Learn365 subscription: activate, manage, and set up subscription-related notifications


Before you start working with Learn365, you need to activate your subscription.

In this guide, we cover how you activate and manage your Learn365 subscription.


Subscription key activation

Required role: Microsoft 365 global admin.

When Learn365 is installed, you'll be directed to the Organization Information page, where you should enter the required information and activate the relevant subscription. Before you start, you'll need the Learn365 Welcome email, which contains your unique activation key.

We'll use the information you provide if we need to contact your organization about your Learn365 solution.

1. On the Organization Information page, enter the required information:

  • Organization. Enter the name of your organization.

  • First Name, Last Name, Telephone, and Email. Enter the contact details of the main Learn365 contact in your organization.

2. Select the checkbox to agree to the Learn365 Subscription Terms & Conditions. If you don't select the checkbox, Activate Learn365 will remain disabled, and you won't be able to proceed.

3. Under Select Subscription Type, select Use a Learn365 subscription activation key. If you installed Learn365 via the Azure Marketplace, the Select Subscription Type section will be grayed out and you should proceed to step 5.

4. In the field below, enter a valid activation key.

5. Select Activate Learn365.




When Learn365 is activated, you'll be redirected to the Course Catalog Management page, where you can create your first catalog. The catalog is where you create courses and training plans and make them available to your organization.


Freemium subscription plan activation 

When Learn365 is installed, you'll be directed to the Organization Information page, where you should enter the required information and activate the relevant subscription.

We'll use the information you provide if we need to contact your organization about your Learn365 subscription.

To activate a Freemium subscription plan:

1. On the Organization Information page, enter the required information:

  • Organization. Enter the name of your organization.

  • First Name, Last Name, Telephone, and Email. Enter the contact details of the main Learn365 contact in your organization.

2. Select the checkbox to agree to the Learn365 Subscription Terms & Conditions. If you don't select the checkbox, Activate Learn365 will remain disabled, and you won't be able to proceed.

3. Under Select Subscription Type, select Use a Learn365 Freemium subscription plan with usage limitations.

4. Select Activate Learn365.




When Learn365 is activated, you'll be redirected to the Course Catalog Management page, where you can get started by creating your first catalog. The catalog is where you create courses and training plans and make them available to your organization.


The Subscription Information page

Your ability to access and manage subscription information depends on your assigned permissions:

  • Microsoft 365 global admins and LMS admins can view and manage subscription information from:

    a) Global Settings > Subscription Information.
    b) Learn365 Admin Center > Catalog settings > Subscription Information at catalog level.
  • Catalog admins can view subscription information at catalog level in the Learn365 Admin Center > Catalog settings > Subscription Information (read-only permissions).

On the Subscription Information page, information is displayed in the following sections:

  • Subscription Plan.
  • Organization Information.
  • User Administration.
  • Notifications. This section is only available from the Global Settings for Microsoft 365 global admins and LMS admins.

The information displayed will differ slightly, depending on where you access it (from Global Settings or the Catalog settings in the Learn365 Admin Center).


Subscription Information page


Subscription Plan

In the Subscription Plan section, you find the following three blocks: Subscription, Services, Users.

Under Subscription, you can see the following details:

  • Start date. The start date of your subscription plan.

  • End date. The end date of your subscription plan.

Under Services, you can see the services that are included in your subscription plan indicated by a green checkmark. Services that aren't included are marked with a gray cross.

The Users block of the Subscription Plan tab has the Consumed/Purchased field that shows the current number of active users and the maximum number of users allowed per your subscription. For example, 68/1000 means that your subscription allows 1000 active users, and currently there are 68.

If you use Flow365, the Users block has two more fields:

  • Learn365 shows the current number of active Learn365 learners.
  • Flow365 shows the current number of active Flow365 users.



  • Only learners (users who are currently enrolled in one or more courses) are counted in the number of Learn365 users. Admins aren't included in this number.
  • Flow365 users are counted in the number of users when they activate their account, regardless of whether they are enrolled in a course.
  • Users whose accounts have been deleted from or disabled in Microsoft Entra ID (Azure Active Directory) aren't counted in the current number of users.
  • When the maximum number of users has been reached or a subscription has expired, you have up to 14 days to resolve this. During this period, Learn365 will continue to work, but a banner message will be displayed in the Learn365 Admin Center.
  • Users will be able to use Learn365 during this 14-day period. If the subscription issues aren't resolved after 14 days, users won't be able to access Learn365. Instead, an error will be displayed when they try to access it.


