Learn365 enables course and catalog admins to enroll and unenroll individual Microsoft Entra ID (Azure Active Directory) accounts or Microsoft Entra (Azure Active Directory) groups in and from courses and training plans. It also enables to manage their own enrollments in courses and training plans.
In this article, we describe how users can enroll themselves in, and unenroll themselves from, courses and training plans, add themselves to a waiting list for courses or course sessions, and change their session registrations.
To enroll in an e-learning course, users follow these steps:
1. On the course catalog page, select the relevant e-learning course. Use the search feature and apply filters on the catalog home page to locate the relevant course.
2. Select View Course on the training card or View in the opened course details panel.
The user is redirected to the course home page, where they can enroll in the course.
Depending on the enrollment flow selected for the course, users may be enrolled in the course automatically, or their course enrollment request might need to be approved by a line manager or a course/catalog admin. Find more information about enrollment flow types in this article.
Once they're successfully enrolled, users will receive the Course Enrollment Confirmation notification and they can start to interact with learning content.
Instructor-Led Training
General flow
To enroll in an instructor-led course, users follow these steps:
1. On the course catalog page, select the relevant instructor-led course. Use the search feature and apply filters on the catalog home page to locate the relevant course. When in Card or List view, users will find all instructor-led courses, regardless of whether the courses have active sessions. The Calendar view enables users to directly select the course session for which they want to register.
2. When in Card or List view in the course catalog, select View Course on the training card or View in the course details panel. When in Calendar view, select a session to open a course details panel, where users should select View.
The user is redirected to the course home page, where they can enroll in the course. From this point, the process differs depending on the course enrollment type.
All groups and standalone sessions
For an instructor-led course of the all- enrollment type, users need to select Enroll to course to enroll in it and register for all of its active standalone sessions and session groups.
Depending on the enrollment flow selected for the course, users may be enrolled in the course automatically, or their course enrollment request might need to be approved by a line manager or a course/catalog admin. Find more information about enrollment flow types in this article.
When a maximum number of attendees is set for a course of the all- enrollment type, the number of vacant seats is limited and is displayed in the Information section. Users whose course enrollments are pending approval count as an occupied seat, as do users who are already enrolled in this course.
When users who requested course enrollment are successfully enrolled in the course, the number of vacant seats for this course adjusts accordingly.
Once they're successfully enrolled, users will receive the Instructor-led training enrollment confirmation notification and they can start to interact with learning content.
If the course has no available seats and the Waiting List option is enabled, users can add themselves to the waiting list for the course. They'll be enrolled in the course when a seat becomes available in any standalone session or session group.
Single group or standalone session
For an instructor-led course of the single- enrollment type, in order to enroll in the course, users need to select one standalone session or session group for which they want to register.
Depending on the enrollment flow selected for the course, users may be enrolled in the course automatically, or their course enrollment request might need to be approved by a line manager or a course/catalog admin. Find more information about enrollment flow types in this article.
When a maximum number of attendees is set for a standalone session or session group, the number of vacant seats is limited and is displayed in the Sessions section of the card of this standalone session or session group. Users whose registration for a standalone session or session group are pending approval count as an occupied seat, as do users who are already registered for this standalone session or session group.
When users request registration for a standalone session or session group, or when they're successfully registered for it, the number of vacant seats for this standalone session or session group adjusts accordingly.
Once they're successfully enrolled, users will receive the Instructor-led training enrollment confirmation notification and they can start to interact with learning content.
If the standalone session or session group has no available seats, the follow-up process depends on whether the Waiting List option is enabled for this course. Find more information in the Single group or standalone session section of this article.
If the Allow enrollment without session registration option is enabled for the course:
- Users can enroll in the course without registering for a standalone session or session group.
- Users can select a standalone session or session group with available seats to enroll in the course.
- Users can select a standalone session or session group with no available seats and add themselves to the waiting list for a course, standalone session, or session group of their choice. In this case, users won't be enrolled in the course.
When users want to enroll in a course that has no active standalone sessions or session groups, a message displayed in the Information section encourages them to contact course admins to schedule additional standalone sessions or session groups. Also, users can request another standalone session or session group (perhaps at a different time or on a different day) from the course home page by selecting Make request for session, if the Request(s) for Sessions option is enabled for the course.
Selecting Make request for session opens a form that enables users to describe their request by entering up to 500 characters. The form can be expanded by dragging the bottom right-hand corner, enabling more space for users to work with the text. Requests from users are managed by catalog and course admins in the Learn365 Admin Center.
Multiple groups or standalone sessions
For an instructor-led course of the multiple- enrollment type, in order to enroll in the course, users need to select one or more standalone sessions or session groups for which they want to register.
Depending on the enrollment flow selected for the course, users may be enrolled in the course automatically, or their course enrollment request might need to be approved by a line manager or a course/catalog admin. Find more information about enrollment flow types in this article.
