Adding tags to a course or training plan will help users find relevant courses or training plans when using the Search field on the course catalog page. Unlike categories, tags aren't visible to users. Adding multiple tags to training or, for example, adding tags in different languages, will enhance a user's search experience.
In this article, we'll provide you with an overview of how to create, search for, and manage tags.
Create a tag
Required role: catalog admin or course admin.
You can create tags while creating or editing courses or training plans. This is done from the Basic Details section of the training configuration panel for e-learning courses, instructor-led training, and training plans.
Tags created in courses or training plans will be added to both the list of tags of the current catalog, and the course or training plan in which they were created. The catalog admin manages tags from the Learn365 Admin Center > Catalog settings > Tags.
Where to manage tags
Required role: catalog admin.
To manage tags, navigate to the Learn365 Admin Center > Catalog settings > Tags. Here, you can see all the tags that have been added to the current catalog.
On the Tags page, you'll find the following information:
- In the Name column, a list of tags of the current catalog is displayed. By default, tags are ordered alphabetically. Select the Name column heading to arrange tags alphabetically in ascending or descending order.
- In the Used in column, each tag shows the total number of courses and training plans in which the tag is used. Select the Used in column heading to arrange tags numerically in ascending or descending order.
- To find the relevant tag, enter all or part of its name in the Search field.
View training that uses a tag
Required role: catalog admin.
To see which courses or training plans use a specific tag, select the eye icon next to the relevant tag. The eye icon isn't displayed for tags that aren't used in any course or training plan. In this case, "0" is displayed in the Used in column.
On the opened Courses and training plans using this tag panel, you'll see a list of courses and training plans that use this tag, with the training type shown in the Type column.
Selecting the course or training plan title will redirect you to the course or training plan home page.
Edit a tag
Required role: catalog admin.
To edit a tag, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to the Learn365 Admin Center > Catalog settings > Tags.
2. On the Tags page, select the tag to open the Edit tag panel.
3. On the Edit tag panel, make the necessary changes.
4. Save to apply the changes.
The tag name will be updated in all courses and training plans where it's used and is shown in the configuration panel of the course or training plan.
Delete a tag
You can delete tags either at catalog level or directly from a course or training plan.
If you delete a tag at catalog level, the tag won't be available when creating or editing courses and training plans.
If you delete a tag directly from a course or training plan, this action will impact only this course or training plan.
You can delete a tag from the current catalog only if the tag isn't used in a course or training plan.
For tags that are used in a course or training plan, the Delete tag option is disabled (grayed out). To delete these tags from the catalog, you'll need to remove them from all courses and training plans that use the tag. To remove a tag from a course or training plan, navigate to the Basic details section of the relevant course or training plan configuration panel.
To delete a tag from the current catalog, follow these steps:
1. In the Learn365 Admin Center, go to Catalog settings > Tags > select the relevant tag. The Edit tag panel opens.
2. On the opened Edit tag panel, select Delete tag.
3. Select OK to confirm the action, or Cancel. This action can't be undone.
Changes to tags will be automatically updated in the course catalog.
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