The Learn365 app offers users the full Learn365 learning experience on their mobile devices.
This guide provides an overview of the mobile app from a user's perspective, as well as the information and actions available to them in the Learn365 mobile app.
Where to start
After users are logged in to the Learn365 mobile app, they're automatically redirected to the Training section of the Dashboard tab, where courses and training plans with the Planned progress status are displayed.
The Dashboard tab displays all courses and training plans the user is currently enrolled in, for which they're on the waiting list, and for which their enrollment is pending approval, across all catalogs to which they have access. Courses and training plans are displayed in cards.
Find and select training
Filters and the search feature are available from the filter icon in the top right-hand corner of the Training section tab.
By tapping the training title or the arrow icon on a training card, users are directed to the relevant course or training plan, from where a range of actions is available.
From the Training section, users can open the list of their favorite courses and training plans by selecting the heart icon in the top left-hand corner of the screen. In the Favorites view, all courses and training plans marked as favorites are displayed in alphabetical order, regardless of the user's enrollment status and their progress. Find more detailed information here.
Users can also filter and search from the Catalog tab to find relevant training in a course catalog. From the Catalog tab, users can see cards for all published courses and training plans in a course catalog. From this tab, users can switch between course catalogs they have the relevant permissions to view, using the catalog selector at the top of the screen.
Training home page
Course and training plan home pages can be reached from either the Catalog tab or the Training section of the Dashboard tab.
When users select a course or training plan from either of these views, they're redirected to the relevant page of the course or training plan, where information about the training and access to various actions are available.
At the top of the training home page, the title of the course or training plan is displayed. Lengthy titles are truncated. The full name of a course or training plan is displayed on the Information tab.
Depending on the type of training, the training home page can consist of either two or three tabs:
Description. Displayed for all courses and training plans.
Information. Displayed for all courses and training plans.
- Sessions. Displayed for instructor-led courses only.
A range of actions is available to users below the Description, Information, and Sessions blocks.
The Description tab
The Description tab displays:
- A thumbnail image for the training.
- User's progress (a square with a progress circle) with the training. This is displayed only if you're enrolled in it. Until you're enrolled, only the thumbnail image of the training is shown. The color of the progress circle differs depending on the current progress: for courses and training plans that haven't been started, the circle is grey. When they're in progress, the circle is orange. When they're completed, the circle is green.
- Training rating. Displayed as a star system immediately below the thumbnail image for the training.
- Information about the date the learner enrolled in the training. Displayed immediately below the training rating.
- If the learner has completed the training, the completion date is displayed below the information about the date the learner enrolled in the training.
- Shows the short description of the course or training plan. The description is collapsed if it contains more then 250 characters. If a long description is available for the course or training plan, the learner will see the See course description link instead of the short description.
- Content. Displays Learning modules for courses or Courses for training plans.
Open in browser. If this option is enabled in the Learn365 mobile app configuration settings, learners can open courses and training plans on their mobile device in the system browser.
The Information tab
The Information tab displays:
- The full title of the training.
- The categories (if set).
- The type of training (e-learning, Instructor-led training, or Training plan).
- The number of available seats in the training (if set).
- Enrollment flow for courses and training plans with the Administrator Approval or Line Manager Approval set will be displayed as Approval required.
- Training duration (if set).
- Training ID (if set).
- The number of CEUs granted upon training completion.
- The due date (if set).
Enrollment deadline for courses of the all- enrollment type (if set). For courses of the single- and multiple- enrollment types, the enrollment deadline is displayed on the Sessions tab.
- Contact people responsible for the training. If the contact people have an email address registered in their profile, users can send them an email by tapping the contact's name from the training home page. Contact people with no email address registered in their profile can't be reached this way.
- Certificates that have been awarded or will be awarded for a course or training plan. The Certificates block displays the certificate status, achievement date, and expiry date (if set). Clicking the icon of valid, expiring, and expired certificates opens them.
- Skills that have been awarded or will be awarded for a course or training plan. The Skills block displays the skill title, level, status, achievement date, and revocation date (if set).
- The Training plans using this course block is displayed on the Information tab of a course for users who are enrolled in a course that forms part of one or more training plans that the user is also enrolled in.
The Sessions tab
The Sessions tab is available only for instructor-led courses and displays cards of standalone sessions and session cards of the course.
