Learn365 assignments and grade books


The Learn365 Assignments & Grade Book option is used for creating, managing, tracking, and grading assignment tasks.


Since the release of July 12, 2021, the Assignments & Grade Book option is deprecated for customers who are not currently using it.


Assignments & Grade Book

The Assignments & Grade Book option

When the Assignments & Grade Book option is turned on, this feature is displayed in the edit mode of courses. To enable the Assignments & Grade Book on a course, do the following:

1. Select the relevant course and on the Course Management panel, select Manage Course Settings. You will be redirected to the Settings section of the training editing panel.

2. Switch on the Assignments & Grade Book option in the Settings section.

3. Save the changes.



After this, the Assignments & Grade Book option is displayed on the Course Management actions panel and on the course home page.


Assignments workflow

We suggest the following flow to work with assignments:

  1. An assignment task is created by the course administrator.
  2. Assignment tasks are generated for all learners on the opening date.
  3. Learners edit their assignment tasks and submits them.
  4. Course admins check submitted tasks and return them to learners or approve and grade them.
  5. If a task is returned, the learner edit and submits again.
  6. When the assignment is approved, the task becomes completed.


Once the course or course catalog administrator edits an assignment, changes are made to all generated learners’ assignment tasks in all statuses. Statuses of tasks remain unchanged.


Assignment creation

Required role: course or course catalog admin.


To create a new assignment:

1. Select the relevant course.

2. Choose Assignments & Grade Book on the Course Management panel.

3. Select Manage Assignments.

4. On the opened page, select New Assignment.



5. Fill out the form.



Assignment Name - Define and enter a name to be displayed in the headings of the assignment and tasks throughout the site.

Description - Specify a descriptive text that will help site visitors use the resource. You can enter description text for a new assignment, insert a YouTube video, upload a video or image, as well as upload files to the description field via the rich-text editor.

Attach file - Files that are attached to the assignment can't be edited by learners.

Select Grade Scale - Choose a grade scale for the new assignment from the drop-down list.



Tags - Define keyword(s) or term(s), separated by comma, that will be assigned to the created assignment.

Opening Date - Specify date and time when the assignment will become available for learners. When the opening date is reached, the assignment task will be generated for all learners.

Due Date - Specify date and time which will be the deadline for submitting the assignment. Assignments not submitted before this time will be marked overdue.

Closing Date - Specify closing date and time for the assignment.


6. Save the assignment. The new assignment is displayed on the course home page.


My assignments on course home page


My Assignments on the course home page

On the course home page, the My Assignments section has the following options and tabs:




  • You can hide the assignments list or make all the assignments displayed with the help of collapse/expand button right before the My Assignments.
  • You can navigate to the Learn365 Admin Center > Manage Assignments page to add new assignments or edit the existing ones via the Add / Edit / Manage button from the menu in the top right corner of the My Assignments block.
  • You can navigate to the Learn365 Admin Center > Grade Book page to create or manage grades or edit the gradebook settings via the Grade Book button from the menu in the top right corner of the My Assignments block.


All Assignments - Shows the list of all assignments.

Due this week - Shows the list of assignments for the current week.

Due next week - Shows the list of assignments for the next week.

Overdue - Shows the list of all assignments with overdue status.

Completed - Shows the list of all completed assignments (approved by the course administrator).


Assignment tasks information is presented in the following columns:



Title - Shows the assignment's name.

Due Date - Shows the due date of the assignment.

Closing Date - Shows the date when the assignment will close and become unavailable.

Task Status - Shows the status of the assignment task:

  • Not Started - The learner has not submitted the assignment task to the course administrator.
  • Submitted - The learner has submitted the assignment task so the course administrator can return or approve and grade it.
  • Returned - The course administrator has returned the assignment task to the learner without an approval.
  • Completed - The course administrator has approved and graded the assignment task.
  • Overdue - The assignment task is past the overdue date and has not been submitted.
  • Closed - The assignment task has not been submitted and the closing date has been reached.

Submission Date - Shows the date when the task was submitted to the course administrator.

Grade - Shows learner’s grade in percentage for graded assignment tasks.

Course Average - Shows learner’s grade level according to the class medial level.

Actions - Differs for learners and admins.

For admins the eye action button will redirect to the assignment's management panel.



Contains a pencil action button for learners to work with the assignment task. 



An assignment's page opens where learner can edit, upload files from their computer, or create a new Word document, Excel workbook or PowerPoint presentation directly in the assignment task. The learner can submit the task when ready at the bottom right corner.


If you select Cancel, all the uploaded files will be preserved but the data in the Comments field will be lost.



Learners can edit the assignment tasks with the statuses Not Started and Returned. The edit button for Completed tasks will open the assignment task in the view mode only, changes can't be make.


Manage assignments

Required role: course or course catalog admin.

You can find a list of all assignments for a course and manage these assignments from the Learn365 Admin Center > Training Management > select a course > Course Management panel > Assignments & Grade Book > Manage Assignments. 



Assignment Name - The title of the assignment.

Opening Date - The date the assignment opens and becomes available for learners.

Due Date - The due date for submitting the assignment.

Closing Date - The date the assignment closes and becomes unavailable for learners.

Due Status - The assignment's status:

  • Not Published - The assignment has been created but the Open Date has not been reached yet. Only the course administrators can view and manage this assignment.
  • Published- The assignment is shown and available for learners.
  • Closed - The assignment is closed and learners can't submit it any longer.

Not Started - The number of assignment Tasks not started by learners.

Submitted - The number of assignment tasks that are submitted by learners.

Returned - The number of assignment tasks that are returned to learners without approval.

Completed - The number of assignment tasks that are approved and completed.

