Assessment is a content type that can be added to a course enables to evaluate learner's performance by an assigned supervisor.
The assessment can be based on anything relevant to completing the course. For example, learners can be asked to complete a manual task performed in the work location, such as handling machinery correctly, and this task is then be assessed by the supervisor.
As with other learning items in a course, assessments can be set as required for the course completion and the progress status can be tracked. The main difference is that assessments are completed by learners offline and outside of the course context and need to be manually approved by the assigned supervisor in order to be marked completed.
This article describes how to add assessments to a course, how to edit, hide, and delete them, and how to view the progress of assessments.
Create assessments
Required role: catalog admin or course admin.
As with all other learning items, assessments are added to a course in the Content section of the course configuration panel.
To create an assessment:
1. In the Learn365 Admin Center, go to Training Management and select the course you want to add an assessment to. The Course management panel opens.
2. On the Course management panel, select Manage Course Content. The Content section of the course configuration panel opens.
3. On the Content section, select Add learning item and from the drop-down menu select Assessment. The Add assessment panel opens.
4. On the Add assessment panel, complete the fields to create an assessment.
Name. The name of the assessment is displayed both in the Assessments section of My Training Dashboard (for individual users assigned as supervisors) and in the Assessments section of Line Manager Dashboard (for users assigned via the Line Manager role). This field is required.
Description. Provide any information relating to the assessment that you'd like the learner to be aware, such as the purpose, duration, contact details, etc. The description is displayed to learners on the course home page and when they start to engage with the learning. If this field is left empty, the assessment has no description displayed. The field is optional.
A rich-text editor is available for the description. You can insert a YouTube video, upload a video, an image, or a file from your local computer to enrich the assessment description. For customers with a Learn365 Professional or Select subscription, the rich text editor includes the spell check, accessibility checker, and PowerPaste features. You can expand the text field by selecting the Fullscreen icon in the rich text editor. This gives you more space when you're working with the text.
Specify Supervisor. Specify the users who can evaluate the assessment. You can assign individual users present in the tenant or external users added to the catalog, or select the Line manager role to automatically assign each learner's line manager as their supervisor. This field is required.
Multiple supervisors can be assigned to the same assessment, but only one approval is required in order to mark the assessment as completed.
The supervisor role gives no access to manage courses but enables supervisors to see the list of assessments they need to approve and approve them from the Assessments section of My Training Dashboard (individual users assigned as supervisors) or from Assessments in the Line Manager Dashboard (line manager assigned as supervisors via the Line Manager role). Users are notified with an email when they are assigned or unassigned as supervisor to an assessment.
Display supervisor names. The toggle enables course catalog and course admins control the display of supervisors' names to learners. The toggle is Off by default thus names of assessment's supervisors aren't displayed to learners. Toggle it On to make the names of the supervisors assigned as assessment displayed to learners.
If the Line Manager role is used to assigned supervisors, the learner will see the name of their line manager in the Learn365 player.
5. Save to create the assessment and add it to the course or Cancel to discard.
All assessments added to a course are automatically marked as required to complete the course. To change the completion requirements, navigate to the Course management panel > Course completion settings > and configure the learning items required to complete the course.
For learners, assessments are displayed on the course home page in the Content block.
For supervisors assigned as individual users, the assessments they are assigned to are displayed in the Assessments section of My Training Dashboard. Find more information about the Assessments section and its options here.
If the supervisor currently has no assessments to review, the Assessments section is displayed empty.
For supervisors assigned via the Line Manager role, the assessments they are assigned to are displayed under Assessments in the actions panel of the Line Manager Dashboard. Find more information about the Assessments of the Line Manager Dashboard here.
When supervisors evaluate assessments, they now have the option to provide feedback to the learner.
This can be done either by adding a comment when approving the assessment or by emailing the learner from the assessment in question, for example, if they want to provide feedback to the learner on why the assessment can't be approved.
After any of the assigned supervisors approves an assessment, the learner receives the Assessment Reviewed notification, which informs learners about a change to their assessment status and shows the date and time that the supervisor approved the assessment. Moreover, the notification will show the supervisor's feedback, which they provided when approving the assessment.