When a maximum number of attendees is set for a standalone session or session group, the number of vacant seats is limited and is displayed in the Sessions section of the card of this standalone session or session group. Users whose registration for a standalone session or session group are pending approval count as an occupied seat, as do users who are already registered for this standalone session or session group.
When users request registration for standalone sessions or session groups, or when they're successfully registered for them, the number of vacant seats for standalone sessions or session groups adjusts accordingly.
Once they're successfully enrolled, users will receive the Instructor-led training enrollment confirmation notification and they can start to interact with learning content.
If the standalone sessions and session groups selected by users have no available seats, the follow-up process depends on whether the Waiting List option is enabled for this course. Find more information in the Multiple groups or standalone sessions section of this article.
If the Allow enrollment without session registration option is enabled for the course:
- Users can enroll in the course without registering for standalone sessions or session groups.
- Users can select standalone sessions or session groups with available seats and enroll in the course.
- Users can select standalone sessions or session groups with no available seats and add themselves to the waiting list for the selected standalone sessions and session groups. In this case, users won't be enrolled in the course.
When users want to enroll in a course that has no active standalone sessions or session groups, a message displayed in the Information section encourages them to contact course admins to schedule additional standalone sessions or session groups. Also, users can request other standalone sessions or session groups (perhaps at a different time or on a different day) from the course home page by selecting Make request for session, if the Request(s) for Sessions option is enabled for the course.
Selecting Make request for session opens a form that enables users to describe their request by entering up to 500 characters. The form can be expanded by dragging the bottom right-hand corner, enabling more space for users to work with the text. Requests from users are managed by course and catalog admins in the Learn365 Admin Center.
Enroll without session registration
Course and catalog admins can enable users to enroll in and attend instructor-led courses of the single- and multiple- enrollment types without registering for any of its standalone sessions and session groups using the Allow enrollment without session registration option. This might be useful if attending standalone sessions or session groups isn't required for course completion, or if the standalone sessions or session groups of the course have already ended.
This option can be found in the Settings section of the course configuration panel.
The option is toggled Off by default, meaning users need to register for at least one standalone session or session group in order to enroll in the course. The number of standalone sessions or session groups for which they can register depends on the enrollment type of this course.
With the option toggled On, users can enroll in the course without registering for any standalone sessions or session groups. Enrollment in courses with this option enabled won't trigger the Session registration request notification to be sent to users.
For courses with this option enabled, the enrollment flow differs depending on whether the Waiting List option is enabled for the course. Find more information in the Waiting list section of this article.
For courses with this option enabled, users will remain enrolled in the course even if they cancel their registrations for all standalone sessions and session groups, or if these standalone sessions or session groups are canceled (deleted).
Find more information about retaking instructor-led courses and training plans that have courses with the Allow enrollment without session registration option enabled, and the related notification flow, in this article.
Training plans
To enroll in a training plan, users follow these steps:
1. On the course catalog page, select the relevant training plan. Use the search feature and apply filters on the catalog home page to locate the relevant training plan.
2. Select View Training Plan on the training card or View in the training plan details panel.
The user is redirected to the training plan home page, where they can enroll in the training plan. Depending on the enrollment flow selected for the training plan, users may be enrolled in the training plan automatically, or their training plan enrollment request might need to be approved by a line manager or a course/catalog admin. Find more information about enrollment flow types in this article.
Once users are enrolled in a training plan that includes instructor-led training of the all- enrollment type, they'll receive the Training Plan Enrollment Confirmation notification.
Once users are enrolled in a training plan that includes instructor-led training of the single- and multiple- enrollment types, they'll receive the Training Plan Enrollment Confirmation notification. Users will also receive Session registration request notifications for each of these courses and they'll need to select a standalone sessions or session groups to complete their enrollment in the courses that are part of the training plan. Following the Select Course Session link from the email notification, users are redirected to the course home page, where they can choose to register for the relevant standalone sessions or session groups. However, if the Allow enrollment without session registration option is enabled for an instructor-led course that forms part of a training plan, users won't receive the Session registration request notifications for these courses.
Find more information about retaking instructor-led courses and training plans that have courses with the Allow enrollment without session registration option enabled, and the related notification flow, in this article.
Waiting list
All groups and standalone sessions
Waiting List is disabled
When users try to enroll in a course of the all- enrollment type where there are no seats currently available in its standalone sessions and session groups, the Enroll to course option is displayed active. Selecting this option displays a message, notifying users that there are no available seats so they can't enroll in the course.
The Allow enrollment without session registration option isn't available for instructor-led courses of the all- enrollment type.
Waiting List is enabled
If there are no seats currently available for standalone sessions or session groups, the Add to waiting list option replaces the Enroll to course option. Users can select this to add themselves to the course waiting list.
When a seat becomes available, users are automatically enrolled in the course and all of its active standalone sessions and session groups.
