The course reports on content packages, learning modules, and quizzes


With the Course reports, Learn365 enables catalog and course admins to create reports on a specific course and view data related to the completion progress of the learning items by learners. 

In this guide, you find the instructions on how to create different types of course reports related to content packages, learning modules, and quizzes, and how to download and read them, via the Training Management page.

Course reports are available from two areas of the Learn365 Admin Center. The configuration of the reports differs slightly depending on where you open them, and the report outputs are similar. For information about how to generate reports related to content packages, learning modules, and quizzes, and how to download and read them via the Training drop-down on the Reports page, see this article.


How to create Course reports

Required role: catalog admin or course admin.

The Course reports functionality is available for admins from the Learn365 Admin Center:

1. From the Learn365 Admin Center > Training Management > select a course.

2. From the Course management panel, select Course reports. 

3. From the opened Course reports panel, set the relevant values in the fields to build your course report.

Report type. Select the learning item for your report to be built on: Content package, Learning module, or Quiz. The selection defines the values options in the next Group by section.

Group by. Under Group by, select the relevant value – Learner or a learning item – the information will be grouped by in the first column of the report. The selected value in the Group by section determines the value of the information that will be listed in the Select scope drop-down list – Learner or a learning item.




  • Learner. In the report, the information on the selected learning item will be grouped by learners as in the following image.



  • Content package/Learning module/Quiz. The value coincides with the set value from Report type. In the report, the information on the selected learning item will be grouped by the learning item as in the following image.



Include users. Select the type of users to include in the report: Active, Inactive, or All. The value selected here determines the learners who will be available from the Select scope drop-down list, when Learner is selected in the Group by field.

  • Active. This is the default value. When Active is selected, the report will include learning item progress data for users whose accounts are currently active in Microsoft Entra ID (Azure Active Directory) and who have ever been enrolled in this course. In this case, only active users will be available from the Select scope drop-down list.
  • Inactive. When Inactive is selected, the report will include learning item progress data for users whose accounts are disabled or have been deleted in Microsoft Entra ID (Azure Active Directory), and who have ever been enrolled in this course. In this case, only inactive users will be available from the Select scope drop-down list.
  • All. When All is selected, the report will include learning item progress data for both active and inactive users. In this case, active and inactive users of this course will be available from the Select scope drop-down list.

Include enrollments. Select the type of enrollments to include: Active, Cancelled, or All.

  • Active. This is the default value. When Active is selected, the report will include the selected users who have current active enrollments as learners in this course.
  • Cancelled. When Cancelled is selected, the report will include users whose enrollments in this course were cancelled by the catalog or course admins, or by themselves.
  • All. The report will include both Active and Cancelled enrollments for the selected users.

Select scope. The selected values in the Group by and Include users sections control the list of options in the Select scope drop-down list: the values will be either the learner list or the learning items.




Start date / End date. To generate a report that will include data on the learners' attempts made within a date range, set the relevant start and end dates.

By default, these fields are empty. A report with empty date fields will include information for the course from the date the course was published up to and including the date the report is created.

Export to Excel. To download a report to your device based on the filters you have defined, select the Export to Excel option at the page bottom. The report will display information in the language of your browser, if this language is supported by Learn365. Otherwise, it will be displayed in English (United States).


Content package reports

Content package – Learner report

The Content package-Learner report is generated to track how learners of the current course succeed with content packages completion, as well as track general data on the attempts to complete the content packages of the current course.

This report on content packages is grouped by learner meaning the first column of the report contains the learners' names and the rest information will be grouped accordingly.

To generate the report, follow these steps:

1. From the Learn365 Admin Center > Training Management > select a course.

2. On the Course management panel, select Course reports. 

3. Under Report type, select Content package. Under Group by, select Learner.

4. Under Include users, select the type of users you want to include in the report:

  • Active. This is the default value. When Active is selected, the report will include general content package completion data and the number of attempts taken by users whose accounts are currently active in Microsoft Entra ID (Azure Active Directory) and who have ever been enrolled in this course. In this case, only active users will be available from the Select scope drop-down list.
  • Inactive. When Inactive is selected, the report will include general content package completion data and the number of attempts taken by users whose accounts are disabled or have been deleted in Microsoft Entra ID (Azure Active Directory) and who have ever been enrolled in this course. In this case, only inactive users will be available from the Select scope drop-down list.
  • All. When All is selected, the report will include general content package completion data and the number of attempts taken by both active and inactive users. In this case, active and inactive users of this course will be available from the Select scope drop-down list.

