Edit and reset notification templates


Learn365 enables catalog admins to change the look and content of Learn365 notifications, and control who receives them.

This guide describes how to edit notification templates and how to reset notification templates to their default values.

For information about managing, enabling, and disabling Learn365 notifications, see this article.


Where to start

Required role: catalog admin

Edit notification templates by going to the Learn365 Admin Center > Catalog settings > Notifications.




Consequences of editing notification templates

Changes made to the To, Cc, Subject, Body, Send Reminder Emails, and Also send notification fields in a notification template have the following consequences:

  • Modified fields will no longer be updated as part of general product updates.
  • Modified fields won't respond to language localizations because localizations are based on the default content.
  • Notification templates that have been customized are marked as Custom in the Template column.

For more information about how notification templates are affected by customizations, see this article.




Edit (customize) notification templates

General process

Required role: catalog admin

1. On the Notifications page, select the relevant template to open its Actions panel.

2. Select Edit template from the Actions panel.

The Edit template action is disabled if more than one template is selected.

3. Make the relevant changes.

4. Save the changes or select Cancel to discard, then confirm the action.


To and Cc

Required role: catalog admin

Select the intended recipients of the notification by selecting roles from the drop-down list or entering the names of users from the tenant.



  • You can add Microsoft Entra (Azure Active Directory) group names.
  • For some templates, the To and Cc fields can't be modified.



The information in the Subject field is displayed to users in the title of the notification they receive.




Edit the field as necessary. You may choose to include variables in the Subject field, such as the {MEETING URL} variable. If you use variables here, then be sure to enter them accurately, with no extra spaces, and with the correct symbols for brackets. Otherwise, Learn365 won't be able to insert data correctly.



Required role: catalog admin

The Body field is required. Enter the text that users will see in the body of the notification.

The default values can be edited or replaced with your own text. You can use any variables listed at the bottom of the notification template. The variables displayed are specific for each notification template and are provided by Learn365.

If you use variables here, then be sure to enter them accurately, with no extra spaces, and with the correct symbols for brackets. Otherwise, Learn365 won't be able to insert data correctly.

A rich-text editor is available for the Body field, and this enables to add and edit content, insert links, upload images, and create tables to enrich the notification. You can expand the text field by selecting the Fullscreen icon in the rich text editor. This gives you more space when you're working with the text.

For customers with a Learn365 Professional or Select subscription, the rich text editor includes the spell check, accessibility checker, and PowerPaste features.




In the notification template, select the place where you want to display a link and select the Insert/edit link icon. The Insert/Edit Link dialog opens. Enter the relevant URL, the link text (Text to display), and a tooltip (Title). Select whether you want to Open link in a new window. Select Save to continue or Cancel to discard.

In the notification template, select the place where to display a table, select the Table icon > Table > select the table size. This displays an empty table, into which you can enter text.


How you add images to a notification template depends on where the image is stored.

Add images stored outside of SharePoint

Select the place where you want to display an image and select the Insert/edit image icon. The Insert/Edit Image dialog opens. Enter the URL for the image in the Source field, text that will accompany the image (Alternative description), and a tooltip (Image title). Set the image Width and Height in pixels, and choose whether to Constrain proportions. Select Save to continue or Cancel to discard.



It is recommended that images are stored on a publicly-accessible image service or public-facing website for them be displayed correctly. An example of a publicly-accessible image service would be your organization's website or another image hosting service that your marketing team uses internally.


Add images stored in SharePoint

You'll need to get the URL of the image from SharePoint. Although there are several ways of getting a link to an image in SharePoint, only the method described here will correctly add the image to the notification template.

1. Go to the SharePoint folder where the image is stored.

2. Click the image to display it.


Open image


3. Select the ellipsis (...) at the top of the page then View original.


View original


4. Copy the URL from the address bar.

5. In Learn365, go to the notification template, select the place where you want to display an image and select the Insert/edit image icon. The Insert/Edit Image dialog opens. Paste the SharePoint URL for the image in the Source field, text that will accompany the image (Alternative description), and a tooltip (Image title). The Width and Height of the image (in pixels) will be automatically set but you can change these settings. Additionally, you can choose whether to Constrain proportions. Select Save to continue or Cancel to discard. The image is displayed.


