How users access courses and training plans


Users can access Learn365 courses and training plans via different platforms: Microsoft SharePoint web pages, Microsoft Teams, the Learn365 mobile app, and the Viva Learning application. Progress is synced across all available platforms.

Regardless of what platform is used, users can reach Learn365 courses and training plans in different ways: via the SharePoint Home page, My Training Dashboard, the catalog home page, a link from a scheduled calendar event, a Learn365 notification, the Chat tab of the Learn365 app opened in Teams, a link to a Learn365 course or training plan shared in Teams, and via the Viva Learning application.

In this guide, we provide an overview of, and an introduction to, the different ways users can access Learn365 courses and training plans. 


Access training via the SharePoint Home page

Available platforms: Microsoft SharePoint web pages, Microsoft Teams. 

Every catalog created in Learn365 has a default SharePoint page called Home, which is created by the SharePoint site. From this page, users can navigate to the pages of My Training Dashboard and the Course Catalog, and courses and training plans highlighted by the organization via customization of the Home page.



SharePoint Home page in Microsoft SharePoint web pages



SharePoint Home page in Microsoft Teams


Access training via My Training Dashboard

Available platforms: Microsoft SharePoint web pages, Microsoft Teams, and the Learn365 mobile app.

This page provides users with a personalized overview of the courses and training plans that they're enrolled in and have access to across all catalogs of the tenant. A summary of their training progress is also available.

If AI-enhanced features are enabled, users can get training recommendations via Orbie, our AI coach and assistant. For more information, see this article.

My Training Dashboard has a left-navigation menu that allows users to navigate between sections to find detailed information about their training progress and transcripts, as well as a summary. Users can use this page to search for a course or training plan and take it up.



My Training dashboard in a Microsoft SharePoint web page



My Training Dashboard in Microsoft Teams



My Training Dashboard in the Learn365 mobile app


Access training via the catalog home page

Available platforms: Microsoft SharePoint web pages, Microsoft Teams, and the Learn365 mobile app.

Once a catalog is created in Learn365, a home page is generated for the catalog. The catalog home page provides learners with an overview of all published and available courses and training plans in the catalog.

The catalog home page is a good place for users to get an overview of the available courses and training plans, search for relevant training, and start the learning experience.



The Catalog home page in Microsoft SharePoint web pages



The Catalog home page in Microsoft Teams



The Catalog home page in the Learn365 mobile app


Access training via the Chat tab in Teams

Available platforms: Microsoft Teams.

The Chat tab in the Learn365 app for Microsoft Teams helps users find courses and training plans via a conversation with the bot. The conversation with the bot is driven by a set of bot commands. Courses and training plans are displayed in training cards, enabling users to quickly access them.

Find more information about the capabilities of the Chat tab in this article.




Access training via a link from a Learn365 notification

Available platforms: Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Teams, and the Learn365 mobile app.

Learn365 enables notifications to be automatically sent to relevant users by email, Microsoft Teams notifications, as scheduled appointments, and as push notifications in the Learn365 mobile app.

Notifications in Learn365 contain active links that redirect recipients to the home page of the relevant training. Find more information about Learn365 notifications in this article.



Notification received in a Microsoft Outlook email



Notification received in Microsoft Teams



Push notification received in the Learn365 mobile app


Access training via a link in a calendar event

Available platforms: Microsoft Outlook calendar, Microsoft Teams calendar, and the Learn365 mobile app.

  • A scheduled calendar event will be created by Learn365 for users who are enrolled in a course (either an individual course or a course that forms part of a training plan). When users view the calendar event, the title of the training acts as a direct link to the training home page.



An event in the Microsoft Outlook calendar



An event in the Microsoft Teams calendar


  • If the catalog admin has enabled sharing of a course catalog calendar view in an organizations' shared Outlook calendar, the user will be able to find upcoming sessions on this calendar. When users view the calendar event, the title of the training acts as a direct link to the course home page. However, if the user doesn't have access to the course catalog, they won't be redirected to the course home page and won't be able to accept the invitation to the session.




Access training shared in Teams 

Available platforms: the Microsoft Teams app.

Microsoft Teams helps users find relevant Learn365 courses and training plans, then share them in Teams conversations. Find more information about how to share a course or training plan in Teams in this article.




Access courses via the Microsoft Viva Learning app

Available platforms: the Viva Learning app.

Once integration between Learn365 and Microsoft Viva Learning is enabled, Learn365 courses are shown in Viva Learning, together with other available learning in the organization. Users in the organization can see Learn365 courses pushed to Viva Learning in cards, side by side with other learning content the organization chooses to display in Viva Learning, branded for a seamless learning experience.

From Viva Learning, users can open courses to start the training, share or recommend it, bookmark the training for later, or add it to their calendar to schedule the training. 



Learn365 courses available in Microsoft Viva Learning


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