5. Under Include enrollments, select the type of user enrollments the report should include:

  • Active. This is the default value. When Active is selected, the report will include the selected users who have current active enrollments as learners in this course.
  • Cancelled. When Cancelled is selected, the report will include users whose enrollments in this course were cancelled by the catalog or course admins, or by themselves.
  • All. The report will include both Active and Cancelled enrollments for the selected users.

6. In the Select scope drop-down list, select one of the following values:

  • All. To include all the users that were defined in the Include users field.
  • The relevant user. To generate the report only on the selected user.



7. To generate a report that will include data on the learners' attempts made within a date range, set the relevant Start date and End date.

By default, these fields are empty. A report with empty date fields will include information for the course from the date the course was published up to and including the date the report is created.

8. To download a report to your device, select the Export to Excel option at the page bottom. The report will display information in the language of your browser, if this language is supported by Learn365. Otherwise, it will be displayed in English (United States).

The downloaded report contains the following information:




  • Learner’s name. Learner’s name as it is stated in the user account in Microsoft Entra ID (Azure Active Directory).
  • Email, Department, Office, City, Country. Learner’s data that is taken from the user account in Active Directory.
  • Number of training packages. Displays the total number of training packages in the course and their titles. The gray content package title means this content package is either hidden from learners or is the part of a learning module.
  • Completion status. The completion percentage for the content packages that each learner has completed. For a separate content package, the status of the current attempt is specified. When learner had several attempts to complete the content package, only the progress for the last one is displayed. The statuses are:
    • Not started. The learner hasn't stated the content package yet. 
    • In progress. The learner is in progress with passing the content package. 
    • Completed. The learner completed the content package.
    • Failed. The learner has failed the current attempt to pass the content package, but there are remaining attempts.
    • Out of attempt. The learner has failed the attempt to pass the content package, and there are no more attempts left.
    • Locked. The content package has prerequisites and can't be started by the learner.
  • Date completed. The date when the learner completed this content package.
  • Passed (SCORM only). The percentage of the passed by learner SCORM out of all SCORM in the course. It is applicable only for SCORMs.
  • Score. The score received by the learner if score is provided by the content package.
  • Average time. Displays the average time that the learner took to complete each of the content packages in the course. Each content package displays the average time the learner spent on their attempts to complete this content package.

Time for an attempt is calculated in the following way:

If the current attempt to complete the content package isn't completed, time is calculated from the moment the learner started the content package till they closed the Learn365 player. If the learner resumes the incomplete attempt in the Learn365 player later, the time tracking will be resumed as well until they close the player again or finish the attempt. If the learner starts the content package, then breaks for a while without closing the Learn365 player, the time counter won't be stopped.

As a result, the completed attempt will show the time spent by the learner to complete the attempt from the moment an attempt was first started till it was finished.

  • Attempts. The total number of attempts that the learner made to complete the content packages in the course. Each content package displays the number of attempts the learner made to complete the exact content package.
  • Course site. Shows the title of the current course the content package is the part of. The course title is an active link by selecting which you will navigate to the course home page.

The order of the learning items in the report coincides with the order of the learning items in the course Content section. 



To view detailed information about a user's content package progress, their status in Microsoft Entra ID (Azure Active Directory) must be Active and they must have an active enrollment in the current course. The admin will then need to navigate to Manage Course Content of the course in question > Content package > View Learner's Details.

To view detailed information about attempts made by unenrolled users of the current course via View Learner's Details, these users must be enrolled in the course again.


Content package – Content package report

The Content package-Content package report is generated to track general data on content packages completion and the number of attempts to complete the content packages of the current course by learners of this course. This report on content packages will be grouped by content package meaning the first column of the report will contain the content packages titles of the current course and the rest information will be grouped accordingly. 

To see how learners are progressing with content packages in the course, follow these steps:

1. From the Learn365 Admin Center > Training Management > select a course.

2. On the Course management panel, select Course reports.

3. Under Include users, select the type of users you want to include in the report: 

  • Active. This is the default value. When Active is selected, the report will include general content package completion data and the number of attempts taken by users whose accounts are currently active in Microsoft Entra ID (Azure Active Directory) and who have ever been enrolled in this course. In this case, only active users will be available from the Select scope drop-down list.
  • Inactive. When Inactive is selected, the report will include general content package completion data and the number of attempts taken by users whose accounts are disabled or have been deleted in Microsoft Entra ID (Azure Active Directory) and who have ever been enrolled in this course. In this case, only inactive users will be available from the Select scope drop-down list.
  • All. When All is selected, the report will include general content package completion data and the number of attempts taken by both active and inactive users. In this case, active and inactive users of this course will be available from the Select scope drop-down list.

