Connect an account for Learn365 to send email notifications, book rooms, and create Microsoft Teams meetings


To enable Learn365 to send notifications and book rooms for course sessions, and for Learn365 to create Microsoft Teams meeting invitations, the catalog admin must first configure the Microsoft 365 Connection Settings of that catalog in the tenant.

In this article, we'll show you how to configure the Microsoft 365 Connection Settings to connect an email account that will be used to send email notifications, book rooms, and create meeting invitations, as well as how to disconnect the account.


Connect an email account 

Required role: catalog admin.

To connect an email account and configure the Microsoft 365 Connection Settings:

1. Go to the Learn365 Admin Center > Catalog settings > Notifications. The Notifications page opens.

2. On the Notifications page, select Microsoft 365 Connection Settings on the menu bar. The Microsoft 365 Connection Settings configuration panel opens.

3. On the Microsoft 365 Connection Settings configuration panel, toggle Enable Learn365 to send email notifications, book Rooms and create meeting invitations to the On position.

By default, the toggle is Off. When switched On, the Modern Authentication Method block is displayed.

Modern Authentication Method offers secure user authentication and authorization based on Microsoft Entra ID (Azure Active Directory), without the need to store user credentials. It also enables modern authentication features such as multi-factor authentication (MFA).




4. In the Modern Authentication Method block, select Connect. 

5. Sign in with the cloud-based account you want to use to send email notifications, book rooms for sessions, and create Microsoft Teams meetings.

Connected account license requirements are:

  • A Microsoft Exchange Online (Plan 1 minimum) to be able to send notifications and book rooms.
  • Microsoft Teams to create meetings in Teams. 

A shared mailbox can't be used as the connected account.



When the Microsoft 365 Connection Settings are configured for the first time in the tenant, regardless of the catalog in the tenant for which the settings are configured, there is an additional step of consenting to requested permissions. The consent configuration settings determine which users can provide consent. Consent is required so that Learn365 can:

  • Send email notifications and appointments to learners on behalf of the connected account.
  • Access rooms, to set the session location when creating sessions.

  • Create, read, update, and delete events and Microsoft Teams meetings in the calendar of the connected account.
  • Show basic profile information of the connected account. This enables the email address of the connected account to be shown in the Learn365 Admin Center so other admins can see which account has been used to create the connection.
  • Receive refresh tokens from the Microsoft identity platform access token endpoint in order to get new access tokens when the previous one expires. Selecting the Consent on behalf of your organization checkbox means that consent isn't requested again if another account in your organization is connected to Learn365. To allow each connected account to consent individually, we recommend you don't tick this option.
    These permissions aren't requested if the Microsoft 365 Connection Settings have already been configured for the Modern authentication method in a course catalog in the tenant, unless a new user account is connected, and the Consent on behalf of your organization option hasn't been enabled by a previous configuration.
    Additional consent might be required to use Microsoft Graph API, for Learn365 to create and book Microsoft Teams meetings for sessions (only for outdated consent that needs an update, and only once). For example, changing passwords makes the granted consent outdated. Select Consent to continue.


6. The Enable Azure Communication Service option is intended for larger organizations that place a high demand on notifications. It facilitates the sending of notifications using Azure Communication Service (ACS) as the designated email provider.

These notifications originate from a fixed email address that can't be customized.

This feature is accessible only if it's activated for your organization. For activation inquiries, contact your Zensai Customer Success Manager directly or send an email to



The Share course sessions to organization calendar option is used to configure automatic sharing of scheduled course sessions with an organization's shared Outlook calendar and is described in this article.


7. Save your changes to connect the account.




The connected account receives an email message that is sent automatically by Learn365. 




  • If the connection between Learn365 and the connected account of a catalog is lost for any reason, your Learn365 application stops sending email notifications. This would mean that users who are working with that catalog won't receive notifications from Learn365. If this situation occurs, Learn365 automatically sends an email to notify catalog admins and LMS admins of the need to re-establish the connection between Learn365 and the account.
  • Learn365 uses the Microsoft 365 email delivery approach for handling email notifications. If you experience delivery issues, ask your administrator to read this article on fixing email delivery issues in Exchange Online for tips on how to resolve this issue.


Disconnect an email account

Required role: catalog admin.

To disconnect the connected email account:

1. Go to the Learn365 Admin Center > Catalog settings > Notifications. The Notifications page opens.

2. On the Notifications page, select Microsoft 365 Connection Settings on the menu bar. The Microsoft 365 Connection Settings configuration panel opens.

3. On the Microsoft 365 Connection Settings configuration panel, select Disconnect and confirm this action.

Once you've disconnected the account, Learn365 can't send notifications and invitations until you re-establish the connection between Learn365 and a cloud-based account.




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