Quizzes: view learner's answers, progress details, and question statistics


Quizzes in Learn365 enable admins to monitor the progress of learners, and estimate the level of knowledge they've received while taking a course or upon completion.

In this article, we look at how, at catalog level or directly from within a course, admins can track learners' progress and their earned scores on quizzes, track the number of attempts they've had, view learners' answers for each question in each attempt at a quiz, find quiz statistics, and download course reports on quizzes.


Catalog level

At catalog level, admins can:

  • View the courses in which a quiz is used.
  • Track an individual learner's progress in a quiz, their quiz score as a percentage, and the points they've earned out of the total points available for the quiz, in all the courses the user has ever been enrolled in via the Users page.


View the courses in which a quiz is used

Required role: catalog admin or course admin.

Catalog admin can view all quizzes in a course catalog, regardless of the quiz sharing options.

Course admin can view only quizzes that are:

  • Set as shared to the course catalog.
  • Set as shared to courses where this user is an admin.
  • Created by this course admin, regardless of the quiz sharing option.


To view the courses in which a quiz is used, follow these steps:

1. From the Learn365 Admin Center, go to Content > Quizzes > select a quiz.

2. From the opened Actions panel, select Edit quiz.

The Used in courses tab is displayed at the top of the quiz panel only if this quiz is used in at least one course in the current catalog. The number of courses that employ this quiz is displayed in brackets in the tab heading.

3. Select the Used in courses tab to see which courses employ this quiz. Deleted courses that previously employed this quiz aren't shown here.

Selecting a course title will redirect you to the course home page. Selecting a name in the Contacts column enables you to send an email to the selected contact.


used_in _courses.png


Track an individual learner's quiz progress

Required role: catalog admin.

The Users page enables catalog admins to track an individual user's learning progress, including their quiz progress and score (both expressed as a percentage), status, and the points they've earned out of the total points available for the quiz, in all the courses the user has ever been enrolled in. The user's progress status for a quiz can also be tracked from within a training plan, if this quiz forms part of a course that's included in a training plan. 


To track an individual learner's quiz progress in a course, follow these steps:

1. From the Learn365 Admin Center, go to Users > select the relevant user.

2. From the opened User(s) panel, select View Learner’s Progress.

3. On the opened learner's progress dashboard, expand the relevant course to view the learning items in it.

Next to the relevant quiz, you can track the learner's progress status for the quiz, their progress percentage, score percentage, and, when you hover over the score percentage, you can track the number of points scored by the learner out of the total points available in the quiz.

For more information about how to read the learner's progress dashboard, see this article.




To view the progress status for a quiz that forms part of a course in a training plan:

1. On the opened learner's progress dashboard, find and expand the relevant training plan to view its courses.

2. Select the Edit icon of the relevant course. On the opened panel, you can track the learner's progress status (Not started, Completed, Failed, In progress) for each quiz in the course.




For more information about how to read the learner's progress dashboard, see this article.


Course level

Catalog and course admins can perform the following actions for learners currently enrolled in a course: 

  • Generate and export quiz reports for users who have ever been enrolled in a course.
  • View and export learners' progress details for an individual quiz.
  • View learners' answers for each question in each attempt of a quiz.
  • View question statistics for each question in a quiz.


Generate and export quiz reports for users who have ever been enrolled in a course

Required role: catalog admin or course admin.

You can generate a report that enable you to track learners' quiz progress, whether they've passed a quiz, general information about the number of attempts they took to complete a quiz in the selected course, and the average amount of time it took learners to complete a quiz. This report can be grouped by learner or by quiz.

For more information about how to generate, download, and read quiz reports, see this article.




View and export quiz progress details for learners currently enrolled in a course

From the Content section of the relevant course, catalog and course admins can:

  • View and export learners' progress details for an individual quiz.
  • View learner's answers for each question in each attempt at a quiz.
  • View question statistics.



When a catalog admin limits the access of course admins to full learner's details, course admins won't be able to see a learner's number of quiz attempts, detailed quiz scores (Score), and time spent on quizzes (Time spent) in Learn365 or in the downloaded report that's available from the Learner details page.