If users are added to a waiting list for a course that has an enrollment deadline set, they'll be automatically enrolled in this course if a seat becomes available, even if the enrollment deadline has passed. This happens because their enrollment request was registered within the enrollment deadline period.
Users can select Remove from waiting list to cancel their enrollment request.
The Allow enrollment without session registration option isn't available for instructor-led courses of the all- enrollment type.
Single group or standalone session
Waiting List is disabled
When users try to enroll in a course of the single- enrollment type, the process differs depending on three things:
- Whether there are standalone sessions or session groups in the course that have seats currently available.
- Whether the Waiting List option is enabled for the course.
- Whether the Allow enrollment without session registration option is enabled for the course.
Here, we describe four scenarios that feature a combination of these three things, each of which are described for courses of the single- enrollment type where the Waiting List option is disabled.
1) There are standalone sessions or session groups with available seats and the Allow enrollment without session registration option is disabled for the course.
The message "Select a session group or a standalone session below to enroll in this course." is displayed above the list of standalone sessions and session groups. Cards of standalone sessions and session groups with no available seats can't be selected.
After users select a standalone session or session group with available seats, the Enroll to course option becomes active and they can register for the selected standalone session or session group and complete their enrollment in the course.
Catalog and course admins can configure the Allow learners to change session registrations option to control users' ability to change their selection of standalone session or session group later.
2) There are standalone sessions or session groups with available seats and the Allow enrollment without session registration option is enabled for the course.
Cards of standalone sessions or session groups with no available seats can't be selected.
The Enroll to course option is active, enabling users to enroll in the course without registering for any standalone session or session group.
Users can still select to register for a standalone session or session group and enroll in the course. They can change their selection of standalone session or session group later if the Allow learners to change session registrations option is enabled.
3) There are standalone sessions and session groups with no available seats and the Allow enrollment without session registration option is disabled for the course.
Cards of standalone sessions and session groups with no available seats can't be selected and the Enroll to course option is deactivated. Users can't enroll in the course and will need to contact course admins for help.
4) There are standalone sessions and session groups with no available seats and the Allow enrollment without session registration option is enabled for the course.
Cards of standalone sessions and session groups with no available seats can't be selected. The Enroll to course option is active and users can enroll in the course without registering for a standalone session or session group.
Users can register for a standalone session or session group later if available places become available or the waiting list option is enabled for the course.
Waiting List is enabled
When users try to enroll in a course of the single- enrollment type, the process differs depending on three things:
- Whether there are standalone sessions or session groups in the course that have seats currently available.
- Whether the Waiting List option is enabled for the course.
- Whether the Allow enrollment without session registration option is enabled for the course.
Here, we describe four scenarios that feature a combination of these three things, each of which are described for courses of the single- enrollment type where the Waiting List option enabled.
1) There are standalone sessions or session groups with available seats and the Allow enrollment without session registration option is disabled for the course.
The message "Select a session group or a standalone session below to enroll in this course." is displayed above the list of standalone sessions and session groups. Cards of standalone sessions and session groups with no available seats can be selected because the Waiting List option being enabled.
After users select a session:
The Enroll to course option becomes active if the selected standalone session or session group has available seats. Users can register for it and enroll in the course.
The Add to waiting list option replaces the Enroll to course option if the selected standalone session or session group has no seats currently available. Users can add themselves to the waiting list for the selected standalone session or session group, but they won't be enrolled in the course until seats become available.
Users can select Remove from waiting list option to cancel their enrollment request or change their selection of standalone session or session group if the Allow learners to change session registrations option is enabled.
2) There are standalone sessions or session groups with available seats and the Allow enrollment without session registration option is enabled for the course.
The Enroll to course option is active, enabling users to enroll in the course without registering for any standalone session or session group.
Users can still select a standalone session or session group and enroll in the course. They can change their selection of a standalone session or session group later if the Allow learners to change session registrations option is enabled.
3) There are standalone sessions or session groups with no available seats and the Allow enrollment without session registration is disabled for the course.
The message "Select a session group or a standalone session below to enroll in this course." is displayed above the list of standalone sessions and session groups. Cards of standalone sessions and session groups show no available places but they can be selected.
Users can select any of the standalone sessions or session groups and the Add to waiting list option replaces the Enroll to course option.
When users select Add to waiting list, they're asked to choose whether they want to join the waiting list for the selected standalone session or session group, or join the waiting list for the course.
If users choose to join the waiting list for the course, they'll be enrolled in any standalone session or session group if a seat becomes available. In this case, no standalone session or session group in the list will the On waiting list status, but the Remove from waiting list option will be displayed, enabling users to cancel their enrollment request. The Change session registrations option will also be available if the Allow learners to change session registrations option is enabled.
