Quizzes: create quiz questions


Quizzes may contain different types of questions that will make the passing quiz process for learners more exciting and versatile.

In this article, we describe the types of questions that can be added to a quiz in Learn365 and how to create the questions.


Where to create a quiz question

There are several ways to create quiz questions:

In all of these cases, you can create quiz questions with AI assistance. For more information, see this article.

In all cases, you'll be directed to an editor, where you'll select the question type you want to include in the quiz. The next step is to complete a quiz question form, which differs depending on the question type.




Question types

From the Create quiz panel or the quiz editor, use the following options to create quiz questions:

  • Select the question type you want to include in the quiz:
    • Multiple choice. Create a question with multiple answers to select from, where only one answer is correct. 
    • Multiple answers. A question that allows for multiple correct answers and more than one answer can be set as correct.
    • True or false. Create a question where the answer is either true or false.
    • Matching. Requires learners to provide their answer by matching items on the right side with items on the left, by dragging and dropping the items on the right side.
    • Free text answer. Learners submit answers by entering free text. Regardless of what the learner enters, the question is always considered answered and points are earned regardless of the submitted answer.
    • Hot spot. Requires learners to select an area on an image to answer a question.
    • Ordering. Requires learners to change the order of the answers.
    • Short answer. Requires learners to enter a short answer.
    • Gap fill. The answer to this question type is missing one or more words. Learners must enter the missing words or select them from the options provided.
  • Select AI assistance to generate questions (if this option is enabled). For more information, see this article. The generated questions will be added to the quiz automatically.


Quiz question form

When you create or edit a question, you'll have to complete or edit a question form.

The fields available on a question form differ depending on the question type.



When creating a question, the Type field is automatically populated, based on the question type selected. You can change the question type at any time before creation, keeping your settings, but the answers will be lost.

When editing a question after creation, the question type can't be changed.



In the Title field, enter the title of the question. You can create multiple questions with the same title.

When learners take the quiz, they'll see this name in the breadcrumb of the Learn365 player or at the top of the screen in the Learn365 mobile app.




Question text

In the Question text field, enter the question. A rich text editor is available for the Question text field, using which you can insert media, images, or files from your local computer. You can expand the text field by selecting the ellipsis (...) > Fullscreen icon in the rich text editor. This gives you more space when you're working with the text. For customers with the Learn365 Professional or Learn365 Select subscription, the rich text editor includes the spell check, accessibility checker, and PowerPaste features.




Source code

Using the Source code option, you can add links to video content that's hosted on other video hosting platforms, such as Microsoft Stream, YouTube, or Vimeo, if a video embed code is available.

To add a video:

1. Get the embed code of your video from the page where it's hosted.

2. In the Question text field, select ... (ellipsis) > Source code icon. The Source code menu can also be accessed via Tools > Source code in the menu bar.




3. In the Source Code window that opens, paste the embed code of your video and select Save.


quiz - source code.png


You can preview the embedded video in the Question text field.


Media upload

To add media—audio or video content, select the ellipsis (...) > Insert/Edit Media icon.




Select the Source icon to upload a media file from your device. You can specify the width and the height of the file in pixels and constrain its proportions (lock the aspect ratio) using the lock icon. Select Save when finished. Select Cancel to discard the changes.




To embed a video hosted on another platform, select Embed.

Get the embed code of the video from the page where it's hosted. Paste the embed link into the field and select Save.


Image upload

To upload an image to the Question text field, select the ellipsis (...) > Insert/Edit Image icon.




Select the Source icon to upload an image from your device. You can enter the Alternative description, rename the image, and specify the width and the height of the image in pixels, and constrain its proportions (lock the aspect ratio) using the lock icon. When you're finished, select Save. Select Cancel to discard changes.




Alternatively, you can select Upload > Browse for an image or drag an image into the Insert/Edit Image window.



All uploaded items (videos, images, documents, etc.) are stored in the SharePoint Site Assets library. Learners can view uploaded videos and documents while taking a quiz only if they have access to this library. To view uploaded images, no additional permissions are required. By default, learners have permissions to this library. If you reuse a quiz with uploaded items from another site within the site collection, permissions may differ. You can check permissions in the Site Assets library settings on the site where the quiz was created.


