Add PowerPoint Show presentations (.ppsx files) to courses

PowerPoint presentations can be included in a course when added as part of a learning module. When viewed in the course, the PowerPoint presentation runs as a slideshow.

This article describes how to add a PowerPoint presentation to a learning module of a course. 

To add a PowerPoint presentation (.ppsx format):

1. In the Learn365 Admin Center, go to Training Management > Select a course > Course Management > Manage Course Content. The course configuration panel opens on the Content section.

2. In the Content section, select the learning module to which you want to add a PowerPoint presentation and select Edit Learning Module, or select Add Learning Module to create a learning module. The learning module editor opens.

3. Select Document library. The Document Library panel opens.

4. Select Go to Learning Module Documents to be redirected to the SharePoint documents library. 

5. In the SharePoint documents library, use Upload to upload the PowerPoint presentation you want to include in the learning module. 




6. After the upload is finished, open the PowerPoint presentation in SharePoint.

7. In PowerPoint, navigate to File > Share > Embed. Under Dimensions, adjust the Width and Height of the presentation. Select Copy to copy the embed code, which includes the dimensions of the presentation. Close the panel.




8. In the learning module editor in Learn365, select Embed code. Enter a Name and paste the Embed Code.




The Preview block enables you to navigate between presentation slides. Other features, such as download a copy of the presentation, print to PDF, and get the embed code of the presentation, are also available.

9. Save your changes to add the presentation to the learning module. Save the learning module to include it in the course.




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