be renamed:

  • The Course Catalog List will be renamed to Course Catalog Management.
  • Settings, on the global settings level, will now go under the name Global Settings, and Settings on the course catalog level will be named Catalog Settings.
  • Course Management will be renamed into Training Management and as mentioned, the course type, Classroom & Blended Training, will be renamed to Instructor-Led Training.
  • Learner Administration will get the new label, Users.
  • Manage Content is renamed to Content, and the subsections of the Content section will now be restructured and named Quizzes, Question Pools, and Content Package Storage.
  • Competency will now be called Skill which will affect all labels and notifications that include the label competency. This change also affects the label Scale Sets which will be renamed to Skill Level Sets.



Please find full details of the LMS365 April 2022 release in the release notes.


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