Why do I see an unfamiliar learning item in the course content section?

In rare scenarios, you might see an unfamiliar learning item in the Content section of a course. This is due to a change in how course content is managed that we introduced in the August 2021 release.

With the introduction of the united user interface for course content management, we also enabled all course tools by default. This means that you won't have to enable Content packages, Quiz, or the Learning module editor for individual courses, before you can employ these tools to create course content.

Before, when these tools had to be enabled before content of their type could be created for a course, it would be a likely scenario that a course admin enabled a tool to test this type of content.

When, for example, testing the Learning module editor, the course admin could create a learning module to test this for a course. If then the course admin decided not to employ the learning module for the course, the course admin could disable the Learning module editor as a course tool and the learning module would automatically disappear from the course as a result.

However, the learning module was never actually deleted. If the course admin would have enabled the Learning module editor tool again, the module would have shown.

This is what happened when all course tools became enabled with the August release. If a learning item was previously created for a tool that was later disabled, this learning item would become visible again with this change. However, so as not to disturb the learner experience, learning items that would have been displayed as a result of this scenario were hidden by default. Therefore, learners won't see these learning items in any active courses. 

As a course admin, you can remove the learning item from the course entirely by deleting it from the Content section.


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