Organization Information

In the Organization Information section, you'll find the following general information about your organization:

  • Organization. A required field. The name of your organization. You can update it and save the changes. 

  • Organization Country. An optional field. The country of your organization. You can update it and save the changes. 

  • Organization State. An optional field. The state of your organization's country. The field is available when a country with states is selected. Select state in displayed in the field, if no state is selected or the corresponding country has no states. You can update it and save the changes.

Under Primary Contact, information about the account set as the organization's main contact is displayed. In the First Name, Last Name, Phone Number, and Email fields, details of the main Learn365 contact in your organization are shown.

If the subscription activation key in the Please enter a valid activation key is marked with a green border, the subscription is activated.


Organization Information in global settings


Under Organization Information, LMS admins can manage which contacts in your organization will receive email communications from Learn365 regarding, respectively, critical business information, critical technical information, and information relating to renewals and upgrades. The contacts can be updated at any time if, for example, roles in your organization changes. To add and manage these contacts, use the Manage contacts option.

Selecting Manage contacts opens the Manage Contacts panel, where you can add new contacts, view a list of existing ones, and edit and delete them.


Manage contacts panel


List of organization contacts

All contacts recorded by the organization are displayed at the top of the panel in the same order in which they were added, with information displayed in the following columns:

  • First Name. Displays the first name of the contact person.
  • Last Name. Displays the last name of the contact person.
  • Phone. Displays the telephone number of the contact person.
  • Email. Displays the email address of the contact person.
  • Type. Displays the contact type of the contact person.
  • Delete option. Enables you to delete the contact. This option is inactive for the primary contact.


To add an organization contact, follow these steps:

1. Complete the fields with information about the user you want to add as an organization contact.

  • Type. This field is required. Select the type of contact from the drop-down list: LMS Admin (for information relating to renewals and upgrades), Technical (for critical technical information) or Business (for critical business information). By default, the LMS Admin role is preselected.

  • First Name. This field is required. Enter the first name of the contact person.

  • Last Name. This field is required. Enter the last name of the contact person.

  • Phone Number. This field is required. Enter the telephone number of the contact person.

  • Email. This field is required. Enter the email address of the contact person.

  • Contact Country. This field is required. Select the country of the contact person. If the country has states, the State drop-down menu becomes active.

  • Contact State. This field is displayed and required if the selected country has states. Select the relevant state for the contact person. If the country has no states, the State drop-down menu is hidden.

2. Switching the Make primary contact toggle to On allows you to set this contact as the primary one, and their information will be displayed on the Organization Information page in both Global Settings and Catalog settings.

An organization can record information for up to 30 contacts, but only one of them can be set as the primary contact. Enabling the primary status for a contact automatically removes the primary status from the previously chosen contact.

By default, the contact who installed Learn365 in your organization is set as the primary one.

3. Select Add contact to save your changes.

The contact will be added to the list of organization contacts at the top of the panel. Contacts are displayed in the same order in which they were added.


To edit an organization contact, follow these steps:

1. From the list of organization contacts, select the one you want to edit. The fields on the panel will be populated with the information of the selected contact.

2. Make changes to the relevant fields and configure the Make primary contact toggle, if needed.

An organization can record information for up to 30 contacts, but only one of them can be set as the primary contact. Enabling the primary status for a contact automatically removes the primary status from the previously chosen contact.

3. Select Update to save your changes. Selecting Cancel closes the Manage Contacts panel without saving.


To delete an organization contact, follow these steps:

1. From the list of organization contacts, select the one you want to delete. The fields on the panel will display the information of the selected contact.

2. Select Delete next to the contact. The option is inactive for the contact set as the primary one.

3. Confirm the deletion. After the deletion is confirmed, the contact will be removed from the list of organization contacts.


User Administration

The actions available in the User Administration section will differ, depending on where you accessed the Subscription Information page (from Global Settings or the Catalog settings at catalog level).

From the User Administration section in Global Settings, Microsoft 365 global admins and LMS admins can:

  • Unenroll learners from all courses and training plans, therefore managing the number of users who are using the Learn365 subscription.

  • From the User Administration section accessed via Catalog settings, you can run a report that shows all the learners in Learn365, the courses and training plans they're enrolled in, and whether they were enrolled via Microsoft Entra (Azure Active Directory) group. The report is downloaded to your device as an Excel file.