4. Under Include enrollments, select the type of user enrollments the report should include:

  • Active. This is the default value. When Active is selected, the report will include the selected users who have current active enrollments as learners in this course.
  • Cancelled. When Cancelled is selected, the report will include users whose enrollments in this course were cancelled by the catalog or course admins, or by themselves.
  • All. The report will include both Active and Cancelled enrollments for the selected users.

5. In the Select scope drop-down list, select one of the following values:

  • All. To include data of all the content packages of the current course in the report.
  • The relevant content package. To generate the report only on the selected content package.




6. To generate a report that will include data on the learners' attempts made within a date range, set the relevant Start date and End date.

By default, these fields are empty. A report with empty date fields will include information for the course from the date the course was published up to and including the date the report is created.

7. To download a report to your device, select the Export to Excel button at the page bottom. The report will display information in the language of your browser, if this language is supported by Learn365. Otherwise, it will be displayed in English (United States).

The downloaded report contains the following data in the columns:




  • Package name. Displays the name of the content package. The content package name of gray color means this content package is hidden from learners or is a part of a learning module.
  • Upload date. The date when the content package was uploaded.
  • Learner's name. Displays the learner’s name as it is stated in Microsoft Entra ID (Azure Active Directory).
  • Email, Department, Office, City, Country - Displays the learner’s data as it is stated in Microsoft Entra ID (Azure Active Directory).
  • Tags. Tags assigned to the content package if there are any.
  • Status. Shows the completion status of the content package for the individual learners. If the individual learner has more than one attempt to complete the content package, the status of the last one is displayed. The statuses are:
    • Not started. The learner hasn't started the content package yet.
    • In progress. The learner has started an attempt to complete a content package but hasn't completed it.
    • Failed. The learner has failed the current attempt to pass the content package, but there are remaining attempts.
    • Out of attempts. The learner failed to pass the content package, and there are no more attempts left.
    • Locked. Due to the content package prerequisites the learner can't start this content package.
    • Completed. The learner successfully completed the content package.
  • Passed (SCORM only). It is applicable only for SCORMs. Displays Yes or No when an individual learner passed the SCORM or no.
  • Number of learners. Shows the total number of learners the report is built on.
  • Number of attempts. Shows the total number of attempts made for a separate content package by learners. For the individual learner, the personal number of attempts to complete this content package is specified.
  • Average time. Displays the average time that each learner spent on their attempts to complete this content package.

Time for an attempt is calculated in the following way:

If the current attempt to complete the content package isn't completed, time is calculated from the moment the learner started the content package till they closed the Learn365 player. If the learner resumes the incomplete attempt in the Learn365 player later, the time tracking will be resumed as well until they close the player again or finish the attempt. If the learner starts the content package, then breaks for a while without closing the Learn365 player, the time counter won't be stopped.
As a result, the completed attempt will show the time spent by the learner to complete the attempt from the moment an attempt was first started till it was finished.

  • Score. Shows the average score received by learners for this content package. For individual learners, the personal score to complete this content package is specified.
  • Date completed. Shows the date when the learner completed this content package.
  • Course site. Shows the title of the current course the content package is the part of. The course title is an active link by selecting which you will navigate to the course home page.

The order of the learning items in the report coincides with the order of the learning items in the training Content section. 



To view detailed information about a user's content package progress, their status in Microsoft Entra ID (Azure Active Directory) must be Active and they must have an active enrollment in the current course. The admin will then need to navigate to Manage Course Content of the course in question > Content package > View Learner's Details.

To view detailed information about attempts made by unenrolled users of the current course via View Learner's Details, these users must be enrolled in the course again. 


Learning module reports

Learning module – Learner report

The Learning module-Learner report is generated to track how learners of the current course succeed with learning modules completion, as well as track general data on the attempts to complete the learning modules of the current course.

This report on learning modules will be grouped by learner meaning the first column of the report will contain the learners' names and the rest information will be grouped accordingly. 

