Learn365 includes a wide range of options to measure the different aspects of the learning process and track progress of employee training.
This guide provides an overview of the different ways Learn365 enables you to track the learning process, create, and download reports.
Tracking progress of courses and training plans
By tracking the progress of courses and training plans, you can understand how training in general, and on a course and learning item level is being completed by learners.
This can help you understand, for example, which courses and materials are effective and those that don't fully engage learners. Also, you can check and document whether training has been completed for compliance reasons.
Learn365 includes a selection of out-of-the-box reports that deliver these metrics.
General progress of training in a catalog
Required role: catalog admin.
To understand how training in a catalog is performing, Learn365 offers reports that show comparable metrics for all courses and training plans in a catalog.
From the Learn365 Admin Center > Training Management > Training reports at the top menu bar, you can generate reports that provide data on all courses and training plans in a catalog.
In the downloaded generated report, you can get a picture of how the different courses and training plans in a catalog are performing by seeing the status of the progress of training and how many learners have signed up for each course or training plan.
Filtering on course capabilities like Category, Course Type, and Course Duration, you can compare how different course types, categories, and length of the course affect, for example, the course progress. Or you can filter on Course Requirement to understand whether mandatory training has been completed.
Read more about this reporting option here.
Progress of specific courses and training plans
Required role: catalog or course admin.
To get an overview of the progress for a specific course or training plan, this can be found in the Course/Training Plan Progress dashboard the following way:
1. From the Learn365 Admin Center > Training Management > select relevant course/training plan.
2. From the opened Course/Training plan management panel, select Course progress/Training plan progress.
You'll see a dashboard that shows information about the general progress of the selected course or training plan. From here, you can see how many users are enrolled in the course/training plan and the status of their general progress.
Read more about the metrics of the course progress dashboard and report and see this article about how to read the data.
Read more about the metrics of the training plan progress dashboard and report and see this article about how to read the data.
Overview of progress with learning items in a course
Required role: catalog or course admin.
If you'd like to get an overview of the progress with different learning items in a course, this can be seen from the Learn365 Admin Center > Training Management > Select the relevant course > Manage Course Content.
From the opened Content section, you can compare the learners' progress on different learning items in a course.
Find more details in this article.
Progress of specific learning items
Required role: catalog or course admin.
To get deeper insights into the progress of specific learning items, you can generate a report that provides data on the engagement with, respectively, content packages, learning modules, and quizzes in a course.
From the Learn365 Admin Center > Training Management > Select a course > on the Course Management panel, select Course Reports.
On the opened Course Reports panel, you can create reports to understand how specific learning items in the course are performing in terms of number of users who have engaged with the content, the level of engagement, average time to complete the learning item, and score (if applicable).
Find more information about Course Reports in this guide.
Tracking progress of users
By tracking the progress of users, you can understand how users, in general, and how individual users are progressing with their training.
This can help you understand, for example, how individual users are progressing with the training they need to complete for their professional development. Also, you can check and document whether employees have completed mandatory training for compliance reasons.
Learn365 includes a selection of out-of-the-box reports that deliver these metrics.
Progress of users in a catalog
Required role: catalog admin.
To understand how users in a catalog is progressing with their training, Learn365 offers reports that show comparable metrics for all users in a catalog.
From the Learn365 Admin Center > Training Management > Training reports, you can generate reports that provide metrics on all users in a catalog and their individual, general progress.
From this report, you can get a picture of how the different users in a catalog are progressing by seeing data as what course and training plan each user is enrolled in, their general completion status and their completion status for all training they are enrolled in or were enrolled in.
This enables you to get an overall picture of users' progress with the training, but you can also zoom in on individual users to see the status of their progress with training. Going further into details with the report, you can also see, how specific users are progressing with the specific courses and training plans they are enrolled in or were enrolled in. Filtering on, for example Department or Office, you can compare how different units are progressing with their training.
To read more about the general course catalog reports, see this article.
Learners' progress with a specific course or training plan
Required role: catalog or course admin.
You can get an overview of how learners are progressing with a specific course or training plan from the Course/Training Plan Progress dashboard.
1. From the Learn365 Admin Center > Training Management > select relevant course/training plan.
2. From the opened Course/Training plan management panel, select Course progress/Training plan progress.
You'll see a dashboard that shows information about the progress of the selected course or training plan.
Looking at the list of enrolled users, you can see the progress of individual users for the training and the learning items.
The course progress view
The training plan progress view
Read more about the metrics of the course progress dashboard and report and see this article about how to read this data.
Read more about the metrics of the training plan progress dashboard and report and see this article about how to read this data.
Learners' progress with learning items in a course
Required role: catalog or course admin.
To zoom in even more on the individual elements of a training, you can see how individual learners are progressing with learning modules, quizzes, content packages, or external apps in a course.