A Learn365 subscription is automatically assigned to learners enrolled in a course. This means that all learners who are enrolled in a course will count as subscribed users.

After you've activated the Learn365 subscription, you can reduce the number of learners who are using your Learn365 subscription by unenrolling them from all courses and training plans. You can also create a report with a list of all currently counted learners in the subscription.


To unenroll learners from all courses and training plans in Learn365:

This action can't be undone.

1. Go to the Learn365 Admin Center > Global Settings > Subscription Information.

2. Select the User Administration section.

3. Enter the names or email addresses of the learners you want to unenroll from all courses and training plans in Learn365.

If you exceed the maximum number or names or email addresses, the excess learners will be removed and a message will be displayed below the field.


User administration tab



To unenroll learners who were enrolled in courses or training plans via Microsoft Entra (Azure Active Directory) groups, they need to be removed from the relevant Microsoft Entra groups.

If you try to unenroll these learners from the User Administration section, you'll be notified that the action can't be completed. Select the details link in the notification to see the Microsoft Entra groups that were used to enroll the users.


4. Select Unenroll to unenroll the selected learners from all courses and training plans.



Learning progress statistics for users are found in the Training reports (at catalog level) and the learning items reports (at course level).

When learners are unenrolled from courses and training plans, admins won't be able to view learners' details and progress for quiz attempts, content packages, and learning modules. To view this information, learners should be added to the relevant catalog and enrolled in the relevant training again.


Produce a report on Learn365 learners:

This report shows all the learners in Learn365, the courses and training plans they're enrolled in, and whether they were enrolled via a Microsoft Entra (Azure Active Directory) group. The report is downloaded to your device as an Excel file.

1. Go to Global Settings > Subscription Information (for Microsoft 365 global admins and LMS admins) or Learn365 Admin Center > Catalog settings > Subscription Information (for catalog admins).

2. Select the User Administration section.

3. Select Create report.


User administration tab



Required role: Microsoft 365 global admins or LMS admins.

Subscription-related notifications are managed in Global Settings > Subscription Information.

In the Notifications section, you can set up notifications that will be sent to admins if the subscription is expiring or the number of users exceeds the limits of your subscription.

1. Navigate to Global Settings > Subscription Information.

2. Select the Notifications section.

3. Drag the Send e-mail notification toggle to On.

4. Complete the relevant fields to define when Learn365 should send email notifications:

  • Specify the percentage of the maximum number of users that should be reached in order to trigger the notification. You can specify several numbers separated by a comma. By default, 95, 97, and 99% are set.

  • Specify the number of days, before the subscription expires, when the notification will be sent. You can specify several numbers of days separated by a comma. By default, 14, 7, and 1 days are set.

  • Specify the number of days, after the subscription has expired, when the notification will be sent. You can specify several numbers of days separated by a comma. By default, 0, 7, and 14 days are set.

  • Specify the percentage of your organization's monthly AI allowance that should be used in order to trigger the notification. You can specify several numbers separated by a comma. By default, 80, 90, and 100% are set.

5. In the To field, enter the users you want to receive the notifications. If you exceed the maximum number or names or email addresses, the excess users will be removed and a message will be displayed below the field.

6. Select Save.


Notifications from Subscription information settings


Email notifications are generated automatically and contain the following general information, where applicable:

  • Reason for subscription expiry
  • Further actions required
  • The tenant domain
  • The subscription activation key
  • The current number of users
  • The maximum number of users
  • Expiry date.


Subscription to the Learn365 mobile app

When your organization uses Learn365 with one of our subscription plans (including Freemium), the Learn365 mobile app for iOS and Android is included as Learn365 platform features.

You don't need a separate subscription to run the Learn365 mobile app. Internal and external users can download the Learn365 mobile app for iOS and Android from either Apple's App Store or Google Play, and log in to their account to access the training portal from their mobile devices.

For users to be able to access the Learn365 mobile app, you must ensure that your Learn365 subscription is valid. If the subscription has expired, users won't be able to access the Learn365 mobile app, and when trying to log in, an error will inform them that the Subscription is not valid.

When activating the Learn365 subscription, you can include the Offline Player option to enable learners to download courses using the mobile app.



The Offline Player option is available as an additional purchase. If the activated subscription doesn't include this option, users won't be able to download courses and take them offline.


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