The training plan progress dashboard provides an overview of the learners' progress for a specific training plan. From here, admins can manage learners' training plan progress using a range of management tools and download a report that shows additional information about learners' progress with the training plan.
This guide covers how to find the training plan progress dashboard and report, how to get an overview of the learners' progress for this training plan, and the tools that are available to admins to manage the progress of learners.
How to find the training plan progress dashboard
Required role: catalog or course admin.
There are several ways to get to the training plan progress dashboard:
- Go to the Learn365 Admin Center > Training Management > Select the relevant training plan > from the Training Plan Management panel, select Training Plan Progress.
- From the training plan home page, select Training Plan Management > on the Training Plan Management panel, select Training Plan Progress.
This opens the Training Plan Progress panel, which displays learners' progress with the selected training plan in a dashboard overview, as shown in the following image.
Overview of the training plan progress dashboard
The training plan progress dashboard consists of several sections, each of which shows training plan progress information for the currently enrolled learners:
- Summary of Progress for Selected Training Plan displays charts with summarized information about learners' progress. Select the expand arrow to expand or collapse the summary information. Selecting Download report enables you to download a report in Excel format that shows training plan progress data. More information about how to read the data on the dashboard and in the report can be found in this article.
- Below the charts, you'll find the following search and filtering tools:
- Selecting the Reload icon refreshes the training plan dashboard to show the most up-to-date information.
- In the Search field, enter all or part of a learner's name to search for a specific learner.
- The All filter enables you to filter learners according to the selected first letter of their name.
- Select a column heading to sort the training plan progress dashboard by the information in that column.
- To filter the information in the Status, Completed, and Certificates columns, select the filter icon in the relevant column heading to open the filtering options. The filter in the Status column enables you to filter learners according to the Completed, In progress, and Not started statuses. In the Completed filter, set a date range to filter the information by who completed the training plan within this period. The Certificates filter enables you to filter learners by who received certificates.
- To see details of a learner's progress on each course in the training plan, select the expand arrow next to the learner’s name.
- A set of tools enables the management of progress of an individual or multiple learners. For more information, see the next section of the article.
Manage learners' progress
On the training plan progress dashboard, you'll find the options to manage learners' progress:
- Edit a learner's progress and change the completion status.
- Clear a learner's progress for a training plan and courses in it.
- Clear a learner's progress for a training plan but keep the progress of the courses in it.
- Clear a learner's progress for an individual course within a training plan.
- Force an individual learner to retake a training plan.
- Force multiple learners to retake a training plan.
- Force retake of an individual course in a training plan.
- Purge enrollments.
- Manage a learner's certificates.
- Download a training plan progress report.
Edit a learner's progress and change the completion status
To edit a learner's progress with the training plan, you should edit the progress of the courses included in the training plan. To do this, follow these steps:
1. To see a learner's progress on each course in the training plan, select the expand arrow next to their name.
2. Select the Edit progress icon next to the course for which you want to edit the learner's progress.
3. On the opened learner's course progress panel, you can edit the learner's course progress and change its completion status.
The Completed toggle enables you to mark the whole course as completed, regardless of the status of its learning items and attendance (for instructor-led training) and whether these learning items are required for course completion.
Completing all courses in a training plan automatically brings the training plan status to Completed.
When you drag the Completed toggle to Yes:
- The course will be set as Completed, regardless of the status of its learning items and whether these learning items are required for course completion.
- The Completion date field opens, where you can manually set the completion date. By default, today's date is shown.
- If the course has set CEUs, the CEUs field will open. Here, you can edit the number of CEUs that learners will acquire upon completing this course in the training plan. However, the CEUs for the course aren't included in the CEUs that a learner can acquire for completing the training plan.
- If you don't manually change the status of individual learning items in a course, their original status is retained.
Depending on the course type, the learner's course progress panel may consist of two tabs: Learning Items and Attendance. Attendance is available only for instructor-led training.
- In the Learning items tab, you'll see a list of all learning items. The completion status of learning items can be managed from here. To change the completion status of a specific learning item, select the relevant status from the drop-down list.
- In the Attendance tab, you can manage a learner's attendance. The Attendance tab is absent for instructor-led training of the single- and multiple- enrollment types if the learner is enrolled in the course without any session or session group registration. To be able to manage attendance for learners, they'll need to be registered for a session or a session group.
If you set all learning items to Completed and set the attendance percentage to the value required to complete the course (only for instructor-led training), the course will also be automatically set to Completed.