To generate Learning Module-Learner report, follow these steps:

1. From the Learn365 Admin Center > Training Management > select a course.

2. On the Course management panel, select Course reports. 

3. Under Report type, select Learning module. Under Group by, select Learner.

4. Under Include users, select the type of users you want to include in the report: 

  • Active. This is the default value. When Active is selected, the report will include general learning module completion data and the number of attempts taken by users whose accounts are currently active in Microsoft Entra ID (Azure Active Directory) and who have ever been enrolled in this course. In this case, only active users will be available from the Select scope drop-down list.
  • Inactive. When Inactive is selected, the report will include general learning module completion data and the number of attempts taken by users whose accounts are disabled or have been deleted in Microsoft Entra ID (Azure Active Directory) and who have ever been enrolled in this course. In this case, only inactive users will be available from the Select scope drop-down list.
  • All. When All is selected, the report will include general learning module completion data and the number of attempts taken by both active and inactive users of the current course. In this case, active and inactive users of this course will be available from the Select scope drop-down list.

5. Under Include enrollments, select the type of user enrollments the report should include: 

  • Active. This is the default value. When Active is selected, the report will include the selected users who have current active enrollments as learners in this course.
  • Cancelled. When Cancelled is selected, the report will include users whose enrollments in this course were cancelled by the catalog or course admins, or by themselves.
  • All. The report will include both Active and Cancelled enrollments for the selected users.

6. In the Select scope drop-down list, select one of the following values:

  • All. To include in the report the data of all the users that were defined in the Include users section.
  • The relevant user. To generate the report only on the selected user.




7. To generate a report that will include data on the learners' attempts made within a date range, set the relevant Start date and End date.

By default, these fields are empty. A report with empty date fields will include information for the course from the date the course was published up to and including the date the report is created.

8. To download a report to your device, select the Export to Excel option at the page bottom. The report will display information in the language of your browser, if this language is supported by Learn365. Otherwise, it will be displayed in English (United States).

The downloaded report contains the following data:




  • Learner’s name. Learner’s name as it is stated in the user account in Microsoft Entra ID (Azure Active Directory).
  • Email, Department, Office, City, Country. Learner’s data that is taken from the Microsoft Entra ID (Azure Active Directory).
  • Number of learning modules. Displays the total number of learning modules in the course and their titles. The gray color of the learning module title means this learning module is hidden from the learners.
  • Completion status. Shows the completion status of the last attempt to complete the learning module for the individual learners.
    • Not started. The learning module has not been started yet.
    • In progress. The learner has started the attempt but has not completed it.
    • Failed. The learner has failed an item (SCORM, AICC packages, or quiz) and there are no more attempts left in the learning module.
    • Locked. Due to the learning module prerequisites the learner can't start this learning module.
    • Completed. The learner has successfully completed the learning module.
  • Date completed. Shows the date the learning module attempt has been completed by the individual learners.
  • Passed. Shows the percentage of the passed by the learner learning modules out of all the learning modules in the course. For each learning module, Yes/No specifies whether the learner passed this learning module.
  • Score. Shows the average score percentage for all learning modules in the course for the individual learner. For a separate learning module, the score percentage for the learner is displayed.
  • Average time. Displays the average time that the learner took to complete each of the learning modules in the current course. For individual learning modules, this column displays the average time the learner spent on their attempts to complete this learning module.

Time for an attempt to complete a learning module is calculated in the following way:

If the current attempt to complete the learning module isn't completed, time is calculated from the moment the learner started the learning module till they closed the Learn365 player. If the learner resumes the incomplete attempt in the Learn365 player later, the time tracking will be resumed as well until they close the player again or finish the attempt. If the learner starts the learning module, then breaks for a while without closing the Learn365 player, the time counter won't be stopped.

As a result, the completed attempt will show the time spent by the learner to complete the attempt from the moment an attempt was first started till it was finished.

  • Attempts. The total number of attempts that each learner has made to complete all their learning modules. For the separate learning module, the separate number of attempts is specified.

The order of the learning items in the report coincides with the order of the learning items in the training Content section.



To view detailed information about a user's attempts to complete a learning module, their status in Microsoft Entra ID (Azure Active Directory) must be Active and they must have an active enrollment in the current course. The admin will then need to navigate to Manage Course Content of the course in question > Content package > View Learner's Details.

