Reporting options for LinkedIn Learning integration


AICC and xAPI reporting are supported only for LinkedIn Learning courses you've imported into Learn365.


Learn365 supports both AICC and xAPI reporting. You can optionally configure xAPI to allow LinkedIn Learning to communicate course completions back to Learn365, regardless of how and where the training content is launched. Learners can launch content from within Learn365 or they can view courses directly in LinkedIn Learning.

To configure xAPI reporting for the LinkedIn Learning integration with Learn365 in your tenant, first you'll need to complete some configuration steps in your Azure admin portal, then you'll need to enable xAPI in your LinkedIn Learning admin portal.

For videos that support the information in this article, see this section of the article.


Compare the features of xAPI reporting and AICC reporting

The following table provides a comparison of some key features of AICC reporting and xAPI reporting.

   AICC reporting  xAPI reporting
Tracks intermediate progress  No  Yes
Tracks completions for activity started from Learn365  Yes  Yes
Tracks completions for activity started from LinkedIn Learning  No  Yes

Tracks completions achieved  in LinkedIn Learning prior to course import/retake

 Yes  No


AICC reporting

To enable AICC reporting:

1. In the LinkedIn Learning admin portal, select Go to Admin > Me > Integrate.

2. From the left-side navigation menu, select Add content to your LMS via AICC > expand Configure AICC.

3. In the Enter hostname or port field in the Add Hostname(s) section, enter the hostname that relates to the region selected for your tenant. To find this information, go to, scroll down to the Multiregions section, and copy the relevant value from the API End Point column. When you paste or enter this value, don't include the https:// part of the hostname.

4. Select the + icon to add the hostname.

5. Ensure the Enable AICC toggle is set to Enabled.

6. Only version 4.0 of AICC is supported so select 4.0 from the Select an AICC version drop-down in the AICC Version section.


xAPI reporting

The following conditions should be met to ensure course progress and completion information can be communicated to Learn365:

Course progress and completion information is sent just once to Learn365. In LinkedIn Learning, learners' original completion information will be maintained to be knowledge.

If the same course is imported several times, course progress will be reported in each instance of the course, as long as the learner is enrolled the relevant course.

If a learner passes a course in LinkedIn Learning, then this course is later imported into Learn365 and the learner is later enrolled in and retakes the course, their course progress won't be reported.


Configure the Azure admin portal

This section provides information on the steps you need to complete to configure the Azure admin portal to support xAPI reporting.

For more detailed information about the Azure admin portal, see this Microsoft help article.

1. Create an Azure enterprise application that will have permissions to the Learn365 API. From your Azure admin portal home page, go to App registrations > select New registration.

2. Enter a name for the application and keep the default settings.


Azure app registration


3. Select Register.

Once the application is created, you need to request Learn365 API permissions.

4. From the application you created, navigate to API permissions > select Add a permission.

5. On the APIs my organization uses tab, select the LMS365 API application.


Azure API permissions


6. On the Request API permissions page, select Application permissions.

7. Select the FullAccess - Access LMS365 APIs checkbox then select Add permissions.


Azure add LMS365 API permissions


8. As a global tenant admin, you'll need to agree that the newly created application will have full access to your Learn365 tenant using API by granting admin consent you.

9. To generate a client secret, go to Certificates & secrets > New client secret.

10. Enter a Description and select when the client secret Expires, then select Add.

We'll use the client secret later in LinkedIn Learning admin portal.


Azure copy client secret


11. Go to Overview > and note the Application (client) ID and the Directory (tenant) ID.

We'll need this information to complete tasks later in the process.


Azure client ID


Enable xAPI reporting in the LinkedIn Learning admin portal

This section provides information on the steps you need to complete to enable xAPI reporting in the LinkedIn Learning admin portal.

For more detailed information about the LinkedIn Learning admin portal, see this LinkedIn Learning help article.

1. In the LinkedIn Learning admin portal, select Go to Admin > Me > Integrate.

2. From the left-side navigation menu, select Configure reporting integrations > expand the Configure xAPI tab.

3. Select Add integration and complete the following fields:

  • Integration name - enter a name for the xAPI reporting integration.
  • User Type - select ID or Email from the drop-down list.
    • If you select ID, make sure the LinkedIn Learning user's Employee ID matches their Object ID in Azure. You can pass the Object ID automatically to LinkedIn Learning by configuring the unique user identifier in Attributes & Claims of the SSO application in Azure. For more information, see this Microsoft help article.
    • If you select Email, make sure the LinkedIn Learning user's email address matches their User principal name (UPN) or Email claim in Azure.
  • OAuth Server URL - paste the following URL in this field:<Tenant ID>/LinkedIn/OAuthServerToken
    • replace with the domain name that relates to the region selected for your tenant. To find this information, go to, scroll down to the Multiregions section, and copy the relevant value from the API End Point column. When you paste or enter this value, don't include the https:// part of the API endpoint.
    • replace <Tenant ID> with your tenant ID.
  • Tenant Server URL - paste the following URL in this field:<Tenant ID>/LinkedIn/ActivityStatement
    • replace with the same domain name that you used for the OAuth Server URL field. When you paste or enter this value, don't include the https:// part of the API endpoint.
    • replace <Tenant ID> with your tenant ID.
  • Client ID - paste the ID of the app you created in the Azure admin portal (see step 9 in the previous section of this article).
  • Client Secret: paste the secret value from the app you created in the Azure admin portal (see step 8 in the previous section of this article).


LinkedIn Learning add xAPI integration


4. Select Enable.

Compare information from Azure Entra ID and LinkedIn

1. Select the People tab.


2. Find the user.


3. Pay attention to the Employee ID (if you use the user type 'Id' in xAPI integration).



4. Open Microsoft Entra ID and find the user.


5. Compare the Employee ID (from point 3) with the Object ID.

Verify the xAPI reporting configuration

To confirm that your xAPI reporting configuration is successful, follow these steps:

1. In the LinkedIn Learning admin portal, select Go to Admin > Me > Integrate.

2. From the left-side navigation menu, select Add content to your LMS via AICC > expand Configure AICC > toggle Enable AICC to Disabled.


LinkedIn Learning admin portal Configure AICC


3. In the Learn365 Admin Center, import a course from LinkedIn Learning.

4. Enroll a learner in this course and publish it.

5. Log in to Learn365 as the learner you enrolled in the course, then complete the course.

6. In the Learn365 Admin Center, go to Training Management > select the imported LinkedIn Learning course > Course progress.


Video resources

The following videos show you some of the key processes described in this article.


Register an application


Enable xAPI reporting in the LinkedIn Learning Admin Portal


Check the user


Take a course in Learn365


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