Quizzes: create quizzes


The Learn365 quiz functionality enables you to create and deploy quizzes, which you could use as intermediate or final tests. This article describes how to create quizzes in Learn365 without using AI.

For information on how to create quizzes with AI, see this article. Once you've created a quiz with AI, you can return to this article to see how to make any changes.

Read the article or watch the following video (more details are included in the article).


Where to create a quiz

Required role: catalog admin or course admin.

You can create a quiz in several ways:

  • In the Learn365 Admin Center, go to Content > Quizzes.

On the opened Quizzes page, all quizzes in the current course catalog are displayed. Here, you can see the quiz title, description (if this has been specified), the publishing status, the name of the user who created the quiz (if stated), and the date on which the quiz was created.

Select Create quiz.




  • From the Content section of the course configuration panel of an existing course.

1. In the Learn365 Admin Center > Training Management > select the relevant course to open its Course management panel.

2. On the Course management panel, select Manage Course Content.

3. From the Add learning item drop-down menu, select Quiz.

4. On the opened Quiz panel, select Create quiz.




  • During course creation.

1. In the Learn365 Admin Center > Training Management > Create training. The Create training panel opens.

2. On the opened Create training panel, navigate to the Content section.

3. From the Add learning item drop-down menu, select Quiz. The Quiz panel opens.

4. On the opened Quiz panel, select Create quiz.


In each of these scenarios, the Create quiz page opens, where you can complete the configuration of the quiz.

The Create quiz page consists of two tabs: Questions and Details and settings.


Add quiz questions

The Questions tab enables you to add questions to the quiz. This can be done in the following ways:

  • Select a question type in the quiz editor and complete the information on the opened panel.
  • Add questions from question pools.
  • Add questions via Question and Test Interoperability (QTI) packages.
  • Generate questions with AI assistance. For more information, see this article.


Create quiz


Select a question type

With the Questions tab selected, you can add questions to the quiz by selecting a question type from the quiz editor and completing the information in the opened panel.

For detailed information on how to create the various types of quiz questions, see this article.


Add questions from question pools

The question pool is a repository of questions that can be used by quizzes in all course catalogs on the tenant.

To add a question from the question pool:

1. From the quiz editor on the Questions tab, select Question pools.

On the opened Question pools panel, all the available question pools are displayed. Use the Search field to find the relevant question pool. The search runs on each of the column names on the Question pools panel.



You can also create a new question pool by selecting Create question pool on the Question pools panel. In this case, the Create question pool panel opens so you can create a question pool.

When a question pool is created, close the page of the newly created question pool. This opens the Question pools page where the newly created question pool is now listed. Now, you can add questions from this question pool to the current quiz following the steps below.


2. Select the question pool that contains the questions you want to add to the quiz. The Question selection panel opens.

3. On the opened Question selection panel, select how you want to add questions to the quiz: Specific or Random.

  • If you select Specific, select the checkboxes of the questions you want to add to the quiz from the Questions tab in the lower half of the screen. To select all questions in the question pool, select the checkbox next to the Title column heading. In the Selected tab in the lower half of the screen, only the selected questions are displayed. The number of selected questions is displayed in the Selected tab heading.

With this option, all learners taking the quiz will be asked the same questions from this question pool.



Any changes made to this question pool won't affect quizzes where questions were added from this question pool with the Specific selection method.




  • If you select Random, random questions from this question pool will be added to the quiz and you won't need to manually select questions. Selecting this option opens a field where you can enter the number of questions you want to add to the quiz.



Any changes made to this question pool will be applied to all existing quizzes where questions are added from this question pool with the Random selection method.


If you select Random, learners will need to answer the specified number of randomly chosen questions from the question pool. Different learners will be asked different questions when they take the same quiz and learners won't see the same questions if they retake the quiz.




4. To search for questions that you want to add to the quiz, you can filter the questions in the question pool.

  • In the Points fields, filter the list by setting the minimum and/or maximum points values that a question should score. Only questions within the set points values will be shown in the filtered results.
  • In the Tags field, filter the list by question tags. To filter questions that have any of the specified tags, select Include any. To filter questions that have all of the specified tags, select Include all.
  • When you apply filters for the Specific selection method:
    • You can use the Title filter to further search for questions.
    • Select at least one relevant question from the filtered results.



  • The Reset all button resets all the applied filters.


