Enrollment flows in Learn365


Course and catalog admins can control course and training plan enrollment flows, enabling them to regulate the number of users who can enroll in training and manage the participant list. The enrollment procedure will vary depending on the selected enrollment flow.

In this guide, we'll describe the different enrollment flows and how to manage them.


Enrollment flows

Learn365 provides the following course or training plan enrollment flows:

At catalog level, catalog admins can configure the enrollment flows that will be available for courses and training plans.


Manage enrollment requests

The Enrollment Requests filter is displayed at the top of the Training Management page if users have submitted course or training plan enrollment requests that are pending approval. The number of pending enrollment requests is shown on the filter.

Any courses and training plans that have pending enrollment requests are displayed with a red exclamation mark next to their title.




To manage user enrollment requests:

1. Go to the Learn365 Admin Center > Training Management > select Enrollment Requests at the top of the page to see which courses and training plans have pending enrollment requests.

2. Select the relevant course or training plan to open the Course management or Training Plan Management panel respectively, then select Manage enrollment requests.

The Manage enrollment requests panel opens, where you can approve or reject user enrollment requests and get a historical view of all user enrollment requests for this training.

The Manage enrollment requests panel differs depending on the type of training and its settings.

3. Select the relevant users, then approve or reject their enrollment requests.


Approve or reject enrollment requests

A learner's enrollment request can be approved or rejected in the following ways:

  • Directly from an approval request notification that the approver receives via email and Microsoft Teams (if this option is enabled).
  • In the Learn365 Admin Center.

From a notification, the catalog or course admin, or the line manager, can process only that enrollment request. For the Learn365 Admin Center, the catalog or course admin, or the line manager, can process all course or training plan enrollment requests.


Notification via email and Teams

When a learner enrolls in a course or training plan via the training home page, and their enrollment requires line manager or admin approval, an approval request email notification and a Teams notification (if this option is enabled) are sent to the approver. The notifications include information about who requested enrollment, the training title, and links to approve or reject the enrollment request.


Example of an approval request notification received via email.


the_teams_request_for_approval.pngExample of an approval request notification received via Teams.


When approving an enrollment request, the corresponding link directs the approver to the Enrollment Approval Confirmation page, where the following information is displayed:

  • The course type, its title (a clickable link that redirects you to the training home page), and the learner's name. Depending on the training settings, the categories, ID, due date, and contacts for the training may also be displayed.



  • For instructor-led training with the multiple- enrollment type, information about the requested course sessions and/or session groups is also displayed. For standalone sessions, you can track their date and the start and end times. For group sessions, you can track the start date and time of the first session in the group, and the end date and time of the last session in the group. Session and session group names aren't displayed.



  • For instructor-led training with the single- enrollment type, information about the requested course session or session group is also displayed. For a standalone session, you can track its date and the start and end time. For a group session, you can track the start date and time of the first session in the group, and the end date and time of the last session in the group. Session and session group names aren't displayed.



If the number of enrollments requested exceeds 5,000 (this is a limit imposed by SharePoint), an additional SharePoint Learners group will be created automatically to accommodate the remaining enrollments. When this happens, you'll be informed via a notification. For more information, see this article.


When rejecting an enrollment request, the corresponding link directs the approver to the Enrollment Rejection Confirmation page, where the following information is displayed:

  • The course type, its title (a clickable link that redirects you to the training home page), and the learner's name. Depending on the training settings, the categories, ID, due date, and contacts for the training may also be displayed.
  • For instructor-led training with the single- or multiple- enrollment type, information about the requested standalone sessions or session groups is also displayed. For standalone session, you can track their date and the start and end times. For group sessions, you can track the start date and time of the first session in the group, and the end date and time of the last session in the group. Session and session group names aren't displayed.

In the Reason of Rejection field, the person who is rejecting the request should enter a reason. This activates the Reject button.




After selecting Reject, the button will be replaced with the message: You have successfully rejected the enrollment request. The learner will receive a Reject Confirmation notification, which will show the reason why their request was rejected.




Via the Learn365 Admin Center

Enrollment requests with a Pending Approval status can be approved or rejected via the Learn365 Admin Center.

