Assessment notifications


Learn365 notifications for assessments cover notifications related to assigning and unassigning assessment's supervisors and marking the assessment completed for the user. This article provides an overview of notifications related to assessments, the actions that trigger these notifications, and the default recipients and delivery type of these notifications. 

All Learn365 notifications are enabled by default. For information about how you can enable or disable notifications at catalog or course level, see this article.


Assessment Reviewed

Assessment Reviewed


This notification informs users that the status of their assessment has changed.


What triggers the notification?

The Assessment Reviewed notification is triggered when the supervisor has approved the user's assessment.

Default Recipients in the To and Cc fields



Delivery Type



Relates to



Default settings

The default settings of the Assessment Reviewed notification provide the following information:

  • To. The user to whom this notification is sent.
  • Course name. The title of the course (which will link to the course home page) with which the assessment is associated.
  • Assessment name. The title of the assessment.
  • Status. Passed.
  • Reviewed by. Displays the name of the person who approved the assessment. 
  • Reviewed on. The exact date and time the person approved the assessment.
  • Supervisor's feedback. The feedback that the supervisor provided for the user (if any is provided).
  • Course duration (standard format). The course duration that is set by the course admin in the Duration (standard format) field on the course configuration panel.
  • Course duration. The course duration that is set by the course admin in the Duration field on the course configuration panel.




Edit the notification template

Catalog admins can edit the notification template and change its default values.

Editing the template will make it customized and there are consequences of doing this.

To edit the Assessment Reviewed notification template, select it and on the Actions panel, select Edit Template. On the Edit Template page, make your changes to the following fields:

  • To. By default, this is the user. This field is required.
  • Cc. Empty by default.
  • Subject. Default text with the assessment title variable is provided. This field is required.
  • Body. Default text with the title of the course and assessment in question, and the supervisor's feedback. This field is required.
  • Variables. This notification template has no variables currently available.


assesment notifications - assesment reviewed


There are two notification templates that relate to the supervisor of an assessment—Supervisor assigned and Supervisor unassigned. Both notifications are enabled by default.


Supervisor assigned


This notification will inform users that they've been assigned as a supervisor for a specific assessment.


What triggers the notification?

The Supervisor assigned notification is triggered:

  • When a course or catalog admin assigns a user as a supervisor of an assessment when creating or editing this assessment.
  • When a course or catalog admin selects the Line Manager role as a supervisor of an assessment when creating or editing this assessment. In this case, the notification is sent to the user who has the line manager role, and it's sent only once - when any of the direct reports of this line manager is enrolled in the course that has this assessment. The job runs once an hour.
  • When there is a change in line manager. The new line manager receives the Supervisor assigned notification, but only if the new line manager has no other direct reports who are already enrolled in the course with this assessment.


Default Recipients in the To and Cc fields



Delivery Type



Default settings

The default settings of the Supervisor assigned notification provide the following information:

  • To. The user to whom this notification is sent.
  • Course name. The title of the course, which links to the course home page.
  • Course starts. The date and time the course starts (if set).
  • Course admin. The admins of the course (if set).
  • The link to My Training Dashboard. From there, the supervisor can either navigate to the Assessments section (if assigned as user) or go to the Line Manager Dashboard (if assigned via the Line Manager role) to approve the assessments. Find more information about the supervisor assignment in this article.


supervisor assigned


An example of the 'Supervisor assigned' notification.


Catalog admins can edit the notification template and change its default values.
Editing the template will make it customized but there are consequences of doing this.


Supervisor unassigned


This notification will inform users that they've been unassigned as a supervisor for a specific assessment.


What triggers the notification?

The Supervisor unassigned notification is triggered:

  • When a course or catalog admin removes the user from the list of supervisors of the assessment when creating or editing this assessment.
  • When a course or catalog admin removes the Line Manager role from the list of supervisors when creating or editing this assessment.
  • When there is a change in line manager. The Supervisor unassigned notification is sent only once to the previous line manager, but it's sent only if the previous line manager has no other direct reports enrolled in the course with this assessment. The job runs once an hour.
    If the previous line manager still has direct reports enrolled in the course when the line manager changes, then the notification isn't sent to the previous line manager.
  • When the last of the direct reports of the line manager is unenrolled from the course with this assessment. The job runs once an hour.


Default Recipients in the To and Cc fields



Delivery Type



Default settings

The default settings of the Supervisor unassigned notification provides the following information:

  • To. The user to whom this notification is sent.
  • Course name. The title of the course, which links to the course home page.
  • Course starts. The date and time the course starts (if set).
  • Course admin. The admins of the course (if set).


Supervisor unassigned An example of the 'Supervisor unassigned' notification.


Catalog admins can edit the notification template to change its default values.
Editing the template will make it customized but there are consequences of doing this.


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