Actions - Contains action buttons for course admins available for the assignment in question.


Each column, except the Actions column, provides filtering options when activating it.


View and manage learners' progress

When selecting the View assignment option, admins can see a list of learners, their progress on the assignment task, and their grades as well as manage learners' progress and grades.


Course and course catalog admins can grade assignments in the following way:

  1. Go to the Learn365 Admin Center > Training Management > select a course > Course Management panel > Assignments & Grade Book > Manage Assignments > select an assignment.
  2. Select the eye icon next to the relevant assignment to go to the view mode.

  3. Select the edit button in the Actions column next to the relevant learner.

  4. Manage the content of the learner's submitted task (add or remove files), add comments, grade the task, approve the task, or return it to the learner.


5. Approve the task to approve the learner's submission and complete the task, Return it to the learner (displayed for tasks submitted by learners and/or approved by an admin only), or Cancel to discard the changes.


Edit assignments

To edit an assignment navigate to Learn365 Admin Center > Training Management > select a course > from the Course Management panel select Manage Assignments > select the edit (pencil) icon in the Actions columns of the relevant assignment you want to edit. 



The assignment task will open in edit mode so that course admins can make changes to the task itself.



When ready, save the changes or cancel to discard them.


Delete assignments

To delete an assignment navigate to Learn365 Admin Center > Training Management > select a course > from the Course Management panel select Manage Assignments > select the delete (bin) icon in the Actions columns of the relevant assignment you want to delete. 



You will see a confirmation message asking to confirm the deletion of the assignment.


Once you have made changes, save the changes or discard them.


  • Deletion of an assignment task can't be undone and the task will be deleted with all the data inside it, including the files attached by the learners and their progress.
  • Once the course or course catalog administrator edits an assignment, changes are made to all generated learners’ assignment tasks in all statuses. Statuses of tasks remain unchanged.


Scale Sets

Scale sets overview

Course and course catalog admins can see the scale sets via the Learn365 Admin Center > Training Management > select a course > Course Management panel > Assignments & Grade Book > Scale Sets.

Scroll down to see all the available scale sets.



Scale Set creation

Required role: course or course catalog admin.


To create a new scale set:

Go to the Learn365 Admin Center > Training Management > select a course > Course Management panel > Assignments & Grade Book > Scale Sets.

The Scale Sets page opens, where you can select Create new Scale Set to add a scale set of your own

Fill in the form. Type the title for the new scale set in the first empty field. Add % ranges and grades to the scale set item in the Scale section.



Save the scale set or cancel to discard.


Scale Sets management

Required role: course or course catalog admin.


You can manage the existing scale sets with the following actions:



  • Add new row - Allows to add a new row or to remove an existing row from the scale set.
  • Edit - Allows to edit any rows of the existing scale set.
  • Save - Allows to close the editing mode of a scale set. Works when the editing mode is on.
  • Remove - Allows to delete the scale set. A confirmation message will ask you to confirm the deletion.


The deletion of the scale set can't be undone.

  • Set Default - If set as default is ticked, the scale set will be employed by default when you create new assignments.


It is impossible to delete a scale set which is in use in an assignment or a custom grade. If you try to delete a scale set that is currently used in an assignment or a custom grade, a warning message will appear.


Grade Book

Required role: course or course catalog admin.

The Grade Book displays grades received by learners for assignments and SCORM/AICC packages.

The Grade Book can be reached via the Learn365 Admin Center > Training Management > select a course > Course Management panel > Assignments & Grade Book > Gradebook.

You can see grades of each learner for assignments, Custom Grades, and SCORM or AICC packages on this page. Grades are added to the table after the course administrator grades the learner's assignment task or sets a grade manually in the GradeBook. Each column, except the Actions one, provides filtering options when they are activated.



The Custom Grades button allows you to create a new grade based on the existing scale sets.

The grade will be added as a new column.

You can set grades to learners via managing assignments or they can do it manually in the Grade Book

To set grades to learners manually in the Grade Book do the following:

  • Go to the Learn365 Admin Center > select a course > Course Management panel > Assignments & Grade Book > Gradebook.
  •  Select a learner and select the Edit button (a pen icon). Make changes to the column(s) by selecting the grade from the drop-down list. The completion status can be selected as Completed or Not Completed. When any changes are made to the learner's gradebook in the edited mode, the Save and Cancel buttons appear. Save when ready or Cancel to discard.


  • It is possible to edit several learners' gradebooks at once by selecting the Edit button. The changes made to the gradebooks will be marked with a blue color. Selecting the Save button will save all changes, Cancel will discard all of them.



Grade Book Settings

Selecting the Settings button on the Grade Book page, course admins can manage settings for the Grade Book.



In the Course Completion Settings section, the admin can select the grade and enter the percentage that will trigger the course completion.




  • If the course or course catalog admin adds items to the Course Completion Settings of a course that the learner has already passed, the learner should complete these items again to complete the course.
  • When the course or course catalog admin adds an item to the Course Completion Settings, status of the learner’s completed attempt of this item is not cleared. Note that it may be difficult for learners to complete a course with changed Course Completion Settings, as the Completed status will be displayed for all items.


In the Grade Book Grades section, you can change the order, add or delete columns, change displayed title, and add grades.



The Custom Grades section allows you to add new custom grades, and edit or delete existing.




Assignments & Grade Book language settings

Out of the box, the Learn365 Assignments & Grade Book is only available in English.


The out of the box Learn365 Assignments & Grade Book English product text can be modified in the same way as the text is translated to other languages. The Learn365 Assignments & Grade Book language is applied to the whole tenant.

Please find detailed information on managing language files in this article.


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