Learning progress on the training home page


When they engage with a course or training plan, enrolled users can see their progress in the Learning Progress section of the training home page.

In this article, we explain how users' progress in a course or training plan is calculated on the training home page.


Learning Progress for courses

In the Learning Progress section of a course home page, learners can track their progress in the course, the number of learning items they've completed compared with the total number of learning items in the course, their enrollment date, and the course completion date.

The Learning Progress calculation on the course home page includes quizzes, content packages, learning modules, and assessments. It doesn't include attendance (for instructor-led training) or assignments.

The Learning Progress calculation doesn't take into account whether learning items included in the calculation are set as required to complete the course. As a result, the learner's course progress calculation on the course home page differs from the progress that course and catalog admins can track in the Learn365 Admin CenterAttendance (for instructor-led training only) and Assignments are included in the course progress calculation that course and catalog admins can track via the course progress panel and the learner's progress panel in the Learn365 Admin Center.


How the learning progress is calculated

Add together the progress percentage of each learning item and divide it by the number of learning items in the Content section of the course (assignments and attendance aren't included).

Learning Progress shows how many of the items are completed out of the total number of items in the course (assignments and attendance aren't included). 

The progress percentage is displayed near each learning item in the Content section. The possible values are 0% and 100%.



The learner is enrolled in an instructor-led training course that consists of nine learning items and attendance registration. Four learning items are marked as required for course completion, together with attendance registration.

The learner has completed three learning items: an assessment (100% progress), a learning item (100% progress) and another assessment (100% progress). Other learning items aren't completed and their progress is 0%.

The course home page shows that the learner has completed the assessments and the learning item, and that they haven't started any of the other learning items. The overall Learning Progress is calculated by adding together the progress percentage of each learning item and dividing this by the number of learning items in the course (excluding assignments and attendance). Learning progress also shows how many learning items are completed out of the total number of learning items in the course (assignments and attendance aren't included).

In our example, the calculation is: (0 + 0 + 100 + 100 + 100 + 0 + 0 +0 + 0) / 9 = 33.3%. Three out of nine items are passed.

At the same time, course and catalog admins see a different course progress calculation for the learner in the Learn365 Admin Center. On the course progress panel, only learning items that are set as required for course completion are included in the calculation. In the following image, four learning items and attendance are marked as required for course completion and these are marked with star icons. The calculation here is for the required items only: (100 + 100 + 0 + 0 + 0) / 5 = 40%.


Later on, the learner completes one more learning item and the progress for it is displayed as 100% on the course home page. Also, the learner has attendance registered for one course session.

On the course home page, the Learning Progress becomes: (0 + 0 + 100 + 100 + 100 + 100 + 0 +0 + 0) / 9 = 44.4%. Four out of nine items are passed. This number has increased because of the completed learning item. Session attendance isn't included in the calculation for Learning Progress on the training home page.


At the same time, for the same items completed in the course, course and catalog admins see the following progress calculation for the learner on the course progress panel in the Learn365 Admin Center: (0 + 0 + 100 + 100 + 100 + 100 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 100) / 10 = 60%.

When learners complete all the learning items set as required for course completion, the Completed status is displayed in the Learning Progress section of the course home page, as well as the enrollment and course completion dates.



When a user is enrolled in an instructor-led course of the single- or multiple- enrollment type where attendance is set as required for course completion, and the Allow enrollment without session registration option is enabled, then when the learner isn't registered for a standalone session or session group but has completed all the required learning items, their Learning Progress will reflect 100% of the completed learning items but the course still isn't completed. This means the learner still needs to register for the required number of standalone sessions or session groups and visit them all in order to complete the course.


Learning Progress for training plans

In the Learning Progress section of a training plan home page, learners can track their progress in the training plan, the number of courses they've completed compared with the total number of courses in the training plan, their enrollment date, completion status, and the training plan completion date.

The Learning Progress calculation doesn't take into account whether courses are set as required for training plan completion. As a result, the learner's training plan progress calculation on the training plan home page differs from the progress that course and catalog admins can track via the Training Plan Progress dashboard and report and the Learner's Progress panel in the Learn365 Admin Center.


How the learning progress is calculated

Add together the progress percentage of each course and divide it by the number of courses in the training plan in the Training Plan Courses section.

The progress percentage is displayed near each course in the Training Plan Courses section. The possible values are 0%, 50%, and 100%.



The learner is enrolled in a training plan that consists of four courses:

  • The first course is started but not completed yet (50% progress).
  • The second course is completed (100% progress).
  • The third course isn't started (0% progress).
  • The fourth course is locked (0% progress).

The overall Learning Progress is calculated by adding together the progress percentage of each course and dividing this by the number of courses in the training plan. For the example in the following image, the calculation is: (50 + 100 + 0 + 0) / 4 = 37.5%. One out of four courses is completed.


At the same time, course and catalog admins see a different progress calculation for the learner in the Learn365 Admin Center. On the training plan progress panel, only courses that are set as required for training plan completion are included in the calculation. In the following image, three courses are marked as required for training plan completion and these are marked with star icons. The calculation here is for the required courses only: (100 + 0 + 0) / 3 = 33.3%.

Later on, the learner completes another required course and the progress for it is displayed as 100% on the course home page. Here, the Learning Progress becomes: (50 +100 + 100 +0) / 4 = 62.5%. Two out of four courses are now passed.


At the same time, for the same courses completed in the training plan, course and catalog admins see the following progress calculation for the learner on the training plan progress panel in the Learn365 Admin Center. Here, the calculation includes on required courses: (100 + 100 + 0) / 3 = 66.7%.


When learners complete all of the courses set as required for training plan completion, the Completed status is displayed in the Learning Progress section of the training plan home page, as well as the enrollment and completion dates.



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