Overview of the Learn365 mobile app


The Learn365 mobile app enables training via mobile devices. Users are offered quick access to courses and training plans with a personalized experience. Learning can be consumed both online and offline.

This article provides an overview of the main tabs in the Learn365 mobile app - Catalog, Dashboard, Notifications, and Settings, and information about how the mobile app can be used online and offline.


Main mobile app tabs

The main tabs of the Learn365 mobile app are displayed at the bottom of the screen: Catalog, Dashboard, Notifications, and Settings.

When a user opens the mobile app, they're automatically redirected to the Training section of the Dashboard tab, where courses and training plans with the Planned progress status are displayed.




The Catalog tab

The Catalog tab is the mobile version of the course catalog and displays all published courses and training plans in the selected catalog. From this tab, users can switch between course catalogs they have the relevant permissions to view, using the catalog selector at the top of the screen.



Users need to be added to the Owners, Visitors, Administrators, or Learners groups on the site where the course catalog is installed for the catalog to be available to them from the selector.


To navigate between course catalogs, users tap the collapse/expand menu in the header at the top of the screen. Scroll the catalog list and select the relevant one.




The list of available published courses and training plans in the selected catalog refreshes automatically. If the Course Rating option is enabled and Highest Ranked Courses in the Catalog content editor are configured, you see the highest ranked courses and training plans (depending on their rating) at the top of the courses and training plans list. 

You can search for courses and training plans using the Search field.

The search feature looks for words that contain the search terms and not just words that start with them. The following course and training plan information can be used in a search:

  • Title
  • Short description
  • Categories
  • Tags
  • Contacts

Users can also narrow the courses and training plans displayed using filters, which are placed in a panel in the top right-hand corner of the screen. This panel folds out when activated.




The following filters are available:

  • Categories. The number of courses and training plans that match the selected category filter is displayed in brackets next to the category. If there are more than five categories, tap Show more to see all results in the filter panel. You can decide on the number of categories you want to display in the filter.

  • Training type. E-learning, Instructor-led training, or Training plan.

  • Course session dates. Set a start and end date to sort instructor-led training by the start and end dates of the associated course sessions. If a course has no active sessions, it isn't shown in the filtered results.

  • Course session type. Sort between courses that have active sessions and are held either on-site or in a virtual classroom.
  • Includes external content. Show only the courses that were imported from Go1 and/or LinkedIn Learning.

After a value is entered in the Search field or a filter is selected, Reset is displayed next to each filtering section, and Reset all is available at the bottom of the panel. These options are used to reset a particular filter, or all filters and the Search field respectively.

Filter settings are reset when you re-open the Learn365 app.

To close the filter panel, select the filter icon in the top right-hand corner of the screen or tap anywhere outside the panel.

Courses and training plans are displayed in training cards in the course catalog. From a training card, users can go to the relevant training by tapping the arrow icon. 

Detailed information can be viewed by tapping the information icon (an exclamation mark in a circle). If the Detailed View option is disabled, the information icon redirects users to the training page.

If the Detailed View option is enabled, the following information may be displayed on the training card (depending on the training type and settings): training type, duration, start and end dates, location, contacts, and description.

For Instructor-led training courses, additional information is displayed:

  • Start date. The Multiple dates value is displayed for a course that has either a session group with several sessions inside or several standalone sessions or both. If a course has only one active session (either a standalone one or inside a session group), then the Start date field displays the start date of this session.

  • Location. The Multiple locations value is displayed for a course if rooms selected for sessions of this course (both inside a session group and standalone ones) are different. If course sessions have the same room selected for its sessions (both inside a session group and standalone ones), then the Location field displays the name of this room.




From the training card users can mark a course or training plan as favorite by selecting the white heart icon. When the heart icon is red, this indicates that a course or training plan is already in the user's favorites. Favorites option is also available from the training home page and in the Learn365 player.


The Dashboard tab

The Dashboard tab is the mobile version of My Training Dashboard.

By default, the Learn365 app opens on the Training section of the Dashboard tab. LMS admins can configure which sections and links are displayed on the Dashboard tab in the Learn365 mobile app.

For detailed overview of the Dashboard tab and how to manage its sections, see this article.





The Notifications tab

The Notifications tab displays all notifications the user has received in the last month and consists of two sections: All and Unread notifications.




When users are logged in to the Learn365 app, they receive push notifications. If users are logged in to the Learn365 mobile app on several devices, they receive notifications on all these devices.

Push notifications can be disabled by users in the app settings.

All notifications are presented in cards. Unread notifications have a mark (a small circle of the same color as the main theme color) in the top left-hand corner of the notification card.




Notification cards display the notification subject (for example, enrollment to the course or instructor assignment), the date of the notification, and a part of the notification content.

From the notification card, you can:

  • Mark the notification as read/unread by tapping the letter icon.
  • Delete the notification by tapping the bin icon. You aren't asked to confirm the deletion of a notification and this action can't be undone.

Tap the notification card to open the notification. The opened notification shows full information, including any links. From this view, users can tap the vertical ellipsis icon in the top right-hand corner to see three actions: Mark the notification as unread, delete the notification, or open the training. 




The search box in the Notifications tab (in both the All and Unread sections) enables users to find specific notifications. This is particularly help if users have a lot of notifications.

The search runs on both the subject and body of the notification. Search results are saved when the page refreshes or the user switches to another tab or section. Tapping the cross in the Search field resets the notifications filter.


The Settings tab

The Settings tab displays the user's avatar and username. Below this, three blocks are displayed: Synchronization settings, Auto-delete downloaded courses, and Other.

At the bottom of the Settings tab, users can see their current version of the Learn365 mobile app.




Synchronization settings. Displays the date and time of the last synchronization and enables users to manually synchronize with the web version of Learn365. The Online value (Yes or No) is determined by the internet connection status and synchronization with the server.

Auto-delete downloaded courses. Displays two options:

  • When course is completed. If enabled, all downloaded courses that the user completes are automatically deleted. If disabled, these courses are retained.

  • When course has ended. If enabled, all downloaded courses that have ended are automatically deleted. If disabled, these courses are retained.

Other. Provides users with the following options:

  • Select the display language of the Learn365 mobile app. The default language is configured by a catalog admin in the Learn365 Admin Center, but this can be changed by each user.

  • Select the browser in which you’d like the Learn365 mobile app to open links and training content: In-app browser or System default browser.

    The default setting is In-app browser, which opens course content and links in the Learn365 mobile app browser.

    Select System default browser to use the default browser on your device to open course content, links from notifications, and links from the Information and Help pages on the Settings tab.

    Links from session Details open in the Learn365 built-in web view only, regardless of the option selected here.

  • Redirect to Learn365 mobile app articles in the Zensai Help Center.

  • Log out from the Learn365 mobile app. A confirmation message notifies the user that once they're signed out, they can't access downloaded training without an internet connection. After users have signed out, the system remembers the user’s login name so the next time they sign in, they're asked only to choose the relevant service address and enter their password.

  • Current version of the Learn365 mobile app.


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