Enrolling users in training plans makes them learners of the training plan in question and all of its courses. Users can be enrolled in a training plan in various ways.
This article covers the various ways admins can enroll users in training plans and the enrollment logic for courses within training plans, including specific cases.
Enrollment options
- We recommend the catalog admin adds all relevant users, Microsoft Entra (Azure AD) groups, and custom user groups to the Users list of the relevant course catalog before enrolling them in courses or training plans. This enables users to have proper access to all course and training plan pages of this catalog, and prevents users from encountering an access denied message from SharePoint when they navigate around the catalog.
Training audience and course targeting may be used to ensure that specific training can be accessed only by certain users of the catalog.
- We encourage using the above-mention option instead of employing the native Share functionality of SharePoint, which enables SharePoint site owners to add users to a SharePoint group of the SharePoint site of the course catalog. This option enables these users to view the catalog, course, and training plan pages of this catalog. However, these users aren't automatically added to the Users list of the catalog. As a result, they may have a limited experience in Learn365.
From the Users page
Required role: catalog admin
You can enroll users in training plans from the Users page in the Learn365 Admin Center.
For detailed information about this process, see this article.
From the training plan configuration panel
Required roles: catalog admin. Course admins can enroll and manage learners of the training plan after the training plan has been created, and after they've been assigned the training plan admin role.
You can enroll users in training plans from the People section of the training plan configuration panel.
1. From the Learners tab in the People section of the training plan configuration panel, select + Enroll Learner(s).
2. In the Search for user(s) field, enter the names, Microsoft Entra (Azure AD), Microsoft 365 groups, email-enabled security groups, security groups, or custom groups of the users you want to enroll in the training plan.
You can enter up to 50 internal users or 1,500 characters at a time, as a comma or semicolon-separated list.
You can’t add the Everyone and Everyone except external user groups.
If you enter invalid email addresses or unrecognized users, you won't be able to proceed until you resolve the issues. Invalid email addresses and users are highlighted in red.
If you exceed the maximum of 50 email addresses or 1,500 characters, you'll see a corresponding information message. You can enter more email addresses by repeating this process.
If you add a Microsoft Entra (Azure Active Directory) group or a custom user group, all the users in the group are counted.
3. Select Enroll.
To add more than 50 users or 1,500 characters, repeat steps 1-3.
It may take a few minutes to enroll all the users. During this time, their names will be grayed out and inactive in the list of enrolled learners.
Enrolled users and groups are displayed in alphabetical order, regardless of the order in which they were added. Enrolled groups show the number of users in brackets next to their title.
The names of the learners and group titles become active and available for the Send Email Message and Unenroll options.
These changes are automatically saved.
Via Microsoft Entra (Azure AD) or custom user groups
Required roles: the Microsoft 365 global admin can manage users within Microsoft Entra (Azure Active Directory) groups. LMS admins can manage users within custom user groups via API. Course and catalog admins can enroll Microsoft Entra groups in courses.
When Microsoft Entra or custom user groups are enrolled in a training plan, the current members of the group, as well as users who are later added to the group, will automatically be enrolled in the training plan.
You might choose to enroll Microsoft Entra or custom user groups in training plans to ensure everybody with a certain role will automatically be enrolled in the same training. When users are assigned their role, they're added to the related Microsoft Entra group. For example, there can be Microsoft Entra groups for managers, new hires, or specific departments, and these groups can be enrolled in relevant training plan.
Users with the Microsoft 365 global admin role are responsible for managing users in Microsoft Entra groups, while LMS admins are responsible for managing users from custom user groups. When the Microsoft 365 global admin adds a user to a Microsoft Entra group or the LMS admin adds a user to a custom user group, the user is automatically enrolled in any courses or training plans in which the group is enrolled. When a user is removed from a group, they're automatically unenrolled from any courses or training plans in which the group is enrolled.
For more information about enrolling users in courses and training plans using Microsoft Entra (Azure AD) or Microsoft 365 groups, see this article.
For more information about creating a custom user group via API, see this article.
Via the Learn365 API
You can enroll users in training plans using the Learn365 API. For more information, see this article.
Training plan enrollment logic
General flow
- When a learner is enrolled in a training plan, they are automatically enrolled in all of its courses.
There's a training plan "Get started with Learn365" with three courses inside. After enrolling in this training plan learners are automatically enrolled into all three courses the training plan consists of. When unenrolling from this training plan, learners are automatically unenrolled from all three courses as well.
- When a learner is enrolled in a training plan, they aren't automatically enrolled in any other training plans that contain these courses.
- A learner won't be automatically enrolled in the training plan if they are already separately enrolled in the courses that form part of a training plan.
- When a learner completes a course and later, they're enrolled in a training plan that includes this completed course, the status of the course remains completed. Until a learner is enrolled in the training plan, they won't see the status of its courses, including the status of any courses they’ve already completed separately. After enrollment in a training plan, any courses that were completed separately will retain their completed status within the training plan.
Common scenarios when more courses are added to training plans
Scenario #1
The learner is progressing through or has completed some of the courses in the training plan, meaning the training plan has the In progress status, and the admin adds a course to this training plan. The learner isn't enrolled in this course separately. As a result:
- The added course will be automatically set as required to complete the training plan. To complete the training plan, the learner must complete this added course. Admins may change the Required For Completion settings via the Courses section of the training plan configuration panel.