For a standalone session, the card can show the following information (slightly differs depending on the enrollment type of the course):
- Name of the standalone session. Standalone sessions have a calendar icon next to their title.
- Location. Shows the room in which the standalone session will take place. If the session is held only online, the location is skipped in the session description.
- Meeting. Displayed for standalone sessions that have a meeting URL configured when the session was created or edited and is marked as Virtual by default. After registration, this is replaced with an active Join Session link, which redirects the learner the relevant online meeting.
Sessions with rooms but without a meeting URL configured for them are treated Online and have no Meeting information shown.
- Available seats. Shows the number of seats available for registration. If the value for Maximum attendees isn't set, this parameter is skipped in the session description. Standalone sessions in a course of the all- enrollment type don't have available seats displayed on the session card as these courses have the maximum attendees configured on the course level and available seats are displayed in the Information section.
- Start and end date and time of the standalone session.
- Additional session information. The Details link opens a panel with the additional information provided for the session. If no information is provided, the Details link isn't displayed.
Enrollment deadline for a standalone session of the course of the single- or multiple- enrollment type (if set). For courses of the all- enrollment type, the enrollment deadline is displayed on the Information tab.
- Instructors assigned for the standalone session. If there is only one instructor assigned for the session, then the full name of this instructor is displayed. If there are several instructors assigned, then only their icons are displayed. Selecting any of the icons opens the list of the instructors with their full names and emails.
Example of a standalone session in the Sessions tab for a course of the multiple- enrollment type.
For a session group, the card can show the following information (slightly differs depending on the enrollment type of the course):
- Name of the session group. Session groups have a list icon next to their title.
- Available seats. Shows the number of seats available for registration. If the value for Maximum attendees isn't set, this parameter is skipped in the session group description. Session groups in a course of the all- enrollment type don't have available seats displayed on the session group card as these courses have the maximum attendees configured on the course level and available seats are displayed in the Information section.
Enrollment deadline for a session group in the course of the single- or multiple- enrollment type (if set). For courses of the all- enrollment type, the enrollment deadline is configured on the course level and displayed in the Information tab.
- Sessions. Shows the number of sessions inside the session group. This is an active link that opens a panel with the list of sessions of the session group. On this panel you can find information for each session of the session group presented the same way it is done for standalone sessions 9see the description above).
- Instructors assigned for the sessions inside the session group. Session groups can't have instructors assigned for it. If there is only one instructor assigned for a session inside the session group, then the full name of this instructor is displayed. If there are several instructors assigned for sessions inside the session group, then only their icons are displayed. Selecting any of the icons opens the list of the instructors with their full names and emails.
Actions and capabilities
A range of actions is available to users:
- From training cards.
- From the vertical ellipsis menu in the top right-hand corner of a course or training plan page.
- From the Description, Information, and Sessions tabs of course or training plan landing pages.
The actions available depend on the type of training, its settings, and the user's progress with the course or training plan.
General available actions
The actions available depend on the settings for individual courses and training plans.
Enroll in course/training plan
For e-learning courses, instructor-led courses of the all- enrollment type and training plans, Enroll in course/training plan enables users to enroll in the course or training plan in question. This option is available from all the tabs of the landing pages of the e-learning courses and training plans.
For instructor-led courses the display of the Enroll in course option differs:
- For instructor-led courses of the single- enrollment type, the Enroll in course option is displayed on the Sessions tab and becomes active once a standalone session or session group is selected. If the Allow enrollment without session registration option is enabled for the course, the Enroll in course option is active without any standalone session or session group selection. Find more details here.
- For instructor-led courses of the multiple- enrollment type, the Enroll in course option is displayed on the Sessions tab and becomes active once at least one a standalone session or session group is selected. Users can select both types of standalone sessions and session groups: with or without available seats (to be registered for or added to the waiting list, respectively). If the Allow enrollment without session registration option is enabled for the course, the Enroll in course option is active without any standalone sessions and session groups selection. Find more details here.
- For courses of the all- enrollment type, users are automatically registered for all active standalone sessions and session groups of the course. The Enroll in course option is available from all tabs and is active from the start.
Depending on the enrollment flow settings, users are either automatically enrolled after tapping this option or an enrollment request is sent for approval.
