Catalog and course admins can reset learners' progress by either forcing a retake of a course or training plan from the Learn365 Admin Center, or enabling learners to decide themselves if they'd like to retake a course or training plan via the Voluntary Retake option.
The Voluntary Retake option enables learners to retake training to refresh their knowledge, improve their score, and update certificates and skills, etc.
This guide provides information about the retake option, how admins can initiate a retake for a course or training plan, and how learners can retake training when the Voluntary Retake option is enabled.
- When learners retake a course, their progress is reset, and their course status is set to Not started. Their progress for all learning items of the course is also reset, and this will be reflected in the catalog reports.
- When learners retake a training plan, their progress is reset, and their training plan status is set to Not started. Their progress for the training plan and all of its courses is also reset, and this will be reflected in the catalog reports.
Learners can review the content of courses and training plans in which they're enrolled at any time, even if the retake option is disabled.
Retake an e-learning course
Initiated by an admin
Required role: catalog or course admin.
Admins can force a retake of completed e-learning courses in one of the following ways:
- Catalog and course admins can enable the automatic Forced retake option in the Settings section of the course configuration panel. Learn365 will force the course retake for learners based on this setting. When the forced retake is initiated, learners will receive a notification if they're enrolled in the course and the course is active. For detailed steps how to set up the option, see this article.
The forced retake rule will run even if the Forced retake option in the Settings section of the training configuration panel is set to minimum number of days after completion after a learner has completed the course, provided the learner is still enrolled, and the course is active.
- In the Learn365 Admin Center, from the Learner's Progress panel, catalog admins can force an individual learner to retake a completed e-learning course by selecting the Force retake icon. For detailed steps, see this guide.
- In the Learn365 Admin Center, from the Course Progress panel, catalog and course admins can force individual, multiple, or all learners enrolled in a course to retake a completed e-learning course by selecting the Force retake icon. For detailed steps, see this guide.
After a retake is initiated, the course status will change to Not started, and the information on learners' previous completions will still be available in their Transcript.
Notifications flow
Enrollment flow type: automatic approval, line manager, or administrator approval
When an e-learning course retake is initiated in one of the ways mentioned above, the learner will receive the Course retake is required notification. The learner may start the course retake by following the link directly from the email notification.
Initiated by a learner
Required role: learner who is enrolled in the course and has completed it.
If the Voluntary Retake option is enabled in course settings and the course is completed, learners can initiate a retake of the course from either My Training Dashboard or the course home page.
To retake an e-learning course from My Training Dashboard, learners should select the Retake Course icon on the training card or select this option from the ellipsis menu of the training card on the course catalog page.
To retake an e-learning course from the course home page, learners should select Retake course in the Information section.
Using either of these methods to initiate a retake will display a message. The message informs learners that their course progress will be reset and the course status will change to Not started. However, if they've previously completed the course, information about previous completions will still be available in their Transcript.
To proceed and reset their course progress, learners should select Retake. To cancel the action, select Cancel.
If the course enrollment type is automatic, the learner can directly start the course retake.
If the course enrollment type requires admin approval, the learner will be notified that the enrollment request is pending. They'll be able to retake the course only after the admin's approval.
Notifications flow
When a learner initiates a retake of an e-learning course with:
- Enrollment flow type: automatic approval
Email notifications aren't sent. To retake and complete the course, learners should start from the course home page.
- Enrollment flow type: line manager or administrator approval
- The Course enrollment pending approval notification is sent to the learner.
- The approver (the course admin or line manager) will receive the Course enrollment request to approve or reject the enrollment request.
- If the enrollment request is approved, the learner will receive the Course enrollment confirmation email notification. To retake the course, learners should navigate to the course home page. This can be done by following the link directly from the Course enrollment confirmation email notification. If rejected, they'll receive the Course enrollment rejection email notification.
Retake an instructor-led course
The single- enrollment type
Initiated by an admin
Required role: catalog or course admin.
Admins can force a retake of completed instructor-led training in one of the following ways:
- Catalog and course admins can enable the automatic Forced retake option in the Settings section of the course configuration panel. Learn365 will force the course retake for learners based on this setting. When the forced retake is initiated, learners will receive a notification if they're enrolled in the course and the course is active. For detailed steps how to set up the option, see this article.
- In the Learn365 Admin Center, from the Learner's Progress panel, catalog admins can force an individual learner to retake a completed instructor-led training by selecting the Force retake icon. For detailed steps, see this guide.
