How to read the learner's completion status on the Course Progress dashboard


Each course may consist of several learning items for learners to complete step by step, enabling them to progress at their own pace.

The course admin can track a learner’s completion status at each step of their training, and see which learning items are completed, failed, or not started. This guide gives information on where to view the completion status of a particular learner on a particular course and an explanation of statuses.


Where to view

To view a learner’s completion status for the course, follow these steps:

1. Go to Learn365 Admin Center > Training Management > Select the course.

2. Select Course Progress in one of the following ways:

  • Near the selected course, select the Course Progress icon 6-14.png.
  • On the Course Management panel.


Select the course progress icon


This opens the Course Progress dashboard with detailed information about the progress of each user who is enrolled in this particular course. Here, you can view learners' current completion status of the course under the Status column. To see the current status of learning items included in the course, select the expand icon near the learner's name.

For an overview of the Course Progress dashboard and management tools, navigate to this article.

For detailed information about how to read the data displayed on Course Progress dashboard and in the downloaded report, navigate to this article.




Completion statuses explanation

You can find the following course completion statuses: Completed, Not started, In progress, and Previously Completed (if the completed course was retaken). The Status column reflects the status of the current attempt to complete the course.



The course status is set to Completed in the following cases:

  • Completion progress of all the learning items in the course corresponds to the course completion settings, meaning all learning items required for course completion are successfully completed by the learner.
  • For instructor-led training, in addition to the learning items in the course (if they're added to the course), the registered attendance percentage matches that required for course completion. For instructor-led training with a defined number of sessions, learners must attend the required number of standalone sessions and/or session groups.

For more information on attendance registration and calculationnavigate to this article.

For more information on how attendance progress is included in the overall progress calculation of instructor-led training, navigate to this article.



For courses with the multiple- enrollment type with a Defined number of groups or standalone sessions, course progress and completion depend on whether the learner meets the required attendance percentage and whether the learner registers for the required number of standalone sessions and/or session groups.

If a learner is registered for fewer sessions than is required, the course will always be In Progress and can't be completed by the learner unless they register for the required number of standalone sessions and/or session groups.


  • When Importing External Training via the Users page, the status is set to Completed and the Progress to 100%.

  • Courses with the Completed status may include learning items with the Not started and In progress statuses if these items aren't required for course completion (aren't identified with the star icon on the dashboard) in any Course completion set. These learning items don't influence the completion of the course, as shown in the following image.




  • If the course completion status is manually set to Completed. The details can be found in the following section.


Manual course completion

Course progress when completing the course manually:

  • If you set the course to Completed manually by moving the toggle to Yes without manually completing the learning items in the course including attendance for instructor-led training, the total course Progress value will be 100% but the learning items will keep the values as they were before the manual completion of the course, as you can see in the following image.



  • If individual learning items in the course are manually completed but the course completion isn't, the total course progress will be recalculated accordingly. The manually completed learning items receive 100% progress, as shown in the following image. The course status remains In Progress.



  • If you manually complete all learning items in the course, the course will automatically be set to completed. The total course progress and separate progress of all learning items will be 100%.

The exception to this is instructor-led training with the multiple- enrollment type with a defined number of sessions or groups, where a learner is enrolled in fewer sessions or groups than required. In this case, manual completion of all learning items and attendance will keep the course In Progress.

If a learner is enrolled in instructor-led training of the single- and multiple- enrollment type that has the Allow enrollment without session registration option enabled, and isn’t registered for any course session or group, you can't manage their attendance because there isn't a field for this. The attendance progress will remain at 0% with the Not started status. However, it doesn’t influence manual course completion, regardless of whether attendance is set as required for course completion.

  • If you manually complete the course by dragging the Yes toggle, where you also manually complete some learning items and leave the progress of other learning items as it is, the total course progress will be set to 100%, the manually completed learning items will be set to 100%, and the non-modified learning items will keep their progress status as it was before the manual completion of the course. See the following example.



Previously completed

If the course was completed and then retaken, the previous completion records can be tracked on the dashboard in the additional column that has no heading, located between the Status and CEUs columns. In such a case, this column contains a grey tick icon. Hover over the icon to see the last completion date of the course. 

If the course was completed several times, only the last completion date is shown.




The previously completed date of the course can be also tracked in the downloaded course progress report in the Previously completed column. For detailed information about how to read the data displayed on Course Progress dashboard and in the downloaded report, navigate to this article.