To view detailed information about attempts made by unenrolled users of the current course via View Learner's Details, these users must be enrolled in the course again.


Learning module – Learning module report

The Learning module-Learning module report is generated to track general data on learning modules completion and the number of attempts to complete the learning modules of the current course by learners of this course. This report on learning modules will be grouped by learning modules meaning the first column of the report will contain the learning modules titles of the current course and the rest information will be grouped accordingly. 

To see how learners are progressing with all or a specific learning module in a course, follow these steps:

1. From the Learn365 Admin Center > Training Management > select a course.

2. On the Course management panel, select Course reports. 

3. Under Report type, select Learning module. Under Group by, select Learning module.

4. Under Include users, select the type of users you want to include in the report: 

  • Active. This is the default value. When Active is selected, the report will include general learning module completion data and the number of attempts taken by users whose accounts are currently active in Microsoft Entra ID (Azure Active Directory) and who have ever been enrolled in this course. In this case, only active users will be available from the Select scope drop-down list.
  • Inactive. When Inactive is selected, the report will include general learning module completion data and the number of attempts taken by users whose accounts are disabled or have been deleted in Microsoft Entra ID (Azure Active Directory) and who have ever been enrolled in this course. In this case, only inactive users will be available from the Select scope drop-down list.
  • All. When All is selected, the report will include general learning module completion data and the number of attempts taken by both active and inactive users of the current course. In this case, active and inactive users of this course will be available from the Select scope drop-down list.

5. Under Include enrollments, select the type of user enrollments the report should include: 

  • Active. This is the default value. When Active is selected, the report will include the selected users who have current active enrollments as learners in this course.
  • Cancelled. When Cancelled is selected, the report will include users whose enrollments in this course were cancelled by the catalog or course admins, or by themselves.
  • All. The report will include both Active and Cancelled enrollments for the selected users.

6. In the Select scope drop-down list, select one of the following values:

  • All. To include in the report the data of all the learning modules in the course.
  • The relevant learning module. To generate the report only for the selected learning module.



7. To generate a report that will include data on the learners' attempts made within a date range, set the relevant Start date and End date.

By default, these fields are empty. A report with empty date fields will include information for the course from the date the course was published up to and including the date the report is created.

8. To download a report to your device, select the Export to Excel option at the page bottom.

The report will display information in the language of your browser, if this language is supported by Learn365. Otherwise, it will be displayed in English (United States).

The downloaded report contains the following data in the columns:




  • Learning module title. Shows the title of the learning module. The title of gray color means that the learning module is hidden.
  • Created date. Shows the creation date of the learning module. The date of gray color means that the learning module is hidden.
  •  Email, Department, Office, City, Country. Learner’s data as it is stated in the user account in Microsoft Entra ID (Azure Active Directory).
  • Completion status. Shows the learner's completion status with the learning module. If there are several attempts to complete a learning module, the status of the last one is specified: 
        • Not started. The learner hasn't started yet the learning module yet.
        • In progress. The learner has started the attempt but has not completed it.
        • Failed. The learner has failed a learning item in a learning module (SCORM, AICC packages, or quiz) and there are no more attempts left to pass the learning module.
        • Locked. The learner can't start the learning module because of the prerequisites.
        • Completed. The learner has successfully completed the learning module.
  • Number of learners. Specifies the total number of learners the current report is built on.
  • Number of attempts. Shows total number of attempts made for this learning module by the learners the report is built on. for a separate learner, displays the number of attempts made by this learner to complete the learning module.
  • Average time. Displays the average time that the displayed learners took to complete the learning module. For individual learners, the column displays the average time the learner spent on their attempts to complete this learning module.

Time for an attempt to complete a learning module is calculated in the following way:

If the current attempt to complete the learning module isn't completed, time is calculated from the moment the learner started the learning module till they closed the Learn365 player. If the learner resumes the incomplete attempt in the Learn365 player later, the time tracking will be resumed as well until they close the player again or finish the attempt. If the learner starts the learning module, then breaks for a while without closing the Learn365 player, the time counter won't be stopped.

As a result, the completed attempt will show the time spent by the learner to complete the attempt from the moment an attempt was first started till it was finished.

  • Score. Average received score for this learning module by all displayed learners. The average score is calculated among learners who have already started an attempt. For an individual learner, the score received for this learning module. 
  • Date completed. Shows the date when the learner completed this learning module.