- In the Learn365 Admin Center, from the Course Progress panel, catalog and course admins can force an individual, multiple, or all learners enrolled in a course to retake a completed instructor-led training by selecting the Force retake icon. For detailed steps, see this guide.
After a retake is initiated, the course status will change to Not started, and the information on learners' previous completions will still be available in their Transcript.
Notifications flow
When an instructor-led training retake is initiated in one of the ways mentioned above, the notification flow depends on the course enrollment type.
- Enrollment flow type: automatic approval
If attendance is required to complete the course, learners have to register for a session or a session group to complete the course. If attendance isn't required, the learner can proceed with the retake and complete the course without session or session group registration only by passing the content of the course.
When the Allow enrollment without session registration option is disabled in the course settings, the notifications flow is as follows:
- If the learner was registered for a future standalone session or a session group at the time the course retake was initiated, they'll receive a canceled Instructor-led training scheduled-appointment invitation email notification for a standalone session or separate notifications for each of the sessions within a group. If the learner attended all the required sessions, then no notification of this type is sent.
- The learner will receive the Instructor-led training retake is required notification. The learner may start the course retake by following the link directly from the email notification.
- The Session registration request email notification is sent to the learner as a reminder to select a session or a session group to retake the course. The learner may follow the Select course session link in the notification to navigate to the course home page.
- When the learner registers for a standalone session or a session group that has available seats in order to retake the course, they'll receive the Instructor-led training scheduled-appointment invitation email notifications for each session (standalone or within a session group).
The learner can't select a standalone session or a session group that has No places available even if the Waiting List option for the course is enabled. If they try to select either of these, they'll see a warning message. To proceed with the retake, they should select either a standalone session or a session group that has seats available.
When the Allow enrollment without session registration option is enabled in the course settings, the notifications flow is as follows:
If attendance is required to complete the course, learners have to register for a session or a session group to complete the course. If attendance isn't required, the learner can proceed with the retake and complete the course without session or session group registration only by passing the content of the course.
The notifications flow is as follows:
- If the learner was registered for an active standalone session or a session group at the time the course retake was initiated, they'll receive a canceled Instructor-led training scheduled – appointment invitation email notification for a standalone session or separate notifications for each of the sessions within a group. If the learner attended all the required sessions, then no notification of this type is sent.
- The learner will receive the Instructor-led training retake is required notification. The learner may start the course retake by following the link directly from the email notification.
- If the learner registers for a standalone session or a session group that has available seats, they'll receive the Instructor-led training scheduled – appointment invitation email notifications for each session (standalone or within a session group).
The learner can't select a standalone session or a session group that has No places available even if the Waiting List option for the course is enabled. If they try to select either of these, they'll see a warning message. To proceed with the retake, they should select either a standalone session or a session group that has seats available.
- Enrollment flow type: line manager or administrator approval
If attendance is required to complete the course, learners have to register for a session or a session group to complete the course. If attendance isn't required, the learner can proceed with the retake and complete the course without session or session group registration only by passing the content of the course.
Upon retake of a course that requires line manager or administrator approval, the learner's registration for the session or a session group is automatically confirmed after the learner selects a session or a session group. This happens because the retake is initiated by the admin.
If the Allow enrollment without session registration option is disabled in the course settings, the notifications flow is as follows:
- If the learner was registered for a standalone session or a session group at the time the course retake was initiated, they'll receive a canceled Instructor-led training scheduled-appointment invitation email notification for a standalone session or separate notifications for each of the sessions within a group. If the learner attended all the required sessions, then no notification of this type is sent.
- The learner will receive the Instructor-led training retake is required notification.
- The Session registration request email notification is sent to the learner.
- If the learner registers for a retake of a standalone session or a session group that has available seats, they'll receive the Instructor-led training scheduled-appointment invitation email notifications for each session (standalone or within a session group).
The learner can't select a standalone session or a session group that has No places available even if the Waiting List option for the course is enabled. If they try to select either of these, they'll see a warning message. To proceed with the retake, they should select either a standalone session or a session group that has seats available.
If the Allow enrollment without session registration option is enabled in the course settings, the notifications flow is as follows:
If attendance is required to complete the course, learners have to register for a session or a session group and visit it to complete the course. If attendance isn't required, the learner can proceed with the retake and complete the course without session registration only by passing the content of the course.
