How learners interact with learning content


Users become Learners of a course or training plan when they're successfully enrolled in it. Once enrolled, they can start to engage with training.

In this article, we describe how learners start their training journey and the user interface they'll encounter when interacting with learning content of courses in Learn365.

Information in this article also applies to training plans, which consist of a number of courses that are combined to form a unique training program. To complete a training plan, learners need to complete all of its courses.


Start the training

Learners start to engage with training from the training home page. For courses, the journey begins in the Content section and for training plans, it starts in the Training Plan Courses section.


To start a course or training plan:

1. The first step differs, depending on whether a course or training plan is selected.

For courses, on the course home page, select the relevant learning item.


Course Page in Teams

A course page in Microsoft Teams



A course page in the Learn365 mobile app


For training plans, on the training plan home page, select the relevant course. You'll be redirected to the course home page of the selected course.


A training plan page in Microsoft SharePoint web pages



A training plan page in the Learn365 mobile app


2. Learners can engage with learning content in two ways:

  • For courses, learners select Play course in the Information section of the course home page. They're redirected to the Learn365 player, which opens on the first learning item of the course. An overview of the course syllabus is displayed in the left navigation.


  • For both courses and training plans, learners can select the relevant action next to the learning item or course with which they want to engage.

The actions available on the training home page depend on the current status of the selected learning item or, for training plans, the selected course:

  • Start. The learning item or course hasn't been started yet. The learner can start a new attempt.

  • Continue. The learning item or course has been started, but not completed. The learner can continue their previous attempt.

  • Try again. The learner completed the last attempt unsuccessfully.

  • Review. The learner has completed the learning item or course.

  • View. This action is displayed to learners on the course home page for assessments only. Learners can select this icon to view the assessment.

  • Locked (status). The learning item or course has prerequisites. The learner can't start this until all previous learning items or courses are completed.


Continue the training

When a learner has started a course or training plan but hasn't completed it yet, to continue the training, they need to do the following:

For courses, from the course home page:

  • Learners can select Play course in the Information section. They'll be redirected to the Learn365 player, which opens on the first incomplete item of the course. 
  • Learners can select the relevant action next to the learning item they want to continue.

For training plans, on the training plan home page, learners can select the action next to the relevant course. They'll be redirected to the course home page, which they can open in the Learn365 player to continue. 


Learn365 player

After learners select an action or the Play Course option, the Learn365 player opens.

If the learning item or course hasn't been started yet, learners will see the first learning item of the course. An overview of the course syllabus is displayed in the left navigation.

Two options are available on the page: Start and Skip. Select Start to start the learning item, therefore starting the course. Select Skip to redirect to the next unlocked learning item of the course.

Learners can select the relevant item in the course syllabus and start its content by navigating to it (except for locked items).




When learners engage with a learning item, the options change to Next item or Previous item. Select Next item to proceed to the next learning item of the course syllabus or Previous item to redirect to the previous one.

Learners can return to learning items they've already completed. If the learning item is a quiz and the learner has more attempts available, they can go back to it and try again, or review their answers (if this option is enabled). 




Once all the learning items that are set as required for course completion have been completed, learners are redirected to Course Status, where a congratulatory message will be displayed. Here, they can rate the course by selecting a star rating or mark it as a favorite by selecting the heart icon. Learners can navigate to complete and incomplete items so they can review or take them.


Course passed


If there are learning items that are set as required for course completion but haven't yet been completed, learners will see a message in Course Status that says the course is incomplete. The learner can select either Go to the first incomplete item on the Course or Resume to go to the incomplete learning item.




Learners can select the door icon at the top to return to the course home page. In this case, the learning experience differs, depending on the content type settings (quiz, learning module, content package, etc.).




A course can consist of the following learning items: content packages, quizzes, learning modules, external apps, and assessments. Out of these learning items, assessments are the only ones that can't be completed in the Learn365 player. Find more information about taking assessments here. The learning experience will differ, depending on the learning item.




Learning modules

Learning modules can include content packages, quizzes, multimedia, confirmation messages, external apps, links to websites, and files. Out of these learning items, assessments are the only ones that can't be completed in the Learn365 player. Find more information about taking assessments here.

After learners select an action or the Play Course option, the Learn365 player will open.

If the learning module hasn't been started yet, learners will see the start page with two options (Start and Skip), as well as an overview of the items in the learning module. The overview will be expanded and displayed in the left navigation.

Select Start to start the first available learning item in the learning module, therefore starting the course. Select Skip to redirect to the next unlocked learning item of the learning module.

If the learning module has already been started, it'll open on the first incomplete item.




To navigate between learning items in a learning module, learners can use the Next item/Previous item navigation options in the footer or the navigation in the Course Syllabus.




If learners fail a quiz or content package in a learning module and they have no attempts left, they can't retake it. In this case, the learner fails the entire learning module because it's not possible to complete it. Learners should contact the course or catalog admin to proceed.

Learning modules might contain confirmation messages. A confirmation at the end of a learning item prevents learners from completing it, and the entire learning module, without first confirming they've read and understood all the content presented to them in the learning module.

After selecting the I confirm I have read and understood the materials provided checkbox, the Next option becomes active, and learners can proceed with the course content.