If approval is required, the message Your enrollment request is pending approval is displayed on the Description tab of a course or training plan landing page and on the Sessions tab for the instructor-led courses as well. Learning content of the course or training plan remains locked until the enrollment request is approved. Once approved, users are automatically enrolled in the course or training plan.
- Users can enroll in courses and training plans from the Catalog tab because that's where they can find all courses and training plans of the current catalog, including those they aren't enrolled in yet. On the Dashboard tab, users only see courses and training plans they're already enrolled in or for which their enrollment is pending approval. However, in the Training section of the Dashboard tab, the Favorites page shows all the courses and training plans that users have marked as favorites, regardless of whether they are enrolled them.
- Registering for standalone sessions or session groups in courses of the single- and multiple- enrollment types isn't possible if the enrollment deadline of the selected standalone sessions or session groups is reached. In this case, the card of this standalone session or session group is greyed out and can't be selected.
For courses of the all- enrollment type courses, enrollment isn't possible if the enrollment deadline is reached. The Enroll in course option is active but after tapping it, the message No enrollments can be made because the enrollment deadline has passed is displayed on the screen.
Retake course/training plan
The Retake course and Retake training plan options enable learners to retake completed training.
The Voluntary Retake option needs to be enabled when the course or training plan is being created/edited for it to be available to learners. When Voluntary Retake is disabled, the retake option is available to learners only when the certificate for the course or training plan is expiring.
The Retake course and Retake training plan options for completed courses and training plans are displayed on the Description and Information tabs, and on the training card in the Dashboard.
When a catalog or course admin initiates the retake of an instructor-led course that has the single- or multiple- enrollment type, the learner will receive an email notification with a request to select course sessions if the Allow enrollment without session registration option is disabled. Otherwise, the learner won't receive the session registration request, but will see only the course progress as Not started on the course home page.
Cancel request
The Cancel request option enables users who have requested to be enrolled in a course or training plan to cancel their enrollment request while the approval is still pending.
This option is available from the vertical ellipsis menu. The user is asked to enter a reason for cancelling their enrollment request. Selecting Ok without providing the reason won't cancel the user's enrollment request but only closes the cancellation window.
Download course
The Download course option enables learners to download course content so it can be consumed offline.
This option is available from the vertical ellipsis menu for courses that have at least one content package (SCORM) or a quiz (if the quiz is a separate learning item or forms part of a learning module). Users need to be enrolled in the course before they can download it.
AICC content packages don't work in offline mode.
The "Download course" option from the vertical ellipsis menu.
When the learner downloads a course, all of its learning modules are downloaded, but only SCORM content packages and quizzes can be taken offline.
Delete downloaded course
If users have downloaded a course for offline use, they can delete course content by selecting the Delete downloaded course option.
This option is available from the vertical ellipsis menu.
The "Delete downloaded course" option from the vertical ellipsis menu.
Unenroll from course/training plan
The Unenroll from course/training plan option is available from the vertical ellipsis menu only when the course or catalog admin toggles the Do not allow unenrollment option to Off in the course or training plan configuration panel.
If the Do not allow unenrollment option is toggled Off, learners can unenroll from courses or training plans that aren't yet completed. If toggled On, learners can't unenroll from incomplete training.
Open in browser
Depending on the configured settings, this option is displayed at the bottom of the Description tab of the course landing page and from the vertical ellipsis menu, or from the vertical ellipsis menu only.
The Learn365 mobile app configuration settings define how users can view web content on mobile devices: in either the user's preferred web browser or the embedded Learn365 mobile app browser.
Due to updates made by Apple to the Intelligent Tracking Prevention (ITP), Apple blocks cookies for cross-site resources, therefore restricting the opening of third-party embedded iFrame code (including videos) in apps. For more detailed information, see this article. When using the Learn365 mobile app from an iPhone, it's not possible to open SCORM content packages that contain embedded iFrame code sourced from a third-party application because they require additional authentication.
Add to favorites
With this option, users can mark a course or training plan as favorite. Marked courses and training plans, regardless of the user's current enrollment status and progress, are displayed in the Training section of the Favorites page. Find more detailed information here.
Remove from favorites
With this option, users can remove a course or training plan from the favorites. Once unmarked, courses and training plans won't be displayed in the Training section of the Favorites page. Find more detailed information here.
Actions specific for instructor-led courses
Additional actions are available for courses of the instructor-led training type.