5. Select Save to add the selected questions to the quiz. Alternatively, select Cancel to cancel the action or Reset all to reset the selection.

Once the questions from the question pool are added to the quiz, you can manage them from the quiz editor.

If you select the Specific selection method, the questions in the quiz editor are displayed as separate questions that can be individually managed. Any changes applied to questions via the quiz editor won't affect the question pool.




If you select the Random selection method, the questions in the quiz editor are grouped together under the question pool title. In brackets after the title, you'll see the number of questions from this question pool that are used in the quiz. Selecting the Edit icon opens the Question selection panel and selecting the Delete icon deletes the group of questions. Any changes made here won't affect the question pool.




Add questions from QTI packages

Select QTI import to import the following types of questions from Question and Test Interoperability (QTI) packages: multiple choice, multiple answers, true or false, ordering, matching, hot spot, gap fill, short answer, and free text answer.


To add questions from a QTI package to a quiz:

1. From the quiz editor on the Questions tab, select QTI import.

2. From your local device, select the QTI package you want to upload. The QTI import panel opens. If the version of the selected package isn't supported, a validation message is displayed and you can't proceed with uploading.

3. On the Questions tab, all questions that can be imported are displayed in the Supported questions section. The status of these questions is Valid and show a green tick icon in the Status column. By default, all questions that can be imported are selected.

Any questions that can't be imported (for example, the question type isn't supported) are displayed in the Not supported questions section. The status of these questions is Not supported and show a red cross icon in the Status column.

Use the Search field to find the relevant questions. The search runs on the question Title.

In the Selected tab, only the selected questions are displayed. The number of selected questions is displayed in the Selected tab heading.

4. Clear the checkboxes of any questions you don't want to import.

5. Select Import to import the questions or Cancel to cancel the process.


Select questions in QTI import


Imported questions are displayed in the quiz editor.

6. Edit, delete, or reorder the imported questions if required, then continue with the quiz create or edit process.


Quiz editor

In the quiz editor, you can add, edit, delete, and organize the questions you want to include in the quiz.

  • Add more questions to the quiz using the quiz editor.
  • Reorder the questions in the quiz using drag and drop. 
  • Edit questions by selecting the EditEdit iconicon.
  • Delete questions by selecting the DeleteDelete iconicon.
  • Generate questions with AI assistance. For more information, see this article.


Details and settings

The Details and settings tab enables you to provide Basic information about the quiz, as well as additional Settings.

Fields marked with an asterisk are required.


Basic information


Enter the quiz title. Learners will see this title on the course home page and in the Learn365 player. It's possible to create quizzes with identical titles.



Enter a description for the quiz, if required. Alternatively, provide any other information that might be useful for learners who take this quiz. Learners will see this description on the course home page and in the Learn365 player. Drag the right corner to expand or collapse the field.


Quiz passing score

Set the percentage score that learners must achieve to pass the quiz. The value must be between 0% and 100%. A learner's score is calculated based on the quiz points a learner achieves while taking the quiz.



You set the quiz passing score percentage as 70%. The quiz consists of eight questions, each of which award points for correct answers. The questions are worth 10, 10, 15, 15, 15, 25, 25, and 30 points respectively. This gives a maximum score for the quiz of 145 points. To pass the quiz, the learner needs to score 70%, which means they must score 101.5 points.

The passing points score calculation for the quiz is:

70 (the quiz passing score percentage) / 100 * 145 (the total number of points available in the quiz) = 101.5 points.


For more information on awarding points to quiz questions, see this article.


Max. attempts

Specify the maximum number of times a learner can attempt to pass the quiz. The default value is No limits, meaning learners will have an unlimited number of attempts. Learners will see the number of attempts remaining and the maximum number of attempts in the Learn365 player when starting the quiz and on completion of the quiz.


Shared to

Under Shared to, you choose where the quiz can be used. Select either the Course catalog or Courses radio button.


Course catalog

When Course catalog is selected, the quiz can be used in all courses in the current course catalog.

As a result, all catalog and course admins can view, edit, and delete the quiz.

The newly created quiz will be available for all sites in a site collection.



When Courses is selected, the Choose Courses field opens. From the drop-down list, select the courses with which you want to share the quiz:

  • If you create a quiz directly from within a course, this course is automatically selected in the Choose Courses field. It's also automatically added to the Content section of this course and is set as required to complete the course. You can share this quiz with more courses, if required.
  • If you create a quiz from the Learn365 Admin Center > Content > Quizzes, select the courses with which you want to share the quiz from the Choose Courses field. As a result, course admins of the selected courses can add this quiz to the course content via the Content section.

