Create and configure rooms for course sessions


When you create rooms, you'll need to configure their settings, first at tenant level and then at catalog level. The order in which you configure settings is important. Once you've configured the rooms, they can be selected when creating and managing sessions for instructor-led training.

This guide describes how to create rooms and configure their settings.


Configure room settings at tenant level

Required role: Microsoft 365 global admin.

You should configure rooms at tenant level before you configure them at catalog level.

To configure room settings at tenant level, you'll need to create a room list in Microsoft 365, then create rooms in the Microsoft 365 admin center to make them available in Learn365.



  • For more information about PowerShell, see this Microsoft documentation about the Exchange Online PowerShell V2 module.
  • The account you use needs permissions to Learn365 Exchange Online. By default, only global admins in Microsoft 365 have Organization Management rights in Exchange Online. If the 'A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name 'Roomlist' error is displayed, check your permissions and ensure you have the global admin role.


1. Connect to Learn365 Exchange Online using SharePoint Online Management Shell.

  • From the Start menu, run Windows PowerShell as an administrator.


  • Install the Exchange Online PowerShell module by entering:
    Install-Module -Name ExchangeOnlineManagement

  • Set the execution policy by entering:
    Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned



2. Connect to Exchange Online by entering:





If the warning 'Create Powershell Session is failed using OAuth' is displayed, see the prerequisites for the EXO V2 module.


3. Create a room list in Microsoft 365 by entering all of the following cmdlet.



In the following cmdlet, the name of the room list, 'Rooms for Compafi', is only an example for the purposes of this article. Replace the bold text 'Rooms for Compafi' below with whatever you choose to name your room list.


Get-Mailbox -RecipientTypeDetails RoomMailbox -Filter {Office -eq 'Rooms for Compafi'} | select -ExpandProperty Alias

New-DistributionGroup -RoomList -Name 'Rooms for Compafi' -Members $RoomAlias




4. Create rooms using the Microsoft 365 admin center.

  • Navigate to the Microsoft 365 admin center.
  • Select the Resources tab on the left-side menu, and then Rooms & equipment.
  • Select Add resource > select Room from the Resource type drop-down.
  • Complete the remaining fields. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
  • Select Save.




5. When your rooms are created, add room mailboxes (from the email field in step 4) to room list distribution groups by entering the following cmdlet.



In the following cmdlet, the name of the room list, 'Rooms for Compafi', is only an example for the purposes of this article. Replace the bold text 'Rooms for Compafi' below with the name of your room list from step 3 of this process.

Replace the example email address '' with the email address you recorded in step 4.



Add-DistributionGroupMember -Identity "Rooms for Compafi" -Member


Once these steps are complete, you'll need to configure settings at catalog level. For more information, see the next section.


Configure settings on the catalog level

You should configure rooms at catalog level after you've configured them at the tenant level.

By configuring settings at catalog level, you make rooms available in Learn365.

1. Enable notifications in the Learn365 Admin Center > Catalog settings > Notifications > Microsoft 365 Connection Settings. For more information, see this article.

You need to configure Microsoft 365 Connection Settings for each catalog, using the same account as the one used in step 2 (below), or run the command in step 2 with a new user, according to Microsoft 365 Connection Settings.



If the email account isn't configured, users won't be able to see the rooms created in Learn365 Exchange Online when creating a new course session in the Select Room dialog. The following warning is displayed instead.



2. Add calendar permissions using Management Shell by copying and pasting the whole cmdlet below.



In the following cmdlet, the name of the room list, 'Rooms for Compafi', is only an example for the purposes of this article. Replace the bold text 'Rooms for Compafi' below with the name of your room list, which you defined in Configure room settings at tenant level.

Replace the example email address '' with the email address recorded in Microsoft 365 Connection Settings (from step 4 of this process).


$(Get-Group "Rooms for Compafi").Members | % {
$member = $_
$mailBox = Get-Mailbox -Identity $member 
Add-MailboxFolderPermission $mailBox":\Calendar" -User  -AccessRights Reviewer}




After performing this cmdlet, when you create or edit course sessions, you'll be able to select rooms for which you have set calendar permissions on from the Room List. The Room List displays up to 100 rooms.

Once a room is created, you can book it for up to 24 hours. Rooms that show Yes in the Is Free column can be booked. If your access account doesn't have permissions to any room calendars, a red warning that shows these room calendars is displayed at the top of the page.




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