Progress on learning items in a course


Courses might consist of several learning items, such as learning modules, content packages, and quizzes. In turn, learning modules might combine a number of learning items.

The Content section of the course edit panel gives an overview of the progress with the learning items in a course and shows how each learner is progressing. 

This article provides information about where to view progress with different learning items in a course, view individual learner's progress for learning items in a course, manage learners' progress, and how to export a report on the learners' progress for a learning item.


General progress with learning items in a course

Required role: catalog admin or course admin.

To get an overview of progress for all learning items in a course, go to the Content section of the relevant course.

1. Go to the Learn365 Admin Center > Training Management> select the relevant course > Manage Course Content.

2. In the opened Content section, select the relevant learning item.

3. On the opened the Actions panel, you can compare the progress for different the various learning items and understand which learning items have been completed.




The following information is displayed:

  • Name. The title of the learning item.
  • Visibility. The icon with a crossed out eye might mean this learning item is hidden and won't be shown on the course home page or in the Learn365 player. Alternatively, it might mean the hidden learning item forms part of a a learning module, in which case it will still be visible to learners as part of that learning module. However, it won't be visible as a separate learning item.
  • Type. The learning item type: Learning module, Quiz, Content package, Assessment, or External app. If a learning module contains content items such as documents, files, links, or multimedia, their progress can be tracked via the View Learners' Progress link of the learning module in question.
  • Published. Shows whether the learning item is published.
  • Number of Items. The number of elements in the learning item.
  • Course completion. Shows whether the learning item is set as a required to complete the course.
  • Progress. Learners' progress with the learning item. The color indicator and percentage will give an indication of learners' progress:
    • Not started. Learners haven't started the learning item yet.
    • In progress. Learners have started an attempt but haven't completed it yet.
    • Failed. Learners have failed to complete the last attempt or the learning item itself.
    • Completed. Learners have successfully completed the learning item.

The progress bar will be gray if no learners are enrolled in the course.


Learner progress with learning modules

Required role: catalog admin or course admin.

To view detailed learning module progress information for enrolled learners, follow these steps:

1. Go to the Learn365 Admin Center > Training Management> select the relevant course > Manage Course Content.

2. In the opened Content section, select the relevant learning module.

3. On the opened the Actions panel, select View Learners' Progress.

The opened learning module progress panel shows information about the learners. For detailed information about how to view learners' progress, export to Excel, and delete learners' progress for the learning module, see this article.



To view progress details for unenrolled learners, admins would need to re-enroll them in the course.


Learner progress with quizzes

Required role: catalog admin or course admin.

To view detailed quiz progress or view quiz question statistics for enrolled learners, follow these steps:

1. Go to the Learn365 Admin Center > Training Management > select the relevant course > Manage Course Content.

2. In the opened Content section, select the relevant quiz.

3. On the opened Actions panel, select either View learners' details or Question statistics.

The relevant progress panel opens and shows information about the learners. For detailed information about how to view learners' progress and their answers to quiz questions, export learners' progress, view quiz question statistics, see this article.



To view progress details for unenrolled learners, admins would need to re-enroll them in the course.


Learner progress with content packages

Required role: catalog admin or course admin.

To view detailed content package progress information for enrolled learners, follow these steps:

1. Go to the Learn365 Admin Center > Training Management > select the relevant course > Manage Course Content.

2. In the opened Content section, select the relevant content package.

3. On the opened Actions panel, select View Learners' Details.

The opened content package progress panel shows information about the learners. For detailed information about how to view learners' attempts, download a report, and delete a learner's attempt for the content package, see this article.



To view progress details for unenrolled learners, admins would need to re-enroll them in the course.


Learner progress with assessments

Required role: catalog admin or course admin.

To view assessment progress information for enrolled learners, follow these steps:

1. Go to the Learn365 Admin Center > Training Management > select the relevant course > Manage Course Content.

2. In the opened Content section, select the relevant assessment.

3. On the opened Actions panel, select View Learners' Details.

The opened assessment progress panel shows information about the learners. For detailed information about how to view learners' details, download a report, and delete a learner's progress for the assessment, see this article.



To view the assessment completion status for unenrolled learners, admins would need to re-enroll them in the course.




Learner progress with external apps

Required role: catalog admin or course admin.

To view external app progress information for enrolled learners, follow these steps:

1. Go to the Learn365 Admin Center > Training Management > select the relevant course > Manage Course Content.

2. In the opened Content section, select the relevant external app.

3. On the opened Actions panel, select View Learners' Details.

The opened external app progress panel shows information about the learners. For detailed information about how to view learners' details and export a report, and delete a learner's progress for the external app, see this article.



To view the external app completion status for unenrolled learners, admins would need to re-enroll them in the course.


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