If the confirmation requires authorization, learners need to enter their credentials to proceed with the confirmation.





Quizzes can be included as course content. To complete a quiz, learners select their answers and then Next.

If a learner provides an answer for a quiz question, the question is marked with a blue circle in the left navigation.

To navigate between quiz questions, learners can use the Next item/Previous item navigation options in the footer or the navigation in the Course Syllabus (if the Allow Navigation option is enabled).

If the Timer and Show Timer in Player options are enabled for the quiz, a timer is shown in the left part of the quiz window.


Quiz questionsEnter alt code here


When the time elapses, learners are redirected to the finish page, their answers are automatically submitted, and all points for the answered questions are calculated. If learners have earned enough points, their attempt is considered completed. Otherwise, the attempt is considered failed. Learners can review only the questions they've answered.


Quiz timed out


If the Timer option is enabled but Show timer in Player isn't, learners can't see the timer, but it runs in the background. Learners are redirected to the finish page when the time elapses.



If learners exit a quiz or navigate to another item while the timer is running, a message notifies them that the timer will continue to run and that if they return after the timer elapses, their attempt will have ended.


Learners can see the number of points set for each question while they're taking the quiz, if the Show score during quiz option is enabled. Learners receive points for each correct answer. If the question has several correct answers, points are earned according to the percentage correct rules set up for that specific question.




If a quiz has no timer, learners select Submit when they've answered the questions. If learners submit their answers when there are still unanswered questions, a message notifies them that their answers can't be submitted. If learners cancel this action, they'll be redirected to the quiz questions.

If learners reach the passing score defined for the quiz, the quiz is completed.

Learners can view all relevant information about the quiz they've just completed, exit the quiz, attempt it again (if they have any attempts left), or review their answers (if the course admin has enabled this option).




Learners can exit an incomplete quiz, start a new attempt if there are any attempts left, or go to the next learning item.

To review both answered and unanswered questions (if the Review option is enabled), learners can select Review your answers on the status page. Unanswered questions are marked with an empty white circle, while correct answers are marked green and incorrect answers are marked red.


Content packages



If a course has only one content package and the Table of Content option is disabled, the course syllabus doesn't open by default. To open it, learners need to select the Table of Content in the top left-hand corner.



If the Review answers option is supported by the content package, learners can review their answers by selecting Review your answers. If the Show statistics for a learner option is enabled, learners can see the data relating to the content package by selecting View your statistics.




If the Show statistics for a learner option is enabled, learners can see the data relating to the content package by selecting View your statistics. Learners can view main statistics parameters, time spent, etc. To close the Statistics page, select Result in the footer or select the relevant learning item in the course syllabus to navigate to it.

If the Navigation controls option is enabled for the content package, learners can pause their attempt by selecting Suspend in the footer.

Find more information about the options that can be enabled for a content package in this article.


There may be cases when a Learn365 session expires due to inactivity, while a content package is open in another tab. In such cases, to ensure accurate progress tracking, the content package tab will automatically close, the learner will be notified on the Learn365 player tab, and they'll be asked to refresh the page to continue.


An assessment is an evaluation of learners' performance by assigned supervisors (this can be individual users or a learner's line manager). The assessment can be based on anything relevant to completing the course. For example, learners can be asked to complete a manual task that is performed in the work location, such as handling machinery correctly, and this task will then be assessed by the supervisor.

If a course contains an assessment, learners will see the assessment in the Learn365 player in the same way as they can see other learning items in a course. However, they can't complete it there because assessments require approval from the supervisor.

Learners can see the conditions of the assessment in its description, which is displayed in the Learn365 player.

If the name of the supervisor is shown to learners, the learner can select the supervisor's name to see their contact email address.

Under the Status of the assessment, learners can see one of the following statuses:

  • Not Started. The assessment hasn't been started, or the learner has started or completed it, but it hasn't been approved by the supervisor yet.

  • Completed. The learner's assessment has been approved. An assessment can only get this status if the assigned supervisor, course admin, or catalog admin approves it. After the assessment is approved, the learner receives an Assessment Reviewed email notification, informing them that the status of their assessment has changed. 



Complete the course

Learning items in a course can be set as required to complete the course via the course completion settings. To complete a course, learners will need to complete all the learning items that are set as required to complete the course.

If an assessment is set as required to complete the course, the course can't be completed by the learner until the assessment is approved by the assigned supervisor, course admin, or catalog admin. 

To see whether a learning item is set as required to complete, navigate to the course home page. In the Content section, learning items that are required to complete have an exclamation mark in a circle next to their title.

Learning items without this icon are optional, and their completion status has no impact on the completion status of the course.




Once the last learning item required for course completion has been completed, the course status will automatically change to Completed. 

In the Learn365 player, the COURSE STATUS page of the Course Syllabus enables learners to rate or mark the course as favorite. This rating doesn't affect course completion progress. Learners can rate the course later via the course home page.

By the time learners see this page, which shows a congratulatory message, the course status is already set as completed. This means you don't need to select Exit. Back to the course to register the course as completed.

Selecting Review content on the Course status page will take the learner to the first learning item of the course. 


Completed course


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