External apps integrated in Learn365: add, manage, and delete external content and tools


Learn365 is Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) v.1.0/1.1 compliant. This means that you can integrate external apps that support the LTI standard into your Learn365 solution. In this way, Learn365 can host course content and tools provided by external parties, and you can include LTI-compliant audio, video, and interactive learning exercises from third parties in your courses.

This guide describes how course and catalog admins can add external apps to courses, and manage external apps that have already been added to courses.


Where to manage external apps

Required role: catalog admin or course admin.

External apps are managed from the Learn365 Admin Center > Training Management > select a course > Course management panel > Manage Course Content.




You'll be redirected to the Content section of the course configuration panel, where you can see and manage course content.


Add an external app to a course

Required role: catalog admin or course admin.

An external app can be added via the Content section when adding or editing a course.

1. Navigate to the Content section of the course configuration panel.


While creating a course

In the Learn365 Admin Center, go to Training Management > Create training. The course configuration panel opens. Here, you can create a course and define its content. To define course content, select the Content section of the course configuration panel.


While editing a course

In the Learn365 Admin Center, go to Training Management > select the relevant course > Manage Course Content > Content.

2. In the Content section of the course configuration panel, select + Add learning item > External app. The Add external app panel opens.

3. In the opened Add external app panel, complete the fields. Fields marked with an asterisk are required.




  • Name. Specify the name of the external app that will be displayed on the learning modules web part.

  • Description. Specify the description of the external app that will be displayed on the learning modules web part.

  • Consumer key. Specify the consumer key for accessing the external app inside the LMS (provided by the external app).

  • Secret. Specify the secret for accessing the external app inside the LMS (provided by the external app).

  • Privacy. Select what type of learner information will be sent to the external app when they start the attempt:
    • Anonymous. No information will be sent.
    • Email Only. The learner’s email address will be sent.
    • Name Only. The learner’s name will be sent.
    • Public. The learner’s name and email address will be sent.
  • Configuration Type. Select how you want to configure the external app. The fields displayed will depend on the option you select.
    • Manual Entry. Allows to configure the external app manually by specifying an entry point URL. Two additional fields will be displayed for the Manual Entry type:
      1. Launch URL. Specify an entry point URL. We strongly recommend using HTTPS based URLs.
      2. Custom fields. Specify custom fields, if any are required by the external app.
    • Paste XML. The additional XML Configuration field will be displayed, which you can use to enter XML code. Required parameters will automatically be parsed by the system.
  • Open this Tool in a new Tab. Select this option to open the external app in a new browser tab.

4. Select Save. The external app will be added to the course and automatically added to the course completion set.


Manage external apps

Required role: catalog admin or course admin.

You can edit, delete, or hide the external app, and view learners' progress with the external app.




View Learners' Details

Required role: catalog admin or course admin.

The View Learner's Details action allows admins to view the progress and the details on the selected external app of the users enrolled in the course.

This action enables admins to view progress information for the external app (for learners enrolled in the related course), as well as other information.



To view information about the the external app for unenrolled users, admins must re-enroll them in the course.


To View Learners' Details for users enrolled in the course:


1. In the Learn365 Admin Center, go to Training Management > select the relevant course > Manage Course Content > Content.

2. In the opened Content section, select the relevant external app to open its Actions panel.

3. On the Actions panel, select View Learners' Details. The View Learners’ Details page opens.

The View Learners’ Details page contains the following information:

  • Name. Displays the names of all users who are currently enrolled in the course that has the external app.

  • Status. Displays the status of learners' progress with the external app.
    The status can be either Not Started or Completed. The number of attempts isn't specified. 

    If a learner closes the Learn365 player while taking the external app in the course, they won't be able to start another attempt unless the admin deletes the previous attempt.

  • Completion date. Displays the date and time when the external app was been completed.

  • The delete action. The cross icon near the completion date enables the admin to delete the attempts. In the confirmation dialog, admins can select All Attempts or Last Attempt. Admins can delete only completed external apps attempts. Confirm the deletion to reset the learner's progress.

To close the View Learners' Details page, select Return to Manage Course Content.


Information from the View Learners' Details page can be exported as an Excel file by selecting Export.




The information in the exported file will be presented in the following form.




Learner's Name. The learner's name.

Status. The completion status of each learner.

  • Not Started. The learner hasn't started the external app.
  • Completed. The learner has completed the external app.

Date completed. The date on which the learner completed the external app.

Time completed. The time at which the learner completed the external app.


Edit an external app

Required role: catalog admin or course admin.

1. In the Learn365 Admin Center, go to Training Management > select the relevant course > Manage Course Content > Content.

2. In the opened Content section, select the relevant external app to open its Actions panel.

3. On the Actions panel, select Edit external app. The Edit external app panel opens.

4. Make the necessary changes then Save your changes.


Hide an external app

Required role: catalog admin or course admin.

1. In the Learn365 Admin Center, go to Training Management > select the relevant course > Manage Course Content > Content.

2. In the opened Content section, select the relevant external app to open its Actions panel.

3. On the Actions panel, select Hide External App

A confirmation message tells you that the item will no longer be visible or available to users on the course home page or in the syllabus in the Learn365 player.

4. Select Hide or Cancel.

If an external app is hidden, you'll see the Make External App Visible option in the Actions panel instead.




Delete an external app

Required role: catalog admin or course admin.

1. In the Learn365 Admin Center, go to Training Management > select the relevant course > Manage Course Content > Content.

2. In the opened Content section, select the relevant external app to open its Actions panel.

3. On the Actions panel, select Delete external app

A confirmation message tells you that the item will be deleted and that this action can't be undone.

4. Select Delete or Cancel.



If an external app is part of a learning module, then removing it from the course has a number of impacts. Find more information, see this article.

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