The notifications flow is as follows:
- If the learner was registered for a standalone session or a session group at the time the course retake was initiated, they'll receive a canceled Instructor-led training scheduled – appointment invitation email notification for a standalone session or separate notifications for each of the sessions within a group. If the learner attended all the required sessions, then no notification of this type is sent.
- The learner will receive the Instructor-led training retake is required notification.
- If the learner registers for a retake of a standalone session or a session group that has available seats, they'll receive the Instructor-led training scheduled – appointment invitation email notifications for each session (standalone or within a session group).
The learner can't select a standalone session or a session group that has No places available even if the Waiting List option for the course is enabled. If they try to select either of these, they'll see a warning message. To proceed with the retake, they should select either a standalone session or a session group that has seats available.
Initiated by a learner
Required role: learner who is enrolled in the course and has completed it.
- The Retake course option is displayed only if the course has active sessions or session groups.
- If learner need to register for a session or a session group to retake the course, standalone sessions or session groups that don't have any seats available can't be retaken, even if the Waiting List option is enabled. In this case, the Retake course option remains inactive until an active standalone session or a session group with available seats is selected. However, the Retake course option becomes active if the learner selects a session for which they're currently registered and the session doesn't have any available seats.
If the Voluntary Retake option is enabled and the instructor-led course is completed, learners can initiate a retake of the course from My Training Dashboard or the course home page.
To retake an instructor-led course from My Training Dashboard, learners should select the Retake Course icon on the training card or select this option from the ellipsis menu of the training card on the course catalog page.
To retake an instructor-led course from the course home page, learners should select Retake course in the Information section, if the Allow enrollment without session registration option is enabled. Otherwise, they will need first to select a standalone session or session group to register for to activate the Retake course option.
Using either of these methods to initiate a retake will display a message. The message informs learners that their course progress will be reset, and the course status will change to Not started. However, if they've previously completed the course, information about previous completions will still be available in their Transcript.
To proceed and reset their course progress, learners should select Retake. To cancel the action, select Cancel.
If the course enrollment type is automatic, the learner can directly start the course retake.
If the course enrollment type requires admin approval, the learner will be notified that the enrollment request is pending. They'll be able to retake the course only after the admin's approval.
Notifications flow
When a learner initiates a retake of an instructor-led course with:
- Enrollment flow type: automatic approval
If the Allow enrollment without session registration option is disabled in course settings, the Retake course option becomes active when the learner selects an active standalone session or a session group.
- If the learner was registered for a standalone session or a session group at the time the course retake was initiated, they'll receive a canceled Instructor-led training scheduled – appointment invitation email notification for that session or separate notifications for each session in the group. If the learner attended all the required sessions, then no notification of this type is sent.
- The learner will receive the Instructor-led training scheduled – appointment invitation email notification for the selected standalone session or session group to retake a course.
If the Allow enrollment without session registration option is enabled in course settings, the Retake course option is active, regardless of whether the course has any active standalone sessions or session groups, or whether any standalone session or session group is selected by the learner.
- If the learner was registered for a standalone session or a session group at the time the course retake was initiated, they'll receive a canceled Instructor-led training scheduled – appointment invitation email notification for that session or separate notifications for each session in the group. If the learner attended all the required sessions, then no notification of this type is sent.
- If the learner doesn't register for a session or a session group to retake a course, they won't receive any appointment invite email notifications. If the learner registers for a standalone session or a session group that has available seats, they'll receive the Instructor-led training scheduled – appointment invitation email notification for a standalone session or each session in a session group.
If attendance is required to complete the course, learners have to register for a standalone session or a session group and visit it to complete the course. If attendance isn't required, the learner can proceed with the retake and complete the course without session registration only by passing the content of the course.
- Enrollment flow type: line manager or administrator approval
If the Allow enrollment without session registration option is disabled in course settings, the Retake course option becomes active once the learner selects an active standalone session or a session group.
- If the learner was registered for a standalone session or a session group at the time the course retake was initiated, they'll receive a canceled Instructor-led training scheduled – appointment invitation email notification for a standalone session or each of the sessions within the group. If the learner attended all the required sessions, then no notification of this type is sent.
- The Course enrollment pending approval notification is sent to the learner.
- The approver (the course admin or line manager) will receive the Course enrollment request so they can approve or reject the enrollment request.