The order of the learning items in the report coincides with the order of the learning items in the training Content section. 



To view detailed information about a user's attempts to complete a learning module, their status in Microsoft Entra ID (Azure Active Directory) must be Active and they must have an active enrollment in the current course. The admin will then need to navigate to Manage Course Content of the course in question > Content package > View Learner's Details.

To view detailed information about attempts made by unenrolled users of the current course via View Learner's Details, these users must be enrolled in the course again.


Quiz reports

Quiz – Learner report

The Quiz-Learner report is generated to track how learners of this course succeed with quizzes completion, as well as track general data on the number of attempts to complete the quizzes of the current course.

This report on quizzes will be grouped by learner meaning the first column of the report will contain the learners' names. 

To generate the report, follow these steps:

1. The Learn365 Admin Center > Training Management > select a course.

2. On the Course management panel, select Course reports. 

3. Under Report type, select Quiz. Under Group by drop-down list, select Learner.

4. Under Include users, select the type of users you want to include in the report: 

  • Active. This is the default value. When Active is selected, the report will include general quiz completion data and the number of attempts taken by users whose accounts are currently active in Microsoft Entra ID (Azure Active Directory) and who have ever been enrolled in this course. In this case, only active users will be available from the Select scope drop-down list.
  • Inactive. When Inactive is selected, the report will include general quiz completion data and the number of attempts taken by users whose accounts are disabled or have been deleted in Microsoft Entra ID (Azure Active Directory) and who have ever been enrolled in this course. In this case, only inactive users will be available from the Select scope drop-down list.
  • All. When All is selected, the report will include general quiz completion data and the number of attempts taken by both active and inactive users of the current course. In this case, active and inactive users of this course will be available from the Select scope drop-down list.

5. Under Include enrollments, select the type of user enrollments the report should include: 

  • Active. This is the default value. When Active is selected, the report will include the selected users who have current active enrollments as learners in this course.
  • Cancelled. When Cancelled is selected, the report will include users whose enrollments in this course were cancelled by the catalog or course admins, or by themselves.
  • All. The report will include both Active and Cancelled enrollments for the selected users.

6. In the Select scope drop-down list, select one of the following values:

  • All. To include in the report the data of all the users that were defined in the Include users section.
  • The relevant user. To generate the report only on the selected user.



7. To generate a report that will include data on the learners' attempts made within a date range, set the relevant Start date and End date.

By default, these fields are empty. A report with empty date fields will include information for the course from the date the course was published up to and including the date the report is created.

8. To download a report to your device, select the Export to Excel option at the page bottom. The report will display information in the language of your browser, if this language is supported by Learn365. Otherwise, it will be displayed in English (United States).

The downloaded report will be grouped by learner and contain the following information in the columns:




  • Learner’s name. Learner’s name as it is stated in the user account in Microsoft Entra ID (Azure Active Directory).
  • Email, Department, Office, City, Country. Learner’s data as it is stated in the user account in Microsoft Entra ID (Azure Active Directory).
  • Number of quizzes. Displays the total number of quizzes in the course.
  • Quiz title. Displays the quiz title. The gray quiz title means either the quiz is hidden from the learners, or the quiz is a part of a learning module.
  • Completion status. Shows the completion status of the learner’s last attempt to complete the quiz:
        • Not started. The learner hasn't started the quiz yet.
        • In progress. The learner has started the quiz but hasn't finished it yet.
        • Completed. The learner successfully completed the quiz.
        • Failed. The learner has failed the current attempt to complete the quiz, but there are remaining attempts.
        • Out of attempts. The learner failed the quiz, and there are no more attempts left.
        • Locked. The learner can't start the quiz because of the prerequisites.
  • Date completed. The date when the quiz was successfully completed by learner.
  • Passed. Shows percentage of the quizzes that learners have passed among all quizzes of the course. For a separate learner, the status is specified as Yes or No.
  • Score. Shows learner’s average score for the quizzes in the course.
  • Passing score. Shows the average passing score for of all quizzes in the current course. For a separate quiz, it shows the passing score of this quiz.
  • Attempts. Shows the total number of attempts that a separate learner made to complete quizzes in the course. With regard to a separate quiz, it shows the number of attempts the learner made to complete this particular quiz.

The order of the learning items in the report coincides with the order of the learning items in the course Content section. 