Manage assessments from courses
Required role: catalog admin or course admin.
Course and catalog admins can view and manage learning items added to a course, including assessments, from the course configuration panel:
1. In the Learn365 Admin Center, go to Training Management and select the relevant course. The Course management panel opens.
2. On the Course management panel, select Manage Course Content. The Content section of the course configuration panel opens with an overview of all learning items of the course, including assessments. Find more about the Content section and its capabilities in this article.
3. In the Content section, select an assessment you want to view and/or manage. The Actions panel of this assessment opens with the four available options displayed:
- View Learner's Details.
- Edit assessment.
- Hide Assessment/Make Assessment Visible (depends on the current visibility status).
- Delete assessment.
View Learners' Details
Required role: catalog admin or course admin.
The View Learner's Details action link enables to view the list of users currently enrolled in the course, their progress with the assessment and the date of the assessment approval (if approved).
For users who have been unenrolled from the course, their assessment's progress remains in users' records and becomes available to view after you re-enroll these users in the course.
The assessment progress panel has three columns with information displayed:
Name. Shows the names of the users that are currently enrolled in the course. By default, learners are displayed in the alphabetical order. The column can be used for sorting A-Z or Z-A by selecting the name of the column.
Status. Shows the progress status of learners and can be either Not started (the assessment isn't yet approved by a supervisor) or Completed (the assessment is approved by a supervisor thus is marked completed). The column can be used for sorting A-Z or Z-A by selecting the name of the column.
- Completed. Shows the exact date and time when a supervisor has approved the assessment. For unapproved assessments this column is empty. The column can be used for sorting ascending or descending by selecting the name of the column.
The menu bar of the assessment progress panel provides three options:
- The Export to Excel option enables to download progress records of the assessment to your computer. The downloaded report only contains the progress of the currently enrolled users whose status matches the status set in the All statuses filter.
- Filter by status - All statuses, Not started, or Completed filtering parameters are available. By default, the filter is set as All statuses. You can select only one status type at once.
- Use the Search field to find a specific learner. The search runs on the names of learners only.
Also, on the assessment progress panel you can delete the progress of these learners only who have completed the assessment. To do this, select the relevant learner and from the Actions panel opened, select Delete learner's progress. A confirmation message asks you to confirm the action. Confirming the deletion, you delete learner's last attempt, and this can't be undone.
Edit Assessment
Required role: catalog admin or course admin.
The Edit assessment action link opens the assessment configuration panel where you to edit the selected assessment and change the values in all fields. Save the changes or Cancel to discard. Find more about the assessment configuration panel in the Create assessments section of this article.
Notifications aren't sent to inform learners and supervisors when an assessment is updated.
Hide Assessment
Required role: catalog admin or course admin.
The Hide Assessment action link enables course catalog and course admins to make the assessment invisible and thus unavailable for learners on the course home page or in the Learn365 player.
When hiding an assessment, in the confirmation message you need to confirm the action with Hide or Cancel to discard. The current visibility status of the assessment is displayed in the column next to the item's title. Find more about the hiding option in this article.
For already hidden assessments, the Hide Assessment action link is transformed into Make Assessment Visible. Select Make Assessment Visible to make the hidden assessment visible and available for learners on the course home page or in the Learn365 player.
If a hidden item is required to progress or complete the course, learners can't to do this without the help of an admin.
Delete assessment
Required role: catalog admin or course admin.
The Delete assessment action link enables course catalog and course admins to completely delete the assessment from the course.
When deleting an assessment, in the confirmation message you need to confirm the action with Hide or Cancel to discard. After confirmation, the assessment is deleted from the course and this action can't be undone.
Manage the progress of assessments
Progress of an assessment can be managed three ways: from the Course progress panel and from the Users page. In this section we describe both ways.
From the Course progress panel
Required role: catalog admin or course admin.
Course and catalog admins can view and manage the progress status of learners' assessments from the Course progress panel.
1. In the Learn365 Admin Center, go to Training Management and select the relevant course. The Course management panel opens.
2. On the Course management panel, select Course progress. The course progress panel opens.
3. On the course progress panel, expand the relevant learner to view progress details of all learning items of the course, including assessments.