- If the enrollment request is approved, the learner will receive the Instructor-led training enrollment confirmation email notification. If rejected, they'll receive the Course enrollment rejection email notification.
- Once approved, the learner will receive the Instructor-led training scheduled – appointment invitation email notification for each session (standalone or within a session group) for which they registered when they initiated the retake.
When the retake is confirmed, the course status will change to Not started. To take and complete the course, the learner should navigate to the course home page.
If attendance is required to complete the course, learners will have to register for a session or a session group and visit it to complete the course. If attendance isn't required, the learner can proceed with the retake and complete the course without session registration only by passing the content of the course.
If the Allow enrollment without session registration option is enabled in course settings, the Retake course option is active, regardless of whether the course has any active standalone sessions or session groups, or whether any session or session group is selected by the learner.
- If the learner was registered for any course session or a session group at the time the course retake was initiated, they'll receive a canceled Instructor-led training scheduled – appointment invitation email for the session or separate notifications for each session of the group. If the learner attended all the required sessions, then no notification of this type is sent.
- The Course enrollment pending approval confirmation is sent to the learner.
- The approver (the course admin or line manager) will receive the Course enrollment pending approval so they can approve or reject the enrollment request.
- If the enrollment request is approved, the learner will receive the Instructor-led training enrollment confirmation email. If rejected, they'll receive the Course enrollment rejection email.
- Once approved, the learner will receive the Instructor-led training scheduled – appointment invitation email notification for each session (standalone or within a group) for which they've registered when they initiated the retake and for which there are available seats. If the learner doesn't register for a session or session group, they won't receive any session-related email notifications.
When the retake is confirmed, the course status will change to Not started. To take and complete the course, the learner should navigate to the course home page.
If attendance is required to complete the course, learners will have to register for a session or a session group and visit it to complete the course. If attendance isn't required, the learner can proceed with the retake and complete the course without session registration only by passing the content of the course.
The multiple- enrollment type
Initiated by an admin
Required role: catalog or course admin.
Admins can force a retake of completed instructor-led training in one of the following ways:
- Catalog and course admins can enable the automatic Forced retake option in the Settings section of the course configuration panel. Learn365 will force the course retake for learners based on this setting. When the forced retake is initiated, learners will receive a notification if they're enrolled in the course and the course is active. For detailed steps how to set up the option, see this article.
- In the Learn365 Admin Center, from the Learner's Progress panel, catalog admins can force an individual learner to retake a completed instructor-led training by selecting the Force retake icon. For detailed steps, see this guide.
- In the Learn365 Admin Center, from the Course Progress panel, catalog and course admins can force an individual, multiple, or all learners enrolled in a course to retake a completed instructor-led training by selecting the Force retake icon. For detailed steps, see this guide.
After retake is initiated, the course status will change to Not started, and the information on learners' previous completions will still be available in their Transcript.
Notifications flow
When an admin initiates a retake of an instructor-led course with:
- Enrollment flow type: automatic approval
If the Allow enrollment without session registration option is disabled in the course settings:
- If the learner was registered for any future standalone sessions and/or session groups at the time the course retake was initiated, they'll receive a canceled Instructor-led training scheduled – appointment invitation email notification for all the sessions (standalone or within session groups). If the learner attended all the required sessions, then no notification of this type is sent.
- The learner will receive the Instructor-led training retake is required notification. The learner may start the course retake by following the link directly from the email notification.
- The Session registration request email notification is sent to the learner.
- If the learner registers for a standalone session or a session group that has available seats, they'll receive the Instructor-led training scheduled – appointment invitation email notification for each session (standalone or within session groups).
- If the learner selects standalone sessions and/or session groups that don't have any available seats and the Waiting List option is enabled in course settings, the learner and the course admin will receive the Adding to the Waiting List Confirmation email notification.
When the retake is confirmed, the course status will change to Not started. To take and complete the course, the learner should navigate to the course home page.
If attendance is required to complete the course, learners will have to register for the required number of sessions and/or session groups and visit them to complete the course. If attendance isn't required, the learner can proceed with the retake and complete the course without session or session group registration only by passing the content of the course.
If the Allow enrollment without session registration option is enabled in the course settings:
- If the learner was registered for any standalone sessions and/or session groups at the time the course retake was initiated, they'll receive a canceled Instructor-led training scheduled – appointment invitation email notification for each session (standalone or within a group). If the learner attended all the required sessions, then no notification of this type is sent.
