How to solve the "Oops, something went wrong" error after a course catalog URL has been changed

If the URL of a course catalog has been changed in SharePoint, it may result in the course catalog home page not loading for users when they try to access it. In this case, users will get the error message: "Oops, something went wrong. Please contact your LMS Administrator for further information".

Checking the console will show a 404 error in this case.

This article provides the steps on how to fix this issue with an error.


To solve the issue with an error, follow the steps:

The issue arises when change of the catalog URL in SharePoint isn't reflected in the Learn365 database. To create this reflection, you should change the course catalog URL via the Learn365 API:

1. Go to and authorize with the relevant API key

2. Get the course catalog ID in the CourseCatalogs section. Use the GET​/odata/v2/CourseCatalogs endpoint, select Try it out and Execute. In the response body, copy the ID of the course catalog that you want to update the URL of.

3. In the CourseCatalogs section, find the PATCH​/odata/v2/CourseCatalogs({Id}) endpoint. Select Try it out.




4. Fill in the required fields:

  • In the key:Id field, enter the course catalog ID.
  • In the Edit Value field, for the Title parameter, replace string with the new title for the catalog (if the title was changed). To change the URL of the catalog, replace string for the URL parameter with the new SharePoint URL. 
  • Delete the Owners parameter from the body to keep the catalog admins. Otherwise, they'll be deleted after update.


5. Select Execute to run the request.


After update of the course catalog URL via API, the changes will be applied immediately. As a result, the error while opening a course catalog page should be eliminated.



If synchronization fails, clean cache and cookies in your browser and reload the course catalog page.


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