If users choose to join the waiting list for the selected standalone session or session group, they'll be registered for this standalone session or session group if a seat becomes available. The selected standalone session or session group has the On waiting list status on its card and is located at the top of the list of standalone sessions or session groups of the course.
If users are added to a waiting list for a standalone session or session group that has an enrollment deadline set, they'll be automatically registered for this standalone session or session group if a seat becomes available, even if the enrollment deadline has passed. This happens because their enrollment request was registered within the enrollment deadline period.
Users can select Remove from waiting list to cancel their enrollment request or change their session registrations if the Allow learners to change session registrations option is enabled.
4) There are standalone sessions or session groups with and without available seats and the Allow enrollment without session registration is enabled for the course.
Cards of standalone sessions and session groups show that there are no available places but they can be selected. The Enroll to course option is active, enabling users to enroll in the course without registering for any standalone session or session group.
Users can still select a standalone session or session group that has no seats currently available. After the user selects a standalone session or session group with no available seats, the Add to waiting list option replaces the Add to waiting list option. To clear the selection, users can refresh the page to display the Enroll to course option again.
When users select a standalone session or session group and then select Add to waiting list, they'll be enrolled in the selected a standalone session or session group if a seat becomes available.
The selected standalone session or session group now has the On waiting list status on the session card and is located at the top of the list of standalone sessions or session groups.
If users are added to a waiting list for a standalone session or session group that has an enrollment deadline set, they'll be automatically registered for it if a seat becomes available, even if the enrollment deadline has passed. This happens because their enrollment request was registered within the enrollment deadline period.
Users can select the Remove from waiting list option to cancel their enrollment request or change their session registrations later if the Allow learners to change session registrations option is enabled.
Multiple groups or standalone sessions
Waiting List is disabled
When users try to enroll in a course of the multiple- enrollment type, the process differs depending on three things:
- Whether there are standalone sessions and session groups in the course that have seats currently available.
- Whether the Waiting List option is enabled for the course.
- Whether the Allow enrollment without session registration option is enabled for the course.
Here, we provide four scenarios that feature a combination of these three things, each of which are described for courses where the Waiting List option is disabled.
1) There are standalone sessions and session groups with available seats and the Allow enrollment without session registration option is disabled for the course.
The message "Select session groups or standalone sessions below to enroll in this course." is displayed above the list of standalone sessions and session groups. Cards of standalone sessions and session groups with no available seats can't be selected.
After users select one or more standalone sessions or session groups with available seats, the Enroll to course option becomes active and they can enroll in the course.
Users can change their registration for standalone sessions or session groups later if the Allow learners to change session registrations option is enabled.
Users might already have been enrolled in the course by a course or catalog admin, or via a training plan, but not registered for any standalone sessions or session groups of the course. In this case, users will see the Select course session(s) option instead of Enroll to course. For more information, see the Register for sessions when already enrolled section of this article.
2) There are standalone sessions and session groups with available seats and the Allow enrollment without session registration is enabled for the course.
Cards of standalone sessions and session groups with no available seats can't be selected.
The Enroll to course option is still active, without any standalone sessions or session groups selected, enabling users to enroll in the course.
Users can select to register for one or more standalone sessions or session groups and enroll in the course. They can change their selection of standalone sessions or session groups later if the Allow learners to change session registrations option is enabled.
Users might already have been enrolled in the course by a course or catalog admin, or via a training plan, but not registered for any standalone sessions or session groups of the course. These users won't receive the Session registration request notification. For more information, see the Register for sessions when already enrolled section of this article.
3) There are standalone sessions and session groups with no available seats and the Allow enrollment without session registration option is disabled for the course.
The message "Select session groups or standalone sessions below to enroll in this course." is displayed above the list of standalone sessions and session groups. Cards of standalone sessions and session groups with no available seats are inactive.
Users can't register for any standalone sessions or session groups and the Enroll to course option is deactivated so users can't enroll in the course.
Users might already have been enrolled in the course by a course or catalog admin, or via a training plan, but not registered for any standalone sessions or session groups of the course. These users will receive the Session registration request notification. For more information, see the Register for sessions when already enrolled section of this article.
4) There are standalone sessions and session groups with no available seats and the Allow enrollment without session registration option is enabled for the course.
Cards of standalone sessions and session groups are inactive and can't be selected.
The Enroll to course option is still active. Standalone sessions or session groups can't be selected but users can enroll in the course.
Users might already have been enrolled in the course by a course or catalog admin, or via a training plan, but not registered for any standalone sessions or session groups of the course. These users won't receive the Session registration request notification. For more information, see the Register for sessions when already enrolled section of this article.
Waiting List is enabled
When users try to enroll in a course of the multiple- enrollment type, the process differs depending on three things:
- Whether there are standalone sessions and session groups in the course that have seats currently available.
- Whether the Waiting List option is enabled for the course.
- Whether the Allow enrollment without session registration option is enabled for the course.