View and export learners' progress details for an individual quiz 

Required role: catalog admin or course admin.

From the Content section of a course, you can track the progress of all the learning items in a course (including quizzes) for learners who are currently enrolled in the course. To view the progress of unenrolled users, you'll need to re-enroll them in the course.


To view and export learners' progress details for individual quizzes in a course, follow these steps:

1. From the Learn365 Admin Center, go to Training Management > select a course.

2. From the opened Course management panel, select Manage Course Content.

On the opened Content section, the progress bar of a quiz reflects the overall progress of learners currently enrolled in the selected course. 

3. Select a quiz and from the opened Actions panel, select View learners' details.

The opened Learner details page displays the progress made on the selected quiz by all learners who are currently enrolled in the course. Select the expand arrow next to a learner's name to view detailed information about their quiz attempts and their submitted answers.

To download the information displayed on the Learner details page, select Export to Excel. The report will contain information about the most recent attempt for each learner, as shown on the Learner details page when the information is collapsed.

The report will display information in the language of your browser, if this language is supported by Learn365. Otherwise, it'll be displayed in English (United States).




The information on the Learner details page is presented in the following columns:

  • In the Name column, the names of the course learners. Expand a learner's row to view details of their attempts to pass the quiz.
  • In the Passed column, Yes or No to indicate whether learners passed the quiz. When collapsed, the value for their most recent attempt to complete the quiz is displayed and when expanded, all of their attempts are displayed. An empty value in this column means that the learner hasn't yet completed an attempt or hasn't started one.
  • In the Status column, the current progress status of an attempt to pass the quiz: When collapsed, the status of their most recent attempt is displayed as Not started (blue text), In progress (blue text), Completed (green text), Failed (red text), or Out of attempts (red text), and when expanded, the progress status of all of their attempts are displayed.
  • In the Score column, the learner's score is displayed as a percentage. When collapsed, their score for their most recent attempt to complete the quiz is displayed and when expanded, values for all of their attempts are displayed.
  • In the Passing score column, the passing score of the quiz.
  • In the Date completed column, the completion date and time of the most recent completed attempt is displayed when the information is collapsed. When expanded, the completion date and time for each attempt is displayed.
  • In the Time spent column, the time that the learner spent on a completed attempt. If an attempt is In progress, this value is empty. When expanded, you can track the spent time for each attempt.


Sort, search, and filter learners' details

The default view of the Learner details page shows the progress made on the selected quiz by all learners who are currently enrolled in the course.

To sort the information on the page, select the relevant column heading.

To search for a specific learner, enter all or part of their name in the Search field and press Enter.

You can apply filters to the Learner details page to show information that matches certain criteria: Status and Attempt passed. Select the relevant filters from the Select Filter drop-down menu.




View learner's answers 

Required role: catalog admin or course admin.

You can view learner's answers to each quiz question when the learner has started at least one attempt. To view this information for users who aren't enrolled in the course, you'll need to re-enroll them in the course.


To view learners' answers:

1. From the Learn365 Admin Center, go to Training Management > select a course.

2. From the opened Course management panel, select Manage Course Content.

3. From the course Content section, select the relevant quiz to open its Actions panel and select View learners' details. To sort the information on the page, select the relevant column heading.

4. From the Learner details page, expand an individual learner's row to see their quiz attempts.

5. To delete a learner's attempt, select the relevant attempt to open its Actions panel and select Delete attempt. Select Delete to delete the attempt or you can Cancel this action. You can delete multiple attempts by selecting them, then selecting Delete attempts from the Action panel.

6. To view a learner's answers for a specific attempt, select the relevant attempt to open its Actions panel and select View attempt.

This page displays information about the quiz, including all of its questions and the learner’s answers for the selected attempt. To see more information about a learner's answer, expand the relevant question.




