Limit access to learners' learning progress details for course admins and line managers


Learn365 strives to ensure that customers have the relevant means to control privacy within their learning management solution with regards to personal information that can be perceived as sensitive in some organizational contexts.

This article will describe how to restrict the access to learners' learning progress details in Learn365 for course admins and line managers, the information that will be hidden when access is restricted, and the impacts on the progress dashboards and reports when access is restricted.


Limit access to learner details 

Required roles: LMS admin, Microsoft 365 global admin, SharePoint admin.

When Access to Full Learner Details for Course Administrators is disabled, course admins won't be able to track a learner's number of attempts, score, and time spent.

When Access to Full Learner Details for Line Managers is disabled, line managers won't be able to track learners' course and training plan scores in the downloaded learner's progress report.


To limit line manager and course admin access to learners’ details:

1. In the Learn365 Admin Center, go to > Global Settings > LMS Configuration > Access to full learner details.

2. On the opened Access to full learner details panel, drag the toggles to Off to disable Access to Full Learner Details for Line Managers and Course Administrators, if required. The default setting is Off.

3. Select Save to save the settings. To cancel the action, select Cancel.



Course admins don't have access to full learner details

Hidden details

When the Access to Full Learner Details for Course Administrators toggle is off, course admins won't have access to specific learners' progress information:

  • On course and training plan progress dashboards and reports, the Score column won't be displayed.

  • On the course progress dashboard, when selecting Delete attempt for a learning item, the opened window won't display the total attempts count or the previous status of an attempt.

  • Progress dashboards and reports that display learners' progress for content packages won't display the score, scale, average time, and the number of attempts, and the View learner's attempt action link will be disabled.

  • Progress dashboards and reports that display learners' progress for quizzes won't display the score, time spent, number of attempts, and the average time. The Actions column isn't displayed either so course admins can't view learner's answers or delete attempts.

  • On the question statistics page, there'll be no list of learners who answered the questions, total answers for each learner on each question, or correct and incorrect percentage of answers for each learner for each question.

  • Dashboards and reports that display learners' progress for learning modules won't display the following details: score, average time, and number of attempts.

In the next section, we describe each area of learners' progress dashboards and reports affected when the Access to Full Learner Details for Course Administrators option is disabled. 



The hidden information is still available via API, when building advanced custom reports via Power BI, and in other areas.


Changes to progress dashboards and reports 

Certain information won't be available for course admins on the progress dashboards and reports for courses and training plans.

In this section, we describe each area of the learner's progress dashboards and reports affected when the Access to Full Learner Details for Course Administrators option is disabled, and what information will be hidden by this setting.


Course and training plan progress details

When Access to Full Learner Details for Course Administrators is disabled, the course admin won't be able to track the score on the course and training plan progress dashboards because the Score column will be hidden, as you can see in the following image. The downloaded report from the course or training plan progress dashboard won't include the Score column.

The course and training plan dashboards can be found:

1. The Learn365 Admin Center > Training Management page > select the relevant course or training plan.

2. From the opened Course/Training Plan management panel, choose Course/Training Plan Progress.

To download the report from the course or training plan dashboard, select Download report.

More information about the course progress dashboard and report, and how to read the information presented, can be found in this article.

More information about the training plan progress dashboard and report, and how to read the information presented, can be found in this article.




Learning item attempt details on the course progress dashboard

When Access to Full Learner Details for Course Administrators is disabled, and the course admin selects the Delete attempt icon from the course progress panel to delete an attempt for a learning item, the course admin won't see the total attempts count and the status of the previous attempt in the opened window but can still select whether to delete all attempts or just the last one, as shown in the following image.




More information about managing options available on the course progress dashboard when full access to course admins is enabled can be found in this article.


Content package details

When Access to Full Learner Details for Course Administrators is disabled, the course admin won't be able to track the following learners’ progress details for content packages:

  • The Scale and Score columns will be hidden on the Learners’ Details panel and won't be included in the downloadable report. The View learner's attempt action link will be disabled when a user is selected on the Learners’ Details panel.

The Learners’ Details panel for content details can be found:

1. The Learn365 Admin Center > Training Management page > select the relevant course.

2. From the opened Course management panel, choose Manage Course Content > select the relevant content package > View Learners' Details. This opens the Learners’ Details panel.

Here, select Download report to download the report on the content package progress. When a learner is selected on the Learners’ Details panel, the View learner's attempt action link will be disabled. 

For more information about the learners' progress for a content package in a course, see this article.




  • The Score, Average Time, and Attempts columns won't be included in a course report that is produced for content packages and grouped by learner, as you can see in the following image.

For more information about how to generate and download course reports for content packages, see this article.



  • The Number of Attempts, Average Time, and Score columns won't be included in a course report that is produced for content packages and grouped by content package, as you can see in the following image.

For more information about how to generate and download course reports for content packages, see this article.




Quiz details and statistics

When Access to Full Learner Details for Course Administrators is disabled, the course admin won't be able to track the following learners’ progress details for quizzes:

  • The Score and Time spent columns will be hidden on the Learners' details for quiz panel and won't be included in the downloaded from this panel report. The Actions columns won't be displayed on the View learners' details panel. As the result, the Actions link isn't available, and course admin can't view learner's answers and delete attempts.

The Learners' details for quiz panel can be found the following way: 

1. In the Learn365 Admin Center > Training Management page > select the relevant course.

2. From the Course management panel, choose Manage Course Content > select the relevant quiz > View learners' details.

To download the report from the opened panel, select Export to excel. For more information about the learners' progress for quizzes, see this article.




  • The Score and Attempts columns won't be included in a course report that is produced for quizzes and grouped by learner, as you can see in the following image. For more information about how to generate and download course reports for quizzes, see this article.




  • The Number of Attempts, Average Time, and Score columns won't be included in a course report that is produced for quizzes and grouped by quiz, as you can see in the following image. For more information about how to generate and download course reports for quizzes, see this article.




  • The question statistics details for a quiz in a course.

When a catalog admin has limited the access for course admins to full learner's details, on the question statistic page, course admins won't see filters By question and By learner, the list of learners who answered the questions, total answers for each learner for each question, and the correct and incorrect percentage of answers for each learner for each question.

The course admin will still be able to track all the questions answered by learners, the total number of answers for each question, and the correct and incorrect percentage of answers for each question.

To view question statistic details, follow the steps:

1. In the Learn365 Admin Center, go to Training Management > Select a course > Course management > Manage Course Content.

2. From the course Content section, select the relevant quiz to open its Actions panel and select Question statistics.

3. On the opened Question statistics page, view available question statistics details.




Learning module details

When Access to Full Learner Details for Course Administrators is disabled, the course admin won't be able to track the following learners’ progress details for learning modules:

  • The Score, Average Time, and Attempts columns won't be included in a course report that is produced for learning modules grouped by learner, as you can see in the following image.
    For more information about how to generate and download course reports for learning modules, see this article.




  • The Number of Attempts, Average Time, and Score columns won't be included in a course report that is produced for learning modules grouped by learning module, as you can see in the following image. For more information about how to generate and download course reports for learning modules, see this article.




Line managers don't have access to full learner details

When Access to Full Learner Details for Line Managers is disabled, line managers won't be able to track learners' course and training plan scores in the downloaded learner's progress report because there Score column won't be included in the report. Other learner progress information will still be available to the line manager.

For more information about the learner's progress dashboard and report that's available to line managers, see this article.



The hidden information is still available via API, when building advanced custom reports via Power BI, and in other areas.


The line manager can download the user's progress report via My Training Dashboard > Line Manager Dashboard > Select the relevant user > View Learner's Progress > select Download report.





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