Certificates can be used to reward learners after they've completed a course or training plan. The awarding of certificates is configured in the settings for each e-learning course, instructor-led training, and training plan.
Certificates include an option to expire on a certain date or a specified number of days after the training has been completed, so they can act as proof that a learner has completed training and that their acquired knowledge is still valid.
Learn365 enables you to create a selection of certificate templates that can each have different settings, in terms of the visual look of certificates and which information they'll show. When assigning a certificate to a course or training plan, course admins can choose between the available templates.
In this article, we provide an overview of how to create, configure, and edit certificate templates in Learn365.
Where to manage certificates
Required role: catalog admin.
To manage certificates, go to the Learn365 Admin Center > Catalog settings > Certificate Templates.
Create a certificate template
To create a new certificate template:
1. Go to the Learn365 Admin Center > Catalog settings > Certificate Templates. The Certificate Templates page opens.
2. On the Certificate Templates page, select the Create certificate template drop-down, then select whether the certificate should be used for courses or training plans.
The Create certificate template panel opens.
3. On the Create certificate template panel, complete the fields.
Name. Enter a name for the certificate template. This will help to identify the relevant certificate template when creating or editing course or training plan. This field is required.
Description. Enter a description that will help users when they search for the certificate template in the certificate templates list. This field is optional.
- Background image. A default background image is set for you. You can customize the certificate template by uploading and applying an alternative image, or select an image from the provided image collection. You can add an image up to 4 MB in size.
If you encounter issues when trying to import certificates, this could be caused by the size of the certificate template. To resolve this issue, choose a background image with a smaller file size.
The supported file formats for background images are PNG, JPEG (JPG), BMP, and GIF.
The recommended image sizes for A4 paper print are:
- 150 dpi = 1240 x 1754 pixels
- 300 dpi = 2480 X 3508 pixels
To apply a different image, use Select image then select the relevant image from the image collection. The selected image will be highlighted in blue. Save to apply this image as the certificate template background.
To upload a custom image, use Select image > Upload > select the image from your device to add it to the image collection. Save to apply this image as the certificate template background.
To delete an image from the image collection, select the relevant image and then select Delete. You won't be able to delete an image if it's being used. In this case, you'll see the warning message "You can't delete this image. It is in use."
Select the area on the background image where you want to add the certificate text. To preview the certificate template, select Preview.
Content. Enter the certificate text that will be placed in the selected area on the certificate template. You can add custom text or use any of the variables that are displayed in the Variables list. To preview how the text will be displayed, select Preview under the Background image.
Variables. You can use any of the variables to display information specific to each user on the certificate, e.g. their name, department, or the date they acquired the certificate.
The Training Plan certificate template has two additional variables: {training plan} and {courses}. The Course certificate has the {instructors} variable, which isn't available on the Training Plan certificate template.
- The date and time format for certificates is set via the variables. Select All formats near the relevant variable to see all date and time formats, then select the relevant format.
For more information about the language used in date and time variables, see this article.
- You can indicate the specific format of the CEUs {ceu:F2} to be displayed on the certificate, where 2 is the number of digits after the delimiter. For more information about number formats, see the Microsoft documentation.
Text alignment. From the drop-down list, select Left, Center, or Right.
Vertical alignment. Select Top, Middle, or Bottom.
Drop shadow. Enable this option if you want the text to add a drop shadow.
Font. From the drop-down list, select the relevant font for the certificate text.
Font size. From the drop-down list, select the font size for the certificate text.
- Font style. Enable any relevant font styles to apply them to the certificate text.
4. Save the certificate template or select Cancel to discard it.
Search for a certificate template
You can find the relevant certificate template in the following ways:
- From the All certificate templates drop-down list, select the relevant certificate type to filter the list: All certificate templates, Course, or Training Plan.
- In the Search field, enter one or more to find the relevant certificate template.
Set the certificate expiry reminder
Learn365 enables you to award certificates to learners when they complete courses and training plans.
You may choose to set a certificate expiry date, after which you can ask learners to retake specific training so they can be awarded a new certificate.
A certificate can have one of the following statuses: Valid, Expiring, or Expired. The certificate expiry status depends on the Certificate expiry reminder settings.
1. Go to the Learn365 Admin Center > Catalog settings > Notifications.
2. Select the Certificate expiry reminder template for courses or Training Plan Certificate Expiry Reminder for training plans.
3. Select Edit template on the opened Actions panel.
4. In the Send Reminder Emails field on the opened Edit template panel, enter the number of days in advance of certificate expiry that notifications will be sent to learners. The default setting is 60, 30, 14, 7 days in advance. The numbers should be positive integers.
5. Select Save to save the changes. Select Cancel to discard the changes.
A certificate was awarded to a user on 05/04/2022 and the certificate expiry date is 05/31/2022. The Send Reminder Emails is set as 60, 3, 2 days in advance and the system checks for a change of status only on the specified number of days in advance. In this example, the system will check only on 05/28/2022 and 05/29/2022 (three and two days before certificate expiry date). It won't check 60 days before the expiry date because this date passed before the certificate was awarded. As a result, the status will change to Expiring on 05/28/2022.
If the certificate expiry date is in the past, the status can be changed only by re-enrolling users manually.
Set the certificate expired reminders
Learners will receive the Certificate expired notification by email on the day that certificates expire. Catalog admins can configure additional notifications to be sent to learners at intervals when certificates have expired.
1. Go to the Learn365 Admin Center > Catalog settings > Notifications.
2. Select the Certificate expired template for courses or Training Plan Certificate Expired for training plans.
3. Select Edit template on the opened Actions panel.
4. In the Also send notification field on the opened Edit template panel, enter the number of days after certificate expiry that notifications will be sent to learners. You can enter multiple days by separating values with commas, e.g. 21, 14, 7. By default, this field is empty.
5. Select Save to save the changes. Select Cancel to discard the changes.
Edit certificate templates
To edit certificates, follow these steps:
1. Go to the Learn365 Admin Center > Catalog settings > Certificate Templates.
2. Select the certificate template you want to edit and on its Actions panel, select Edit certificate template.
3. Make any necessary changes.
4. Save to introduce the changes, or select Cancel to discard them.
For more information on changing the language of the certificate template, as well as the date and time format, see this article.
Delete certificate templates
To delete certificate templates, follow these steps:
1. Go to the Learn365 Admin Center > Catalog settings > Certificate Templates.
2. Select the certificate template you want to delete and on its Actions panel, select Delete certificate template.
3. In the Confirmation dialog, select Delete. To cancel the action, select Cancel.
You can't delete certificate templates that are being used in a course or training plan. In this case, the message "You cannot delete the Certificate Template because it is in use." is displayed after selecting Delete certificate template.
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