As well as the learner's submitted answers, you'll see the following information:

  • Each correctly answered question is marked with a green tick icon.
  • Each incorrectly answered question is marked with a red cross icon.
  • Each unanswered questions is marked with a red circle icon.
  • The Points earned by the learner out of the maximum points available for the question.
  • If the learner didn't answer a question, No answer provided is displayed instead of an answer.
  • The Total points earned for this attempt out of the total points available in the quiz is displayed at the bottom of the page.
  • For Hot spot questions, you'll see both the spot the learner selected (a green dot is displayed for a correct answer and a red dot for an incorrect answer) and the correct area (shaded blue).
  • For Free text answer questions, you can edit the number of points earned by the learner. To do this, select the Edit icon (the pencil) next to the number of Points earned, and in the Adjust points panel, enter the number of points you want to award for the answer and select Save. The completion status of the attempt, the quiz score, and the total points earned in this attempt will be recalculated when you save the changes. The Learner's answer is marked as correct.
  • For Multiple answers, Multiple choice, and True or false questions, correct answers are indicated by a green tick and incorrect answers by a red cross icon.
  • For Ordering and Matching questions, you can track the Learner's answer and the Correct answer.
  • For Gap fill questions, the whole sentence is displayed and a learner's correct answers are displayed in green text and their incorrect answers are displayed in red text. The Correct answer and the Learner's answer are displayed.
  • For Short answer questions, you can track the Learner's answer and, in the Correct answer column, all answers that are set as correct and their percentage match (in brackets) to the correct answer. The earned points displayed depends on the percentage match of the learner's answer.



When catalog or course admins manually set the completion status for a quiz, this action will be registered as a new attempt. The quiz details page will display "No answer provided" for all quiz questions because the learner didn't answer the questions in this attempt.


View question statistics

Required role: catalog admin or course admin.

You can view statistics for each question in a quiz, together with learners' progress on them. The Question statistics page displays information about learners who are currently enrolled in the selected course. To view statistics for users who aren't currently enrolled in the course, the admin must enroll them in the course again.


To view question statistics, follow these steps:

1. In the Learn365 Admin Center, go to Training Management > select a course > Course management > Manage Course Content.

2. From the course Content section, select the relevant quiz to open its Actions panel and select Question statistics.

3. On the opened Question statistics page, select how you want to group the information from the filter drop-down list: By question or By learner.

When grouped by question, the number of learners who answered a question might not be the same for all questions because, for example, some learners might have had more than one attempt at a question, or the question might be part of a question pool where the selection of questions is random.

When grouped by question, the following information is displayed:

  • In the Title column, quiz questions are displayed in alphabetical order. Expand a question to see information about the learners who answered this question in the quiz.
  • In the Total answers column, the total number of answers submitted by learners for each question in the quiz is displayed. For individual learners, the number of answers they provided for this question in the quiz is displayed.
  • In the Correct/incorrect answers column, the percentage of correct and incorrect answers provided by learners for each question in the quiz is displayed. For individual learners, the percentage of correct and incorrect answers they provided for this question in the quiz is displayed.



When grouped by learner, the following information is displayed:

  • In the Name column, the learners who answered questions in the quiz are displayed. Select the expand arrow next to a learner's name to see information about each question in this quiz that this learner answered.
  • In the Total answers column, the total number of answers provided by learners for the questions in the quiz is displayed. For each question, the number of answers the learner provided in this quiz is displayed.
  • In the Correct/incorrect answers column, the percentage of correct and incorrect answers provided by learners for the questions in the quiz is displayed. For each question, the percentage of correct and incorrect answers the learner provided for this quiz is displayed.





When a catalog admin limits the access of course admins to full learner's details, on the question statistic page, course admins won't see the By question and By learner filters, the list of learners who answered the questions, the total answers for each learner for each question, or the correct and incorrect percentage of answers for each learner for each question.

The course admin will still be able to track all the questions answered by learners, the total number of answers for each question, and the correct and incorrect percentage of answers for each question.


Learn365 API

The Learn365 API enables you to retrieve and download learners' quiz answers in .JSON format. This may be helpful when you need learners' quiz answers for records in your organization, and they must be stored in a different place or archived. 

For detailed information, see this article.


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