Add to and remove from waiting list
In there are no available seats in a session-based course, users can be added to the waiting list if the Waiting List option is enabled for this course.
For courses of the all- enrollment type that have no available seats for its standalone sessions or session groups, users will see the Add to waiting list option on all tabs of the course landing page.
Depending on the enrollment type of the course and configurations of the Waiting List and Allow enrollment without session registration options, there can be various possible scenarios. Find more detailed information here. If the Waiting List option isn't enabled, users can't enroll in the course until seats become available.
When users are successfully added to the waiting list, the message You're on the waiting list is displayed on the Sessions tab. The course is now displayed in the Training section of the Dashboard tab, with the Waiting list status on its training card.
When a seat becomes available, users are automatically enrolled in the course and registered for all active standalone sessions or session groups of that course.
If users are added to a waiting list for a course that has an enrollment deadline set, they're automatically enrolled in this course if a seat become available, even if the enrollment deadline has passed. This happens because their enrollment request was registered within the enrollment deadline period.
Users can remove themselves from the waiting list of the course by selecting the relevant option from the ellipsis menu.
For instructor-led courses of the single- enrollment type, for standalone sessions or session groups that have no available seats the Enroll to Course changes to Add to waiting list.
Depending on the enrollment type of the course and configurations of the Waiting List and Allow enrollment without session registration options, there can be various possible scenarios. Find more detailed information here. If the Waiting List option isn't enabled, users can't enroll in the course until they select a standalone session or session group that has available seats.
If there is any available seat in standalone sessions or session groups in the course, but a user selects the one without any seat to register for, then the user will be added to the waiting list of this selected standalone session or session group.
If there are no available seats in any of the standalone sessions or session groups in the course, when users select Add to waiting list, they see a message that asks them to select one of the options:
Selected session waiting list.
Selecting this option users will be added to the waiting list of the standalone session or session group. This standalone session or session group is displayed at the top of the list on the Sessions tab and the On waiting list status is shown.
Course waiting list.
Selecting this option users will be added to the waiting list of the course. The On waiting list status isn't shown on any tab of the course landing page and for any standalone session or session group of the course on the Sessions tab.
If the Allow enrollment without session registration option is enabled for the course:
- Users can enroll in the course without selecting a standalone session or session group to register for. In this case, the Enroll in course option is displayed active on the Sessions tab.
- Users can select a standalone session or session group with available seats and enroll in the course.
- Users can select a standalone session or session group with no seats available and add themselves to the waiting list of the course, or standalone session or session group on their choice. In this case, users won't be enrolled in the course.
Users can remove themselves from the waiting list of a course, or waiting list of a standalone session or session group by selecting the relevant option from the ellipsis menu.
Example of the "Remove from waiting list" option for a course of the single- enrollment type.
For courses of the multiple- enrollment type, when users select the checkbox of the standalone sessions and session groups that have no available seats, the Add to waiting list option is activated.
Depending on the enrollment type of the course and configurations of the Waiting List and Allow enrollment without session registration options, there can be various possible scenarios. Find more detailed information here. If the Waiting List option isn't enabled, users can't enroll in the course until they select at least one standalone session or session group that has available seats.
If there is an available seat in any of the selected standalone sessions and session groups, the Enroll in course option is still displayed. In this case, selecting Enroll in course results in enrolling user in the course, registering them for the standalone sessions and session groups with available seats and adding them to the waiting list of these standalone sessions and session groups that has no seats available.
If there are no available seats in any of the selected standalone sessions and session groups, the Enroll in course option changes to Add to waiting list. In his case, selecting Add to waiting list adds the user to the waiting list for the selected standalone sessions and session groups. The On waiting list status is displayed on the cards of the relevant sessions.
If users select multiple standalone sessions and session groups, where some standalone sessions and session groups have available seats and others don't, then:
- They're registered for the standalone sessions and session groups with available seats.
- They are added to the waiting list for standalone sessions and session groups that don't have available seats.
As a result, the Sessions tab displays sessions in the following order:
- First are standalone sessions and session groups that have the Enrolled status (confirmed enrollment).
- Then go standalone sessions and session groups with the On waiting list status (where the user has been added to the waiting list).
- Then other standalone sessions and session groups of the course.