- The learner will receive the Instructor-led training retake is required notification. The learner may start course retake by following the link directly from the email notification.
- If the learner registers for standalone sessions or session groups that have available seats, they'll receive the Instructor-led training scheduled – appointment invitation email notification for each session (standalone or within a group).
- If the learner selects sessions or session groups that don't have any available seats and the Waiting List option is enabled in course settings, the learner and the course admin will receive the Adding to the Waiting List Confirmation email notification for the standalone sessions and session groups that don't have any available seats.
When the retake is confirmed, the course status will change to Not started. To take and complete the course, the learner should navigate to the course home page.
If attendance is required to complete the course, learners will have to register for the required number of sessions and/or session groups and visit them to complete the course. If attendance isn't required, the learner can proceed with the retake and complete the course without session or session group registration only by passing the content of the course.
- Enrollment flow type: line manager or administrator approval
Upon retake of a course that requires line manager or administrator approval, the learner's registration for the session or a session group is automatically confirmed after the learner selects a session or a session group. This is done because the retake is initiated by the admin.
If the Allow enrollment without session registration option is disabled in the course settings:
- If the learner was registered for any standalone sessions and/or session groups at the time the course retake was initiated, they'll receive a canceled Instructor-led training scheduled – appointment invitations email notification for each session (standalone or within a group). If the learner attended all the required sessions, then no notification of this type is sent.
- The learner will receive the Instructor-led training retake is required notification.
- The Session registration request email notification is sent to the learner.
- If the learner registers for a standalone session and/or a session group that has available seats, they'll receive the Instructor-led training scheduled – appointment invitation email notification for each session.
- If the learner selects standalone sessions and/or session groups that don't have any available seats and the Waiting List option is enabled in course settings, the learner and the course admin will receive the Adding to the Waiting List Confirmation email notification for the standalone sessions and session groups that don't have any available seats.
When the retake is confirmed, the course status will change to Not started. To take and complete the course, the learner should navigate to the course home page.
If attendance is required to complete the course, learners will have to register for the required number of sessions and/or session groups and visit them to complete the course. If attendance isn't required, the learner can proceed with the retake and complete the course without session or session group registration only by passing the content of the course.
If the Allow enrollment without session registration option is enabled in the course settings:
- If the learner was registered for any standalone sessions and/or session groups at the time the course retake was initiated, they'll receive a canceled Instructor-led training scheduled – appointment invitation email notification for all the sessions (standalone or within session groups). If the learner attended all the required sessions, then no notification of this type is sent.
- The learner will receive the Instructor-led training retake is required notification.
- If the learner registers for a standalone session or a session group that has available seats, they'll receive the Instructor-led training scheduled – appointment invitation email notification for each session (standalone or within session groups).
- If the learner selects standalone sessions and/or session groups that don't have any available seats and the Waiting List option is enabled in course settings, the learner and the course admin will receive the Adding to the Waiting List Confirmation email notification for the standalone sessions and session groups that don't have any available seats.
When the retake is confirmed, the course status will change to Not started. To take and complete the course, the learner should navigate to the course home page.
If attendance is required to complete the course, learners will have to register for the required number of sessions and/or session groups and visit them to complete the course. If attendance isn't required, the learner can proceed with the retake and complete the course without session or session group registration only by passing the content of the course.
Initiated by a learner
Required role: learner who is enrolled in the course and has completed it.
- The Retake course option is displayed only if the course has active standalone sessions and/or session groups.
- If learners need to register for standalone sessions and/or session groups to retake the course, sessions that don't have any seats available can't be retaken, even if the Waiting List option is enabled. In this case, the Retake course option will remain inactive until at least one of the selected standalone sessions or session groups becomes active and has available seats. However, if the learner is currently registered for a session that doesn't have any available seats, this session, when selected, activates the Retake course option.
If the Voluntary Retake option is enabled and the instructor-led course is completed, learners can initiate a retake for the course from My Training Dashboard or from the course home page.
To retake an instructor-led course from My Training Dashboard, learners should select the Retake Course icon on the training card or select this option from the ellipsis menu of the training card on the course catalog page.
To retake an instructor-led course from the course home page, learners should select Retake course in the Information section.
