In Learn365, you can import information from courses that learners take outside Learn365 - the title and type of the external training records in question, the categories and CEUs set for it, the date of completion and the certificate awarded (if any). Process of deleting the imported external training records will differ depending on the way it was imported - to an existing Learn365 course or to a new course, that wasn't created directly in Learn365 so isn't displayed on the Training Management panel.
This article describes the ways to delete external training record that was imported into Learn365 and how each of these methods will affect the learner's progress.
Delete external training imported into an existing Learn365 course
For an external training record imported into an existing Learn365 course, you can remove a learner's progress on it in the following ways:
1) Delete the learner's progress of the current attempt via Users page> select a user > View Learner's Progress > select the relevant course (when expanded, learning items inside a course aren't completed because the imported external training records bring only completion status to the course itself) > Clear progress.
2) Clear the progress for the whole course for all learners and records regarding the external training. This will result in this course becoming unavailable to all other learners.
For an external training imported into an existing Learn365 course, it is also possible to manually edit the progress via Users > select a user > View Learner's Progress > select the relevant course > Edit. Find more details on how to edit course progress here.
Delete external training imported as a new, non-Learn365 course
If the external training has been imported as a new course which wasn't created in Learn365 and as a result, isn't displayed on the Training Management page, you can remove this course record and progress. This will result in the learner's progress for this course not being available.
To remove the progress, navigate to Users > select a learner > View Learner's Progress > select the relevant course (when expanded, imported external training have No Item(s) found displayed) > Clear progress. This action will delete all the course records and progress. The deletion can't be undone.
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