1. Go to the Learn365 Admin Center > Training Management > select the Enrollment Requests filter to see which courses and training plans have pending enrollment requests. .

2. Select the relevant course or training plan to open the Course management or Training Plan Management panel respectively, then select Manage enrollment requests.

The Manage enrollment requests panel opens, where you can approve or reject user enrollment requests for the selected training. By default, the panel shows users with pending approvals.

3. Select the relevant users to enable the Approve and Reject options.





If the number of enrollments requested exceeds 5,000 (this is a limit imposed by SharePoint), an additional SharePoint Learners group will be created automatically to accommodate the remaining enrollments. When this happens, you'll be informed via a notification. For more information, see this article.


The Manage enrollment requests panel differs depending on the course enrollment type and might include the following information.

  • Enrollment Flow. The enrollment flow for the training.
  • Enrollment Type. For instructor-led training, shows the enrollment type.
  • All course sessions drop-down. For instructor-led training with the single- enrollment type, the panel displays all the requests in the course by default. From the list, you can select a specific session or a session group that has pending approvals.
  • Pending Approval filter. By default, the panel displays all users with enrollment requests that are pending approval. From the list, you can choose to show the following: All enrollment statuses, Pending Approval, Enrolled, Rejected, and Canceled.
  • Export to Excel. Download the content of the panel based on any applied filters to your local device as an Excel file.
  • Name. Name of the user name who requested enrollment approval.
  • Email. User's email address (as specified in Microsoft Entra ID (Azure Active Directory)).
  • Department. User's department (as specified in Microsoft Entra ID (Azure Active Directory)).
  • Line Manager. The person who is specified as the user's line manager (as specified in Microsoft Entra ID (Azure Active Directory)).
  • Enrollment Status. Status of the enrollment request:

Enrolled. The user is enrolled in the training.

Pending Approval. The user has requested enrollment in training that has either the Line Manager Approval or Administrator Approval enrollment flow, and the enrollment request is awaiting approval.

Canceled. The user canceled their enrollment request before it was approved or rejected, or the user has unenrolled from the training. Possible reasons for cancellation are described in the Cancellation messages section.

Rejected. The catalog admin, course admin, or line manager has rejected the user’s enrollment request. A tooltip on the Rejected status shows the rejection reason specified in the rejection message sent to the user by the admin.

  • Last Modified. The date and time the enrollment request was last modified (according to the regional settings of the current site).
  • Modified by. The user who last modified the enrollment request. 
  • List of Sessions. For instructor-led training with the multiple- enrollment type, the number of standalone sessions and/or session groups in which the user has requested to be enrolled is displayed in brackets. Select the link to view more information about the sessions and session groups.
  • Session. For instructor-led training with the single- enrollment type when All course sessions is selected in the drop-down, this displays the name of the session or session group in which the user has requested enrollment.


The enrollment approval/rejection process you'll experience depends on the course type and the enrollment flow.


e-Learning courses and training plans

To approve enrollment requests on the Manage enrollment requests panel:

1. Select the checkbox next to the relevant users. To choose all the users in the list, select the checkbox next to the Name column.

2. Select Approve. Users will be enrolled in the course or training plan and their enrollment status will change to Enrolled.


To reject enrollment requests on the Manage enrollment requests panel:

1. Select the checkbox next to the relevant users. To choose all the users in the list, select the checkbox next to the Name column.

2. Select Reject and complete the Reject Message with the rejection reason.

3. Select OK to complete the process or Cancel.




To view the status of all enrollment requests for the current course or training plan, select All enrollment statuses from the drop-down on the top bar.


Instructor-led training with the single- enrollment type

The Manage enrollment requests panel opens with All course sessions selected in the drop-down on the top bar. From this view, you can track the users who requested enrollment in a standalone session or session group. The Sessions column is shown only when All course sessions is selected and displays the name of the session or session group in which the user has requested enrollment.



To view detailed information about the standalone sessions or session groups in the course, expand the drop-down list.

  • All course sessions displays the number of pending approval requests for all the standalone sessions and session groups in the course.
  • Each session or session group with pending approval requests displays the number of pending approval requests.
  • The standalone session name (if set).
  • The standalone session start and end date and time.
  • The standalone session time zone.
  • The name of the instructor of the standalone session (if set).
  • The room for the standalone session (if set).
  • The session group name.
  • The start date and time of the first session in the session group, and the end date and time of the last session in the session group.




