Generate the training duration report


The Training duration report shows the expected amount of time that learners will spend on training (as specified in the training settings) in the current catalog. The actual amount of time a learner takes to complete training might be different to the expected duration.



The report shows only training where the Duration (standard formats) is configured. To see if a course or training plan has this parameter set up, go to the Learn365 Admin Center > Training Management > select the relevant training > Edit course or Edit Training Plan.


In this article, you'll find information about how to generate the training duration report, and how to download and read it, via the Reports page.


Generate the Training duration report

Required role: catalog admin.

1. Go to the Learn365 Admin Center > Reports. The Reports page opens.

2. Select Download reports > Training duration report. The Training duration report panel opens.

3. From the opened Training duration report panel, set the relevant Start date and End date. The report will include all training in the current catalog that was completed between these dates.

4. When you're ready, select Export to Excel to generate the report.

When the report is generated, it will be downloaded to your device as an Excel file and will be available under Notifications (the bell icon). The report will display information in the language defined for the catalog via the Locale setting in the Learn365 Admin Center > Catalog settings > LMS Configuration > Regional settings. For more information, see this article.


Training duration report configuration


Explanation of the Training duration report

Training duration report output

Example of the Training duration report.


The Training duration report includes the following columns:

  • Learner’s name. Displays the name of the learner.
  • Email, Department. Displays additional information about learners, if this is available.
  • Catalog name. Displays the name of the catalog that contains the training.
  • Course Name. The name of the course or training plan.
  • Category. Categories associated with the course or training plan.
  • Course Duration (minutes). Shows the duration of the course or training plan in minutes. This number is taken from the Duration (standard formats) field in the Basic details section of the training configuration panel.
  • Completion date. The date and time the training was completed. Select the cell to see the time it was completed. The time is displayed according to the UTC time zone configured in the regional settings of the training.


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