If the Allow enrollment without session registration option is enabled for the course:
- Users can enroll in the course without selecting standalone sessions and session groups to register for. In this case, the Enroll in course option is displayed active on the Sessions tab.
- Users can select a standalone session or session group with available seats and enroll in the course.
- Users can select a standalone session or session group with no seats available and add themselves to the waiting list of the selected standalone session or session group. In this case, users won't be enrolled in the course.
Find more information about enrolling in a course without registering for course sessions here.
The Remove from waiting list option is available from the ellipsis menu both when:
- Users are added to the waiting list for standalone sessions and session groups without available seats but aren't registered for any standalone sessions and session groups of the course. In this case, users can remove themselves from the relevant waiting lists.
- Users are both registered for any standalone sessions and session groups and added to the waiting list for any standalone session and session group without available seats. In this case, users can remove themselves from the relevant waiting lists staying registered for other standalone sessions and session groups or Unenroll from Course to cancel their registration and remove themselves from the waiting lists.
Example of removing from the waiting list for a course of the multiple- enrollment type.
Show available sessions
This option is displayed on the Description and Information tabs for courses of the single- or multiple- enrollment types that the user isn't enrolled in.
By tapping Show available sessions, users are redirected to the Sessions tab, where a list of standalone sessions and session groups of the course with detailed information is displayed. Show available sessions is automatically replaced with Enroll in course when a standalone session or session group is selected.
Example of the "Show available sessions" option.
After user's enrollment in the course, the Sessions tab displays standalone sessions and session groups in the following order:
- First are standalone sessions and session groups that have the Enrolled status (confirmed enrollment).
- Then are standalone sessions and session groups with the On waiting list status (where the user has been added to the waiting list).
- Then go other standalone sessions and session groups of the course.
Change session registrations
This option is displayed to learners on the Sessions tab for courses of the single- and multiple- enrollment types.
The Change session registrations option enables learners to change the standalone sessions and session groups they've registered for (that is to say, where the registration has the Enrolled status), are On waiting list or Pending approval.
Users can't change their registration for standalone sessions and session groups when:
- They're assigned as an instructor for any of the course sessions (standalone ones or inside session groups). In this case, there are no checkboxes for these sessions on the course landing page, but users can track the registration status of the current session, register learner's attendance, and generate a QR code.
- They're registered for the standalone sessions and session groups via a Microsoft Entra (Azure Active Directory) group or Microsoft 365 group. In this case, there are no checkboxes for these standalone sessions and session groups on the course landing page, but they can track the registration status of the current standalone sessions and session groups.
Make a request for session
If the Request(s) for Sessions option is enabled for this course, users can request new course standalone sessions and session groups by selecting the Make a request for session option:
- From the vertical ellipsis menu (if a course has at least one active standalone session or session group).
- From the Sessions tab (if there are no standalone sessions and session groups in a course).
Users are asked to describe their request, which is then sent to course admins via a notification.
The "Make a request for session" option for an instructor-led course.
Mark attendance
If the Allow learners to register their own Attendance via the Learn365 Mobile App option is enabled for a session (a standalone one or inside a session group), the Mark attendance option is available to learners, enabling them to register their attendance for this session.
Learners can register their attendance from the course landing page. The process differs depending on the enrollment type of the course and the options enabled in the relevant session. Find more information on self-registration by learners in this article.
Register attendance
The Register attendance option enables instructors to manually register learners' attendance in sessions (both standalone ones and inside session groups) that have a start date in the past using the Learn365 mobile app.
This option is available on the session cards on the Sessions tab. Here, the instructor needs to select the session for which they want to register attendance. Find more information on attendance registration by the instructor in this article.
- It's not possible to register attendance for sessions that have a start date in the future.
- If the instructor selects several users, the registered attendance is applied to all of them and replaces their previous attendance mark with the new one.
Generate QR code
If the QR Code option under Allow Learners to register their own Attendance via the Learn365 Mobile App is enabled, instructors can generate a QR code that learners can use to self-register their attendance for a session (both a standalone one and inside session groups).
The Generate QR code option is available on session cards on the Sessions tab.
When the QR code is generated, it can be printed, shared, or perhaps inserted in a slide deck for the audience to scan during the session.
Find more information on how to generate a QR code for attendance registration, see this article. For information on how to register attendance using a QR code, see this article.