4. Select Save to save changes. To discard the changes, close the panel.
For more information about the training plan completion status and how to manage it, see this article.
Edit the due date for a training plan
Required role: catalog admin.
The Due Date column displays the date by which enrolled learners must complete the training plan. While due dates are based on the training plan settings, catalog admins can later change them for individual learners. As a result, learners enrolled in the same plan may have different due dates. If a training plan is overdue, the date will be displayed in red.
To edit the due date for one or more training plans:
1. Select the row with the relevant learners. The Actions panel will open.
2. On the Actions panel, select Edit due date. If any training plans in your selection previously didn't have a due date, you can set it here. You can also remove set due dates from training plans. If you select more than one item, the due date field on the Actions panel will be empty by default.
3. Select the due date from the calendar and the time. The time defaults to 00:00 in the time zone set in the course's Regional Settings. Select Undo to discard your changes.
4. Select Save. The due date will be applied to the training plan for all selected learners.
Clear progress
The Clear progress option for training plans enables you to manage the training plan progress of an individual learner.
This option is helpful in scenarios where you would like to reset a learner's training plan progress in such a way that recent records of progress or completions, either for the whole training plan or for its courses, are deleted, and no longer stored in a learner's records and transcript. This is different to the Force retake option, which retains a learner's records.
When the Clear progress option is initiated, the learner will receive the Training Plan Progress Reset email notification, which informs them that the progress of the courses within the training plan was reset, and the training must be retaken.
Depending on the training plan progress, you can clear a learner's progress:
- For the whole training plan and courses in it.
- For a training plan itself but keep the progress of the courses in it.
- For individual courses in the training plan.
The Clear progress icon is located near the training plan title if progress is recorded for any of the courses in the training plan. The icon is also located near the course of the training plan if the learner has started this course.
For a training plan
Clearing the training plan progress will result in the following:
- The learner's progress status for the training plan and the selected courses will be set to Not started.
- The learner's most recently acquired valid and expiring training plan certificates and granted skills of the training plan will be deleted and can't be tracked any more in the transcript.
- The learner's most recently acquired valid and expiring certificates for individual courses will be deleted if the certificate awarded via this training plan.
To clear a learner's progress with the training plan, follow these steps:
1. Start to clear the training plan progress in one of two ways:
- Select Clear progress (the red cross icon) in the learner's name row.
- Select the learner's name to open the Actions panel, where you select Clear progress. This action is available only when an individual learner is selected.
2. Using either method opens the Clear progress panel. This panel shows only the courses for which the learner has progress (with the In progress and Completed statuses), regardless of whether they're required for completion. Not Started courses aren't shown here.
By default, all completed courses that are required for completion are selected.
On the opened Clear progress panel, select the relevant courses checkboxes:
- Select the Name checkbox in the column heading to choose all the courses. As a result:
- The training plan progress and the progress of all the courses in the training plan will be cleared and receive the Not started status.
- The recent records of progress or completion for the whole training plan and all courses within it will be deleted and won't be stored in the learner's records and transcript.
- The learner will receive the Training Plan Progress Reset email notification, informing that the progress of the courses within the training plan was reset. In this case, learners will have to retake all courses in the training plan to complete the training plan.
- Select the checkboxes of the individual courses for which you want to clear the progress. In this case:
- The training plan and the selected courses will receive the Not started status. The remaining courses will retain their progress.
- The recent records of progress or completion for the whole training plan and the selected courses within it will be deleted and won't be stored in the learner's records and transcript.
- The learner will receive the Training Plan Progress Reset email notification, informing them that the progress of the selected courses within the training plan was reset. Learners have to retake the courses only with the reset progress.
- To keep the progress or completion of the courses within the training plan and change only the training plan status to Not started, clear the checkboxes of all the courses on the panel. This would be helpful if you add another required course to the training plan, but the learner has already completed the training plan. As a result:
- The learner will have to take only the added course to complete the training plan again.
- The training plan will receive the Not started status. The courses in it will retain their progress.
- The recent records of progress or completion for the training plan will be deleted and won't be stored in the learner's records and transcript.
- The learner will receive the Training Plan Progress Reset email notification, informing them that the progress of the selected courses within the training plan was reset. The learner has to retake the courses that haven't been started yet.
3. Select Delete to clear the progress.
For an individual course within a training plan
Within a training plan, you can clear a learner's progress for individual courses that have either the In progress or Completed status.
As a result:
- The course progress will be set to Not started.
- It won't influence the Completed or In progress status of the training plan because it only brings the course progress to Not started.