Answer options

In the Answer options field, provide the answer options and identify the correct answers by selecting the relevant radio button or checkbox (depending on the question type). A rich text editor is available for this field in matching, multiple answers, multiple choice, and ordering question types. You can use this to insert media, images, or files from your local computer. You can expand the text field by selecting the ellipsis (...) > Fullscreen icon in the rich text editor. This gives you more space when you're working with the text. For customers with the Learn365 Professional or Learn365 Select subscription, the rich text editor includes the spell check, accessibility checker, and PowerPaste features.


Multiple choice

For Multiple choice questions, you must provide at least two answer options and only one of them should be the correct answer.

By default, the Answer options section provides space for three answer options to be recorded. To add space for more answers, select + Add answer option.

Enter the various answer options and select the radio button of the correct answer.

Use the Clear all iconimage_15__1_.pngto clear the answer or the Delete iconimage_16__1_.pngto delete the answer. 

If an empty answer is created, the quiz question can't be saved.


quiz - multiple choice.png


Multiple answers

For Multiple answers questions, you must provide multiple answer options to the question and more than one of the answer options can be set as correct.

By default, the Answer options section provides space for three answer options to be recorded. To add space for more answers, select + Add answer option.

Enter the various answers and select the checkboxes of the correct answers.

Use the Clear all iconimage_15__1_.pngto clear the answer or the Delete iconimage_16__1_.pngto delete the answer. 

If an empty answer is created, the quiz question can't be saved.


quiz - multiple answers.png


True or false

For True or false questions, select whether the answer to the question in the Question text field is True or False by selecting the relevant radio button under the Answer options.

 quiz - true or false.png



For Matching questions, learners match items on the left-hand side with items on the right-hand side.

In the Answer options section, complete the two columns by entering the beginning part in the left column and the matching answers in the right column.

By default, the Answer options section provides space for three answer options to be recorded. To add space for more answers, select + Add answer option.

Use the Clear all iconimage_15__1_.pngto clear the answer or the Delete iconimage_16__1_.pngto delete the answer. 

If an empty answer is created, the quiz question can't be saved.


quiz - matching.png


Free text answer

For Free text answer questions, the Answer options section isn't displayed. Learners enter free text when answering the question. The question is always considered as answered, and points are earned, if the learner enters any answer.




Hot spot

For Hot Spot questions, select an area on an image to answer a question.

In the Answer options section, select Choose image, then either select an image that's already been uploaded or upload an image from your local device. Select the uploaded image and select Save.

On the image, move and resize the hot spot area so it aligns with the correct area of the image.


Hot spot



For Ordering questions, learners have to place the answers in the correct order.

In the Answer options section, enter the answers to the question and use drag-and-drop 10-35.png to place them in the correct order. Learners are required to place the answers in the same order you've set here.

By default, the Answer options section provides space for three answer options to be recorded. To add space for more answers, select + Add answer option.

Use the Clear all iconimage_15__1_.pngto clear the answer or the Delete iconimage_16__1_.pngto delete the answer. 

If an empty answer is created, the quiz question can't be saved.

The answers will be presented in a random order when a learner takes the quiz.

 quiz - ordering.png


Short answer

For Short answer questions, learners have to provide a short answer. Depending on the learner's answer and the percentage match to the correct answer, learners will score the relevant number of points.

In the Answer options section, provide several correct or partially correct answers. Define the percentage match of each answer to the correct answer.

Each answer field is limited to 50 characters and learners won't be able to enter more than this.

If a learner's answer matches 100% with the correct answer, the learner receives all the points specified in the Points Awarded field. If a learner's answer matches for example 10% with the correct answer, then the learner's answer awards them only 10% of the available points.

If required, select the Regular expression checkbox to enable variants of the correct answer to be accepted. The setting of the Show answer feedback to learners instead of correct answers toggle will determine how learners see correct answer feedback in Quiz review. Drag the toggle to On to show it as or Off to show regular expressions.

For more information about regular expressions and implementation, see Microsoft documentation on Regular Expression Language.

Use the Clear all iconimage_15__1_.pngto clear the answer or the Delete iconimage_16__1_.pngto delete the answer. 

If an empty answer is created, the quiz question can't be saved.



In the following image, the correct answer for the question is e-Learning but there are a number of ways that learners might enter this answer. Regardless of how the answer is entered, it should still be accepted as correct. Using regular expressions in this case allows for answers entered in various ways to be accepted as correct: the use of capital letters, hyphens, regional spelling variations, etc.