As a result of sharing the quiz with courses:

  • The quiz can be used only in the courses with which it's shared. 
  • Catalog admins and admins of the selected courses can manage this quiz either directly from the shared courses or from the Learn365 Admin Center > Content > Quizzes.



If you delete the only course with which the quiz was shared, the quiz will still be visible to all catalog admins and the user who created the quiz, if this user has the role of course admin in any other course in this catalog or is a catalog admin, and they can change the sharing option to Shared to Course catalog or select another course for sharing.



Allow navigation

Drag this toggle On to enable learners to navigate between questions while taking the quiz. The default setting is Off.

When Allow navigation is enabled:

  • Show score during quiz automatically becomes disabled. As a result, learners won't see the number of points they've scored as they progress through the quiz.
  • Learners won't see feedback when they submit answers.
  • Submit is available in the bottom right-hand corner of the Learn365 player. As a result, learners can submit their answers any time while taking the quiz.

When Allow navigation is disabled:

  • Learners see positive, semi-positive, or negative feedback after submitting their answer. Both custom and default feedback is available to the learner if the admin provided custom feedback while creating or editing the question.
  • Show score during quiz is enabled, so learners can see the number of points they've scored as they progress through the quiz. While taking the quiz, learners can go to the next question only by selecting Next and can't return to previous questions.


Show score during quiz

Drag this toggle On if you want learners to see the number of points they've scored as they progress through the quiz.

When Show Score During Quiz is enabled, the Allow navigation function is unavailable. 




Show score on completion

Drag this toggle On so learners can see their score on the quiz result page, both as a percentage and the number of points scored. The quiz Passing Score is also displayed as a percentage and number of points.




Show points for questions

Drag this toggle On so learners can see the number of points available for each quiz question. The question points are set for each question in the Points awarded field of the question form.





Drag this toggle On to randomize the questions presented to learners if they retake the quiz.



How to show answers

You can choose whether learners can review their answers on quiz completion. Where review is allowed, learners can select Review your answers on the quiz result page. By default, this option is set to Review is not allowed.

Select the relevant radio button.

  • Review is not allowed. Learners can't review their answers.
  • Do not show any answers. Learners can track only their submitted answers but can't see whether their answers are correct.
  • Show whether answers are correct or not. Learners can track their submitted answers and see if their answers are correct, incorrect, or not answered.
  • Show correct answers. Learners can track their submitted answer, see if their answers are correct, and see the correct answer.



The Timer options enable you to set a time limit for learners to complete a quiz. Drag this toggle On to start a timer when learners choose to take the quiz. By default, this option is Off.

When this option is enabled, two additional parameters become available: Duration and Show timer in player.

In the Duration field, specify the time limit for the quiz in seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks.

Decide whether you want to display the timer to learners when they take the quiz by setting the Show timer in player toggle.


Publish quiz

Publish quiz. New quizzes are set to published once they've been created. The status can be toggled using the Publish quiz slider.

When publishing, the site regional settings time zone of the course catalog is used. For information about how to configure the time zone of the course catalog, see this article.

The status of the published quizzes shows as Published with a green tick icon.

Set the period of time you want the quiz to be available to learners by selecting a Start date and End date:

Start date. Select the date and time you want to publish the quiz.

End date. Select the date and time you want to unpublish the quiz.

By default, today's date and the current time are displayed as the start date. You might choose to set an end date if the quiz is valid for only a set period of time, for example.




In the Content section of the course where the quiz is used, in the Published column, the quiz will display Yes when a quiz is published and No when it's unpublished.


Create quiz

When all the necessary fields are completed, select Create to create the quiz or Create and close. Otherwise, select Discard to cancel quiz creation.

If a required field is empty, you'll see the notification "The field is required." near the relevant field and the quiz won't be created.

If you created the quiz from within a course, when the quiz is created, you'll be redirected to the course in edit mode.

If you created the quiz from the Learn365 Admin Center > Content > Quizzes, when the quiz is created, you'll be redirected to the Quizzes pages, where the new quiz is displayed.


Manage quizzes

For detailed information on quizzes, see these articles:


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