Here, we provide four scenarios that feature a combination of these three things, each of which are described for courses where the Waiting List option is enabled.
1) There are standalone sessions and session groups with available seats and the Allow enrollment without session registration is disabled for the course.
The message "Select session groups or standalone sessions below to enroll in this course." is displayed above the sessions list.
When users select one or more sessions:
- The Add to waiting list option replaces the Enroll to course option if none of the selected sessions have available seats. Users can add themselves to the waiting lists of the selected sessions, but they won't be enrolled in the course until seats become available.
- The Enroll to course option becomes active if all the selected sessions have available seats. Users can register for them and enroll in the course.
The Enroll to course option becomes active if some of the selected sessions have available seats. In this case, users are asked to confirm their actions: register for sessions with available seats and enroll in the course, or add themselves to the waiting lists of sessions that have no available seats.
A confirmation dialog shows users all the selected sessions, placed under the Register to available sessions and Add to Waiting List blocks. By default, the checkboxes for both blocks are selected. Selecting a checkbox applies that action to all sessions in the block.
Users can clear the checkbox next to an action if they don't want to proceed with it. For example, register for available sessions without adding to themselves to the waiting list for sessions with no available seats.
Clearing a checkbox affects all the sessions in the block.
When ready, users select Proceed to complete their enrollment in the course.
If users are added to a waiting list for a session that has an enrollment deadline set, they'll be automatically registered for this session if a seat becomes available, even if the enrollment deadline has passed. This happens because their enrollment request was registered within the enrollment deadline period.
Users can select Remove from waiting list option to cancel their enrollment request or change their session registrations if the Allow learners to change session registrations option is enabled.
Users might already have been enrolled in the course by a course or catalog admin, or via a training plan, but not registered for any course sessions. These users will receive the Session registration request notification. For more information, see the Register for sessions when already enrolled section of this article.
2) There are standalone sessions and session groups with available seats and the Allow enrollment without session registration option is enabled for the course.
The Enroll to course option is active, enabling users to enroll in the course without registering for any sessions.
Users can still register for one or more sessions. When they select one or more sessions:
- The Add to waiting list option replaces the Enroll to course option if none of the selected sessions have available seats. Users can add themselves to the waiting lists of the selected sessions, but they won't be enrolled in the course until seats become available.
- The Enroll to course option is displayed if all of the selected sessions have available seats. Users can register for them and enroll in the course.
The Enroll to course option is displayed if some of the selected sessions have available seats. In this case, users are asked to confirm their actions: register for sessions with available seats and enroll in the course, or add themselves to the waiting lists of sessions that have no available seats.
A confirmation dialog shows users all the selected sessions, placed under the Register to available sessions and Add to Waiting List blocks. By default, the checkboxes for both blocks are selected. Selecting a checkbox applies that action to all sessions in the block.
Users can clear the checkbox next to an action if they don't want to proceed with it. For example, register for available sessions without adding themselves to the waiting list for sessions with no available seats.
Clearing a checkbox affects all the sessions in the block.
When ready, users select Proceed to complete their enrollment in the course.
Users might already have been enrolled in the course by a course or catalog admin, or via a training plan, but not registered for any course sessions. These users won't receive the Session registration request notification. For more information, see the Register for sessions when already enrolled section of this article.
3) There are standalone sessions and session groups with no available seats and the Allow enrollment without session registration is disabled for the course.
The message "Select session groups or standalone sessions below to enroll in this course." is displayed above the list of standalone sessions and session groups.
Users can select to register for one or more standalone sessions and session groups, and the Enroll to course option replaces the Add to waiting list option.
When users select Add to waiting list, they're added to the waiting lists for the selected standalone sessions and session groups. The selected standalone sessions and session groups show the On waiting list status on their cards, which are positioned at the top of the list of all standalone sessions and session groups of the course.
Users can select Remove from waiting list to cancel their enrollment request.
If users are added to a waiting list for a standalone session or session group that has an enrollment deadline set, they'll be automatically registered for this standalone session and session group if a seat becomes available, even if the enrollment deadline has passed. This happens because their enrollment request was registered within the enrollment deadline period.
Users might already have been enrolled in the course by a course or catalog admin, or via a training plan, but not registered for any standalone sessions or session groups of the course. These users will receive the Session registration request notification. For more information, see the Register for sessions when already enrolled section of this article.
4) There are standalone sessions and session groups with no available seats and the Allow enrollment without session registration is enabled for the course.
The Enroll to course option is still active, enabling users to enroll in the course without registering for any standalone sessions and session groups.
Users can still select to register for one or more standalone sessions and session groups that have no available seats. After the user selects standalone sessions and session groups, the Add to waiting list option replaces the Enroll to course option.
After clearing all the checkboxes or refreshing the page, the Enroll to course option is displayed again, enabling users to enroll in the course without registering for standalone sessions and session groups.
