Create sessions and session groups via the API

You can create course sessions and session groups via the Learn365 API or the Learn365 Admin Center. In this article, we describe how to create a session or session group via the API. 



Sessions and session groups are applicable for instructor-led training only.


To create a session or session group, you’ll need an ID of the course in which the session or session group will take place. You can find the course ID via API by following the steps in this article.

If you want to create a new session as a part of an existing session group, you’ll need the ID of this group. You can find it via API by following the steps in this article.

To create a session or session group via API:

1. Go to and make sure you're authorized with the relevant API key.

2. In the Courses section, select the POST /odata/v2/Courses({Id})/CourseSessions endpoint and select Try it out in the top right-hand corner.

3. In the required id field, enter the ID of the course for which you want to create a session. For information about how to get a course ID, see this article.

4. If needed, you can filter the response data by entering the $expand and $select fields. For information about how to use these filters, see this article.

5. In the courseSession object, enter the following required parameters:

  • Title. The name of a new session or session group. It could be any text up to 128 characters.
  • GroupId. If you want a session to be a part of a session group, enter the ID of the session group into the GroupId field. For information about how to find a session group ID, see this article.
  • StartDate. Enter the session start date, for example, "2024-06-22T10:30:00.0000000+00:00". This parameter isn’t required for a session group.
  • EndDate. Enter the session end date, for example, "2024-06-22T12:45:00.0000000+00:00". This parameter isn’t required for a session group.
  • TimeZone. Enter the time zone for the session start/end dates as a string, for example, "UTC". This parameter isn’t required for a session group.
  • IsGroup. If you’re creating a session group, set this parameter to true. The parameter isn’t required for a session.

If you want to create an online session in Microsoft Teams, enter the following parameters:

  • IsTeamsOnlineMeeting. Set this parameter to true for an online session.
  • MeetingUrl. Enter the URL of a Microsoft Teams meeting.

Entering these required parameters is sufficient to create a new session or session group. You can add more information by entering the optional parameters.

6. Select Execute to run the request.


Request parameters for creating a session


7. Go to the Response block to check the results:

  • 201 code with session or session group details in its body indicates a successful response.
  • In case of an error, the response body contains the error object with the code and message keys explaining the issue.


Create session response


You can check the Audit Trail to see more information about the created session or session group.

8. Go to the Learn365 Admin Center > Global Settings > Audit Trail.

9. Find and select the last record with the Session was created or Session group was created activity name to see more information.


Create session Audit Trail


You can find more information about the Audit Trail in this article.


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