In progress 

The status is set to In progress in the following cases:

  • When a learner has started an e-learning course but hasn’t successfully completed all of its required learning items. A learner may have completed one or more learning items, may not have started other items yet, or learning items can have a Failed status.

  • When all learning items in the course are Failed, the learner’s completion status remains In progress until they've been completed successfully. In this case, all attempts to complete learning items are failed, and the admin must reset the learner's progress manually.

    See this article on creating and managing completion sets for more information on how to control which parts of a course must be completed for learners to complete the course.

  • For instructor-led training without learning items and with the required attendance, the In progress status means that the total learner's registered attendance progress is less than what's required to complete the course.

When attendance for all the sessions (standalone or within groups) that are required for course completion are set as Not Started/Absent/Absent (Informed), the course will keep the Not started status.



If the registered attendance setting in courses with the multiple- enrollment type is set for the Defined number of groups or standalone sessions, and a learner is registered for the number of standalone sessions and/or session groups that is less than the number required for course completion, the course and attendance progress won't reach 100% or the Completed status, and will stay as In progress. To complete the course, the learner should meet all attendance requirements.


In the following image, the learner is registered for and has attended only two sessions out of the three sessions required for course completion. As a result, you can see 0% in course/attendance progress and the In progress status.



  • For instructor-led training with learning items and the required attendance, the In progress status means that a learner has progress on at least one learning item in the course and/or the total registered learner's attendance progress is less than what is required to complete the course.



For courses of the multiple- enrollment type with the Defined number of groups or standalone sessions, course progress and completion depend on whether the learner meets the required attendance percentage and whether the learner registers for the required number of standalone sessions and/or session groups.

If a learner is registered for fewer standalone sessions and/or session groups than is required, the course will always be In progress and can't be completed by the learner unless they register for the required number of sessions. The catalog or course admin can manually complete the course.


  • If attendance in instructor-led training is required for course completion and the Allow enrollment without session registration option is enabled for the single- and multiple- enrollment type, course progress is calculated as the average of all items set as required for course completion, including attendance, regardless of whether the learner is taking the course without attendance registration.

If the learner is taking the course without registration in standalone sessions and/or session groups, the course status remains In progress even though all the required learning items are completed, but attendance progress is 0% with the Not started status. To complete the course, the learner must meet the attendance requirements set in the course completion set. Only course or catalog admins can complete the course manually by dragging the Completed toggle to Yes. Alternatively, learners should register for the required number of standalone sessions and/or session groups.



In the following image, the learner has completed the learning items in instructor-led training without session registration. Attendance is required for course completion, and this is indicated by the star icon. As a result, the course status is In progress, the learning items are Completed, attendance progress is 0% and Not started. The learner can't progress with this course unless they register for the required number of sessions.




For more information on attendance registration and calculation, see his article.

For more information on how attendance progress is included into the overall progress calculation of instructor-led training, see this article.


Not started

The e-learning course status is set to Not started in the following cases:

  • When the user who is enrolled in the course hasn't started the course yet.
  • When the catalog or course admin deleted the learner's progress.
  • When the catalog or course admin resets the completed course progress by selecting Force Retake. The learner who has been forced to retake the course hasn't started a new attempt yet. In this case, you will find the grey tick icon showing the last completed date when you hover over.



For instructor-led training, the Not started status is set:

  • When the course contains learning items and attendance is set as required, the Not started status means none of the learning items are in progress and attendance was registered as Not Set/Absent/Absent (Informed) for all the sessions (standalone or within groups).

  • In courses with the single- and multiple- enrollment types, when the course contains learning items, attendance is set as required, and the learner isn't registered for the required number of standalone sessions and/or session groups with the enabled Allow enrollment without session registration option and hasn't started any of the learning items.
  • When instructor-led training doesn't contain learning items and attendance is required, the Not started status means registered attendance is set as Not Started/Absent/Absent (Informed) for all the sessions (standalone or within groups).

  • When the course contains learning items and attendance isn't required, the Not started status means none of the learning items has progress and attendance was set as Not Set/Absent/Absent (Informed) for all (standalone or within groups).

For more information on attendance registration and calculation, see this article.

For more information on how Attendance progress is included into the overall progress calculation of instructor-led training, see this article.


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