e-Learning: edit, manage, and delete


It may be necessary for catalog and course admins to change e-learning course settings, update course information, or delete the course. This can all be achieved via the Course management panel.

This article provides information about the settings and tools available from the Course management panel for e-learning courses.


Where to start

Required role: catalog admin or course admin.

The Course management panel provides access to a range of tools related to the selected course. You can find the Course management panel in the following ways:

  • In the Learn365 Admin CenterTraining Management > select the relevant course. The Course management panel opens on the right-hand side of the Learn365 Admin Center.




  • On the course home page, select the Course management link. The Course management panel opens on the right-hand side of the course home page.




Course management panel

Required role: catalog admin or course admin.

The Course management panel for e-learning courses provides the following action links:


View Course

Required role: catalog admin or course admin.

The View Course action link redirects you to the course home page, where you can view how the course description, information, and content is presented to users.




Edit course

Required role: catalog admin or course admin.

The Edit course action link redirects you to the course configuration panel, opened on the Basic details section. This is where you can edit basic course settings and the banner image.

You can navigate between course sections to make relevant changes. You don't need to save changes when navigating between sections. Saving is necessary only before you close the course configuration panel.

After you've made the relevant changes, you can:

  • Select Save to save changes and stay in course configuration mode, enabling you to make further changes.
  • Select Save and close to save changes and close the course configuration panel.

Saving course


Manage Course Settings

Required role: catalog admin or course admin.

The Manage Course Settings action link redirects you to the Settings section of the course configuration panel. Here, you can introduce relevant changes to course settings.

Under the Settings section, general course settings like enrollment flow, CEUs, sharing course with Viva Learning, certificates, skills, due date, retakes, and regional settings are configured.


Due date and certificate

When you edit the Set certificate expiry date settings, the new expiry date will be applied to certificates that will be awarded in the future. It won't influence the expiration date of previously issued certificates.



When you edit the Set skill revocation settings, the new revocation date will be applied to skills that will be granted in the future. It won't influence the revocation date of previously granted skills.

The Set skill revocation option inherits the certificate expiry date settings (if set). To set a specific revocation date for skills, disable the Set certificate expiry date option or configure it in such a way that it matches the settings you want to apply for skill revocation.


Manage People

Required role: catalog admin or course admin.

The Manage People action link redirects you to the People section of the course configuration panel. Here, you can manage the learners and admins of the course. 


Email Learners

Required role: catalog admin or course admin.

The Email Learners action link redirects you to the Email Learners panel. Here, you can see the learners who are enrolled in the course and send email messages to them.

You can filter the view to find the relevant learners:

  • From the All statuses drop-down list, select the relevant option to filter the learners: Not started, In progress, and Completed. The default value is All statuses.
  • From the All drop-down list, filter by Overdue or Not Overdue. The default value is All.
  • Select any column title to sort the displayed information in alphabetical order (ascending A-Z or descending Z-A) or in numerical order (ascending or descending).


To send an email to learners:

1. From the list of enrolled learners on the Email Learners panel, select the relevant learners. To select all the learners, select the checkbox next to the Name column heading.




2. From the opened Actions panel, select Send Email Message. The Send Email Message panel opens.

If none of the selected learners have an email address registered with their account, the Send Email Message option is disabled.

3. On the Send Email Message panel, complete the Subject and Body fields. 

In the Subject field, enter the subject of your email message, which will be displayed as the message title.

In the Body field, enter the text of the message. By default, the link to the course home page is included in the message body. You can edit or delete the default information.

A rich text editor is available for the Body field, using which you can insert media, images, or files from your local computer, to enrich the course description. You can expand the text field by selecting the Fullscreen icon in the rich text editor. This gives you more space when you're working with the text.

For customers with a Learn365 Professional or Select subscription, the rich text editor includes the spell check, accessibility checker, and PowerPaste features.


e-learning email learners


4. Select Send to send the message.

If one or more of the selected learners don't have an email address registered for their account, a warning message informs you that the email won't be sent to them. In this case, you can Cancel or Confirm that you want to send the email to learners who have a registered email address.

Sending the same email to a large number of recipients can increase the risk of your message being rejected, or categorized as less important or even as junk email by email clients and spam filters.

If the email address of one or more learners is misspelled or doesn't exist, a warning email is sent to the connected email account, informing that some of the selected learners won't receive the email.


Manage enrollment requests

Required role: catalog admin or course admin.

The Manage enrollment requests action link redirects you to the Manage enrollment requests panel, which shows all the enrollment requests for the course: pending approval, enrolled, rejected, and cancelled. By default, the Manage enrollment requests panel opens with the Pending Approval enrollment requests preselected. 

Find more information about the Learn365 enrollment flows, and approving or rejecting enrollment requests, in this article.


Course progress

Required role: catalog admin or course admin.

The Course progress action link redirects you to the course progress dashboard, where you can get an overview of learners' progress with the selected course. Here, you can download this information to your local device as a report. 




Course reports

The Course reports action link enables you to generate reports that provide data on engagement with course content packages, learning modules, and quizzes.




Manage Rating

Required role: catalog admin or course admin.

The Manage Rating action link redirects you to an overview of course ratings. Here, you can manage ratings and export this information to Excel.


Manage Course Content

Required role: catalog admin or course admin.

The Manage Course Content action link redirects you to the Content section of the course configuration panel, where you can manage course content. 

Find detailed information about how to create, manage, and get an overview of the course content in this article.


Course completion settings

The Course completion settings action link redirects you to the Course completion settings page. Here, you can manage the course completion sets of the selected course.

Find detailed information about how to create and manage course completion sets in this article.


Manage notifications

Required role: catalog admin or course admin.

The Manage notifications action enables you to define the notifications you want to send for a specific course. This will help you to reduce the number of unwanted course notifications that are sent.

Find detailed information about how to manage notifications at course level in this article.


Create course copy 

Required role: catalog admin.

With the Create course copy action, you can create a copy of an existing course within the current catalog.

This is particularly helpful if you manage a large number of courses and want to quickly create new courses that have similar settings but vary slightly in terms of content.

Find detailed information about how to create a copy of a course in this article.


Copy course across catalogs

Required role: catalog admin.

With the Copy course across catalogs action, you can copy existing courses to different catalogs.

This is particularly helpful where your organization has multiple catalogs that serve different purposes and you want to extend the availability of existing courses.

Find detailed information about how to copy courses across catalogs in this article.


Delete Course

Required role: catalog admin or course admin.

To delete a course:

1. In the Learn365 Admin Center, select Training Management. The Training Management page opens, where you can see all the courses and training plans in the catalog.

2. On the Training Management page, select the course you want to delete.

3. On the opened Course management panel, select Delete Course. A confirmation message informs you that the course, as well as the learner and course admin groups of the course, will be deleted.

4. In the confirmation message, select the I am aware that this action cannot be undone checkbox then select Delete. To cancel the deletion, select Cancel.




When a course is deleted in Learn365:

  • Its documents, files, and home page in SharePoint are moved to the SharePoint recycle bin and can be restored.
  • The course itself and the associated SharePoint Learners, Administrators, and Owners groups are deleted and can't be restored.
  • If the deleted course was part of a training plan, the course will be automatically removed from this training plan.


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