Using either of these methods to initiate a retake will display a message. The message informs learners that their course progress will be reset and the course status will change to Not started. However, if they've previously completed the course, information about previous completions will still be available in their Transcript.
To proceed and reset their course progress, learners should select Retake to proceed. To cancel the action, select Cancel.
If the course enrollment type is automatic, the learner can directly start the course retake.
If the course enrollment type requires admin approval, the learner will be notified that the enrollment request is pending. They'll be able to retake the course only after the admin's approval.
Notifications flow
When a learner initiates a retake of an instructor-led course with:
- Enrollment flow type: automatic approval
If the Allow enrollment without session registration option is disabled in course settings, the Retake course option becomes active when the learner selects at least one active standalone session or session group that has available seats.
- If the learner was registered for any future standalone session and/or session group at the time the course retake was initiated, they'll receive a canceled Instructor-led training scheduled – appointment invitation email notification for each session (standalone or within a group). If the learner attended all the required sessions, then no notification of this type is sent.
- If the learner selects any active standalone session and/or session group when initiating the retake, they'll receive the Instructor-led training scheduled – appointment invitation email notifications for each session (standalone or within a group).
- If the learner selects sessions or groups that don't have any available seats and the Waiting List option is enabled in course settings, the learner and the course admin will receive the Adding to the Waiting List Confirmation email notification for the sessions and groups that don't have any available seats.
If attendance is required to complete the course, learners will have to register for the required number of sessions and visit them to complete the course. If attendance isn't required, the learner can proceed with the retake and complete the course without session or session group registration only by passing the content of the course.
If the Allow enrollment without session registration option is enabled in course settings, the Retake course option is active, regardless of whether the course has any active sessions, or whether any sessions are selected by the learner.
- If the learner was registered for any future standalone sessions and/or session groups at the time the course retake was initiated, they'll receive a canceled Instructor-led training scheduled – appointment invitation email notification for all the sessions (standalone or within session groups). If the learner attended all the required sessions, then no notification of this type is sent.
- If the learner doesn't register for any active sessions and/or session groups, they won't receive any appointment invite email notifications.
- If the learner registers for any sessions that have available seats, they'll receive the Instructor-led training scheduled – appointment invitation email notifications for these sessions and/or session groups.
- If the learner selects standalone sessions and/or session groups that don't have any available seats and the Waiting List option is enabled in course settings, the learner and the course admin will receive the Adding to the Waiting List Confirmation email notification for the standalone sessions and session groups that don't have any available seats.
If attendance is required to complete the course, learners will have to register for the required number of sessions and/or session groups and visit them to complete the course. If attendance isn't required, the learner can proceed with the retake and complete the course without session or session group registration only by passing the content of the course.
- Enrollment flow type: line manager or administrator approval
If the Allow enrollment without session registration option is disabled in course settings, the Retake course option becomes when the learner selects any active standalone course session or session group that has available seats, or when they select any of the sessions or groups for which they're currently registered.
- If the learner was registered for any future standalone sessions and/or session groups at the time the course retake was initiated, they'll receive a canceled Instructor-led training scheduled – appointment invitation email notification for all the sessions (standalone or within session groups). If the learner attended all the required sessions, then no notification of this type is sent.
- The Course enrollment pending approval notification is sent to the learner.
- The approver (the course admin or line manager) will receive the Course enrollment request so they can approve or reject the enrollment request.
- If the enrollment request is approved, the learner will receive the Instructor-led training enrollment confirmation email notification. If rejected, they'll receive the Course enrollment rejection email notification.
- Once approved, the learner will receive the Instructor-led training scheduled – appointment invitation email notification for each session (standalone or within a group) for which they registered when they initiated the retake and for which there are available seats.
- If the learner selects standalone sessions and/or session groups that don't have any available seats and the Waiting List option is enabled in course settings, the learner and the course admin will receive the Adding to the Waiting List Confirmation email notification for the standalone sessions and session groups that don't have any available seats.
When the retake is confirmed, the course status will change to Not started. To take and complete the course, the learner should navigate to the course home page.
If attendance is required to complete the course, learners will have to register for the required number of sessions and/or session groups and visit them to complete the course. If attendance isn't required, the learner can proceed with the retake and complete the course without session or session group registration only by passing the content of the course.
If the Allow enrollment without session registration option is enabled in course settings, the Retake course option is active, regardless of whether the course has any active sessions or session groups, or whether any sessions or session groups are selected by the learner.