If users choose to add themselves to the waiting lists of the selected standalone sessions and session groups, they won't be enrolled in the course until seats become available.
The selected standalone sessions and session groups show the On waiting list status on their cards, which are positioned at the top of the list of all standalone sessions and session groups of the course.
If users are added to a waiting list for a standalone session and session group that has an enrollment deadline set, they'll be automatically registered for this standalone session and session group if a seat becomes available, even if the enrollment deadline has passed. This happens because their enrollment request was registered within the enrollment deadline period.
Users can select Remove from waiting list to cancel their enrollment request or change their registration for standalone sessions and session groups later if the Allow learners to change session registrations option is enabled.
Users might already have been enrolled in the course by a course or catalog admin, or via a training plan, but not registered for any standalone sessions and session groups of the course. These users won't receive the Session registration request notification. For more information, see the Register for sessions when already enrolled section of this article.
Change session registrations
Single groups or standalone session
In instructor-led training of the single- enrollment type, users can change the standalone session or session group for which they've registered (that is to say, where their registration for a standalone session or session group has the Enrolled status) if the Allow learners to change session registrations option is enabled (the default setting).
If the Allow learners to change session registrations option is toggled Off by a catalog or course admin, then learners can register for a standalone session or session group only at the point they enroll in the course. They won't be able to change their registration later. In this case, the Change session registrations option isn't shown on the course home page.
Depending on whether the Waiting List and Allow enrollment without session registration options are enabled for the course, users might have more standalone sessions and session groups to select from.
Where the user isn't yet registered for a standalone session or session group, they can still change their registration for a standalone session or session group where their status is either On Waiting List or Pending Approval.
To change their registration for a standalone session or session group:
1. On the course home page, users select an alternative standalone session or session group. This action clears the checkbox of the currently registered standalone session or session group and activates Change session registrations.
If the Allow enrollment without session registration option is enabled for the course, users can change their current registration from the Pending Approval or Enrolled standalone session or session group to a standalone session or session group where there are no available seats. If the option is disabled, users can't select a standalone session or session group with no available seats.
Users registered for a standalone session or session group via a Microsoft Entra (Azure Active Directory) group or Microsoft 365 group can't change their session registration. There are no checkboxes for the standalone sessions or session groups on the course home page. They can only track the session registration status of the current standalone session or session group.
2. Select Change session registrations. A confirmation dialog shows the following information:
- The name and the start and end date of the standalone session or session group for which the user is currently registered.
- The standalone session or session group for which the user will be registered or added to the waiting list.
3. Select Proceed to change the registration.
Selecting Proceed, the user is registered for the selected standalone session or session group that has available seats and added to the waiting list for the standalone session or session group that has no available seats.
Selecting Discard enables the user to return to the list of available standalone sessions or session groups and adjust their selection.
When registration for a standalone session or session group is changed:
- The enrollment status is displayed on the new standalone session or session group.
- The user's attendance recorded for a standalone session or session group for which they were previously registered won't count towards the attendance requirements of this course.
- The user can't register for the standalone session or session group again if the enrollment deadline for the standalone session or session group has passed.
- The user's seat becomes available to other users and this user can't register for this standalone session or session group again if there are no available seats.
Multiple groups or standalone sessions
Register for new standalone sessions or session groups
Users enrolled in instructor-led training of the multiple- enrollment type may want to additionally register for more standalone sessions and session groups, while keeping their registration for the existing standalone sessions and session groups or the On Waiting List status. Changing session registration is available for learners if the Allow learners to change session registrations option is enabled (the default setting).
If the Allow learners to change session registrations option is toggled Off by a catalog or course admin, then learners can register for standalone sessions or session groups only at the point they enroll in the course. They won't be able to change their registrations later. In this case, the Change session registrations option isn't shown on the course home page.
Depending on whether the Waiting List and Allow enrollment without session registration options are enabled for the course, users might have more standalone sessions and session groups to select from.
To register for new standalone sessions and session groups:
1. On the course home page, users select the checkbox of the standalone sessions and session groups for which they want to be registered or added to the waiting lists. This activates Change session registrations. The relevant registration status is displayed on the cards of the standalone sessions and session groups for which the users are currently registered.
Users registered for standalone sessions and session groups via a Microsoft Entra (Azure Active Directory) group or Microsoft 365 group can't change their session registrations. There are no checkboxes for the standalone sessions and session groups on the course home page. They can only track the session registration status of the current standalone sessions and session groups.
2. Select Change session registrations. In the confirmation dialog, all selected standalone sessions and session groups are displayed, and the user is asked to confirm the registration.
This list of selected standalone sessions and session groups includes the names and start dates of the standalone sessions and session groups. However, where there are no available seats, it doesn't show whether the user will be added to the waiting list for the standalone sessions and session groups.
3. Select Proceed or Discard.
Selecting Proceed, the user is registered for the selected standalone sessions and session groups that have available seats and added to the waiting lists for the standalone sessions and session groups that have no available seats.