To view detailed information about a user's attempts to complete a quiz, their status in Microsoft Entra ID (Azure Active Directory) must be Active and they must have an active enrollment in the current course. The admin will then need to navigate to Manage Course Content of the course in question > Content package > View Learner's Details.

To view detailed information about attempts made by unenrolled users of the current course via View Learner's Details, these users must be enrolled in the course again.


Quiz – Quiz report

The Quiz-Quiz report is generated to track general data on quizzes completion and the number of attempts to complete the quizzes of the current course by learners of this course. This report on quizzes will be grouped by quiz meaning the first column of the report will contain the quizzes titles of the current course. 

To generate the Quiz-Quiz report, follow these steps:

1. The Learn365 Admin Center > Training Management > select a course.

2. On the Course management panel, select Course reports. 

3. Under Report type, select Quiz. Under Group by, select Quiz.

4. Under Include users, select the type of users you want to include in the report: 

  • Active. This is the default value. When Active is selected, the report will include general quiz completion data and the number of attempts taken by users whose accounts are currently active in Microsoft Entra ID (Azure Active Directory) and who have ever been enrolled in this course. In this case, only active users will be available from the Select scope drop-down list.
  • Inactive. When Inactive is selected, the report will include general quiz completion data and the number of attempts taken by users whose accounts are disabled or have been deleted in Microsoft Entra ID (Azure Active Directory) and who have ever been enrolled in this course. In this case, only inactive users will be available from the Select scope drop-down list.
  • All. When All is selected, the report will include general quiz completion data and the number of attempts taken by both active and inactive users. In this case, active and inactive users of this course will be available from the Select scope drop-down list.

5. Under Include enrollments, select the type of user enrollments the report should include: 

  • Active. This is the default value. When Active is selected, the report will include the selected users who have current active enrollments as learners in this course.
  • Cancelled. When Cancelled is selected, the report will include users whose enrollments in this course were cancelled by the catalog or course admins, or by themselves.
  • All. The report will include both Active and Cancelled enrollments for the selected users.

6. In the Select scope drop-down list, select one of the following values:

  • All. To include data of all the quizzes of the current course in the report.
  • The relevant quiz. To generate the report only on the selected quiz.



7. To generate a report that will include data on the learners' attempts made within a date range, set the relevant Start date and End date.

By default, these fields are empty. A report with empty date fields will include information for the course from the date the course was published up to and including the date the report is created.

8. To download a report to your device, select the Export to Excel option at the page bottom.

The report will display information in the language of your browser, if this language is supported by Learn365. Otherwise, it will be displayed in English (United States).

The downloaded report is grouped by quiz and contain the following information in the columns:




  • Quiz title. Shows the title of the quiz. The gray color of the quiz title means the quiz is either hidden from learners or is the part of a learning module.
  • Created date. Shows the date when the quiz was created.
  • Email, Department, Office, City, Country. Learner’s data as it is stated in the user account in Microsoft Entra ID (Azure Active Directory).
  • Completion status. Shows completion status of learner’s quiz attempt:
        • Not started. The learner hasn't started the quiz yet.
        • In progress. The learner has started the quiz attempt but hasn't finished it yet.
        • Completed. The learner completed the quiz attempt.
        • Failed. The learner has failed the current quiz attempt, but there are remaining attempts.
        • Out of attempts. The learner has failed the quiz attempt and there are no more attempts left.
        • Locked. The learner can't start the quiz because of the prerequisites.
  • Number of learners. Specifies the total number of learners the current report is built on.
  • Number of attempts. Shows the total number of attempts made by learners in the report to complete the quiz. For a particular learner, this column contains the number of attempts made by this learner to complete the quiz.
  • Average time. Displays the average time that learners in the report spent on this quiz. For individual learners, this column displays the average time the learner spent on their attempts to complete this quiz.
  • Score. Shows average score of the learners who have progress on this quiz. For a particular learner, this column contains the score that the learner has received on this quiz.
  • Date completed. Shows the date when the learner completed the quiz.

The order of the learning items in the report coincides with the order of the learning items in the training Content section. 



To view detailed information about a user's attempts to complete a quiz, their status in Microsoft Entra ID (Azure Active Directory) must be Active and they must have an active enrollment in the current course. The admin will then need to navigate to Manage Course Content of the course in question > Content package > View Learner's Details.

To view detailed information about attempts made by unenrolled users of the current course via View Learner's Details, these users must be enrolled in the course again.


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