- If the learner was registered for any standalone sessions and/or session groups at the time the course retake was initiated, they'll receive a canceled Instructor-led training scheduled – appointment invitation email notification for all the sessions (standalone or within session groups). If the learner attended all the required sessions, then no notification of this type is sent.
- The Course enrollment pending approval notification is sent to the learner.
- The approver (the course admin or line manager) will receive the Course enrollment request so they can approve or reject the enrollment request.
- If the enrollment request is approved, the learner will receive the Instructor-led training enrollment confirmation email notification. If rejected, they'll receive the Course enrollment rejection email notification.
- Once approved, the learner will receive the Instructor-led training scheduled – appointment invitation email notification for each session (standalone or within a group) for which they registered when they initiated the retake and for which there are available seats. If the learner doesn't register for any sessions or session group, they won't receive any session-related email notifications.
- If the learner selects standalone sessions and/or session groups that don't have any available seats and the Waiting List option is enabled in course settings, the learner and the course admin will receive the Adding to the Waiting List Confirmation email notification for the standalone sessions and session groups that don't have any available seats.
When the retake is confirmed, the course status will change to Not started. To take and complete the course, the learner should navigate to the course home page.
If attendance is required to complete the course, learners will have to register for the required number of sessions and/or session groups and visit them to complete the course. If attendance isn't required, the learner can proceed with the retake and complete the course without session or session group registration only by passing the content of the course.
The all- enrollment type
Initiated by an admin
Required role: catalog or course admin.
Admins can force a retake of completed instructor-led training in one of the following ways:
- Catalog and course admins can enable the automatic Forced retake option in the Settings section of the course configuration panel. Learn365 will force the course retake for learners based on this setting. When the forced retake is initiated, learners will receive a notification if they're enrolled in the course and the course is active. For detailed steps how to set up the option, see this article.
- In the Learn365 Admin Center, from the Learner's Progress panel, catalog admins can force an individual learner to retake a completed instructor-led training by selecting the Force retake icon. For detailed steps, see this guide.
- In the Learn365 Admin Center, from the Course Progress panel, catalog and course admins can force an individual, multiple, or all learners enrolled in a course to retake a completed instructor-led training by selecting the Force retake icon. For detailed steps, see this guide.
After retake is initiated, the course status will change to Not started, and the information on learners' previous completions will still be available in their Transcript.
Notifications flow
When an admin initiates a retake of an instructor-led course with any type of enrollment:
- The learner will receive the Instructor-led training retake is required notification.
- An Instructor-led training scheduled-appointment invitation email notification is sent to the learner for each active session of the course (standalone or within a session group).
To take and complete the course, the learner should navigate to the course home page.
Initiated by a learner
Required role: learner who is enrolled in the course and has completed it.
If the Voluntary Retake option is enabled and the instructor-led course is completed, learners can initiate a retake for the course from My Training Dashboard or the course home page.
To retake an instructor-led course from My Training Dashboard, learners should select the Retake Course icon on the training card or select this option from the ellipsis menu of the training card on the course catalog page.
To retake an instructor-led course from the course home page, learners should select Retake course in the Information section.
Using either of these methods to initiate a retake will display a message. The message informs learners that their course progress will be reset and the course status will change to Not started. However, if they've previously completed the course, information about previous completions will still be available in their Transcript.
To proceed and reset their course progress, learners should select Retake. To cancel the action, select Cancel.
If the course enrollment type is automatic, the learner can directly start the course retake.
If the course enrollment type requires admin approval, the learner will be notified that the enrollment request is pending. They'll be able to retake the course only after the admin's approval.
Notifications flow
When a learner initiates a retake of an instructor-led course with:
- Enrollment flow type: automatic approval
An Instructor-led training scheduled – appointment invitation email notification is sent to the learner for each active session of the course (standalone or within a session group).
- Enrollment flow type: line manager or administrator approval
- The learner will receive a canceled Instructor-led training scheduled – appointment invitation email notification for each active session (standalone or within a session group) for which they were registered. If the learner attended all the required sessions, then no notification of this type is sent.
- The Course enrollment pending approval notification is sent to the learner.
- The approver (the course admin or line manager) will receive the Course enrollment request so they can approve or reject the enrollment request.
- If the enrollment request is approved, the learner will receive the Instructor-led training enrollment confirmation email notification. If rejected, they'll receive the Course enrollment rejection email notification.
