What content can I share within a course catalog and across course catalogs in my tenant?

With the sharing functionality, you can use quizzes in several courses in a course catalog; question pools and content packages across course catalogs in a tenant. In this article, we go through the sharing functionality for quizzes, question pools, and content packages. 


In this guide


Sharing quizzes

While creating and editing a quiz, you can choose how to share the quiz using the Shared to option. Choose one of the following options: 

  • Course catalog. The quiz can be used in all courses in the current course catalog. As a result, the quiz will be available for all sites of the courses of the site collection (course catalog).
  • Courses. The quiz can be shared to individual courses and can be used by all courses with which it is shared. As a result, the quiz will be available on the site of the courses with which the quiz is shared to.

For more information about sharing quizzes, see this article.


Sharing question pools

Question pools are tenant based. This means that by default, question pools are shared to all course catalogs in a tenant. When a question pool is created in one course catalog, it becomes available to be used in all course catalogs and all course sites in the tenant.

Question pools can be viewed, edited, and used by all catalog admins and course admins.

For more information about question pools, see this article.


Sharing content packages

Content packages are used to create units of online training and can be shared across Learn365. To define how content package is shared, while managing it, select the relevant option from the Sharing to drop-down list:

  • Not shared. If the content package was uploaded via the Content Package Storage and was shared neither to a course nor a course catalog, this content package will be visible only in Content package storage of the catalog it was uploaded to. To make it available in courses, it should be further shared. If the content package was uploaded via a course, it means this content package can only be used in the course to which it was uploaded.
  • Sharing to Courses. The content package can be used (viewed or edited) in the courses with which it is shared.
  • Sharing to Course Catalogs. The content package can be used (viewed or edited) in the course catalogs with which it is shared.
  • Shared to all. The content package can be used (viewed or edited) in all course catalogs in the tenant.

For more information about managing and sharing content packages, see this article.


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