- If a learner received a certificate for completing the course within the training plan, the most recently received certificate will be deleted.
To clear course progress within a training plan, follow these steps:
1. Select the Clear progress icon near the relevant course title within a training plan.
2. On the opened Clear progress panel, you can manage course progress by selecting the relevant learning items:
- By default, all learning items with the Completed status are selected. The In progress and Failed learning items are listed but aren't selected automatically. Learning items with the Not started status aren't listed here. To select all listed learning items on the panel, select the Name checkbox in the column heading. Selecting items in this way will clear the course progress and the progress of all learning items in the course.
- If the course was manually completed and its learning items have the Not started status, no learning items will be displayed on the Clear progress panel. In this case, select Delete to clear course progress.
3. Select Delete to clear the progress. To cancel the action, close the panel.
Force Retake
The Force retake action enables you to reset progress either for the whole training plan or for individual courses in a training plan. You can force one or more learners to retake a training plan, including the ability to force a retake for all learners who are currently enrolled in a training plan.
The Force retake icon is located near the title of the completed training plan and near the completed courses of this training plan.
Force an individual learner to retake a training plan
As a result of a forced retake of a training plan:
- The learner's training plan progress is reset, as well as the progress of all of its courses.
- The training plan status and that of its courses will be set to Not started.
- The learner’s previous completion remains available in the learner’s records. To track the most recent completion date of the training plan, download the training plan progress Excel report and refer to the Previously Completed column. To track the most recent completion date of each course in the training plan, hover over the grey tick icon near the course status on the training plan progress dashboard.
You can enable the automatic Forced retake option in the Settings section of the training plan configuration panel. As a result, learners will receive a notification that asks them to retake a completed training plan according to the training plan settings: a set number of days after training plan completion, on a fixed date, a set number of days before their current certificate expires, or when their certificate expires. For detailed steps on how to set up the option, see this article.
To force an individual learner to retake a training plan, follow these steps:
1. Start in one of two ways:
- Select the Force retake icon of the training plan in the learner's name row.
- Select the learner's name to open the Actions panel, where you select Force retake. This action is available when an individual or multiple learners are selected.
2. In the confirmation dialog, confirm the action by selecting Retake. To cancel the action, select Cancel.
Force multiple learners to retake a training plan
In cases when you want multiple or all learners to retake a completed training plan, you can use the Force retake action.
You can enable the automatic Forced retake option in the Settings section of the training plan configuration panel. As a result, learners will receive a notification that asks them to retake a completed training plan according to the training plan settings: a set number of days after training plan completion, on a fixed date, a set number of days before their current certificate expires, or when their certificate expires. For detailed steps on how to set up the option, see this article.
To force multiple or all learners retake a training plan, follow these steps:
1. In the Name column, select the checkboxes of the learners for whom you want to force the training plan retake. To select all the learners enrolled in the training plan, select the Name checkbox in the column heading.
2. On the opened Actions panel, select Force retake.
Force retake is available on the Actions panel when at least one of the selected learners has the Completed training plan status. When you proceed with the bulk force retake, training plan progress will be reset for the selected learners and they'll have to retake the training plan. Any selected learners whose training plan progress status is In progress or Not started won't be influenced by this action.
The Force retake action isn't available on the Actions panel if the training plan progress is set to Not started and/or In progress.
3. In the confirmation dialog, confirm the action by selecting Retake. To cancel the action, select Cancel.
A notification will be shown when the force retake action is processed.
As a result of a forced retake of a training plan, follow these steps:
- Learners' training plan progress is reset, as well as the progress of all of its courses.
- The training plan status and that of its courses will be set to Not started. Learners' previous completion remains available in learners' records. To track the most recent completion date of the training plan, download the training plan progress Excel report and refer to the Previously Completed column. To track the most recent completion date of each course in the training plan, hover over the grey tick icon near the course status on the training plan progress dashboard.
For more information about retake of courses and training plans, see this guide.
Force retake of an individual course in a training plan
You can force an individual learner to retake a specific, already completed course in a training plan. This resets the progress of the course and brings it to the Not started status but the training plan status won't be changed.
You can track the most recent completion date of the course by hovering over the grey tick icon next to the status.
To force retake of a course in a training plan, follow these steps:
1. Select the expand arrow near the learner's name to see all courses in the training plan.
2. Select the Force retake icon of the relevant completed course. Courses with the Not started or In progress don't have this icon.
3. In the confirmation dialog, confirm the action by selecting Retake. To cancel the action, select Cancel.
For more information about retaking courses and training plans, see this article.