Gap fill

For Gap Fill questions, learners have to fill in the gaps in the sentence or phrases.

In the Answer options section, enter the sentence or phrase. Place the word you want to omit from the question in square brackets. If you want to provide the learner with options, place all the options in square brackets and separate them with a pipe character. The correct answer should be placed first in the square brackets. For example, in the following image, module is the correct answer.

The multiple options will be presented in a random order in a drop-down list when a learner takes the quiz.



Randomize answer options (this will randomize the left side)

Enable this option by dragging On to randomize the order in which potential answers are presented to learners for the following question types:

  • Multiple choice.
  • Multiple Answers.
  • Matching. Only the answers in the left column will be randomized for this question type.


Randomize answer options


Points awarded

This field must be completed and should contain a score value between 0 and 2147483647. The default value is 1. If you leave this field empty, you'll be notified that you won't be able to save the question.

The set percentage value in the Quiz passing score that controls whether a learner has completed a quiz is linked to the total number of points for all quiz questions that a learner can score. A learner's score is calculated based on the quiz points they achieve while taking the quiz.

For learners to receive points, complete this field with the relevant value for each question. Enter the number of points that will be awarded for answering the question correctly.

You can award a different number of points for each question in a quiz. This might be helpful if you set the quiz passing score percentage to less than 100% because it enables learners to pass the quiz even if they answer fewer questions correctly, but the questions they do answer correctly carry a higher points value.

Enter 0 if you don't want to award any points for answering the question correctly.

If you set 0 points for all the questions in the quiz, learners can pass the quiz even if they provide incorrect answers.

If the Show points for questions option is enabled in Details and settings, learners will see the number of points available for each question in the quiz. Each question with a number of points set will show as "This question is worth (number) points." when learners see this question in the Learn365 player.




If the Show score during quiz option is enabled in Details and settings, learners will see the number of points they've scored as they progress through the quiz, out of the total number of points available for the quiz while taking the quiz. The total number of points available for the quiz is the aggregate of the points available for all questions in the quiz that have points set.





Specify tags for the question to be able to filter questions on tags when adding them to a quiz from a question pool.


Correct answer feedback

In the Correct answer feedback field, enter the message that will be displayed to the learner under the default answer, when they select Next and the submitted answer is correct. A rich text editor is available for this field, using which you can insert media, images, or files from your local computer. You can expand the text field by selecting the ellipsis (...) > Fullscreen icon in the rich text editor. This gives you more space when you're working with the text. For customers with a Learn365 Professional or Select subscription, the rich text editor includes the spell check, accessibility checker, and PowerPaste features.



  • The feedback is displayed in the Learn365 player when the Allow Navigation option is disabled.
  • If you leave the field empty, the learner won't see any feedback to this answer, including the default one, and will automatically proceed to the next step.




When all fields are complete, select Save to save the question or Cancel to discard.


Partially correct answer feedback


Partially correct feedback is available for the Short answer question type only.


In the Partially correct answer feedback field, enter the message that will be displayed to the learner under the default answer, when they select Next and the submitted answer is partially correct. A rich text editor is available for this field, using which you can insert media, images, or files from your local computer. You can expand the text field by selecting the ellipsis (...) > Fullscreen icon in the rich text editor. This gives you more space when you're working with the text. For customers with a Learn365 Professional or Select subscription, the rich text editor includes the spell check, accessibility checker, and PowerPaste features.



  • The feedback is displayed in the Learn365 player when the Allow navigation option is disabled.
  • If you leave the field empty, the learner won't see any feedback to this answer, including the default one, and will automatically proceed to the next step.




When all fields are complete, select Save to save the question or Cancel to discard.


Incorrect answer feedback

In the Incorrect answer feedback field, enter the message that will be displayed to the learner under the default answer, when they select Next and the submitted answer is incorrect. A rich text editor is available for this field, using which you can insert media, images, or files from your local computer. You can expand the text field by selecting the ellipsis (...) > Fullscreen icon in the rich text editor. This gives you more space when you're working with the text. For customers with a Learn365 Professional or Select subscription, the rich text editor includes the spell check, accessibility checker, and PowerPaste features.



  • The feedback is displayed in the Learn365 player when the Allow navigation option is disabled.
  • If you leave the field empty, the learner won't see any feedback to this answer, including the default one, and will automatically proceed to the next step.




When all fields are complete, select Save to save the question or Cancel to discard.


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