- Once approved, the learner will receive the Instructor-led training scheduled – appointment invitation email notification for each active session (standalone or within a session group) in the course.
Retake training plan
Initiated by an admin
Required role: catalog or course admin.
Admins can force a retake of completed training plan in one of the following ways:
- Catalog and course admins can enable the automatic Forced retake option in the Settings section of the training plan panel. Learn365 will force the course retake for learners based on this setting. When the forced retake is initiated, learners will receive a notification if they're enrolled in the training plan and the training plan is active. For detailed steps how to set up the option, see this article.
- In the Learn365 Admin Center, from the Learner's Progress panel, catalog admins can force an individual learner to retake a completed training plan by selecting the Force retake icon. For detailed steps, see this guide.
- In the Learn365 Admin Center, from the Training Plan Progress panel, catalog and course admins can force an individual, multiple, or all learners enrolled in a training plan to retake a completed training plan by selecting the Force retake icon. For detailed steps, see this guide.
After a retake is initiated:
- The status of the training plan and the courses in it will change to Not started.
- The information on learners' previous completions will still be available in their Transcript.
- The previously completed date of the training plan can be tracked from the downloaded report.
Retake of a specific course within a training plan can be initiated:
- By catalog admin from the Learner's progress dashboard.
- By catalog admin or course admin from the Training plan progress dashboard.
The retake can also be initiated by admins via the Clear progress option. This option is helpful in scenarios where admin would like to reset a learner's training plan progress in such a way that recent records of progress or completions, either for the whole training plan or for its courses, are deleted, and no longer stored in a learner's records and transcript. For details, see this article.
Notifications flow
When an admin initiates a retake of a training plan with:
- Enrollment flow type: automatic approval, line manager or administrator approval
1. The learner will receive the Training plan retake is required email notification.
2. The learner will receive the notifications for the courses included in the training plan, depending on the course settings. Find more information about the notifications flow for retake of e-learning and instructor-led courses.
Initiated by a learner
Required role: learner who is enrolled in the training plan and has completed it.
If the Voluntary Retake option is enabled and the training plan is completed, learners can initiate a retake for the training plan from My Training Dashboard or the training plan home page.
To retake a training plan from My Training Dashboard, learners should select the Retake Training Plan icon on the training plan card or select this option from the ellipsis menu of the training plan card on the course catalog page.
To retake a training plan from the training plan home page, learners should select Retake training plan in the Information section.
Using either of these methods to initiate a retake will display a message. The message informs learners that their training plan progress will be reset, as well as the progress of all of its courses, and the training status will change to Not started. However, if they've previously completed the training plan or its courses, information about previous completions will still be available in their Transcript.
To proceed and reset their training progress, learners should select Retake. To cancel the action, select Cancel.
If the enrollment type is automatic, the learner can directly start the training plan retake.
If the enrollment type requires admin approval, the learner will be notified that the enrollment request is pending. They'll be able to retake the training plan only after the admin's approval.
Notifications flow
When a learner initiates a retake of a training plan with:
- Enrollment flow type: automatic approval
Email notifications aren't sent for the training plan itself, but they are for the courses included in the training plan, depending on the course settings. Find more information about the notifications flow for e-learning and instructor-led courses.
The training plan status is changed to Not started. To complete the training plan, learners should complete the courses of the training plan that are marked as required for training plan completion.
- Enrollment flow type: line manager or administrator approval
- The Training Plan Pending Approval Confirmation notification is sent to the learner.
- If the learner was enrolled in instructor-led training and registered for any active standalone sessions and/or session groups at the time the training plan retake was initiated, they'll receive a canceled Instructor-led training scheduled – appointment invitation email notification for all these sessions (standalone or within session groups).
- The approver (the course admin or line manager) will receive the Training Plan Enrollment Approval Request so they can approve or reject the enrollment request.
- If the enrollment request is approved, the learner will receive the Training Plan Enrollment Confirmation email notification. If the request is rejected, they'll will receive the Training Plan Reject Confirmation email notification.
- The learner will receive the notifications for the courses in the training plan that are sent, depending on the course settings. Find more information about the notifications flow for e-learning and instructor-led courses.
- When the retake is confirmed, the training plan status will change to Not started. To take and complete the training plan, learners should complete the courses of the training plan that are required for training plan completion.
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