Learn365 enables you to specify the requirements for training completion using course completion sets. A course completion set consists of learning items that learners must complete in order for the entire course to be considered complete.
In this guide, we provide an overview of course completion sets, where to configure and manage them, how to set a default course completion set, and describe any nuances that need to be taken into account when working with course completion sets.
How course completion sets work
Required role: catalog admin or course admin.
Courses can be created with one or more course completion sets. A course completion set consists of learning items that users must complete in order to complete a course.
By default, the system automatically generates a default course completion set when a course is created. Every learning item that's added to a course will be added to the default course completion set. By default, items added to this completion set must be completed in order to complete the course.
Once created, you can edit and rename course completion sets, and change the learning items that must be completed in order to complete the course.
For instructor-led training, the main attendance settings are configured during course creation. If attendance is set as not required, it won't be included in the default course completion set. Otherwise, attendance will form part of the default course completion set and additional additional attendance settings can be configured from there.
For instructor-led training of the single- and multiple- enrollment types with the Allow enrollment without session registration option enabled and attendance set as required for course completion, attendance remains part of a course completion set.
You can create as many course completion sets as you want, which will enable learners to complete a course in different ways.
For courses with multiple completion sets, for each completion set, you select items you want learners to complete. These items can be similar or entirely different and the course completion setting options enable you to create variants of your requirements for course completion, depending on your goals.
Courses that have multiple completion sets will be set as completed when learners pass all the items that are set as required in any one of the course completion sets. If you want users to complete a specific completion set, you should use only the default set and delete all other sets. Otherwise, learners can complete their training by completing all of the items in any of these course completion sets.
You offer a course that includes video and text versions of the same training content, and you enable learners to complete the course if they complete one of these items. In this case, you can set up two completion sets – one has only the video as a required item, and the other has only the text version as a required item. Completing either the video or text version will cause the learner to complete the course.
The completion of all the items in a course completion set is required to complete the course. These learning items are indicated with a star icon when tracked on the course progress panel and the learner's progress panel, as shown in the following image.
When there's more than one completion set in a course, the location of the star icon on the course progress panel and the learner's progress panel will depend on the learner's progress with the required items of the relevant completion set – it'll be located next to the learning item of the course completion set for which the learner has progressed furthest.
There are two completion sets: Set 1 and Set 2. The learner's progress with the required learning items for Set 1 is 50% and 70% for Set 2. As a result, the Required For Completion icon will be displayed next to the learning items of Set 2 because the learner has progressed further with this set.
Where to manage course completion sets
Required role: catalog admin or course admin.
Course completion sets are managed in the Learn365 Admin Center > Training Management > select the relevant course > on the from the Course management panel, select Course completion settings.
From the Course completion settings panel, you'll see all completion sets of the course, as well as the learning items they contain (when you expand the relevant completion set).
The Course completion settings panel presents information in the following columns:
- Name. Shows the name of the course completion set. Select the expand arrow to view all of its learning items.
- Type. Shows whether the course completion set is set as the default one. When the completion set is expanded, it also shows the type of learning items in the completion set.
- Items. Shows the number of learning items in the course completion set.
Create a course completion set
Required role: catalog admin or course admin.
1. From the Course completion settings panel, select Add course completion set.
2. Complete the form and select the learning items that a learner must complete in order to complete the course.
Name. Enter the name of the new completion set.
Default course completion set. Choose whether this course completion set is the Default one for the course using the toggle. Only one completion set can be set as the Default. If you set a new completion set as Default, the completion set that was originally marked as Default will lose this status.
Learning Items. Shows all the learning items that form part of the course. Select the items that must be completed in order to complete the course. To select all the learning items, select the checkbox next to the Name column heading.
Selected. Shows only the learning items that must be completed in order to complete the course.
Name. Shows the names of the learning items in the course.
Type. Displays the type of learning item: Content package, Quiz, Learning module, Attendance, Assessment, and External app.
Required result ≥. Allows you to define the minimum attendance percentage or required passing score for Assignments/Gradebooks to complete the course, if applicable.
Published. Shows whether the learning item is available for learners.
3. Select Save or Cancel. If you select Cancel, you'll be redirected to the Course completion settings panel.
Change the default course completion set
A course must have at least one course completion set but only one of these can have the Default status.
Changing the default course completion set removes the default status from any other completion set for this course.
You can change the default course completion set either:
- When creating a new course completion set, by setting it as the Default. This will remove the default status from any other completion set for this course.
- By selecting from the list of existing course completion sets:
1. From the Course completion settings panel, select the course completion set you want to set as the default.
2. From the Actions panel, select Edit course completion set.
3. On the Edit course completion set panel, drag the Default course completion set toggle to On.
4. Select Save or Cancel.
Edit a course completion set
Required role: catalog admin or course admin.
Changes to course completion settings won't affect the status of courses that have already been completed.
1. From the Learn365 Admin Center > Training Management > select the relevant course > on the Course management panel, select Course completion settings.
2. Select the relevant course completion set.
3. From the Actions panel, select Edit course completion set.
4. Make the relevant changes.
5. Save the changes or select Cancel.
Delete a course completion set
Required role: catalog admin or course admin.
1. From the Learn365 Admin Center > Training Management > select the relevant course > on the Course management panel, select Course completion settings.
2. Select the relevant course completion set.
3. From the Actions panel, select Delete Course Completion Set. In the confirmation message, select Delete or Cancel.
- You can't delete the default course completion set so its Delete Course Completion Set action will be disabled. To delete the course completion set currently marked as the default one, you must first set a different completion set as the default one for this course.
- Learners will only be able to complete the course if one or more learning items from any associated course completion set is marked as required to complete the course.
Manage attendance in the course completion set
Required role: catalog admin or course admin.
For instructor-led training, the main attendance settings are specified during course creation. Once the course is created, the course or catalog admin can manage attendance settings from the course completion set in edit mode. Attendance is part of the default course completion set only if attendance set as required for course completion.
For instructor-led training of the single- and multiple- enrollment type with the Allow enrollment without session registration option enabled and attendance set as required for course completion, attendance remains part of a completion set and can be modified.
The attendance settings available in edit mode on the Edit course completion set panel differ, depending on the enrollment type of the course.
For the single- and all- enrollment types, you can:
- Set attendance as required if it was originally set as not required.
- Change the attendance status to not required by clearing the checkbox of the Registered Attendance item.
- Change the attendance percentage that's required for course completion by selecting the relevant option from the drop-down list.
For the multiple- enrollment type, you can:
- Set attendance as required if it was originally set as not required.
- Change the attendance status to not required by clearing the checkbox of the Registered Attendance item.
- Specify whether attendance is required for All enrolled groups or standalone sessions or a Defined number of groups or standalone sessions.
The default setting is All enrolled groups or standalone sessions with an average of percentage that was set on the course configuration panel. This setting can also be changed here and ensures that learners complete all the standalone sessions and/or session groups for which they're registered.
- When you select Defined number of groups or standalone sessions, specify the number of sessions and/or groups in the course that a learner must attend in order to complete the course using the any text box. From the with an average of drop-down list, select the attendance percentage that's required for the learner to complete the course.
Select Save at the bottom of the page to apply the changes or Cancel to discard.
For more information on attendance registration and calculation, see this article.
For more information on how attendance progress is included in the overall progress calculation of instructor-led training, see this article.
Search and filtering options
To find a specific completion set, you can:
- Use the Search field.
- Select the Name column heading to sort by name.
- Select the Items column heading to sort by the number of items in the course completion sets.
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