Send for inactive training

Required role: catalog admin

Catalog admins can disable certificate expiry and skill revocation notifications for inactive training.

When courses or training plans are inactive, users can't retake them so it may not be necessary for users to receive these notifications.

Catalog admins can disable notifications about certificate expiry and skill revocation for unpublished, expired, and deleted training, as well as for imported external certificates that aren't associated with a current course in the catalog. This is done via the Send for inactive training option when editing the relevant notification template.

This option is available in the following notification templates:

  • Certificate expired
  • Training Plan Certificate Expired
  • Certificate expiry reminder
  • Training Plan Certificate Expiry Reminder
  • Skill revocation reminder
  • Skill revoked

By default, these notifications are enabled for inactive training, but can be disabled by switching off the Send for inactive training toggle.




Send for unenrolled learners

Required role: catalog admin.

By default, the Send for unenrolled learners option is enabled in certain notification templates. This means that unenrolled learners will receive the notification. If this notification isn't required for unenrolled learners, the catalog admin can disable the option by dragging the toggle to Off.

This option is available in the following notification templates:

  • Certificate expired
  • Certificate expiry reminder
  • Training plan certificate expired
  • Training plan certificate expiry reminder
  • Skill revocation reminder
  • Skill revoked




Send Reminder Emails

Required role: catalog admin

This option enables you to set the number of days (in positive, integer values) in advance of an event that the reminder notification will be sent. The default number of days depends on the notification. 

The option to send reminder notifications is available in the following templates:

  • Approval reminder
  • Certificate expiry reminder
  • Course due date reminder
  • Instructor-Led Training Start Reminder
  • Session enrollment approval reminder
  • Skill revocation reminder
  • Training Plan Approval Reminder
  • Training Plan Certificate Expiry Reminder
  • Training Plan Due Date Reminder

For an example of a certificate expiry template with the Send Reminder Email option, see this article.




Set the Also send notifications option

Required role: catalog admin

This option enables you to send additional notifications to remind learners that a specific event has already passed.

This option is available in the following notification templates:

  • Course due date has passed
  • Training Plan Due Date Passed
  • Certificate expired
  • Training Plan Certificate Expired
  • Skill revoked

1. Go to the Learn365 Admin Center > Catalog settings > Notifications > select a notification template.

2. On the opened Actions panel, select Edit template.

3. In the Also send notification field, enter the number of days after which the notification will be sent to learners.




4. Save the changes. Select Cancel to discard the changes.



Variables are values that Learn365 automatically completes when a notification is sent. Variables can be specific for each recipient of the notification template, depending on the information that will be passed.



You can use the variable {NAME} in a notification template to ensure the name of a recipient is used in this notification, helping you to personalize the message. You can use the variable {COURSE TITLE} to ensure the correct title of the course will be used in the notification, even if you change the title of the course after launch.


You can use variables in the Subject and Body fields of notifications. The list of available variables depends on the notification template. The variables that are available in a notification template can be found at the bottom of the template.

If you use variables in the Body field, ensure you enter them accurately and with no additional spaces. Also be careful to use the correct brackets otherwise the relevant information won't be included in the notification.

For a complete list of notification template variables and their description, see this article.




Reset notification templates

When you reset a notification template, any customization you've done for it will be lost and the template will revert to the original style that was there when Learn365 was installed. In future, the notification template will be updated as part of general product updates and localizations.


To reset a template: 

1. On the Notifications page, select the relevant customized template (marked as Custom in the Template column). 

2. On the opened Actions panel, select Edit template. The Edit template panel opens.

3. In the bottom right-hand corner, select Reset Template. A confirmation message is displayed.
4. Select Reset Template to Default to reset the notification template to its default values, and enable future product updates to make changes to this template. Alternatively, select Cancel to return to the Edit template panel without resetting the template.


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