The Learn365 API enables integration with other applications, to streamline organizational processes and improve business performance. Learn365 API endpoints are grouped into sections according to their purpose and functionality.
In this article, we provide information on the content of each of these sections.
- The sections are presented alphabetically. The description of each section is based on the general functionality of the APIs included in the section, with no query option parameters set.
- To be able to use Learn365 API, you need to log in first.
The Apps section contains APIs that are no longer used as separate applications but are a built-in part of the Learn365 solution. These APIs enable you to get a list of all the applications on the tenant, together with their IDs.
The Assessments section contains the APIs that enable you to get information relating to assessments on the tenant. This information includes the IDs of the assessment and the course that it's part of, the assessment title, description, supervisor, and settings. The APIs in this section enable you to create, update, delete, and approve assessments, as well as get a list of assessments on the tenant.
The Assets section contains the APIs that enable you to download and upload assets. By assets, we mean any documents, videos, or images you can put in the Learn365 Admin Center via the rich text editor, for example, in training or learning module descriptions.
Related article:
The Assignments section contains the API endpoints that are used to create new assignments, get a list of assignments on the tenant and their IDs, and mark assignments as complete.
The CertificateTemplates section contains the APIs that are used to get a list of all certificate templates on the tenant, as well as create, update, and delete certificate templates.
In the Certificates section of the Learn365 API, you can:
- Get information about certificates, including the ID, image, and the users who have been awarded these certificates, on the tenant.
- Create certificates.
- Reissue certificates.
- Upload certificate images.
- Update a certificate's status, issue date, and expiry date.
Related articles:
- Get the ID of a certificate via API
- Award a certificate via API
- Update a certificate via API
- Reissue a certificate via API
- Retrieve a copy of a user's certificate via API
Competencies (skills)
The Competencies section contains the API endpoints that enable you to get a list of all skills on the tenant, as well as create, update, and delete skills.
CompetencyCategories (skill categories)
The CompetencyCategories section contains the APIs that enable you to get a list of skills categories on the tenant, as well as create, update, and delete skill categories.
CompetencyScaleSets (skill level sets)
The CompetencyScaleSets section contains the APIs that enable you to get a list of skill level sets on the tenant, as well as create, update, and delete skill level sets.
CompetencyTags (tags)
The CompetencyTags section contains the API endpoints that enable you to get a list of skill tags on the tenant, and to create, update, and delete skill tags.
The CourseCatalogs section contains the API endpoints that enable you to create new course catalogs on the tenant, update existing course catalogs or parts of them, get a list of course catalogs on the tenant and their ID, add users to course catalogs, remove users from course catalogs, and download assets from course catalogs.
Related articles:
- Get the ID of a course catalog via API
- Delete users and Azure AD groups from a course catalog via API
- Change the title and URL of a course catalog
- Add users to a course catalog via the API
- View and download course catalog assets via API
The CourseCategories section contains the APIs that enable you to create, update, and delete categories, as well as get a list of the categories on the tenant.
Related articles:
The CourseCompletionSets section contains the APIs that enable you to create, update, and delete course completion sets, and to get a list of completion sets for courses on the tenant.
The CourseImages section contains the API endpoints that enable you to upload images for courses and course banners.
The API endpoints in the CourseLayouts section are deprecated.
The Courses section contains the APIs that enable you to get a list of courses (both general and requests with specified parameters set) and various details, as well as create, update, and delete courses. There are also APIs that enable you to enroll in courses, unenroll from them, manage course ratings, and manage course completion settings. You can also add, update, and delete course sessions.
Related articles:
- Get the ID of a course via API
- Get the URL of a course via API
- Get the ID of a session or session group via API
- Get session data via the GET/odata/v2/Courses endpoint
- Get the start and end dates of a course session via API
- Admins and Trainers entities in the GET /odata/v2/Courses endpoint
- Check training creation status via API
- Purge data of a course or training plan from Learn365 via API
- Create courses and training plans via API
- Create sessions and session groups via the API
- Enroll users in a course via API
- Enroll users in training plans via API
- Unenroll a user/group from courses or training plans via API
- Update a course session via API
- Get a list of deleted courses and training plans via API
- Get a list of courses and training plans for which the user is a training admin via API
- Get a list of imported courses via API
- Delete courses via the API
The CourseSessions section contains the API endpoints that enable you to get a list of all standalone sessions and session groups on the tenant.
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The CourseSessionRequests section contains the APIs that enable you to get a list of all session requests on the tenant depending on the parameters set, and to add and delete course session requests.
The CourseTags section contains the APIs that enable you to get a list of all course tags on the tenant, as well as create, update, and delete course tags.
Required role: catalog admin.
The EmailNotifications section contains the API endpoints that enable you to manage email notifications:
- Get email notification templates by their ID.
- Update email notification templates.
- Get a list of all notification templates for a certain course catalog.
- Enable and disable email notification templates at the catalog level.
- Enable and disable the Microsoft Connection Settings.