For assessments, the possible status can be either Not started (with 0% progress) or Completed (with 100% progress after supervisor's approval). The status In progress in unavailable for assessments because assessments can be approved by a supervisor, course admin, or catalog admin (Completed) or not approved (Not started).
To change the progress status of an assessment, use one of three available ways depending on the current progress status of the assessment and on your goal:
1. For a Not started assessment. Select the edit (pencil) icon next to the relevant learner. The course progress panel of the selected learner opens where you can edit the learner's progress with all learning items in the course—including assessments. Select the relevant assessment and change its status from Not started (0% progress) to Completed (100% progress). Save to apply your changes.
2. For a Completed assessment. Select the edit (pencil) icon next to the relevant learner. The course progress panel of the selected learner opens where you can edit the learner's progress with all learning items in the course—including assessments. Select the relevant assessment and change its status from Completed (100% progress) to Not started (0% progress). Save to apply your changes.
3. For a Completed assessment. Another way to change the assessment's status for the learner from Completed to Not started (with 0% progress) is to select the red cross icon next to the completed assessment. This red icon is the Delete attempt option which allows to delete learner's progress with the assessment. In the confirmation message you can select any of two options (all attempts or Last Attempt) as assessments can have only one attempt—current one, thus both options have the same end result.
Confirm the action with Delete or Cancel to discard. After confirmation, the learner's progress with the assessment is deleted and this action can't be undone.
4. For a Completed assessment. Select the Clear progress (red cross) icon next to the relevant learner.
The clear user progress panel opens where you can reset user's progress status of all learning items listed on the panel to Not started by clearing user's progress on these items. The panel shows only these learning items that the user has any progress with (started, failed, completed) and all completed items are preselected by default. Clear the checkboxes of the items the progress of which you don't want to reset and select Delete. The reset can't be undone, although be aware that no confirmation message appears to warn you and ask for confirmation.
From the Users panel
Required role: catalog admin.
Catalog admins can view and manage the progress status of learner's assessments from the Users panel.
1. In the Learn365 Admin Center, go to Users and select the relevant user. The User(s) action panel opens.
2. On the User(s) action panel, select View Learner's Progress to show the user's progress panel.
3. On the user's progress panel, expand the relevant course to view and manage the progress status with the course and learning items inside it, including assessments.
For assessments, the possible status can be either Not started (with 0% progress) or Completed (with 100% progress after supervisor's approval). The status In progress in unavailable for assessments as assessments can be approved by a supervisor, course admin, or catalog admin (Completed) or not approved (Not started).
To change the progress status of an assessment, use one of three available ways depending on the current progress status of the assessment and on your goal:
1. For a Not started assessment. Select the edit (pencil) icon next to the relevant learner. The course progress panel of the selected learner opens where you can edit the learner's progress with all learning items in the course—including assessments. Select the relevant assessment and change its status from Not started (0% progress) to Completed (100% progress). Save to apply your changes.
2. For a Completed assessment. Select the edit (pencil) icon next to the relevant learner. The course progress panel of the selected learner opens where you can edit the learner's progress with all learning items in the course—including assessments. Next to the relevant assessment and change its status from Completed (100% progress) to Not started (0% progress). Save to apply your changes.
3. For a Completed assessment. Another way to change the assessment's status for the learner from Completed to Not started (with 0% progress) is to select the red cross icon next to the completed assessment. This red icon is the Delete attempt option which allows to delete learner's progress with the assessment.
Confirm the action with Delete or Cancel to discard. After confirmation, the learner's progress with the assessment is deleted and this action can't be undone.
4. For a Completed assessment. Select the Clear progress (red cross) icon next to the relevant learner.
The clear user progress panel opens where you can reset user's progress status of all learning items listed on the panel to Not started by deleting user's progress on these items. The panel shows only these learning items that the user has any progress with (started, failed, completed) and all completed items are preselected by default. Clear the checkboxes of the items the progress of which you don't want to reset and select Delete. The reset can't be undone, although be aware that no confirmation message appears to warn you and ask for confirmation.
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