How to contact support agents via the Zensai Support live chat

In the Zensai Help Center, you can contact the Zensai Product Support team via the live chat. In this article, we describe the live chat functionality.



In this article


How start a live chat with the Support team

You can start a live chat with the Zensai Product Support from any page in the Zensai Help Center.

To start a live chat, follow these steps:

1. Enter the live chat via the Get help option. This is the same option you select to engage with the Zensai Support chatbot.

For instructions on how to ask questions via the Zensai Support chatbot, see this article.




2. In the opened Zensai Support window, select Get in touch > Live chat. 




3. In the opened form, complete the relevant fields and select Start chat.




One of our support agents will help you with your enquiry as soon as possible. Pay attention to the Zensai Product Support working hours.

In more complex scenarios, requests initiated via the Zensai Support chat may evolve into a support ticket.


Zensai Product Support team working hours 

The Zensai Product Support team provides support in the English language, Monday through Friday, 24/5.

We'll get back to you and resolve your request as soon as possible, and within the agreement in your Service Level Agreement (SLA).


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