Selecting Discard enables the user to return to the list of available standalone sessions and session groups, and adjust their selection.
Cancel registration for current sessions or session groups
Users enrolled in instructor-led training of the multiple- enrollment type may want to cancel their registration for individual standalone sessions and session groups, or remove themselves from the waiting lists while keeping their registrations for others. Changing session registration is available for learners if the Allow learners to change session registrations option is enabled (the default setting).
If the Allow learners to change session registrations option is toggled Off by a catalog or course admin, then learners can register for standalone sessions or session groups only at the point they enroll in the course. They won't be able to change their registrations later. In this case, the Change session registrations option isn't shown on the course home page.
Depending on whether the Waiting List and Allow enrollment without session registration options are enabled for the course, users might have more standalone sessions and session groups to select from.
To cancel registration for standalone sessions and session groups:
1. On the course home page, users clear the checkboxes of the standalone sessions and session groups for which they want to cancel their registration or be removed from the waiting lists, including standalone sessions and session groups where the enrollment deadline has passed. The relevant registration status is displayed on the cards of these standalone sessions and session groups.
If users are registered for standalone sessions and session groups via a Microsoft Entra (Azure Active Directory) group or Microsoft 365 group, they can't cancel their registrations. These standalone sessions and session groups are grayed out and it's not possible to clear their checkboxes. Users can only track the status of the registrations of these standalone sessions and session groups. However, they can manage their registrations for other standalone sessions and session groups of the course where they're registered as individual users.
If the Allow enrollment without session registration option is enabled for the course, users can clear the checkboxes of one or more of the standalone sessions and session groups for which they're currently registered or added to the waiting lists, and remain enrolled in the course. The Change session registrations option will be active.
If the option is disabled for the course, clearing the checkboxes of some of the current standalone sessions and session groups activates the Change session registration option, because there's still at least one standalone session or session group for which the user is registered and has the Enrolled status.
However, if a user clears the checkboxes of all the Enrolled standalone sessions and session groups for which they're currently registered, and the Allow enrollment without session registration option is disabled, then the Change session registrations option remains inactive. This happens because the user wouldn't be registered for any standalone sessions or session groups, and registration for standalone sessions or session groups is a requirement for them to stay enrolled in the course. Standalone sessions and session groups with the On waiting list status aren't counted because users aren't registered for them, but instead are waiting to be registered.
2. Select Change session registrations. In the confirmation dialog, the standalone sessions and session groups are displayed and the user is asked to confirm the registration cancellation.
3. Select Proceed or Discard.
Selecting Discard enables the user to return to the list of available standalone sessions and session groups, and adjust their selection.
Selecting Proceed completes the registration cancellation for the standalone sessions and session groups.
After selecting Proceed, either the user's registration is cancelled for standalone sessions and session groups with available seats, or the user is removed from the waiting lists of standalone sessions and session groups that have no available seats.
When registration for standalone sessions and session groups is cancelled:
- The attendance set for the standalone sessions and session groups for which the user was previously registered won’t count towards the attendance requirements of this course.
- If the user cancels their registration for a standalone session or session group, they can’t register for it again if the enrollment deadline of this standalone session or session group has passed.
- If the user cancels their registration for a standalone session or session group, their seat becomes available for other users and this user can’t register for this standalone session or session group again if there are no available seats.
Register for new standalone session and session group, and cancel registration for current ones
For courses of the multiple- enrollment type, it's possible to change the standalone sessions and session groups for which users are registered, added to the waiting lists, or pending approval, without unenrolling from and re-enrolling in the course.
Users may want to cancel their registration or remove themselves from the waiting list for any current standalone sessions and session groups, and register for or be added to the waiting list for any additional standalone sessions and session groups. Changing session registration is available for learners if the Allow learners to change session registrations option is enabled (the default setting).
If the Allow learners to change session registrations option is toggled Off by a catalog or course admin, then learners can register for standalone sessions or session groups only at the point they enroll in the course. They won't be able to change their registrations later. In this case, the Change session registrations option isn't shown on the course home page.
The standalone sessions and session groups for which the user is currently registered, added to the waiting list, or pending approval have the Enrolled, On waiting list or Pending approval status on their cards, respectively.
To cancel registration for current standalone sessions and session groups, and register for new ones:
1. On the course home page, users clear the checkboxes of the standalone sessions and session groups for which they want to cancel their registration or be removed from the waiting lists, including standalone sessions and session groups where the enrollment deadline has passed.
If users are registered for standalone sessions and session groups via a Microsoft Entra (Azure Active Directory) group or Microsoft 365 group, they can't cancel their registrations. These standalone sessions and session groups are grayed out and it's not possible to clear their checkboxes. Users can only track the status of the registrations of these standalone sessions and session groups.