- The learner's progress status (In progress) in this training plan remains unchanged, but the training plan progress percentage will be recalculated according to the updated number of courses that are required for completion.
- The learner will see the added course on the training plan home page as part of the training plan. The course will be locked and the following note will be displayed: "This course is locked until you enroll into it."
- The learner won't receive any email notifications about the newly added course until they enroll in it.
- The learner should enroll in the added course in one of the following ways:
- Automatically enroll in this course when they complete any other course in the training plan.
- Catalog or course admins can manually enroll the learner in this course.
- Self enroll from the course home page. For this, they should select the title of the relevant course on the current training plan home page, which will redirect them to the course home page. From here, course enrollment and notification flows differ, depending on the course type.
- Once the learner is successfully enrolled in the added course, they'll receive the Course enrollment confirmation notification for e-learning courses, and Instructor-led training enrollment confirmation notifications and Instructor-led training scheduled - appointment invitation (for the selected sessions) for instructor-led training.
Scenario #2
The learner is progressing through or has completed some of the courses in the training plan, meaning the training plan has the In progress status. The admin adds a course to this training plan. The learner is enrolled in this course separately. As a result:
- The learner keeps their existing enrollment in this course, as well as their course learning progress.
- The added course will be automatically set as required to complete the training plan. To complete the training plan, the learner must complete this added course. Admins may change the Required For Completion settings from the Courses section of the training plan configuration panel.
- The learner's progress status (In progress) in this training plan remains unchanged, but the training plan progress percentage will be recalculated according to the updated number of courses are required for completion.
- The learner will see the added course on the training plan home page as part of the training plan.
- The learner won't receive any email notifications about the newly added course until they complete it.
Scenario #3
The learner has completed the training plan and the admin subsequently adds a course to this training plan. The learner is enrolled in this course separately. As a result:
- The learner keeps their existing enrollment in this course, as well as their course learning progress.
- The learner's progress status (Completed) in this training plan remains unchanged.
- The learner will see the added course on the training plan home page as part of the completed training plan.
- The learner won't receive any email notifications about the newly added courses or the training plan progress.
- If the learner completes the added course outside or within the training plan, they'll receive the Course completion confirmation email notification.
- If the learner is required to complete the added course, the catalog or course admin should reset the learner's training plan progress via the Clear progress option, the Force retake option, or by editing the training plan progress. For more information, see this article. The notification flow differs, depending on the selected option.
Scenario #4
The learner has completed the training plan, and the admin subsequently adds courses to this training plan. The learner isn't enrolled in these courses separately. As a result:
- The learner won't receive any email notifications about the newly added courses or the training plan progress.
- The learner's progress status (Completed) in this training plan remains unchanged.
- This learner won't be automatically enrolled in the added courses.
- The added courses will be automatically set as required to complete the training plan. Admins may change the Required For Completion settings via the Courses section of the training plan configuration panel.
- The learner will see the added courses on the training plan home page. The courses will be locked and the following note will be displayed: "This course is locked until you enroll into it."
- If the learner is required to complete the added courses as part of the training plan, the catalog or course admin should reset the learner's training plan progress via the Clear progress option, the Force retake option, or by editing the training plan progress. For more information, see this article. The notification flow differs, depending on the selected option.
If the learner is required to enroll in the added courses, they can do this in one of the following ways:
- Automatically enroll in the newly added courses when they complete any other course in the training plan.
- Catalog or course admins can manually enroll the learner in these courses.
- Self-enroll from the course home page. For this, they should select the title of the relevant course on the current training plan home page, which will redirect them to the course home page. From here, course enrollment and notification flows differ, depending on the course type.
- If the learner completes one of the added courses outside of the training plan (or the catalog or course admin manually completes the course for them) after this course was added to the training plan:
- The learner's training plan Completed status remains unchanged.
- The learner won't receive any email notifications about the training plan progress.
- The learner will be automatically enrolled in all the remaining added courses of the training plan and the learner will receive the Course enrollment confirmation notification for each of the remaining courses.
- And the learner is required to complete the added courses as part of the training plan, the catalog or course admin should reset the learner's training plan progress via the Clear progress option, the Force retake option, or by editing the training plan progress. For more information, see this article. The notification flow differs, depending on the selected option.
- If the learner is enrolled (with the Not started or In progress status) in one of the added courses outside of the training plan after the courses were added to the training plan:
- The learner's training plan Completed status remains unchanged.
- The learner won't receive any email notifications about the training plan progress.
- The learner won't be automatically enrolled in the remaining added courses of the training plan until the course is completed.
Scenario #5
The learner has completed the training plan, and the admin subsequently adds courses to this training plan. The learner has completed these added courses outside of the training plan before they were added to the training plan. As a result:
- The learner's training plan Completed status remains unchanged.
- The completed status of the added courses remains unchanged.
- The learner won't receive any email notifications about the training plan progress.
- The learner won't receive any email notifications about course progress.
- The learner can review these courses from within the training plan.
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