- Reset customized notification templates to the default settings.
- Get a list of course notifications for an email notification template.
- Get a course notification for an email notification template.
- Enable and disable email notification templates at the course level.
- Get a list of course notifications for all email notification templates.
The EnrollmentFlows section contains the APIs that enable you to get information relating to the enrollment flows on the tenant.
The Enrollments section contains the APIs that enable you to create, return, approve, cancel, purge, and reject enrollments, as well as other actions.
Related articles:
- Get the ID of user's active enrollments via API
- Register users for specific standalone sessions and session groups via API
- Purge enrollments via API
The ExternalApps section contains the API endpoints that enable you to get a list of external apps on the tenant, and to add, replace, and delete external apps. You can also change the position of external apps in a course.
Related article:
The ExternalTrainings section contains the API endpoints that enable you to import courses, training progress, and certificates into the tenant.
Related article:
The GroupRestrictions section contains the APIs that enable you to restrict the visibility of users from Microsoft Entra (Azure Active Directory) groups in the Learn365 Admin Center. For example, if the group restrictions are on, only the users from particular Microsoft Entra (Azure Active Directory) groups will be shown while enrolling learners in training.
Related article:
The Groups section contains the APIs that enable you to create and delete custom user groups, add users to or remove them from a custom group, view a list of groups, and view a list of users in a group.
Custom user groups are groups that you can create and manage via the Learn365 API. Unlike Microsoft Entra groups, custom user groups can include users of any type, both Learn365 and Flow365.
Related articles:
- Create or delete a custom user group via API
- Get the ID of a custom user group via API
- Add users to or remove them from a custom user group via API
The Invitations section contains the APIs that enable you to view a list of pending invitations to Flow365 learners, send, and delete the invitations.
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The LearningModuleAttempts section contains the API endpoints that enable you to get a list of users' attempts in learning modules on the tenant, as well as update and delete users attempts, and create new ones.
The LearningModules section contains the APIs that enable you to get a list of learning modules of all the courses on the tenant, as well as create, update, and delete them.
Related articles:
- Attach a SCORM content package to a course or learning module via API
- Change the publishing status of a learning item via API
- How to create a learning module via the API and Power Automate
- Complete learning modules via API
The QuestionPoolCategories section contains the APIs that enable you to get a list of question pool categories on the tenant and to create new categories for question pools.
The QuizAttempts section contains the endpoints that enable you to get a list of learners' quiz attempts on the tenant, including quiz answers provided by learners.
Related articles:
- How to retrieve and download quiz answers via API
- Explanation of the State string in the QuizAttempts section
The QuizQuestionPools section contains the APIs that enable you to get a list of question pools on the tenant and to create new ones.
The Quizzes section contains the endpoints that enable you to get a list of quizzes on the tenant with relevant quiz data, update and delete a quiz, and to create a new one.
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The RoleAssignments section contains the APIs that enable you to get a list of roles assigned to users and groups.
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The Reports section contains the API endpoint that enable you to get information relating to the cost per user for course sessions on the tenant. You can also generate a training duration report for a learner.
Related articles:
- Get the internal cost per learner and per session via API
- Generate the training duration report via API
The ScormAttempts section contains the API endpoints that enable you to get a list of attempts of all users in all SCORMs on the tenant, and to create and update SCORMs.
Related article:
The Scorms section contains the APIs that enable you to upload zip files to the tenant and create content packages based on them. They also enable you to manage existing SCORMs, including getting a list of SCORMs and their IDs, the content of SCORMs, the content URL, as well as change the position of SCORMs among other learning items in courses and delete content packages.
Related articles:
- Upload files and create content packages via Learn365 API
- Configure sharing settings of content packages via the API
The TrainingPlans section contains the API endpoints that enable you to get a list of training plans (both general and requests with specified parameters set), and add, exclude, or update a course in the training plan.
Related articles:
UserCompetencies (user skills)
The UserCompetencies section contains the APIs that enable you to get a list of all the skills of all users on the tenant.
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Use UserFields section contains the API endpoints that enable you to get information relating to the columns in the Users section on the tenant, to update and delete them, and to create user columns.
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The UserRanks section contains the APIs that enable you to get information relating to user rankings on the tenant by the number of CEUs they've earned.
The Users section contains the APIs that enable you to get a list of users on the tenant, to get, purge, merge and update users' information, and to grant and revoke skills.
Related articles:
- Get the ID of a user or a group via API
- Get the login name of a user or a group via API
- Revoke user's skills via API
- Merge user accounts in Learn365 via API
- Purge a user and user's data from Learn365 via API
- Purge skills via API
- Update user’s details via API
The WaitingListRequests section contains the APIs that enable you to get information relating to user waiting list requests, as well as create and delete waiting list requests.
The WebHookRegistrations section contains the API endpoints that enable you to subscribe to and unsubscribe from WebHooks on the tenant, get information about the users' WebHooks, register new ones, and update and delete WebHook registrations.
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