If the Allow enrollment without session registration option is enabled for the course, users can clear the checkboxes of one or more of the standalone sessions and session groups for which they're currently registered or added to the waiting lists, and remain enrolled in the course. The Change session registrations option will be active.
If the option is disabled for the course, clearing the checkboxes of some of the current standalone sessions and session groups activates the Change session registration option, because there's still at least one standalone session or session group for which the user is registered and has the Enrolled status.
However, if a user clears the checkboxes of all the Enrolled standalone sessions and session groups for which they're currently registered, and the Allow enrollment without session registration option is disabled, then the Change session registrations option remains inactive. This happens because the user wouldn't be registered for any standalone sessions or session groups, and registration for standalone sessions or session groups is a requirement for them to stay enrolled in the course. Standalone sessions and session groups with the On waiting list status aren't counted because users aren't registered for them, but instead are waiting to be registered.
2. Select the checkbox of the standalone sessions and session groups for which they want to register or be added to the waiting list.
The registration status isn't currently displayed on the cards for these standalone sessions and session groups.
Selecting the checkboxes of new standalone sessions and session groups activates the Change session registrations option.
3. Select Change session registrations. In the confirmation dialog, the selected standalone sessions and session groups are displayed:
- Under the Cancel registration for the following sessions block, the list of standalone sessions and session groups for which the user is cancelling their registration.
- Under the Confirm registration for the following sessions block, the list of standalone sessions and session groups for which the user wants to register. This list of selected standalone sessions and session groups contains the names of standalone sessions and session groups, and their start date. However, it doesn't show whether the standalone sessions and session groups have available seats so it doesn't show whether the user will be registered for it or added to the waiting list.
4. Select Proceed or Discard.
Selecting Discard enables the user to return to the list of available standalone sessions and session groups, and adjust their selection.
Selecting Proceed completes the registration change. As a result:
- The registration is cancelled for standalone sessions and session groups that have available seats, or the user is removed from the waiting lists for standalone sessions and session groups with no available seats.
- The user is registered for, or added to the waiting lists for, the recently selected standalone sessions or session groups, or is pending approval for these actions to be performed for them.
- The attendance set for the standalone session or session group for which the user was previously registered won’t count towards the attendance requirements of this course if the user cancels their registration for this standalone session or session group.
- The user can’t register for the standalone session or session group again if the enrollment deadline of this standalone session or session group has passed.
- The user's seat becomes available to other users, and this user can’t register for this standalone session or session group again if it has no available seats.
Register for standalone sessions and session groups when already enrolled in the course
Users might already have been enrolled in the course by a course or catalog admin, or via a training plan, but not registered for any standalone sessions or session groups of the course. The registration flow for standalone sessions and session groups differs depending on whether the Allow enrollment without registration option is enabled for the course.
The Allow enrollment without registration option is disabled.
Users who have already been enrolled in the course by a course or catalog admin, or via a training plan, will receive the Session registration request notification. This notification asks users to register for standalone sessions and session groups. The notification contains a link to the course home page, where they can register for standalone sessions and session groups.
On the course home page, a message is displayed above the list of standalone sessions and session groups, asking users to register for one or more standalone sessions and session groups in order to complete their enrollment in the course (depending on the course enrollment type).
For courses of the all-enrollment type, no message is displayed because users are registered for all active standalone sessions and session groups of the course during the course enrollment process.
Users can select standalone sessions and session groups with and without available seats (if the Waiting List option is enabled for the course). After selecting any standalone session or session group, the Select course session(s) option becomes active. -
The Allow enrollment without registration option enabled.
Users who have already been enrolled in the course by a course or catalog admin, or via a training plan, won't receive the Session registration request notification.
On the course home page, the message asking users to register for standalone sessions and session groups won't be displayed. Users can select standalone sessions and session groups with and without available seats (if the Waiting List option is enabled for the course). After selecting any standalone session or session group, the Select course session(s) option becomes active.
Using the unenroll feature, course and catalog admins can enable users to cancel their enrollment in specific courses and training plans.
- The unenroll option isn't displayed for users who are enrolled in a course or training plan and have already completed it. The unenroll option is available only to users who are enrolled in the course or training plan but haven't completed it yet (that is to say, they have either the Not started or In progress status).
- The unenroll option isn't displayed for users who are enrolled in a course or training plan via a Microsoft Entra (Azure Active Directory) group, regardless of their progress with the course or training plan.
To unenroll from a course or training plan, users select Unenroll from course/training plan at the bottom of the Information section on the training home page.
When unenrolling from a course or training plan, users are asked to enter a message that will be viewed by course and catalog admins on the Approve Enrollments panel in the Learn365 Admin Center. The message form can be expanded by dragging the bottom right-hand corner, enabling more space for users to work with the text.
When unenrolling from a course of the multiple- enrollment type, users are also removed from any related waiting lists for standalone sessions and session groups.
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