Navigating from the Learn365 Admin Center > Training Management > Select the relevant course > Manage Course Content.
In the Content section, you'll see a list of learning items in a course. Selecting a learning item, you can see each enrolled user progress on this learning item in the course. With the next step of selecting an individual user, you can further track the details of learner's progress.
To get more detailed information on the learner's progress with learning items in the course, follow the links:
- For the learning modules.
- For the quizzes and question statistics.
- For the content packages.
- For the assessments.
- For the external apps.
Progress and transcript of individual users
Via the Users page
Required role: catalog admin.
From the Users page, you can download the following reports:
- The complete list of users listed on the Users page for the current course catalog. For this purpose, use the Export function.
- Filter users by the skills they hold, by the courses and training plans they are enrolled in, or by the courses and training plans they are enrolled in depending on which skills these courses and training plans grant. The result can be exported by using the Export function.
- The transcript of a specific user on all the training of the current course catalog the learner is enrolled in. Find more information about how to view and download transcript in this article.
- The progress of a specific user on all courses and training plans of the current course catalog the learner has ever been enrolled in. Find more information on this report in this article.
- Certificates of a specific user or all users from the current course catalog. Find more information about how to view and manage certificates in this article.
Via the Line Manager Dashboard
Required role: line manager.
Line managers can track their subordinate’s training progress via the Line Manager Dashboard:
1. From My Training Dashboard, select the Line Manager Dashboard.
2. Choose Direct Reports or Direct Reports Subordinates and select the relevant user.
3. From the opened panel, select:
- View Learner’s Progress. to find more details on the metrics on users' training progress. For more details, see this article.
- View Learner’s Transcript to get an overview of the training the user is enrolled and the user's progress with this training, the status of the user's certificates, and the status of the user's skills. To find more details on the learner's transcript available to line manager, see this article.
- Download Certificates to download and view certificates of a specific user or selected users. Find more information about how line managers can view and manage certificates in this article.
Assessment tracking and reporting
Depending on your role in Learn365, you can view, manage, and download the assessment report in one of the following ways:
Catalog admin: The completion status of the user's assessments can be tracked and managed from the Users panel and the Course Progress panel. For more information, see this article.
Catalog or course admin: In the Content section of the course in question, selecting the View Learners' Details action of the relevant assessment enables you to view the progress made for all the learners currently enrolled in the course. You can also export the report to your device.
Selecting Export to Excel on the Progress panel will download the report. Only the progress of learners with the selected Status will be exported. All Statuses is the default value. The report will display information in the language of your browser, if this language is supported by Learn365. Otherwise, it'll be displayed in English.
For more information about assessments, see this article.
Line manager: With regard to assessments, from the Line Manager Dashboard, line managers can:
- Track the completion status of a user's assessments from the View Learner's Progress action link on the Direct Reports Administration panel.
- View and approve assessments, and send emails to learners by selecting the Assessments action link on the Direct Reports Administration panel, if the line manager is assigned as a supervisor to approve an assessment.
For more information about managing and tracking assessments from the Line Manager Dashboard, see this article.
Attendance registration and reports
For instructor-led training, learners' attendance for course sessions or session groups might be set as required for course completion.
Therefore, Learn365 enables you to track the standalone sessions or session groups in which the learners have participated. Instructors and course admins can manually register learners' attendance and learners can register their attendance at sessions:
- One of the ways instructors and course admins can register the attendance of individual learners for a session (standalone or within a group) is to select the session in the Sessions section of the course in question and select Register Attendance. From this view, by selecting Export, you can download the overview of the session's attendance to your device as an Excel file.
Find more information about attendance registration, tracking, and reporting in this article.
- Learners can self-register their attendance for sessions (standalone or within a group) either by scanning a QR code that's been provided by the session instructor or providing their signature. Read more about how learners can register their session attendance in this article.
- Finally, when sessions are held as meetings in Microsoft Teams, the Microsoft Teams meeting attendance report will show which users participated in the session. This insight can be employed for instructors when they register attendance for the session.
Audit trail reporting
Many individual actions and events are undertaken to deliver training to learners. The Audit trail feature supports the tracking of these activities and their ownership by recording key actions performed by learners and admins in Learn365, such as changes made to courses and course content, as well as learners' interactions with courses and training plans. For more information, see this article.
Customized reports
If your reporting needs aren't covered by the ready-made reports and metrics delivered out-of-the-box with Learn365, the full integration between Learn365 and Microsoft 365 enables you to create custom reports with Microsoft Power BI.
Reach out to your Learn365 partner or Customer Success Manager for more information about how to set up reports with Microsoft Power BI.
A list of standard ready-made report tables can be found in this article.
We don't support the standard Power BI templates provided by Learn365 if you've changed them.
See how to merge tables and export reports from Power BI in this article.
Read this article for information on how to deal with duplicate values in Power BI.
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