To approve enrollment requests on the Manage enrollment requests panel:

1. Select the checkbox next to the relevant users. To choose all the users in the list, select the checkbox next to the Name column.

2. Select Approve. Users will be enrolled in the requested standalone session or all the sessions in the session group of the course, and their enrollment status will change to Enrolled.


To reject enrollment requests on the Manage enrollment requests panel:

1. Select the checkbox next to the relevant users. To choose all the users in the list, select the checkbox next to the Name column.

2. Select Reject and complete the Reject Message with the rejection reason.

3. Select OK to complete the process or Cancel.


Instructor-led training with the multiple- enrollment type

The Manage enrollment requests panel opens with Pending Approval selected in the drop-down on the top bar. From this view, you can track the users who requested enrollment in standalone sessions and/or session groups of the course and their enrollments are pending approval.




To view information about the sessions and/or session groups for which the user has pending approvals, select the List of Sessions for the relevant user. On the opened Sessions panel, you can track the standalone sessions and session groups the user has requested. Expand a session group to see information about its sessions.

Here, you can track the name of a standalone session or session group, the session start and end dates, the time zone of each session, locations, and the session URL link.




When you approve or reject an enrollment request, the select action applies to all the standalone sessions and session groups for which the user has pending enrollment approvals.


To approve enrollment requests:

1. Select the checkbox next to the relevant users. To choose all the users in the list, select the checkbox next to the Name column.

2. Select Approve. Users will be enrolled in the requested standalone sessions and/or sessions within the requested session groups of the course, and their enrollment status will change to Enrolled.


To reject enrollment requests:

1. Select the checkbox next to the relevant users. To choose all the users in the list, select the checkbox next to the Name column.

2. Select Reject and complete the Reject Message with the rejection reason.

3. Select OK to complete the process or Cancel.


Instructor-led training with the all- enrollment type

The Manage enrollment requests panel opens with Pending Approval selected in the drop-down on the top bar. From this view, you can track the users who requested enrollment in the course and all of its standalone sessions and/or session groups, and their enrollments are pending approval.


To approve enrollment requests:

1. Select the checkbox next to the relevant users. To choose all the users in the list, select the checkbox next to the Name column.

2. Select Approve. Users will be enrolled in course and all of its standalone sessions and/or session groups, and their enrollment status will change to Enrolled.


To reject enrollment requests:

1. Select the checkbox next to the relevant users. To choose all the users in the list, select the checkbox next to the Name column.

2. Select Reject and complete the Reject Message with the rejection reason.

3. Select OK to complete the process or Cancel.





Cancellation and rejection messages

By default, the Manage enrollment requests panel displays all users with enrollment requests that are pending approval. You can change the view by selecting one of the following options from the drop-down list on the top bar: All enrollment statuses, Pending Approval, Enrolled, Rejected, and Canceled.

If an enrollment request was canceled or rejected, you can track the rejection reason by hovering over the Canceled or Rejected status.

  • If a user unenrolls from training, the tooltip will show the text the user entered in the cancellation message.




  • If a user retakes their training, this will be shown in the tooltip.




  • If a user unenrolls from a training plan, and therefore unenrolls from all of its courses, the tooltip for these courses will read "Canceled via Training Plan".



  • If a user's registration for a standalone session is pending approval but this session was later deleted, the tooltip will read "Canceled because the selected session was deleted".




  • If a session was removed from a session group and the user's request was therefore canceled, the tooltip when hovering over Canceled will read "Canceled because the session was removed from the session group."
  • If a user was unenrolled from a standalone session because the session became part of a session group, the tooltip when hovering over Canceled will read "Canceled because the selected session was moved to the session group."
  • You can track the rejection reason provided when a request was rejected by hovering over Rejected.




Exporting enrollment request information

To export the information currently displayed on the Manage enrollment requests panel to your local device, select Export to Excel. If you want to export information about all enrollments for the selected course, select All enrollment status from the drop-down on the top bar before you select Export to Excel.




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