Purge enrollments
Required role: catalog admin.
A new enrollment is created when a learner enrolls in, or is enrolled in, a training plan. A new enrollment record is also created when a learner retakes, or is forced to retake, a training plan. Therefore, a learner may have more than one enrollment in a training plan.
In some cases, you may need to purge a learner’s enrollment information when it contains errors or was created by mistake. After you purge this information, it will be permanently deleted from Learn365, and will no longer show on learner transcripts or reports. The certificates and skills that the learner has acquired by completing the training plan won't be affected.
For training plans, you can only purge the training plan enrollment. The underlying course enrollments won’t be affected.
This section describes how to purge enrollments via the Learn365 Admin Center > Training Management > select the relevant training plan > Training plan progress.
To learn how to purge enrollments from the Learner's Progress dashboard, see this article. To learn how to purge enrollments via the Learn365 API, see this article.
The purge enrollments feature isn’t available on a Freemium subscription. If you select this option, you’ll see a message asking you to upgrade your subscription plan if you want to use this feature.
To purge enrollments:
1. On the Learner’s Progress dashboard, select one or more training plans. The Actions panel opens.
2. On the opened Actions panel, select Purge enrollments. The Purge enrollments panel opens.
The Purge enrollment panel lists the user's active, expired, and cancelled enrollments for the selected training plans, with the following statuses:
Active. The user is actively enrolled in the training plan. This is their most recent enrollment.
Cancelled. The user is unenrolled from the training plan. This is their most recent enrollment.
Expired. An expired enrollment for the user. This isn't their most recent enrollment.
You can sort the list by Name, Enrollment date, Enrollment status, and Training completion status columns.
3. To purge enrollments in one or more training plans, select the relevant rows and then Purge. To purge a single enrollment, select the red X next to the Course completion column in the relevant row. A confirmation dialog opens.
4. When you’re ready to proceed, select Purge on the confirmation dialog. This action can't be undone.
If an enrollment is active, learners will be unenrolled before the enrollments are purged.
You'll receive a notification when the enrollment has been successfully purged or if any errors occurred.
Manage a learner's certificates
Required role: Catalog admins can edit the certificate expiry dates. Course admins can view, download, and delete certificates.
A learner may have more than one certificate for a training plan if they've completed the plan more than once. The Certificate (the eye) icon on the dashboard means the learner has acquired a certificate upon completion of the associated training plan. If an individual course within a training plan awards a certificate, the eye icon will be placed near this course.
You can view and manage certificates from the Training Plan Progress dashboard.
1. Go to the relevant learner’s row and select the Certificates (the eye) icon. Alternatively, select the row and then select Certificates on the Action panel that opens. If you select more than one row, the panel will display the certificates for all selected learners.
2. On the opened panel, you can see the training plan title, as well as the learner's name and any available certificates. Here you can view, download, and delete certificates, as well as edit their expiration date.
To download certificates to your local device, select the Download certificate icon.
To delete a certificate, select the Delete certificate icon (the red bin) near the relevant certificate.
To set, edit, or remove a certificate's expiry date, select an expiry date from the calendar (and optionally, a time). The selected date can't be in the past. Select the Clear dates icon (the blue x) to clear the expiry date and time.
You can complete some actions for more than one learner at a time. Select the relevant certificates. Then, from the Actions panel that opens, you can Download certificates, Delete certificates, and Edit expiry date.
The status of the certificate will change to Valid or Expiring, depending on the earliest set day in the default certification expiry reminder notification template.
For example, let’s say the certificate expiry reminder dates are set to their defaults, namely 60, 30, 14, and 7 days. If you set the certificate expiry date to 60 days or earlier into the future, its status will now change to Expiring. Similarly, the status will change to Valid if you set the expiry date more than 60 days into the future . To learn more about changing the default certificate expiry reminder values, see this article.
When the certificate’s status changes from Valid to Expiring and vice versa because of an updated expiry date, you’ll see a red triangle icon that tells you this when you hover over it.
You can also remove an expiry date in this panel by selecting Clear dates (the blue x) or deleting the date from the calendar field.
Select Save when you’re happy with the changes. Select Cancel to discard changes.
The panel will refresh and the new certificate date will go into effect.
Download a training plan progress report
Select Download report to download a training plan progress report in Excel format. The report will display information in the language of your browser, if this language is supported by Learn365. Otherwise, it'll be displayed in English.
For information about how to read the Training Plan Progress dashboard and report, see this article.
This report is also available via the Reports page. For more information, see this article.
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