Learning content
Take courses
For courses, a block containing training content is displayed on the Description tab of the course page. This block shows all visible (not hidden) learning items in the order in which they're arranged by the admin. From here, users can access the content to start learning.
The title, description, their progress (Not Started, In Progress, Completed, or Failed), and an action for each learning item of the course are displayed. The actions available for learning items depend on the user's progress with each learning item and the learning item settings:
Start. For learning items that the learner hasn't started yet. Select it to start the item.
Continue. For learning items that the learner has already started but not yet completed. Select it to continue the item.
Review. For learning items that are completed by the learner or for which the user has no more attempts left to complete. Select it to review the content of the learning item.
Locked. For learning items that are locked until all preceding learning items in the course have been completed and for learning items of a course the user isn't yet enrolled in. Changes to the relevant action once the learning item has been unlocked or the user is enrolled in the course, respectively.
Hidden learning items aren't displayed in the Learning Modules block on the Description tab of the course landing page. If a hidden learning item is required in order to progress with or complete a course, learners can't do this without the help of the course or catalog admin.
Some learning items in a course can be learning modules, whereas other learning items are separate items such a single quiz.
For an overview of the learning items in a learning module, learners can tap collapse/expand on the course page or from the learning content.
Learners can select the information icon next to each item to see its description. Learners can also see the learning module description in the Learn365 player by selecting See module description.
Each learning item in a learning module is shown with a checkbox. If a learner hasn't yet started the learning item, the checkbox is empty. If the learner has started a learning item, completed one, or failed one, the checkbox contains a mark. This mark is blue for learning items that are in progress, green for completed learning items, and red for failed learning items. A lock is displayed next to learning items that have prerequisites.
A star rating system is displayed under the thumbnail image on the course home page. Learners can set and change their own rating for the course where they've started (have the In progress status) or completed the course.
After a learner rates the course, they can see their rating mark when selecting the stars under the thumbnail image on the course home page. A blue tick displayed next to the number of stars relates to the rating given. Learners can rate the course again, if necessary.
Take training plans
For training plans, the Courses block on the Description tab of the page displays all courses in this training plan. From here, learners can access the courses to start learning.
The title, description, their progress (Not started, In progress, Completed, or Failed), and an action for each course in the training plan are displayed. The actions available for a course depend on the user's progress with each course and the course settings:
Start. For courses that the learner hasn't started yet. Select it to start the course.
Continue. For courses that the learner has already started but not yet completed. Select it to continue the course.
Review. For courses that are completed by the learner or for courses for which the learner has learning items with no more attempts left to complete. Select it to review the content of the course.
- Locked. For courses that are locked until all preceding courses in the training plan have been completed, or for courses in a training plan the user isn't yet enrolled in. Changes to the relevant action once the course has been unlocked or the user is enrolled in the courses, respectively.
When selecting an action, learners are redirected to the course page, from where they can see all the learning items in the course and can start, continue, or review the course content.
Example of training plan content and available actions depending on the current progress on courses.
A star rating system is displayed under the thumbnail image on the training plan home page. Learners can set and change their own rating for the training plan where they've started (have the In progress status) or completed the course.
After a learner rates the training plan, they can see their rating mark when selecting the stars under the thumbnail image on the training plan home page. A blue tick displayed next to the number of stars relates to the rating given. Learners can rate the training plan again, if necessary.
Feature availability: Online vs offline mode
Learning via the Learn365 mobile app can be done in online or offline mode.
Online mode means that the internet connection and synchronization with the Learn365 server are enabled.
In offline mode, it's possible to take only the training that was downloaded while in online mode. To quickly check your connection to the internet and server, go to the Settings tab at the bottom of the mobile app screen.
Course content is fully available in online mode. In offline mode, there are some limitations:
- Only downloaded courses are available.
Content of Go1 courses can't be consumed in the offline mode as the SCORM wrapper requires internet connection.
- Only courses that have at least one SCORM content package or a quiz can be downloaded and then taken offline.
- AICC content packages don't work in offline mode.
- All learning modules in downloadable courses are downloaded when the learner downloads the course, but the learner can only take SCORM content packages and quizzes in offline mode.
- The Matching quiz question type is displayed differently in offline mode. Here, learners need to match items from the middle with items at the top and the bottom.
Example of learning items availability in the offline mode.
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